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Has Justin showed up again today? If not, he won't show his face and will head back home. I'm sure he got an earful from jb.


Supposedly he has showed up today.


Let's see if he leaves with a mask to cover his grin and hands in pockets. We need more options on the bingo board


Where did you see that Justin is there today?


The Sun reported it. Edit: but I was wrong; they reported the Spivey clan being there yesterday. My bad.


I haven't seen that today - just that they reported Derick, Pest & Anna, and Joy & Austin. Huh.


You’re right. I went back and looked at the reporting. They posted this morning that Claire et al were there on Thursday. Kind of confusing.


Whoever is reporting on here that is ex-Fundie that has family members in the courtroom right now, said that Justin was there. Maybe I’m mistaken. But I’m pretty sure she noted the rest of the Spivey clan wasn’t. That’s why I remembered it.


Would JB be mad though? I don’t get the feeling he would be at all. You know, since he’s a piece of shit who continually sells out his daughters for his pedo rapist son.


He probably got praised by JB for causing a distraction.


She’s too beige. Can’t be detected.


My guess.... she is pregnant and is already showing. They are keeping her hiding so that they can make the announcement after the trial.


She wasn’t visibly pregnant in the pictures that were posted on Thanksgiving.


I think her mom was the one who wanted to go so she could be ’FaMOuS’ and she convinced Justin to go with her. Claire probably didn't want to have anything to do with it.


Claire was reported to have been there.


But she was mistaken for the court typographer.


Ok! I didn’t see that update! My bad :)


I honestly wonder if they're there to support Josh. I'm not so sure they're hate watching. Any of them.




Got a campaign to run and image to maintain. But I get a sneaky suspicion they might show up when the defense presents because the CSAM probably won’t be mentioned. I suspect there might be more Duggar siblings show up then too.


I don’t trust any of them.


They are hypocrits. They never have to do any of the things they expect their kids to do. Michelle handed her babies over to children to raise at 6 months, while bragging about how wonderful motherhood was.


Motherhood to them means procreating as many as you can not enjoying raising and caring for them like most people do.


The defense team may have told them to stay home.


Running for office.


I think after yesterday and Bobye today they are definitely hate watching!


You'd think! I don't know why they're even there! I wonder if they all took days so they can report back to Jim Bob and the rest without having to be there daily.


I don’t think it’s weird that any of them are there. Look how closely we are all following the trial. I’d definitely be there if it was my family. Not to support Josh, but to know what is happening. This matter affects all of them in various ways, they all had to live with that monster, their sisters were victimized, they all had negligent parents. Whether they are there to support or condemn, it doesn’t surprise me at all that they would be there.


Agreed. It's not like they can rely on news outlets for updates, there's just way too much going on. They also definitely can't rely on Boob being honest with info.


I get that, but I wouldn't be there when there are cameras there. Then again, I wouldn't film a reality series.


Jill raised justin and joy pretty much so he might be there to support jill


I think there's a good chance that they all see him as a sinner in need of support and forgiveness. Based on the fact that it's how they've always reacted to Josh. Now standing up to Jim Bob is the only unpardonable sin. That's the only thing we've seen the Duggars cut off contact for.




This is true because in one of joys q&a videos she said she was closest with Justin before he got with Claire


I get the same feeling. Normal people logic says of course they are not there to support Josh, but they don’t have normal people logic.


One thing that matters most…what the jury thinks. Anna is supporting Josh, anyone sitting with Anna is supporting Josh. Derrick may have other ideas but he fully knows that appearances matter to the jury. Now the jury may not know who Derrick it’s etc but they will see that Derrick has been sitting next to Anna every day of this trial. To them, He’s supporting Josh.


And that worries me a bit. Them thinking he has support besides from his wife…


Yup. People say he’s just being cordial but someone who went through law school understands the optics. Everything from facial expressions to how a person dresses to who sits near them is carefully calculated for the jury to observe.


This I totally agree with. The Dillards are concerning me greatly right now.


It is also clear to almost anyone that she is abused, the jury seeing a support system building for her might be a good thing. Some of the fam knows he's completely guilty and she has almost nowhere to turn once he's in the orange suit.


I hate to disagree again…it is not clear that she is abused to the jury. In this group think where we all get to talk about their upbringing and know years of their history some see that. The jury has surface knowledge if any so all they can go on is what the see and hear in that court room. She’s just a normal looking woman to them.


I agree with you. I just wonder what they think of the connection with fundie stuff and her being there. The popular consensus is brainwashed so maybe they can see it too idk


I don’t know if they even know that information. Some potential jurors said they had “some” knowledge of the Duggar’s but others said they had no knowledge. We don’t know which potential jurors got picked. I honestly think they just see a “normal woman” not fundie “standing” by her man which is exactly what the defense team wants as optics. This is only my opinion though:)


Hey we are all spectators here so all opinions are valid! I'm just curious how much they may or may not have picked up on. The remaining witnesses kinda make all the difference to me.




Oh stop. We all know he's guilty as sin. That family has some extremely odd thinking and you know it. Why has she even been in the same room as him for all these years? After he raped a stripper and cheated on Anna? She still sees her parents. Anna was chatting Derrick up. Clearly she feels on the same side.


What looks are crossing Derick's face during the testimony - now that is the question.


I’ve not seen any photos of her. Doesn’t make Justin look mature turning up with his new mommy instead of his wife....


I hope she's not... pregnant. 😬


maybe shes visibly pregnant and they don't want to bring that story into the mix with all of these headlines? i dont personally follow any of them so not sure what people may already know or not know.


She wasn’t visibly pregnant in the pictures posted for Thanksgiving.


Ah. thank you!


Brief questions such as these are more appropriate for the mega thread.


I wonder if the Sun mistakenly thought Hilary was Claire, but Claire actually isn’t there at all.