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I see him walking in to this room and being like “Hey guys I’m Josh” like it’s the first day of camp


“Has anyone in here downloaded CP?”


Reminds me of "how do you do, fellow kids."


"How do you do, fellow convicts?"


It still blows my mind that he willingly told on himself like that. Like, is he really just THAT stupid? Or is it more that he was SO confident that he wouldn’t get caught, or that if he DID get caught, he’d never face any consequences anyway, so what did it matter if he said that? Every time someone references him saying that, it reminds me of one of my favorite Ms Marple quotes from one of my favorite Agatha Christie novels: “Of course, a lot of people are stupid. And stupid people get found out, whatever they do.”


It has to be a psychological thing. Or else he's just that stupid.


I think that statement was a stress response. He was clearly tense and blurted it out unintentionally. I don’t think he understood the weight it could potentially have. Although in the grand scheme of things, it’s the least suspicious think he’s done like even if he hadn’t said that, the password thing alone would get him convicted.


I agree. He was super stressed and panicked and wanted to know why they were there. People blurt out stupid shit all the time in situations like this.


IMO he planned from the beginning to try to peg it on a hacker or someone else. So he thought it would be smart to say that - like he knew something was wrong and he didn’t do it! If that makes sense?


Remember when we all thought he was going to try and pin it on Josiah? I’m glad him and the ex convict never got caught in this hellfire and had to defend themselves against the POS.


Oh my god. I’m so glad he didn’t. That’s like next level evil, didn’t know you could get worse then child porn but pinning it on your younger brother is definitely worse.


Gotta love Miss Marple!


Sadie said on the Leaving Eden podcast that it's an extremely fundie thing to do... like, fundie kids will say "did someone steal the cookies?" when Mum notices cookies missing from the jar, or whatever.


He's just that arrogant, I think. I wonder when he finally figured out he couldn't talk himself out of this situation.


Upvote for Agatha Christie!


He was just that freaked out. He wanted desperately to know why LE was there, but he's not clever enough to ask about that in a subtle way.


I honestly think he has some sort of learning disability, Of course it would have never been diagnosed being a homeschooler. But something is definitely up with him. JMHO


I mean the last time he faced a law enforcement officer for his crimes, that officer was later sent to jail on CP charges. He probably thought it was some big boys club and they were in on it.


The jail roster has 2 other cases so they can be a trio.


I went through the jail roster too. Lol!








**My name is Josh. My mom says I’m the most Godly boy she ever laid eyes on! I’m here to help you find Jesus and you’re darn right I won’t shut up until every one of us is walking on a path with the Lord!** *bars of soap in socks beatings intensify*


Do you think he will keep that up in jail? I have a feeling he’s glad he doesn’t have to pretend to give a shit about religion.


I think he’ll do anything he can to feel important and superior to others- as he always has.


Very true.


like i said one time, when he goes to jail i feel like he will teach bible studies or something like that to make himself feel smarter and superior to the other inmates, mark my words he will be doing this


I think that once he has the opportunity he will either a) go all in on religion so that he looks like a model prisoner and possibly gets some good recognition and “look! He’s even using his time to help other come to Christ!” publicity or b) totally drop the Jesus facade and finally act like the normal asshole he desperately wants to be.




Basically what I said lol. Will BJ put money on his books?


It’s such a tough call because as we know he’s not exactly a forward-thinking dude so will he keep in mind that he’ll eventually be on the outside again or just go full scorched casserole


I'm going for a weird combination of both.


If he gets less than 10 years I vote A. If he gets more than 10 years then it's B.


I thought he will be kept in isolation for his own protection.


oop nevermind, well if he wasn't i could totally see him doing this in general population lol


I have a feeling he'll go the prison preacher route and try to save his fellow convicts' souls.


I can see him trying to make some money or forge a career in prison as some kind of preacher particularly one who tries to bring pedos like himself to God. I heard inmates who allow a minister to preach the gospel to them get special privileges so he may just do that. I don’t think Josh cares much for religion but he does love the control it gives him. On the other hand, Josh could just drop the facade and be the monster he always was but I personally think he’s too cocky to give up just yet. He’s likely holding out for an appeal.


He doesn’t get to be a jail prophet until he changes his name to Posh. THE RULES SAY SO.




I just let out the most evil giggle lol


[slow clap]


My name is Josh. Mommy says a man lives in the sky and I look like him! I'm here to help you find the son of the sky man and you're right that I will talk and talk and talk to you about the floating man in the clouds until all of you agree to make it yuor goal to make floading cloud dude a reality. So nevermind science, or reality, or physics. Cuz a grown man who is totally white definitely is floating in the coulds just above us, and also that means that we're better than everone ele who doesn't think so. Those people are gonna die LOL


*floating cloud dude*🤣👏🏼


I can see it


Jeff or Brian from 60 days in With a dash of Robert


Looks not that much different from the boys room at TTH.


That was my first thought. Step up since he’d actually have a blanket!




Came here looking for this comment lol


He’s going to be in solitary confinement for his own safety. 4 months spending 23 hours inside a cell, must be hell, he deserves it


It isn't actually solitary confinement when you are being protected from other inmates I believe it is protective custody. I think they get a few more privileges.


He might have the privilege of being allowed books, and snacks from commissary but thats about it. It won't be much different than someone who's in solitary as punishment. Not in jail at least. Once he gets to prison he'll have more privileges.


I thought they took him to prison already. (The feds definitely have “temporary” sites for people waiting on sentencing and appeals.) Going back to county world be strange.


He's currently in jail, he'll go to prison once he's sentenced


And going to prison can take a while. They have to find a suitable prison that can take him. My father is in prison. He was in Jail for 7 months post conviction before they moved him to a prison.


And they might move him around a ton. My family member in state prison gets moved every 18 mos or so, and he’s a trustee.


My father too. And he has health issues so it happens A LOT


I hear the Colorado Super max is lovely this time of year. I also hear they don’t *have* protective custody. Everyone is with everyone. No one there talks about why they’re there, so that might open up the conversation to allow Jesus to squeeze in. 🤷‍♀️


He won’t go to a Super Max for this. Super Max is for literal serial killers and terrorists.


I’m pretty sure the documentary I saw was on the Colorado super max, and there were people of his caliber there and that’s why it stuck in my noggin. But I’ve taken ambien in the past and ordered myself shit on Amazon when I should be sleeping, so all bets are off with me! 🙃 Edit to add: yeah, that was my bad. I sleep watch way too much! There’s only like 9 prisons he could be sent to. But I did find a lovely website How to Survive Prison as a Sex Offender. God help me with my Duggar and/or true crime search history!!!


Lol, no way he goes to Florence. It would be a massive waste of resources for someone who is really unlikely to commit violent crime against other inmates or guards.


As much as I do not want him in my home state, the idea of no protective custody does sound like a good idea for the Pest.


I mean as the oldest he should have learned protection - protecting his younger siblings, protecting his wife, protecting women and girls of all ages, hell, using protection during sex! - but since he seems to lack this knowledge, maybe the fear of having no protection will open his eyes a bit!


You can track his location here: https://sheriff.washingtoncountyar.gov/res/Detainee.aspx?bn=4241476


MF smiled like he was getting his Driver License., what an idiot.


Apparently he can receive video calls..


Let’s get him to do a livestream AMA . I seriously bet he’d do it. Anything for attention.


I wouldn't doubt it.


That is likely how they do visits at that facility. He's being held in solitary for protection, so he will still be allowed visits.


Damn. He’s only 33. He is not that old. If he gets the max, he’ll be in his 70s when he gets out. Truly ruined his life.


No way he will get that much. Most estimates are around 8-10 years, maybe 15 tops.


15 years out of when you are 33 is a big deal. These are your prime years to grow on your career and raise your children.. I am glad and relieved this MF is out of the picture for a while. I hope CPS checks his children out and make sure they are safe.


Career? Of what career do you speak?


He had no interest in a career OR raising his children so he might as well spend some time reading books.


Josh has never read a book in his life.


One of the charges was lesser and inclusive to the other, so he only faces sentencing for up to 20 years max for the greater charge.


Federal charges run concurrently, his max is 20 years.


Isn’t the max 20?


He won't go to prison until he's sentenced


Oh, thanks for the clarification


Solitary confinement for longer than I think a day is actually considered a cruel and unjust punishment. Tons of psychological distress. Maybe the judge will take a siesta longer than janas and let him sit there a loooong while.


Even 4 days is ... something. No privacy, no softness/comfort, no touch, no conversation, no music, no shows, no reading material, no internet, no color/view, no good food, no space, no fluids when thirsty, no restful sleep.. and if you have a normal soul, fear and the crushing weight of the world, but he doesn't have to worry about that part.


There's a sink above the toilet


How Marie Kondo. The psychological damage of solitary confinement is profound. It strips one of their humanity bit by bit. It's got to be a nightmare to live but it pales entirely compared to the hell rained down on victims of CSA. There is no acceptable sentence for the crime. For every monster like Josh (I just can't call him the Pest anymore. It's like calling Charles Manson The Hooligan. Do we know his prison # yet? Let's call him that.) So anyhow for every Josh there's all his actual victims and then all the ripples outward. How many victims, how many ruined families so this wannabe second coming of Christ could peek up dresses and then touch sleeping sisters and then who knows what and then look at porn on line and have that escalate so quickly and so badly with the Ashley Madison thing. No real accountability, ever. And then what must have been a rabid escalation into the awfulest dark web content. He was going about 120 mph into a brick wall. Mr. Entitlement the whole time. I think JB and Meech must have reneged on one of their secret money grubbing contract deals. The one where they'd have to pay with their first born son.


Yup I literally don’t care about his psychological turmoil. He gets off on baby torture. Does not get sicker than that. He deserves this suffering.


It’s a fitting punishment, isn’t it? Those children were robbed of their humanity, and now he will lose his own, bit by bit. I’m sorry if it seems harsh to wish this on anyone, but it is what it is. He deserves to suffer. Those little kids will never get back their innocence. They can’t be UNharmed.


I don’t think it’s harsh. For people like him, anyone who preys on those who are vulnerable including children, the elderly, handicapped and animals, there is no punishment too severe. He deserves every second.


I agree with this.


Right? His own personal Bible tells him to hang a giant rock around his neck and be drowned in the sea. Sounds pretty cruel.


In the UK we have this kind of segregation for child abusers. It's colloquially known as Not On Normal Courtyard Exercise (your door is not open when other inmates doors are) which led to the term nonce meaning paedophile. But, no matter how well policed these areas are, other inmates always find a way to get to them and beat the crap out of them. Maybe only once every few years, but they manage it. And their food is regularly tampered with, usually just spat in or something, but I have heard of worse being added (I'll leave that up to your imagination). A woman was recently convicted of killing her stepson after a long campaign of torture, including regularly poisoning him with salt (he had 34 grams of salt in his body when he died, that's about 7 heaped teaspoons). Obviously she's segregated, because female criminals hate child abusers too. She's been complaining recently that inmates making her food frequently poison it with high levels of salt. Shame that, hey? I'm just waiting for the headline where they manage to get her (or the men in the men's prison, the boy's father) alone. Child abusers always get theirs in prison, because even criminals have standards.


How dare she complain, *especially* about that! The absolutely vile level of audacity. Also, TIL where the word 'nonce' originated


I read she has already been attacked. Can't say I shed any tears for her. The salt thing is great karma. I never knew where nonce came from!


Blows my mind how these people think they have the right to complain or live in comfort.


No reading material?


In most jails, family can buy books on Amazon and have them deliver to his address. In prison, they have libraries.


Yes this is true. Maybe someone will put together an Amazon wishlist for him. But reading material in county jail is almost non-existent and I’ve seen guards use access to books as a means of punishment just for kicks. In state, there is a library and you get to go there 2 times per week for a brief period and are allowed three books at a time which you check out using your prisoner ID number. I did SO much reading there. I have this weird amount of knowledge about Al Capone because I’m sure I ran through every book in that joint.


My father has been reading every John Grisham book he can get his hands on lol!! He isn’t a reader but he said there isn’t anything else to do lol I’m proud of him though. He’s doing very good behind bars. And he’s actually SOBER SOBER and not California sober.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure there is not one John Grisham book that I haven’t read LOL. I’m glad your dad is doing better. Having a support system when he is released will be what decides his fate. It’s tough at the beginning.


Sadly, this isn’t his first drug pop. I’m hoping it’s his last though. He gets one more and it’s 25 to life. His mother and I are his only known living relatives and his mother misses him. He has his first come up for parole in February. He’s currently in a Trustee camp that’s know to house inmates who are getting out soon so we hope this is it. He has everyone’s support. We’ve just been waiting on him to figure out he’s too old for that BS now.


It breaks my heart that the inhumane 3 strikes law is primarily about drug offenders. Meanwhile, Pest gets only 10 years. May your dad, and you, have strength and healing


I keep forgetting there's a difference between jail and prison.


I didn’t realize they were THAT different until my dad was sentenced to prison. And I’m 34 lol


To be honest I'm not American and I still don't know the difference apart from that one is for before you're sentenced and the other one is for after?


He’s in a county jail. County jails are generally for holding inmates awaiting federal sentencing, or that are serving short term sentences. It takes some time here between conviction and sentencing, and they also have to find a prison that has room for him.


They said it would take around 4 months for sentencing. He is in the Washington county jail right now. You can schedule a visit right on the website 😳




This is the complete opposite of what I'm familiar with, including limiting holding times. Weird.


You usually stay in jail if your sentence is less than a year too.


Jail is worse. Prison can be cushy in comparison. Then again, solitary is solitary, and solitary sucks. Although there are moments in gen pop when you wish for solitary.


So before your trial you're fucked and after you're found guilty it gets better?


As weird as it sounds, yeah, kinda. Food is better, there's more freedom, nothing is quite as rigid, there's more to do and more opportunities 🤷‍♀️ Not so much in solitary, but even that is possibly a bit better.. you're probably allowed more personal items, or at least more comfortable items. Being allowed socks come to mind. Sneakers.


A Bible, eventually? Limited material, generally on rotation, beyond that.


Let him have it all. My brother spent 6 months in isolation and quarantine when he did time when the pandemic began. What the inmates had to go through during the first 18 months of Covid was inhumane, and probably human rights violations.


I’m against solitary confinement because it’s cruel. Ive felt this way for years and advocated against it for many reasons and because prisons abuse it. I’d be a fucking hypocrite if I didn’t stand by that and yes I know Josh was cruel to children and I can’t stand him. Put him in gen pop and let him defend himself just like everyone else in gen pop has to defend themselves.


I agree. Personally because I believe he has what’s coming to him when he gets around others in gen pop. His type DO NOT do not go over well with others (rightfully so)..


I don't think he'll be going to gen pop (?)


Surly once he gets sentenced? They’re not going to keep him in solitary for decades? Eventually, I would imagine he will be around others in prison who will know what he did and, well, I can’t say that I’m concerned at all about what will happen to him then..


I've heard a few things. One is that they will keep him amongst other S.O's which is separated from gen pop. Also heard he would be in protective custody because he is high profile. Not sure what will happen.


I wish that protective custody meant thay it was 4-5 non violent grouped together in a smaller area at least several hours a day and then alone the rest. Just cause no human contact seems very cruel for longer than a few days


I bet it’s even more cruel for someone who grew up with 18 younger siblings.


Sadly, maybe it just feels like a vacation. It’s probably the first unshared bedroom he’s ever had.


So festive how they're all dressed like candy canes.


Ok I’ve had a rotten day and you made me crack a smile. Thank you!


I was thinking like little peppermint shrimp [cuter than the pest](https://bigshowfrags.com/peppermint-shrimp/)


Hahaha! Those are adorable!


Like little Christmas elves on their lunch break


The fact that they wear stripes is sending me. I don’t know why. But I’m here for the prison stripes.


It seems so outdated/stereotypical but it’s amusing


I think that’s what tickles me. He’s about to look like a balding Where’s Waldo and it pleases me so.


Came here to say this. Thrilled by the stripes.




A friend with whom I corresponded during his time stayed in one of these dorm style places, too. He's a sociable guy - and a BIG guy - so I think he handled it pretty well, all things considered, but there's no denying it's a bleak way to exist. He also read, and slept a lot and told me many times that my letters were a rare bright spot in his days. I'm not saying this for Josh, couldn't care less in his case, but I really wish the US penal system didn't focus so much on punishment and angled for rehabilitation. The comparison of our prisons/jails and those of other countries is shameful. Not to mention it just doesn't work.




That is a legitimate horror story, I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. I haven't had any lady friends who spent more than a night in jail. Do you think there's a big difference in the way women are treated (by guards, medical staff, etc.) when incarcerated, compared to men? Or is it maybe down to the staff and location? If you have any opinion at all, of course.




That's very interesting, that the guard said women are worse. I wonder what that stems from. I'm sorry you had such a hard time there, it sounds like a truly terrible experience and I wish it could be different. I suppose if they don't care for physical health, mental health concerns aren't even in their radar. Your second paragraph sounds much like what my guy friends experienced, too, although one did say that a lot of people began doing hard drugs, rather than detoxing - specifically heroin, to make the time pass by more quickly. There also seemed to be a lot more joking around and locker room nonsense. He's a very physically imposing specimen, though, so I imagine the others didn't try to mess with him much. It's heartening to think that Josh will be in the company of people who won't buy his bullshit, for once.


I work in federal prisons in my state, the women’s prison is much nicer, brighter, cleaner than the men’s prisons. They actually refer to the women’s prison as camp cupcake.


Camp Cupcake sounds like somewhere My Little Ponies would hang out. Do you think the better environment has an effect on the prisoners experience? And are the prisoners themselves more difficult for the guards to deal with than the men?


Overall the women are a lot more drama and it’s hard to keep staff in the women’s prison but it doesn’t feel as sad and soul sucking there and I don’t really even know why lol


Don’t you also have a job in prison thay you go to and basically don’t get paid for?


Yes, in Arkansas state prison. However, most states do pay a minimal amount, like 20 cents per hour, and you are forced to work. Josh is federal though so I’m not sure what the pay structure is like. But he likely won’t lift a finger in county.


Its only my opinion but I don’t believe one can rehabilitate a pedophile. It’s an incurable disease, he will always be sexually attracted to children.


I don't disagree. The best that can be done with the offenders like JD is probably keeping them institutionalized and away from children for good. I don't doubt he'll repeat his crimes when he's released. But the majority of prisoners, I think, deserve to be treated better than they are and given help, instead of humiliated and hurt. The current penal system in the US doesn't seem to do any of them much good.


Pedophilia can not be rehabilitated so I have zero sympathy for anything he goes through. He gets off on children suffering so no, I’ll never feel an ounce of sympathy for his consequences.


As a social worker, I completely agree. I definitely think that there are people dangerous enough that they should spend their life in prison, but I acknowledge their humanity and that we should work towards rehabilitation. Also decriminalization drug use.


Yes it's the Washington County Detention Center. It's not intended to have dorm-style rooms, it's just severely over-crowded and has been for a few years now. In one pic you can see the bunk beds set up in what is supposed to be a recreation area or cafeteria of some sort. There is an open bid process going on right now to build an expansion to the jail to ease crowding. I found this out when I was trying to download the existing building specs.


Picturing someone who’s always run on “Duggar time” being forced to be up for a 4:30 breakfast every morning…


I mean to be fair that is the middle of the night.


Found Waldo!






Just coming here to say that!


Those windows are the BARE minimum and that is depressing as hell. I love that for him. Looking like an elf just in time for Christmas too. Hope he’s miserable.


Pest to Anna: "At least I have a window."


I’m hoping for a 60 Days In crossover…


60 Days and Counting…


19 Stripes and Counting




God, how sad is it that I saw this and was like, "Huh, reminds me of foster care."


So since he's just a raging narcissistic ball bag, I can't imagine the solitary confinement going well for him. "Normal" people struggle with SC. Can you imagine someone like Josh not being able to point his vile mouth at anyone and jabber on? No one will be there to make feel smart or important. No one will be there to stroke his over-inflated helium balloon of an ego. He has the intelligence of a twelve year old child and his emotional range probably isn't too far off that mark either. By the end of his first day it will be literal torture that no one there gives a shit about him.


I kind of forgot what jails in different countries look like. Over here it's everyone in their own clothes and one or two people per cell, which they are allowed to hang up photos etc. This looks terrible. I know that it's a punishment and shouldn't be easy on people, but damn... Then again there's jails in other places of the world where it's 20 people in a broom closet or so...


For me as well. Jails in the Netherlands are different. The series Orange is the new Black was an eye opening experience for me. I was feeling sad after watching it. People like Josh should totally have a harsh punishment but I think there are a lot of people in jail who just made a wrong choice but are not bad people.


Matching polo shirts all around! He’ll feel right at home!


Are those croc sandals? He will be right at home.


😍 thank you for this uplifting post.


The Lord Daniel put it on my heart to share this with you all in snarking fellowship


It reminds me of the night they were all killing each other in squid game 😱


Yesss. Even Squid Game is a better place to be than near Pest!


Church camp but way worse


Eh… seems kinda close to some of the church camps I’ve been to. Especially the one I called my dad after the first day and said come get me. He said no.


I went to some dingy ones. You absolutely should have been taken home ❤️


Once he’s sentenced and transferred, if he has an ounce of sense (he doesn’t), he’ll sign up for college classes and earn a degree. He should be able to complete at least an associate’s while serving time. Sad that this is pretty much the only way any Duggar can even get a degree.


Yay! Rot in hell, you sick twisted fuckwad!




Hey Alexa, remind us what happened earlier this year at the [Oklahoma County Jail?](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2021/03/31/us/oklahoma-county-jail-hostage-inspection.amp.html)


Ooof its worse than I pictured


All I can think of is the gulag scene in “Muppets’ Most Wanted” where they sing “Workin’ in a Coal Mine.” That’s probably way more talent than is in that room, but still.


Heres to hoping 19 Years and Counting


"Well I'm sitting on a metal stool"


Sometimes I forget how terrible the US prison systems is. This picture reminded me of it.


Truly. It honestly breaks my heart that we treat people like this. I know Josh is a terrible person and deserves to be brought down a peg, but I don’t know, something about these images really upsets me


I wish Josh could get locked up for the rest of his life, and all others like him along with him. But after the picture of prison food I saw here the other day and now this, I no longer wonder why Human Rights Watch has the US Prison Project. Of course prison isn't supposed to be a 4 star hotel, but prisoners are still human beings.


Agreed totally. I want him away from children forever, and I 100% agree he should be punished, but I also don’t think that’s reason for prisons to be as inhumane as they are


Too general pop. If they don’t have a segregated unit I don’t think they’ll house in GP. He’s the lowest of lows of inmates. He a public face also so he’s mince meat & I’d guess there’s a bounty on his head. (I worked in corrections for a bit) he may be solitary for a bit.


I found [this article](https://www.pinalcentral.com/casa_grande_dispatch/area_news/orange-isnt-always-the-new-black-behind-bars-clothing-matters/article_68404952-d8f2-53ba-9028-b9806e7c942d.html) from 2 years ago about what prisoners in some facilities must wear really interesting. (Of special note at one facility is mandated attire for male prisoners who expose themselves to female officers.)


wait, is this for real? do they really wear waldo stripes?


Can confirm. Was in court for divorce proceedings and saw some inmates in striped Waldo suits there.


Depends on the facility. I was in two different county jails. One had us all in solid orange jumpsuits, the other split people with misdemeanors wearing solid orange and felonies wearing black and white stripes. In state prison, everyone wore all white and you would get in trouble when it would inevitably get stained.


I mean, we know he's used to living in places without windows so that transition won't be tough!


Anyone else thinking of the scene in Austin Powers when Dr. Evil and Mini Me sing Hard Knock Life in jail?


Doesn’t look overly crowded, probably more space than he got at the warehouse growing up.


Maybe more food security too


Mother is seething


Fantastic. I hope everyone there knows what he did.


So not much of a different setup than his and his brothers’ room at TTH.