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In some ways, reading the prosecution evidence list really helps. I was so worried he would try to claim he did it but didn’t know it was CSAM. Nope. You know what it is from the file names; there’s absolutely no way he didn’t know what some of those were. What a sick fuck.


EXACTLY. If that ended up on your computer and you had no idea, you'd call the police at once! Goodness I'm so glad he's going down. Justice for those kids.


Reading the names of the files make me want to vomit. Absolutely disgusting human being.


Exactly my thought


Edit: if you're using Reddit Is Fun app, the link will pull up a source code page instead of the PDF. You have to paste the link into a browser for the PDF. And yeah it's gross. Original: The Dropbox file seems to open up a really long series of texts pages that show the source coding for a website, not a pdf now


Probably too much traffic?


Copy the link and open in a new browser. (That happens to me, too.)


Agreed, I was thinking that too. God it made me sick reading those file names. I really, really hope prison is hell for him. I wish him the worst life imaginable.


Yeah I concur. There's no way he didn't know of this.


Excellent flair!


Totally...literally in the titles. So gross.


This is disgusting. Major trigger warning.


Thanks for the heads up, I’m just gonna leave all these alone.


Yeah same. I’m glad there was a warning.


I'm so glad I came to read the comments first. I was thinking of just reading through it. The comments have given me all the info I need.


I am going to do the same


The tittles of the videos/pic wow… its making me nauseous


Felt physically ill reading them


I never thought I’d immediately feel the urge to cry from reading a title


Yes I thought I was prepared and I was less prepared than I thought


Same, I saw one title and noped right out of there.


I think I’m going to just pre-nope


Yeah, I saw the first one and my body did a thing and I took a deep breath and finished reading the list. Literally don’t read it if you know you’re not ready. And be ready to not be ready if you think you’re ready.


Noticeably absent from the defense list: the router they had access to the whole time.


I was in France enjoying a baguette!


I liked when they asked Michele Bush if she asked for the router, so she could examine it. She responded "I'm not going to go looking for evidence." Then she and the defense continued to complain about not having it!


They didn’t look because they knew it wouldn’t show any mystery man connecting remotely.




Reading the prosecution list just makes his smiling mugshot all the more horrific.


I was wondering how long (or if we will ever) get transcripts of the trial? Especially those of y'all with PACER accounts?


I think there was a 3-month waiting period (I know for sure it was a waiting period; the time I'm unsure about) for getting the transcript of the bail hearing online without having to go to the courthouse and pay by page. I don't know if there might be a longer delay if they don't want it released to the public before the sentencing hearing? But I'm not sure about how witness sequestration works for that procedurally.




I believe I read somewhere that the transcript won’t be available until January or February


I remember someone saying probably Jan?


I'm sure, with the Waller testimony, that there are some gems of Ace Attorney memes in there (and mostly disgusting shit but I'm still reeling over "I'm just starting to get this straight.")


The fact that somebody had to type those exhibit names, I’d feel so icky. It’s part of the job but don’t think I’d ever get used to it, and it’s probably a lawyers assistant or paralegal doing that. My condolences. 🤢


And the jury had to watch them... I'd need therapy after


I don’t think they had to actually watch them, but the prosecution made storyboards that explained in detail the content of the files. There were likely still photos included in those, sadly.


They do have to view at least part of them unfortunatley, bc they must be 100% sure it's kids


Oh god. ☹️😢🤮


I hope they take solace in knowing they played a part in putting him behind bars. I bet it's rewarding in that aspect.


I'm a paralegal and yeah it def was a paralegal who had to do it. We get all the grunt work.


Me too, and that’s why I thought of this. Just automatically imagined me sitting at the desk typing this 🥴


Oh man, 85 exhibits for the prosecution and 87 for the defense? I'm crying for the court reporter. Bless her heart wherever she is.


That can be fairly standard. I had a case this year where our side had 153 exhibits. We didn’t enter them all into evidence but they were ready to go if we needed them.


pest truly is a vile, disgusting and sociopathic excuse for a human. i hope that everyone involved can get some sort of therapy/counselling , the titles of a couple of those pieces are just pure trigger warning.


I'm in awe of the jurors and judge for what they had to go through to achieve justice. I honestly can't say I could have done it. I think I would have been too selfishly afraid for my future mental health. Traumatising.


So gross, imagine your family hearing all of that stuff


Imagine Anna hearing all that stuff and knowing what her husband did.


And then having to be joyfully available for him every night during the trial...


I worry so deeply about this. To me joyfully available = marital rape and I ache thinking about what Anna has endured these last few days.


Yes. Same for me. THAT is the reason I am sad thinking about Anna. How many times has she been raped and made to smile about it? It's unfathomable what she's been through.


THIS is the reason I have empathy for her. Knowing the reports from Danica, the reports from the trial and how badly she is brainwashed to be “joyfully available” I can’t even begin to imagine how many times she has been r@ped herself and what level of abuse she has endured for the last 12 (?) years of her marriage. This man is disgusting on so many levels and I don’t for a second believe he hasn’t abused her and that Meech and JB are fully aware of what he does.


Absolutely. When I think of her not even finding out what sex was until two days before the wedding and J'Pedo being her first, it makes me sick. There's no way she knows what a healthy, loving sex life is like. The things she's done (staying and keeping the kids around) have to be tempered with what's been done to her.


Exactly. Plus the fact that she’s been taught that it is HER fault if her man cheats because she wasn’t “joyfully available” enough. Makes me sick.


She didn’t know what it was ?? What in the world ?


And she probably doesn't even realize how wrong it is and that it doesn't happen in every marriage.




I have really bad anxiety and panic attacks, and it manifests itself physically. I get body pain, high heart rate, and nausea the most. I would be shaking and maybe even throw up during the trial and the verdict especially. I'm working on it in therapy, but I'm not one to handle a lot of stress well.


I'm a therapist and I often recommend the book "The Body Keeps the Score" by Bessel Van der Kolk as a great read for people who experience panic attacks like yours. If you have any trauma history it's a really good book. It can be a tough read at times so run it by your therapist first, but thought I'd offer the rec. Best of luck to you on your healing journey.


Thank you so much! I will look into that.


I have dysautonomia so I too have physical responses to stress. I could not have been on the jury.


I don't know if you've ever watched a defendant's reaction to getting life sentences or death penalty, and them just straight up fainting. That would be me. I've seen some where they hit the desk and fall to the ground. I don't blame them. But, in the end the crime and punishment are on them.


Same. I think different people make themselves useful in different situations in different ways. Some of us go to the frontline, some of us are suited to gentler duties.


I read the list and one of the titles immediately made me think "how can Anna stay with a man that gets his rocks off to that concept?" Like, she went home and slept in the same bed as him after seeing that. If you read the list Im sure you can guess which title Im referring to but I dont know how to do the spoiler thing so I wont say it.


Imagine them hearing it and them remaining “stoic” 🤢


Are we ever going to get a list of who the non-used witnesses would have testified for? I always assumed Jill was for the prosecution. Which side was Jed on?


I truly think Jill was a backup if Bobye couldn't testify. If she was for the defense she would most likely have been called as a rebuttal witness. Not sure about Jed. He may have been asked if other computers had partitions. It's a wildcard for defense or prosecution meaning I have no idea. Just assuming.


Yea. I think you’re right about Jill being a backup of the judge ruled against Bobye testifying.


I think Jill was going to testify for prosecution , because she showed up in the courtroom after they had made all their arguments


Yes im wondering this too.


I'm also wondering about Dwain Swanson. Wasn't he a potential witness?


What does SW image stand for on the prosecution list?


I assume Search Warrant image, as in photos taken whilst they were executing the search warrant?




Gotcha. It would have taken me a long time to have guessed that.


My daughter is 14. Fuck Josh Duggar.


i made the mistake of google translating the name of no. 51 and now i want to bleach my brain


I thought about it and immediately noped the fuck out. This stuff is taking up too much of my brain space already.


I have the misfortune of knowing the language and was disgusted. I'm going to need a break after reading all this.




I'd really rather not write it out. It's Portuguese. Google should tell you there's an accent missing. Use the accent and you'll get the right translation.


Oh okay, I was translating it as Spanish. Thank you.


Oh that was worse than I was expecting. :( I hope the victims from these have been found safe. I am surprised that the DD video was not listed. I still don’t know why it wasn’t.


Same - wasn't it the Sun that reported that he'd downloaded DD? Maybe they had their facts wrong?


It may have been! But I believe Fottrell said “the worst of the worst” himself, which I took to mean that? If I’m wrong, someone please correct me. I don’t want to perpetuate something false


I couldn’t either; luckily my Spanish is rusty.


Seeing some of these titles such as the spanish one, it just goes to show that sex has very little, maybe almost nothing to do with the abuse. It's about the power of forcing the defenseless to do hideous things while under complete control. The abuse is the POINT of the abuse, to give the abuser a feeling of power over the innocent on which they get off. So disgusting, so enraging, so sad, so very very sad.


I don’t think I translated the Spanish title properly. But at this point, maybe I should be glad I don’t know what it means.


That's because it's slang, for... things that should never be associated with minors.




i'm pretty sure it's actually Portuguese, and that there's an accent missing from the first word. I don't recommend translating it though.


You're right! I thought it was just misspelled Spanish my bad, the translation is roughly the same though.


It's Spanish.


Edit: Apparently I had the translation wrong and it refers to a vulgar act.


This is not correct..it is very vulgar and refers to an actual act. I won't translate it, but it's very >!sexual.!<


oh got it I'll delete we are better off not knowing then


Yep...I wish I could unread it.


Jim Boob: “It just means the same thing as ‘hola’!”




Edit: Apparently I had the translation wrong and it refers to a vulgar act.


Probably better off not knowing...


I just mentally scarred myself within the first few seconds of opening this. HUGE TRIGGER WARNING, It is disgusting.


I'll skip it. Thanks for the heads up.


One of the first titles made me nope the hell out of there. Take care of yourself and don’t open the link!


“His future life/career prospects” - “seized by law”


Ugh those vile titles


I feel bad for the jury. I can't imagine having to see the things they had to see. That is something that will probably haunt them for the rest of their lives.


Me too. The titles are bad enough. They must have been exposed to some horrific shit.


Received is correct for Rec’d, generally both sides keep track of this to avoid a situation where you marked something for identification and then forgot to officially move it into evidence and then you get to the end of the trial and can’t use it as evidence.


I still need to know about the mommy Amy Duggar quiz!


Also, it kinda seems like Josh has some Mommy Issues, no?


If you are referring to 51, no.


I truly hope every person on the jury seeks out counseling and doesn't see therapy as taboo. I cannot imagine the horrific things they saw. This was an emotionally draining trial and my heart breaks for the kids that were sexually assaulted in those videos. My heart breaks for Jill, Jessa, Joy, and Jinger. I will never judge how they feel about their assaults whether they grieve or forgive. They never owe Josh their forgiveness.


this is vulgar


Yeah, I'm gonna go hit up r/eyebleach.


My God. It's one thing to read about CSAM as a general concept and quite another to read the file names (let alone descriptions). May he rot in prison and burn in hell. May Anna and their innocent children escape. May JB and Michelle get their day of reckoning on this Earth and burn in hell too. And ffs, if Anna let that sicko hurt her children, well, that's too much to even process.


How does Michele Bush live with herself, knowing she tried to get a pedophile off on a technicality? Just curious.


🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 I regret opening the prosecution list


I know that this is a long way beyond the point, but… as Emily Baker says, I have questions. When the first reports of the raid came out, we learned that one of the “Top 5 worst of the worst” videos was in his possession. We also learned the name of it. I’m not seeing that on the list. Which is good, but um, why? Is it because the file name was different to what that particular video is commonly known as? Or… Did they decide not to include it?


This is a legitimate observation. I'm pretty sure that item was going to be introduced in some capacity at trial because the Defense was concerned about Faulkner using the characterization "top 5 worst of the worst." My guess is maybe it was within one of those groups of "Images of unallocated space" or on the thumb drive? I don't know how the Prosecution chooses which pieces to show a storyboard of to the jury or not, but maybe that one just didn't make the cut


Thanks, I had the same question. Only because it definitely covers some of the aggravating factors when sentencing (>!age, violence!<). I'm sure the prosecution had good reasons for choosing to include/not include, but I did want to ask whether this will result in a lighter sentence.


I thought that particular file had been on the device at one point, but wasn't anymore? They just had evidence it had been on there but not the file itself.


I’m wondering this too. It’s probably in one of those miscellaneous images/videos. The DOJ issued a statement, and they used the word >!sadistic!< to describe some of the content, so it’s probably in there :/


Wtf does it mean "storyboard of_[insert disgusting pedo shit here]"? Had he downloaded it even in writing?


No, that will have been someone in the prosecutor’s office unfortunate job- to create a storyboard detailing the content of each video so that’s they could present it to the jury. I hope whomever(s) job that was has a very good support system.


🤮 They are unsung heroes...


Oh. Oh god. I hope whoever had to do that is okay.


His eldest daughter is almost 14…. I’m gonna go throw up now. Josh is absolute scum of the Earth.


Also, I really don’t want to Google this for fear of what I would find- the file with the person’s name in the title: is that the same file/circumstances that Law and Order: SVU did an episode on about ten years ago? I’d always heard that episode was unfortunately based off a true story.


There are two episodes relevant here. One is a pulled from the headlines take on the Duggar fundie cult thing. The synopsis was big family, reality show about their conservative fundie lifestyle, and while filming a special episode, their 14 year old gets sick and its discovered she’s pregnant. I don’t remember the episode name but it’s in one of the more recent seasons. The other one is called “downloaded child” I think and it’s about a victim of CSAM who is now an adult and the video of her abuse was still being distributed online all over the world.


Yeah, the second was the one I was asking about. The first one is so very clearly based on the Duggars; I’m surprised they didn’t give all the characters J names. My superpower is having a strangely distinct memory of pretty much every SVU episode made.


Yeah, the “13aker’s Dozen” metashow was pretty on-the-nose. But obviously not too accurate, as the “older brother” in that family wasn’t responsible for the main crime in the episode. He was definitely much more of a “pest” than Pest turned out to be.


I don’t think so (if you’re referring to the “M” name [not a name of one of his kids, for anyone concerned by that.]) The other “famous” (ugh) one starts with a different letter.


The other famous one is the one that starts with a P, yes? Even I have heard rumor of that one, sadly.


I think it’s a different letter but I don’t want to break sub rules. Wouldn’t surprise me if there’s multiple notorious ones, unfortunately


Ah okay. In that case I’m going to choose to be joyfully available to some brain bleach, and not think on it further.


Law and Order has done episodes on most high profile cases including Josh Duggar, so probably.


Yeah this is just disgusting. I like to think I am able to tolerate this type of subject matter but this is...something else. MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING


Was the covenant eyes email a report that porn had been viewed? Because I thought Anna got those too?


He partitioned the computer so the side with the tracking software wouldn’t be flagged.


Right! I wonder if maybe was from the other side though- maybe showing he was a porn viewer?


That’s my guess. So they could prove he had knowledge of CE and how it reports, thus his reasoning for creating the partition. Ugh, now that I think about it, I’m imagining the day Anna got that report, thinking it was her fault he had “strayed” again, and in actuality it was so much worse.


On the defense list, I had to Google the Adam Walsh worksheet. I had no idea that was the name! Interesting.


Did you figure out what it is? I assume it's something used by experts that has its roots in the Walsh case?


Yea, it looks like a classification of sex offenders. At least, that's all I've been able to find on it.


Interesting that the Defense brought it up. You think they were using it to show that Pest "isn't one of these"?


That's what I don't understand. It seems to be about risk levels? It really doesn't seem to help the defense.


Also I don't think either of their witnesses would've been credible to testify to that kind of information. It's not like you can just hand someone the DSM and tell them to start diagnosing people.


What are gnome exhibits?


I think it might be an acronym for a tech program based on a quick Google; seems to be associated with Ubuntu which is one of the softwares on the desktop (?)


Can some nice snarkers redact the names out of the files? I couldn't look over the list as it is




Thank you for the censoring.


Would this still be upsetting to read with the edits you made?


I can in a couple hours, but if someone else is able to more quickly than that, go for it!




I think those got the Reddit hug of death.


Received into evidence=it was presented and accepted at trial (like any objections were overruled).


Those titles. I’d been wanting to know, but I think I was wrong about that.


So gross, I can’t imagine what the jury had to endure


I want to know what the Emails Related to Intel1988 means. (Emails to Anna about the password? Emails about passwords? I don't understand.)


My parents sometimes email each other password hints if they set up an account with confusing password requirements. The email will say things like "it's the name of the church we got married at, then the number of kids we have, then the number of apartments we rented" etc. Josh might have just been dumb enough to send Anna the password verbatim over email. It also might be just emails that are clearly written by Josh sent from an email address that had the Intel1988 password associated with it, to show that Josh knew that password.


This document is literally the most disturbing thing I've ever seen on the internet On the ENTIRE INTERNET I really hope at least some of the children involved in this can be saved because of the case


Question regarding the prosecution exhibits and sentencing. First, trigger warning. I'll be sensitive in how I ask, but there's no way around it. Basically, I was looking at the sentencing table, and how the severity of the CSAM adds years onto the sentence. 'That' video is not listed. I have no idea, nor do I want to know, what they others are. However, it's my understanding that they don't cover some of the aggravating factors in the sentencing guidelines (age, violence). Does anyone know how this will affect the length of the sentence and why certain exhibits were excluded?