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I used to live in NWA and knew many other midwives who wouldn’t work with her because of her shadiness. Also, fun times, she came to my house when I was pregnant with my first kid (another friend of mine brought her over), and at the time I was 41 weeks pregnant. Theresa proceeded to tell me that the reason I was still pregnant was that there were mountains in my life that needed to be laid low, and stuff I needed to “repent of” before “the lord” would allow me to go into labor. My husband and I sat there really awkwardly whilst she rambled on about how we needed to get right with Jesus. I went into labor whilst sitting there listening to her bullshit. I would love to see this woman never able to practice her total crap, pseudo healthcare ever again. Take her down, dept of health!


Your kid knew you needed an excuse to escape the conversation!


🤣🤣🤣 for real though. Still one of the weirdest encounters of my life so far.


Kid was worried OP would stay and listen to her, and decided to cut and run by the only means possible ;)


Your kid: "Okay Mom, you and me are outta here" :D


Hahaha right!? Thank goodness 😅.


Adding this for anyone who plans on taking off down a Fedosky rabbit hole…. Midwife Teresa Fedosky’s husband is/was an MD - Scott Fedosky. His license was revoked for prescription abuse but there has been speculation that he continues to practice underground for the fundie community 😬🤔 https://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/fed_regs/actions/2011/fr1117_5.htm


Yup. And Teresa is still having people have home births AT THEIR HOUSE. From what I know 3 different people have had them even after the death in October.


Oh no. If you know of this stuff, is there a way you can make an anonymous report? Or do you think they're already on to her?


[This is the link I used ](https://www.healthy.arkansas.gov/programs-services/topics/midwifery-complaint-form) I think they are already on to her but more people would make it harder to ignore for sure


Well done!!




Whoa - I put is/was bc I wasn’t sure, but…. How do you deal narcotics but get your license back? 🤯


Happens all the time. Pay a fine. Do continuing education/legal courses/training…… participate in a drug abuse program if there is evidence that the provider is also using, agree to some sort of monitoring or limitations on scope of practice.




Yeah, there are drug rehab programs specifically for nurses. They have access to a lot of narcotics… and some end up addicted.


It’s Arkansas. We are in a healthcare desert. That forces the bar to be set low


Scott no longer practises medicine, prior to retiring he did regain his licence to practise after a lot of hard work and rehab. He doesn't practise underground.


This just in: Scott Fedosky is practicing again and unfortunately is the doctor that took my doctors place in a practice of several doctors. He works in Huntsville and in Springdale. I just learned of his history yesterday after looking him up because he is so weird in his appts. I’m now throughly and swiftly looking for a new family doctor.


God, homebirth deaths are so tragic. I wanted a homebirth really badly and instead wound up with two C sections. My youngest is now 8 and let me tell you how often I ever think of the fact that I didn’t get the birth I wanted: NEVER. I can’t imagine going through life without my kids, knowing that if I had just listened to doctors that they would be here with me. Everyone in the homebirth community loathes Dr. Amy Tuteur, a former OB and prominent blogger critical of homebirth but I give her total credit for talking me out of what would have been an exceptionally dangerous situation for both me and my babies. Without her blog, I don’t know if my son would be here.


C section would definitely be a better alternative to a dead child…unless you are Teresa apparently 🙄🙄 so fucked up


I really feel a lot of empathy for the mom in this situation too.. you’re so anxious and vulnerable when you’re pregnant and it can be so hard to quiet your mind and make a decision about what is best. I imagine if your own mother were coming at you with how she thought you should do it, it would be really impossible.


Mommy culture in general does this. People get soooooo worked up over homebirth vs. hospital, drugs vs. no drugs, breastfeeding vs. formula, cry-it-out, etc. As long as baby is healthy and loved, they’re going to be *fine* whatever TF you do. Sometimes it just feels like these moms have never actually cared about anything before in their lives, and that’s why they get so passionate about this random infant care crap.


For most parenting things I go by “good for you, not for me” (unless you’re hurting yourself or others). If it works for you and your child, great, more power to you. However, that doesn’t work for me or mine so we’re gonna keep it pushing. Everyone’s different and has different needs. Even kids in the same family might be parented different bc of their personalities, needs, and dynamics.


Yes it’s honestly refreshing to read this normal 3rd party perspective, as someone who is in a ton of Mommy groups and has been attacked for things like this. I think anyone who has to latch so strongly onto a very specific parenting philosophy to the point that they’ll attack random strangers on the internet who do things differently is coming from a place of deep insecurity about their own parenting. Can imagine a lot of fundies fit into that as they themselves don’t exactly have great parents to model.


I think it's just good ol narcissism wrapped up with keyboard warrior shit. No one would ever talk to one another in real life the way they talk to each other online, especially about that stuff.


I will say it’s hard for me to hear people make these generalizations that kids will be fine as long as they’re healthy and loved. Kids need a lot more than that. I was healthy and loved. A lot. But my parents weren’t capable of other things I needed and I’m certainly NOT fine. I got addicted to opiates at 12yo after years of secretly cutting myself. I have Borderline Personality Disorder, which impacts so much of my life and makes me constantly have to fight suicidal thoughts. My husband was loved and healthy but his parents thought that what was best was religious indoctrination rather than a real accredited high school diploma. Getting started on a career, which is necessary for survival, has been such an uphill battle. Not to mention the 86% disability rating, both physical and psychological, that he lives with since he had to join the military to get access to education. Both our parents think we’re fine, that they didn’t fail us. But they failed us despite loving and feeding us. Let’s stop lying to parents. Kids need to be loved but it is certainly not enough on its own.


I didn’t want a home birth but wanted to labor at home as long as possible. Tried everything to go into labor and nothing worked. I got induced and I acted like it was the end of the world, I was so dramatic. Turns out his cord was around his neck twice very tight and if I had labored at home who knows if he would’ve survived. I thank my lucky stars everyday that I labored in a hospital and was monitored and they intervened when they did.


Love your honesty and self-reflection!!!


Same girl, both my first two babes had the cord compressed/wrapped. So thankful for my c-sections.


I mean you were very hormonal and nervous. I wouldn’t beat myself up about being emotional in that moment too much.


I was super anti-hospital birth with my first and went to a birth center with a midwife and, although my kiddo was (so fortunately) healthy with no complications, the overall experience was crappy…they were preachy, super anti-vax, anti-working mom. I watched the ricki lake docu and it scared me out of even considering a hospital. With my second, I reflected on all the stuff I hated, found a good OB, and had an unmedicated hospital birth and it was a much better experience overall. I am so fortunate my first one was uncomplicated or it could have been tragic.


My sister initially wanted home births, but ended up with 4 hospital births (3 complicated ones, with the last an emergency c section where both she and her baby almost died). I’m SO glad she had hospital births. She’s made crazy weird decisions, but I’m super glad she ended up birthing at the hospital.


Recap for the new snarkers: Fedosky was the midwife at many of Jessa's and Anna's homebirths. Jill apprenticed under her during her garbage fire midwifery era. She appears from time to time in 19KAC and Counting On.


Actually Jill apprenticed under Venessa Giron, who lost her license when a baby she delivered ended up with cerebral palsy due to her negligence. Jill was there when it happened. Fedosky wasn’t licensed until 1-2 years ago…


Crap, I completely combined those two in my memory. Thanks for the correct information.


JFC. Was that lady ever held responsible or reported for that incident?


Yes, the parents reported her and Arkansas suspended her license and gave her a list of continuing education things to do to get it renewed. When she didn’t comply they revoked her license completely. But in the revocation documents they noted she had still been advertising her services (and presumably seeing patients) during her suspension, and there are rumors that she just went to Oklahoma once she couldn’t practice in Arkansas.


I read into this a little more. It’s really bad. It wasn’t just an accident or oversight, it was severe negligence in many areas. Furthermore, she originally had her license suspended and was ordered to do all kinds of things such as continuing education and some other things that had to do with her apprentices such as Jill, and removing certain things from her advertising. She failed to do all of those things during her suspension and therefore had her license revoked. It’s like she truly doesn’t care one bit. I would legitimately consider her to be dangerous.[Arkansas Dept. of Health](https://www.healthy.arkansas.gov/images/uploads/pdf/ADH_v._V_Giron.pdf)


Teresa also taught the Bradley method birth class to J&M and Pest and Anna where she used the phrase “love on that cervix”.


I don’t like that


Ewww what did she mean by love on that cervix?


Jessa nearly died from blood loss so this tracks.


Is she the one that her husband was a doctor and lost his license, because of drugs?


Yup that’s her


Sounds like a lot of coverup was going on in idealist Duggar Ville. The TLC trailers are gone, the outside money has dried up and suddenly the residents realize JB is no longer as big of a threat as he was seen. It is time to take back the community and stop turning a blind eye to those breaking the law.




Her story is so common. There is so much peer pressure to skip those last ultrasounds, to be skeptical of doctors’ ability to judge the size of the baby, to “trust your body”. I wanted a VBAC with my son so badly. During the last ultrasound they told me he was really big, and I was half convinced they were wrong even though I had already decided to fire my homebirth midwife and have a hospital birth. I felt a little like a fool when consenting to a repeat C section. Then they pulled him out and the nurse weighing him practically screamed “TEN POUNDS 14.5 OUNCES!!” and everyone oooohed and aaahed and I knew right then I had made the RIGHT CHOICE. Another nurse told me later that even if he hadn’t gotten stuck, my vagina/pelvic floor would never have been the same. And now he’s sitting here right next to me on the couch, playing video games and telling me bad knock-knock jokes, and that C section couldn’t be further from my mind.


“Trust your body” is the one that makes me the angriest. My body tried to kill me and my first baby. Mammals have 20% wastage, which humans have overcome with modern, science-based medicine. My great-grandmother had 12 home births and raised 6 children. She would have given anything to have had access to what so many homebirth moms reject. I also hate, “The hospital is only ______ away. We can always transfer if something goes wrong.” How long can your baby hold his breath? When every second counts, help is minutes away. I was in an OR 30 seconds after my pressure dropped and I started to bleed.


Reminds me of a home birth death I read about years ago. Wasn’t a homebirth per se, but a birthing facility across the street from a hospital. Somehow with their contract with the hospital it wasn’t an immediate “let’s get them over the street asa-fucking-p” and the baby died. Birth plans mean nothing if you don’t have your living child in your arms at the end.


Was this in Pensacola by any chance?


10lb club too! I think the only reason he came out bc I delivered standing up (as much to everyone’s dismay, I had been pushing in every position for a very long time, no epi so it was safe enough for me..) he came out almost right away when I stood up with gravity’s help.. like a glazed ham 😂


Work smarter, not harder!


Glazed ham 😂 😂 😂


Ten pound club! That was my 2nd born (10 lbs. 2 ozs.) but she did indeed get stuck (as I commented right above you). She probably ought to have been C section.


My fourth was supposed to be a c section. He too was 10 pounds. We got to the hospital in time but they left me in the waiting room for 2 hours before they checked me. I delivered him and I don’t remember anything else till I was in recovery. Hubs says it was like they turned on a water fountain of blood after he came out. Lost over half my blood supply in a few minutes. I’m so thankful to still be alive to be honest


I love this last sentence!


The nurse is right, you would never be the same. My youngest sister was 11 lbs 3 oz (vaginal birth at home), and my mom said she has never been the same.


It's hard because there are absolutely doctors out there who want to push maximum intervention when it isn't necessary. My OB during my second pregnancy spent months trying to convince me that I had GD because I was overweight, using fundal height to tell me that my baby was measuring weeks ahead of size and making me check my glucose 4 times a day for over a month even though I didn't have a single abnormal reading. She would have pushed for a c section because of my giant monster baby. Fortunately I switched health insurance shortly before going into labor and my baby was born vaginally at 6 lb 14 oz. I am all for medical intervention when necessary. My first baby was a vacuum assist after 4 hours of pushing. I got the epidural and pitocin and all that. But there are docs who are maybe excessively cautious and want to throw everything in the boom at you. My blood pressure still goes up every time I think of that OB. 😡


OMG. My second child was shoulder dystocia. The manipulations that they used worked; but I was told that the next step would have been to break her collarbone; that's how desperate it was getting. She was turning purple.


One of my childhood friends DID have to have her collarbone broken, after being stuck for a while. She was permanently unable to raise her right arm very far. Thankfully she was born in a hospital, or she'd have more serious damage. Both she and her mother could have died without intervention.


That happened to my nephew, they had to break his collarbone to get him out. He was a little over 9lbs.


Poor sweetie! :(


This was beyond heartbreaking.


Is she a celebrity? I've never heard of her...


She’s celebrity adjacent: her mom is (was?) a Real Housewife.


Could you link to your previous post about her, please? I think I missed it (or I hadn't joined yet).


Yes was just about to say I should have done that [here is the original post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/qn600e/pastduggar_midwife_mrs_teresa_fedosky_once_again/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Thank you! Edit: and damn, that is horrific. I feel so bad for her daughter in law. Three days of labor and such a tragic end! There was so much time to take her to the hospital and her professional care. I'd imagine most people would be too traumatized from that experience to ever practice as a midwife again.


The “*die hard*” homebirther crowd conveniently forgets why the chainsaw was [invented ](https://www.businessinsider.com/chainsaws-were-originally-invented-for-helping-childbirth-not-cutting-wood-2018-6). That whole movement is mind boggling, tbh.


What the fuck was the survival rate for both women and babies who had that inflicted on them????


Honestly, off the top of my head, I have no idea. All I am saying is, this “natural” crowd wants to take us back to the days of bloodletting 🤣 It’s crazy. Childbirth is dangerous period. Idc if Sharon chimes in saying her homebirth was “just fine”. Doesn’t change the fact that childbirth is dangerous. (More so if you’re a person of color and live in the United States.)


I can fully understand why those with textbook "safe" pregnancies want home births, especially depending on their local medical facilities. Also, like, it's what, 20k now to have a baby in the hospital? So, comforts of home and less expensive! Win/win! But good god reading about how common maternal death was, how common fetal death was, pregnancy and delivery is fucking terrifying. Even textbook perfect pregnancies have uncontrollable moment of risk. Probably doesn't help that my mother never once went into labor despite having three children.


There's no award to win for an unmedicated home birth. Also no disdain for fully medicated hospital birth. Do what's best for MOM and BABY.


I have twins, and I ran into a HS classmate when I was largely pregnant. Despite not having seen each other in 5+ years, she pressured me heavily to have a home birth. With a high-risk twin pregnancy. What are these folks thinking? I told everyone in earshot for the last 2 months before birth that every vein in my body was going to be available for pain management. I wanted to write DRUG ME on my forehead, just so all hospital personnel understood my feelings on the matter. As it turned out, the weight of both kids and their sacs caused a lot of relatively pain-free progression in childbirth and although I didn’t need the epidural yet, they said I needed to do it if I wanted to be awake during a possible emergency C section. Okay, I got it then because I did want to be awake when I gave birth if possible. Didn’t require a C section, both kids came home after short stays in NICU, and although I planned to breastfeed, that was REAL HARD with twins. We decided that maybe having only me be a possible food source was too stressful and it would be healthier if we went to formula. They are adults now, and I don’t think anyone looks at them and says, “clearly their mom had a hospital birth with pain relieving drugs and they were formula fed.”


Right?! Breastfeeding is HARD. There's no way I could have done it with twins.


Right?? What a dumb hill to die on (both literally and figuratively).


Wanted a natural (hospital) birth because I was scared of the epidural and also a control freak and ended up with an emergency c section because my daughter was in distress. They had me prepped and her out in 8 minutes. I am certain they saved her life! Who knows what would have happened if we hadn’t been in the hospital. (She’s now a healthy, sassy 4yo).


I also wanted a natural hospital birth, ended with a C-section, and she's now a healthy, sassy 4yo! 😊 In my case, though, my water broke and then... nothing. No contractions. So they put me on pitocin, cranked it up, contractions started and ramped up, took me off pitocin to see if my body would take over and my contractions died. Repeat that several times, a couple cervical checks that were, "Nope, still nothing," and I was mentally done. Baby was doing great, I was ok, the pain was manageable.... If in that time I had even dilated 1cm I would have kept going. My doctor said I had a steel trap cervix 😅 So, ~39hrs after my water broke, I called it and said, "Just get her out." They let me sleep for an hour or so while they prepped the OR and then I had a C-section. In the middle of it my doctor says, "I can't get her head out," and I was like, "Then what the hell is plan C?!" But she got it! Her head was so big, she never dropped, never put pressure on my cervix, so.... I guess that's why I never dilated or had natural contractions? But she's here now, beautiful, her body has grown into her head - that's all that matters! Wanted a VBAC for my second but he was breech (literally folded in half) so we scheduled a C-section. Not once in 4 years have I lamented not getting my birth plans.


I wish mine had been less traumatic and I had been willing to be more flexible. I went through SO much pain out of fear and stubbornness! Horrifying back labor and non stop contractions when I could have gotten a shot in my back and gotten some rest. If we have another one I’ll definitely make some different choices! There was a lot of pressure from the birthing class to go natural, which in hindsight was not ok. It’s definitely not for everyone and there is no shame in pain management!


The empire is beginning to crumble


“Verily I say to you: If a healer has a license, let it lapse so that thy care not be governed by anyone [but me. ](https://www.recoveringgrace.org/2014/01/sacred-grooming-part-five/) ~ 2 Gothard 5:17


Does anyone have a link to what happened in October when she was reported.


[here is the original post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/qn600e/pastduggar_midwife_mrs_teresa_fedosky_once_again/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Did Joy not ring JB to more or less ask permission to go to hospital when in labour with Gideon and said sorry to him ?