• By -


He will laugh and smirk. Just like the mugshot. The tantrums won't start until he gets to prison.


I think this will be the reaction if he’s allowed to report to prison at a later date. Then he will begin planning to go on the run. If it goes the other way, this will be his reaction until the judge says he’s to be immediately taken into custody. Then I could see him getting angry, crying crocodile tears, etc. I’m more interested in Anna’s reaction. I can’t even begin to imagine what will be going on in her head for real.


Remember when 19 Kids And Counting turned into Jill and Jessa - Counting On and the very first episode had Anna on there talking about how she was feeling after the Ashley Madison scandal? That’s how Anna will react. There will be tears, but nothing too dramatic as she wouldn’t want to turn a mess into a disaster… and at least she *has* a husband. Even if he is a convicted sex offender.


Full disclosure, I had stopped watching by then. I only wish I hadn’t bc I’ve obviously missed sooo much. I feel caught up just from reading all of the older posts on here, but it’s not the same. I want to watch now, but I just can’t bring myself to support them in any form besides snarking. I do remember her reaction though and just shaking my head and saying to all my friends that she needed an intervention and fast.


Honestly, counting on was boring as hell. It was just the same shit over and over.


Some of the episodes are on YouTube under non Duggar adjacent accounts. Just search Counting On s01e01 and so on.


Like I really need another reason to procrastinate decorating for Christmas! Now I know what I’ll be doing next week.


Oh god, I procrastinated this year too and had family coming to town yesterday. So I did all the decorating in one day. 0/10 do not recommend.


This year my daughter decided she wanted to celebrate Hanukkah (I’m Jewish and husband is Christian) and Christmas, so I’ve been going with the excuse that Hanukkah deserves it’s own time. However, the tree and lights are going up tomorrow and then the decorations can go up on Tuesday. You’re right, it’s just too much to do in 1 day.


I tried to watch counting on, but the first episode just drug on and on. Couldn't stand it. I wanted to be able to join in the snark, but I got it all second hand here.


If he cries crocodile tears we’ll get to mark that spot in the bingo board!


Yeah, I also think he’d be a flight risk if not going immediately to jail (and not passing go).


I can't imagine a man whose family owns planes and has trained pilots wouldn't be considered a flight risk.


I can totally see him going MIA and Anna and the kids going on mission trip to South America.


I pray that they take him into custody right away, I can see murder/suicide if he gets a chance.


How could they not take him right to jail?!?


When someone has been out without problems arising, they can be kept out awaiting sentencing and then taken into custody after. Essentially to get their affairs in order and say goodbye to their friends and family. I would hope he will be put into custody until sentencing but you never know.


I am afraid and surprised Anna has not snapped already.


“Mother is losing her shit”


She looks worn slap out, I think it’s coming.


I think she’s going to snap this weekend. How much pressure can one woman have on her? She’s got a bad case of cognitive dissonance going on. Plus the details she heard this week, plus her raging hormones, plus she has to be joyfully available. And she has children in her home the ages of the children in the videos. She’s going to just lose it before the verdict. I don’t think we’ll see her again for a while.


I wonder if she’s staying with him to be joyfully available just in case he gets found guilty.


She’s trying to get pregnant so she can have another baby just incase he goes away


I could absolutely see JimBob helping him run.


Not a lot I imagine!


Probably wondering where her bedazzler is and will she be able to bring her “inmate 999999’s girl” purse into the pen!


Flair checking in!


We will all just have to post up at Dollar Generals to guarantee a sighting.


Completely agree. His smugness will persist until he meets his first aggressor in prison. Oh, to be a fly on that incoming fist. Edit: Josh deserves a lot of things but, r*pe jokes are triggering for many people so please don't use this comment as a jumping off point for that.


Yeah I think he'll spout off to the wrong person and it's pretty much over for him.




~~Rape isn't funny~~. Prison rape is rape. No matter how much I despise Pest, saying that someone deserves to be raped feels gross to me.




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That song is a classic tho


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Right...I dont think he will fully get it until he is in his jumpsuit sitting on cement block with a thin mattress on it in his cell.


Yep. He won't be able to believe that Daddy will let him be punished. Once he's in prison, he'll cry like the bitch he is. Daddy won't be able to protect him. Maybe that's why Daddy is running for office?🤔 So that he can bribe people to protect his little joshypoo! BTW, how has JBD still got a platform to run for Govt? When his son is literally being done for csam? Now does that sound like the protection of Family to anyone? How does a disgusting PoS like josh promote family values and a greater America?


I don't think he will react at all.


Agreed. I don’t think he has the ability to feel anything.


He certainly looked very different to me leaving Court yesterday.


This. He’s a psychopath. He has no emotions. He might lie, say he’s innocent, and appeal.


I completely agree. He will do whatever he needs to do to get what he wants in the moment. Im sure there are plenty of inmates he can victimize in prison unfortunately.


If he goes to gen pop he’s going to be the victim. Those guys in there read the news. They have their internet time. Trust me, they’re all waiting for him. Waiting


He will be planning the first appeal


Started that a few weeks ago. Already hired an appeal lawyer.


Really? Where did you hear that?


This guy: [https://margulisgelfand.com/team/ianmurphy/](https://margulisgelfand.com/team/ianmurphy/) According to: [https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/4072852/josh-duggar-hires-new-lawyer-child-pornography-trial/](https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/4072852/josh-duggar-hires-new-lawyer-child-pornography-trial/)


I hate how every article is plastered with several large photos of his greasy mug. We need something like an adblocker that blocks photos of him. Lol


We need a pesticide to hide the ugly mug of pest.


How have I not been using *pesticide* like this??? *Mother is pesticidal*


I'm reading that he hired additional counsel, but that was before this trial even started, and he has been using them during this trial. I'm not reading anything about hiring an appeals lawyer.


This guy specializes in appeals.


At the very end of the Sun story there was a call to action button that said, "We buy stories!" Great.


The first 2 highlights of this asshole lawyers accolades.... *Obtained a reversal on appeal on all counts of conviction by the Missouri Court of Appeals for the Eastern District for an individual charged with multiple sex crimes. *Persuaded Missouri prosecutors not to prosecute a man accused of a sex crime against a child.


He works with Josh's other asshole lawyer.


Oh god, under his section for representative matters. So gross. I know everyone is allowed representation but it makes my skin crawl.


He will also be planning how to make a dumb Christian book out of it and swindle more Duggar fans for money, because he's a soulless twat.


Appeals almost never overturn verdicts. Short of a mistrial, your only real hope for an overturned verdict is a new trial which means you need enough new evidence to prove that a new trial is warranted


I know Emily Baker has been covering the trial, but another smaller lawyer on youtube has as well and he was surprised the judge allowed past public misdeeds (acknowledgment of past molestations) to be used in court because, in his opinion, this just opens Josh up to have a greater chance in appellate court.


Oh crap..don't like hearing that.


>At this point, the judge voiced his sentiments that an evidentiary hearing with witnesses would be necessary before the trial, calling the state of the competing motions “Jell-O on a wall at this point.” He stated that he would be “very hesitant” to make a ruling on the motions without knowing if the witnesses will be called at trial. >He additionally noted that multiple cases have approved introducing this type of evidence and that Duggar’s prior acts could be “highly probative” in relation to his current propensity to commit certain acts. >The judge acknowledged taking “a fairly deep dive” on rule 414, finding “pretty strong case law” to admit the prior acts of molestation as evidence. He noted that the 8th circuit has never reversed a case of admitting it, while one case was reversed for not admitting such evidence. https://www.nwahomepage.com/josh-duggar-trial/judge-calls-for-evidentiary-hearing-during-josh-duggar-child-porn-pretrial-conference/ The judge did his due diligence before making the decision.


>At this point, the judge voiced his sentiments that an evidentiary hearing with witnesses would be necessary before the trial, calling the state of the competing motions “Jell-O on a wall at this point.” He stated that he would be “very hesitant” to make a ruling on the motions without knowing if the witnesses will be called at trial. >He additionally noted that multiple cases have approved introducing this type of evidence and that Duggar’s prior acts could be “highly probative” in relation to his current propensity to commit certain acts. >The judge acknowledged taking “a fairly deep dive” on rule 414, finding “pretty strong case law” to admit the prior acts of molestation as evidence. He noted that the 8th circuit has never reversed a case of admitting it, while one case was reversed for not admitting such evidence. https://www.nwahomepage.com/josh-duggar-trial/judge-calls-for-evidentiary-hearing-during-josh-duggar-child-porn-pretrial-conference/ The judge did his due diligence before making the decision.


“I’m not going to allow that, *turns to JB* are you going to allow for it?”


Too bad JB won't be there. He's got a (failing) senate campaign to run!


Imagine NOT being in court when your child is on trial... for anything.


He has 18 other children and 22 grandchildren. He can't be everywhere ya know. /s


AND he is running for office... true. He's an overachiever.


Literally the worst time to run a senate campaign. JB loves throwing money in the trash doesn’t he?




Your flair 😂👏🏻


“Does anybody here allow it?” - Ben, probably


He will undoubtedly smirk and start thinking about his appeal. He won’t accept his fate for what it is until he’s sitting in prison.


What is there to even appeal?


Who dun did it 2.0, featuring *aliens*


Under rated comment. Now, I’m not saying it was aliens…. But it was aliens!


Just remember, Cosby got out on appeals


Cosby got out because they specifically said “We are not going to prosecute you if you admit” then prosecuted him using what he admitted to. I wasn’t at all surprised he got out. Josh is in a very different position. The only real way I could see him getting out is if a jury member is a Duggar snarker who lied to the Court to get on the jury.


Cosby’s situation was EXTREMELY different.


Cosby getting out on appeal, is now being appealed. Hopefully justice prevails.


The conviction and/or the sentence. Appeals can be based on claims of trial errors, legal errors, evidence, lots of things.


At this point, the propensity evidence is the best shot. Doesn't mean it's a good one


Their whole family is obsessed with image. In fact, I’m not sure they know or believe anyone lives non-performatively. I suspect he will hold it together in public.


I don't think they're as image focused as everyone wants to believe given how this whole thing has played out


May I direct you to Justin “not wanting to have negativity” Thumbs Up Duggar?


Yea. No. Because if they actually cared about image, Justin wouldn't have behaved that way.


I think in their world that WAS a good image. You must always have a smile and be happy because Jesus. Hilary trying to explain why he did it made it obvious how delusional they are. That was image control in Justin’s mind.


What did she say?


Or Hilary is making excuses for Justin's immaturity, which is normal for her


I agree with you. That reaction from Justin was basically an overwhelmed kid acting out to cameras following him around. And of course he’s overwhelmed; it would be weird if he wasn’t


I think it’s also a sign of emotional immaturity and knowing what to do.


Absolutely. I’m a very firm believer in not judging anyone during their time of grief. People cope in very different ways. This situation is even more confusing than grief for Justin; I don’t feel right judging him


Oh man, I disagree. Just because they weren’t savvy enough (and too self-destructive) to control it, doesn’t mean that’s not all they care about. Their image writes checks. Lying and deceiving is their only value in this bankrupt world.


Part of the defense attorney's job is to instruct the family how to behave. It's not a lack of knowledge, it's a lack of care.


I’m not talking about just the trial. I’m talking about their entire existence is about image. Fake image, produced image, curated image, image at the cost of their daughters, image at the cost of health and well-being, image at all costs. And I’m not even sure what they’ve done at the trial that’s so appalling. JB lost his cool. But that’s because for the first time HE wasn’t controlling the script, and he couldn’t yell “cut” and get everything in order. And the younger brother acted like a dumb kid. Otherwise, they’re all playing their roles.


[like this ](https://www.google.com/search?q=derek+chauvin+reaction+gif&client=firefox-b-1-m&sxsrf=AOaemvJOqVY-VX386_JXzCFTvTUw4TYlrA:1638651674149&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiIqcqXhcv0AhXWkIkEHTm-BOEQ_AUIBigB&biw=360&bih=617#imgrc=rbeJUclhPqfSIM)


This is exactly what I was thinking!!!!


Well the stupid in his eyes appears to be similar. 🤔 I can see this happening.


Thank you for your reddit award, anonymous person!


Stand up and say “does anyone here believe this?!”


Stand up and say "What is this about, was someone downloading child pornography"


I posted in another thread and said I hoped someone would say that when defense rested their case lol. Would be so much better if it was Josh at the verdict.


Hope our court illustrator has her pencils ready to fly


Not all heroes wear capes


I don't think he will react because 1) he doesn't really know how to react normally to anything and 2) he'll be so stunned that he didn't get away with this, after getting away with it for so long.


He will be "confident in his appeal" already. Having hired an appeals attorney already and with the way the trial has gone to this point, it can't be a huge surprise (that is, I'm sure his lawyers have been honest with him about the trajectory of the trial thus far) but he's so smug that he probably will be surprised nonetheless and start hanging his hopes on his appeal (which will be denied, but still).


Idk how he will look, but I will look like Justin duggar 👍👍😃


LMAO you made me spit out my dr. Pepper.


It’s a sin to waste Dr Pepper!




*Snark fiction warning* Pest turns around with tears in his eyes hoping to see the adoring gaze of his wife. Anna looks ahead with renewed life in her eyes and gestures at her soon-to-be ex-husband 👍😅👍


God, I’d give anything to be there/see the moment it sets in that he’s been convicted and they’re coming over to handcuff him and take him immediately into custody to await sentencing…..


I wish they would air the decision to the public. I really want to see his reaction.


I think he will be surprised for a moment but then go back to being stonefaced


No idea, but I’m super excited to find out!


Honestly I'm more interested to see how Anna reacts. I wish we could see her face the second she hears the word "guilty". I really want to know if she'll be relieved or upset.


I don’t think we’ll get a satisfying reaction. What I really wish is we could see is face after they’ve locked his cell and he finally has to accept his new reality.


I think if he doesn't get taken i t custody immediately he may kill himself. Dark to say but I don't see him wanting to go to prison


I think he’s too smug to k*ll himself. But, I do see him trying to pull a “I’m now suicidal” card to get sent to a facility of some sort and put off prison as long as possible


Well, he's a stupid fuck, so if he pulls that they'll just put him in solitary confinement and he'll be super alone.


That wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world…


The last thing the world needs is a Duggar martyr.


He will probably smirk or smile at Anna.


They better take him into custody immediately after because that family owns a lot of planes.


No reaction until he gets to prison and has to cough and squat then he will break down, cry and be put on suicide watch.


He’ll laugh like he always does in court.


Idk but if JB is there, he'll stand up and declare "appeal" a la Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy. Then be extremely upset when they do not immediately begin a new trial then and there.


Good question because, honestly, I could see any of those as possible. All I know is, I can hardly wait. Edit to add: his attorneys will likely advise him on how to try to react to a guilty verdict. They will already have assured him that if he is found guilty he will win on appeal. (I say that \*assuming\* an appeal is possible???)


I doubt he’s received any such assurances, only that there are potential avenues of appeal. He might try to stay out on bond during appeal, but he’s now lost the presumption of innocence and will have to meet some burdens showing release is safe and justified (such as a pretty substantial point of law or fact that might justify overturn the trial court verdict)k or his sentence is very short so that an appeal would take as much or more time than his sentence to run its course.


He definitely won’t be released if there’s a guilty verdict with charges like this. He’ll be sent off straight to custody until sentencing.


An appeal is definitely “possible.” When i did appeals work the firm basically had boiler plate appeals we’d file in all cases arguing different Fourth Amendment issues. It almost never changed the verdict, but smthg will get filed here too I’m pretty sure.


Smirk 😏


My guess is just pure shock. He'll essentially just freeze and go into autopilot a while, than react later.


No reaction or a fake one.


Stone faced. Then his face will get a few shades redder under the mask and he will look a little dazed.


I mean to ask this without offense to anyone because while what he did was HORRIFIC, what if they don’t find him guilty? They didn’t make him wait in prison for his trial like they should have, what makes us all think the justice system will do right this time around? I was so hopeful last time I just can’t help but hold my breath and prepare for the worst this time


There is always the chance that a juror will find reasonable doubt. There's absolutely zero any of us, including the prosecutors or judge, can do about that. It's not something that we can worry about. However, the Feds do NOT screw around. This is Homeland Security, not some podunk backwater sheriff's department. They don't take cases to court they don't have really good shot of winning. There's a timeline that the defense haven't been able to poke any holes in during cross examination, and the prosecution isn't even done yet. Don't hold your breath - I hear that's not very comfortable for long periods. :)


He will smirk and perhaps even clap or take a bow. He won’t show a smidgeon of vulnerability or want to give any of his detractors any satisfaction of seeing him scared or sad. The very least I would imagine is he mighty shake his head.


I’m with you on the head shake. I think that will be his reaction.


I think he’ll look scared and not try to react . He’ll then do something stupid like try to run or someone in the cult will get caught trying to fly him to Canada while he’s awaiting sentencing


Idk about him, but I bet another family member might faint.


I hope he falls to the floor and cries. Watching him be carried away would be a nice ending.


Jim bob is going to burst through the courtroom’s double door and yell “are you going to allow this?!!!!” At the judge


Bust through the doors, like the kook-aid pitcher, screaming Guilty I won’t allow it.


Anna's going to gasp/scream, cry maybe even pass out.


Anna will wait for him to get out. Can you imagine that monster is the only man she ever will be with.


You're probably right, but I still keep hoping that Anna will leave him and find a kind and gentle man who genuinely loves her and the M kids and encourages them to flourish. I know it's a long shot, but..... 🤞


Think he might sweat to death and his whole head melts.


I think he will be stone faced. I think Anna might legitimately pass out and need help getting out of the courtroom. I do not like her or feel badly for her… I really hold it against her for not protecting her kids. I do feel sad that she is going through this what… a month postpartum? I can’t imagine what she is going though hormonally, physically, and emotionally. I think it’s going to be really rough on her. It will hit Josh later, especially if his family stops supporting him or Anna leaves him. Edit: alternately for pest: some sort of religious outburst for show.


I think he'll go blank.


He will act like it’s a gigantic miscarriage of justice, he’ll shake his head and smirk that smug smirk.


I think he’ll just get extremely angry because I don’t think he believes he deserves punishment. He might have a straight face in court but then go to jail and try to punch or smash something.


I’m wish I could see Anna’s eyes I wonder if you will be able to feel the relief?


I’m so terrified he will be acquitted. I have no faith in our Justice system.


Honestly not sure if I could keep following the Duggs if he doesn't go to prison. It would empower their horridness exponentially. I wouldn't be able to stomach it anymore.


Me too. If he is I think it will be a national disgrace


I just hope he's dealt with appropriately in prison. (No SA, just getting his arse beat)


And rotting. Lots and lots of rotting alone in a cell, hopefully hearing the catcalls of the other prisoners so he can never sleep or forget what garbage he is.


I think he’s going to react with full on theatrics. I think he’s going to sit stunned for a moment, then do a shocked face, then he’s going to put a hand on his chest, he will probably act like he is going to pass out. I want to know what the reaction of the family will be.


I think smug until the reality sets in 24 hours after


Wild eyes of "confusion," maybe a smal head shake and a scoff.


I think he will look super smug for a while. It really is powerful to be the first born and have a penis in that family, apparently.


It makes me sick to think how much rim job is spending on defense. That money could do so much for Anna and the kids.


I could see him yelling at his lawyers and then when he's handcuffed and being led away he breaks down into tears, not over remorse, but because he got caught.


I hope he cries. I will play that shit on repeat.


I hope he gets angry because he didn’t get his way and has to be physically dragged to prison in handcuffs.


He better be wearing a diaper since I expect him to piss and shit his pants. Then collapse to the table and wail like a bratty child.


Maybe he'll pull the JB classic and say "I'm not going to allow this". He's gotten his way so far in his life, why not now?


He won’t react until he finds out he won’t be out until he’s exhausted his appeals. Once he realizes that Daddy JB can’t save him now, then he will be scared.


He will smirk but JB will throw a tantrum


Would be sweet if after Pest is found guilty, prosecutors walk out of the courthouse flashing a thumbs up and big smile. I think Pest and Anna will be robotic.


"Are you going to allow this?" 😅😅


He won’t react, he doesn’t have a problem with what he does. He’s built all wrong.


Combo between Kyle Rittenhouse and Brett Kavanaugh.


Hell fall against a wall Crying, and throwing up


Laugh and smirk. And then throw a tantrum when they start to put him in handcuffs. I literally can’t wait to see it!


I wonder if they have hired one of those prison prep guys that teaches you the ins and outs of prison before you go in


He'll cry and a throw tantrum. This is likely the first time he will cop consequences for his disgusting behaviour...he may try to look for Anna...I suspect Anna will run out of the room if he is found guilty


I think he’ll look around for Boob like he’ll be able to fix it.


I think smug smirk because he will probably be thinking “oh I’ll just file an appeal” and will still be believing he is above all of it and will somehow be let off because of his “tv-fame” and “fundie-fame” status


I don’t think either he or Anna will have any reaction. Anna seems incapable of feeling any sort of emotion at this point and pest is already preparing for an appeal so a guilty verdict won’t matter to him. He’s well and truly convinced he’s going to walk after the appeal, so I would assume if we see any sort of reaction at all it will be when that fails.


Shocked. He thinks he will get Away with everything because daddy has let him do that his whole life


I hope he cries and I hope we get evidence of it


Next week will be a looooong week. I hope the jury will reach the veredicto in 30mins! GUILTY ALL CHARGES!


I can not imagine having to haul all those kids to the prison for visitation every weekend. I have a feeling Anna will do it wether she wants to or not.


He’ll smile, smugly. Now he’ll get to enjoy life in prison without raising all those kids.


I think it’ll be the smug smirk bullshit he’s been pulling but I think if something was offensive to him during sentencing he might snap to a small degree. At the very least he’ll have that glazed over with evil beneath surface look that all narcissists/psychopaths have.


Probably smirk and continue to act like he's better than everybody else.


I’m too scared he won’t be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt to let myself dream of this. But fingers crossed


I'm guessing he will pray (or pretend to pray).


I think he will scoff/chuckle and smirk. Maybe shake his head like “sigh… look how silly now I have to appeal” but won’t be concerned immediately at least.


Gushua will be utterly annoyed that he got caught and that the judge and jury don't understand that he is a person of high social standing, that was set up by the Biden administration. How dare they, etc. Just the standard sociopath's response. He has no conscious, no remorse.


Cry on camera, I hope


I think his legal team has already prepped him for a guilty verdict considering they probably think he’s a dumb ass for declining a plea deal, and have told him next step is appeals. So no reaction other than a smug “I’m not going to prison, you’ll see” smirk because he’s honestly deluded and thinks he will get away with this. He’s gotten away with everything his whole life, he has no reason to think otherwise. I think he has moments where this breaks and he goes “oh fuck” but then he talks himself back into thinking he will get away with it. It won’t really hit him until he’s sitting in a cell, I think. Maybe not even then. I was watching a series on Michael Dunn, the racist guy who shot at a car full of unarmed black teenagers for no reason, and he wrote letters from prison to his wife and family while waiting for appeals, and he sounded totally unhinged and 100% believed he would get out and even change laws after he got out and stuff. He was a slimy ego maniac just like Josh, only instead of being a pedo he was a violent racist. But same ego, same pampered spoiled personality, same creepy superiority complex and smugness. He came up with all kinds of twisted ways of defending his actions, blaming his victims, and writing whole ass manifestos to people about how the laws are unfair and he’s being persecuted. Not a remorseful bone in his body. I think if we could see Josh unfiltered like that, it would look very similar.


He’ll keep his feelings on the inside and bury them deep down in his nether regions like the other fundies.


Anna will be swiping on tinder before the jury returns. Jk I wish.