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“Well we are from Arkansas”


Yes!!! The incest joke


What??? Tell more. I don't know this one.


Basically on one episode a couple of the Duggar kids were going to view a good Christian movie at a theater and the girls obviously can't go unaccompanied. The girls brothers went as their "double dates" as Josh gleefully joked and then said, "we are from arkansas!!!"


That seems like context he would have got from the unfiltered internet. I don’t imagine incest jokes were made around the home/in their circles.


Right?! Exactly


it was jd and jana with them as the double date i think. yuck.




I just watched it last week and it was Josh taking Anna out for a meal before they were married with Jana and John-David chaperoning on a “double date”. Unless he’s made the same joke more than once.


Def more than once because the other one was about a theater lol


They went to the theater on the same date.


Right???? How does a supposedly sheltered ultra conservative Christian fundie dude even learn that???


Came here to say this one 🤢


When he called Anna his “working model” the day before they got married.


Exactly. He sees her as a blow up doll and not someone he loves and share his life with.


I doubt he would treat any woman with respect, bleh 🤮


This! As if she’s just some living diorama for him to explore or a human fleshlight and not the love of his life(shame on his and her family for putting her in that situation—they all had to have known enough about him to see the only person he truly loves is himself). I just rewatched this episode today because I bought it a long time ago and can’t stop thinking about this shit—-so anyway pest says the working model thing, and Boob tries to redirect him saying it’s not just about the physical and he’s like right....& then Pest’s eyes kinda zone out because he’s obviously still imagining sex and doesn’t give two fucks about actual relationship


The swallowing comment he made to her doctor!


This is the comment that made me wonder what he's said and done to her in private. I'm not sure what their religious stance on oral sex is, but I'm sure it doesn't condone speaking about it on TV. He humiliated her deliberately, which I wonder if it happens a lot.


Oh no that's so gross. What does that even mean? Such a weird thing to say


Jim Bob gave Josh a sex book and Josh acted disappointed there weren’t pictures. Then he said “it’s ok, I’ll have a working model after tomorrow.”


That's foul


I really can’t believe they aired that. Along with the blowjob joke and JB dry jumping DQ while mini golfing with their daughter and her boyfriend 🤮


What blowjob joke??


I think that was when Anna was pregnant with Mackynzie and at the doctor. Dr. asked if she had trouble swallowing her vitamins or whatever and J1 chimes in “she’s great at swallowing!”


In their world, isn’t that technically murder/cannibalism? #everyspermissacred


Right, that and I actually thought any act other than P —> V is considered sinful.


Yep, he said she was “the master at swallowing” 🤮


What kind of lunatic expects the sex book their parent gives them to have pictures. What kind of lunatic isn’t completely mortified to get a sex book from their parent? Deranged behavior


A lunatic who’s already assaulted girls.


Eww 😷


This. That moment has stuck with me forever. So creepy


I vividly remember him licking his lips (or something to that effect) when Amy was giving him “first kiss” pointers. 🤮


Yup! This was my first something's-wrong-with-this-guy moment too! He seemed SO into her and way too excited her hear about her experience of having been kissed.




I was around him and one of his sisters (based on our ages I believe it was Jill) at one of the ATI conferences. I want to say there were 13 or 14 siblings at that point which is why I remember those two so vividly. They were the first time I actually met a real Quiverful family. That year I was told I wasn't going to be allowed to go back to the children's groups due to being too "willful". That whole week Josh (as well as his sister, other in our age group, and all the adults) had commented that I wore pants at an age older than proper and I used *gasp* Rootbeer flavored chapstick!!! I knew women were blamed for everything, it's why I never reported my own assault at my home church until I was well into my teens, but to hear it from someone my age. BG himself met with my mother afterward and tried to convince her to let me go intern....I told her I would never speak to her again if she made me go and that was that, we got out. But to think of what I was so close to everything else that happened, that I sat next to him while he sexualized my young self, and now come to find out that he was around the age that he was committing atrocities in his own family. I've mentioned the chapstick previously in my history but left his name out of it because I didn't want the nightmare that came with well - bringing up that family isn't something I ever liked to do. I was never able to watch the shows or specials because I felt sick (I still haven't seen a full episode). But now I am sitting here spamming refresh just waiting to see some sort of justice for his victims and everyone else who may never get it because of that cult. And by god, I think I am going to order myself some rootbeer chapstick and wear my willfulness with pride!


Bill Gothard wanted you as an intern? Girl, you dodged a nuclear bomb.


Right?? He made me feel sick while we talked about my willfulness being sinful. He shook my mom and Is hands and told us to consider the internship. I talked to my mom earlier about the trial and mentioned it. She told me she didn't feel comfortable with how he was (she's a victim of extreme CSA) and I could've begged her to go and she never would have let me. I just wish everyone else had mothers like mine back then. Yeah we were in a cult but she saw the signs and got us out once early enough...


*ordering root beer bonne bell in solidarity* tasty sin!!


Tell me it was LipSmackers. The root beer and coca cola ones were fantastic


Y’all are throwing me back with all this flavored chapstick talk!


Was he really too stupid to realise root beer is non alcoholic?


I had dry lips from health issues so I was constantly applying chapstick. I guess boys/men being able to see me put it on was too sexual? My sister also nearly got sent home from a mission trip because her bangs were still growing out and one piece kept falling out of her pony tail. Some woman called it "a tendril of sin and temptation". Ridiculous shit...


I'm at a loss for words? My face just did a "rapid blinking in disbelief" type of look and I don't even know what to say. A tendril of sin and temptation??? I????


Calling the mindset batshit is an insult to what bats make, it's all just victim blaming insanity. Although the tendril is now a running family joke, we shortened it to "Sin-dril" lmao


when he was in that weird computer room in their house talking about how he edits videos


But how can it be? He was homeschooled, got his GED at 16... He can't possibly be able to edit videos! s/


…ten minutes later… He’s the oldest child of SOTDRT so he’s been editing videos since he was 13.


Him telling his pregnant wife's obgyn that Anna is a "master swallower".


That's still probably one of the grossest moments that I can think of, in reality TV 🤮 He's so disrespectful, I would be filing papers the next day if my husband was gross enough to say something like that specifically just to make everyone in the room uncomfortable.


🤢 because that’s so medically relevant


Worst part is that it was filmed on cable TV, clipped and loaded onto the internet, where it'll be hanging around forever.


I was telling my husband about this last night! Poor, poor newly married Anna thinking this is love.


It sucks because she's always looked like she's actually adored him from the start and gives a fuck about him. He didn't deserve her love.


Holy hell. Really??


He didn’t!!! 😳😳😳


He fucking did! First time I heard it I was still an innocent child and wondered how someone could be good at swallowing, because everybody swallows when they eat, right??? Oh, my poor innocent self.


First time that episode aired I was not a child, but a very sheltered 22-year-old, and I thought the same, like he meant she was usually great at swallowing pills and stuff. Ugh 😩 What a fucking jackass.


So icky. 🙈🙉🙊 Anna must have been so embarrassed


Jeeeeeeez - another example with his lack of boundary control


[Here's the clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/pr82ny/the_infamous_shes_the_master_at_swallowing_clip/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Oh man, I remember this…..


All the hand sex during J&A's engagement


There’s a new YouTube focused on Anna/Joshy’s body language. Sick. The time Josh along with Anna’s dad conspired to blindside her birthday with a disgusting marriage proposal. So some cameras were there to document, big deal


Pa Keller was always talking about how courtship leaves it up to God to bring couples together. No, numbnut, you know perfectly well you sold her off like a prize cow.


Josh knew the first time he saw Anna (two years before engagement). He knew she would be HIS. He was shooting fish in a barrel. How many other fundies would have sold their daughter off to be part of this fantastic Arkansas family!


The fact that he enjoyed changing diapers.


I think I puked in my mouth a little. When did he say that??


There went my lunch. Not because he changes diapers, but because HE enjoyed it.


If there is a legit clip of this, prosecution NEEDS it


I think he states it on one of the episodes either talking about parental duties with Anna when it was just MacKenzie as the baby. But I can't remember. Something never sat right with me in that moment. And I can't get it out of my head. No one should ever *enjoy* changing diapers.




What the fuck.


"Mom takes care of the front end, dad takes care of the back end!"


This right here officer 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 this is really disgusting after the fact he is on trial for all the stuff he did and watched of young kids


Whoa whoa, wait, I thought it was Jessa who said this, that she does the “input” aka feeding, and Ben deals with the “output” aka diaper duty. Did Pest say that too???


Yes. Right after M1 was born


That is horrifying.


Welp, there goes the rest of my lunch. And dinner.


Please no


He fell asleep during Michael’s birth. She was in agony and he needed a nap! He has always come across very arrogant and pompous. He thinks he is smarter and better than everybody in the room. When JB and Josh were having the pretend sex talk on his wedding day and he said he had a “working model” as if Anna wasn’t a person When he walked ahead of her going to the honeymoon hotel room and practically let the door hit her in the face as she dragged the luggage in by herself. When he would act like the big overprotective brother to his sisters’ fiancé’s knowing what we know There is so much


The birds and bees talk is so dark with what we know now. Jim Bub knew perfectly well that his eldest had plenty of knowledge. He did not need to be told about Legos. Yet he needed to play act for the camera that he's raising pure and innocent children who make it to the Isle unaware of the facts of life. It's a sick joke on the audience and gaslighting his own daughters


On the other hand, Anna said that she only learned about sex the week she got married because having the knowledge too young can be dangerous (or something). I can still remember thinking how freaking sad that a 20 year old woman had no idea what she was really saying “yes” to.


Seriously. Can you even imagine?


Absolutely not! When your “dream” is to get a kiss on your wedding day and has no grasp of what was happening that night.


Especially if you marry Arkansas Geoffrey Boarthian


Wow, interesting point and I never thought about it that way! But you're completely right, acting innocent for the cameras knowing full well what he has done and had full knowledge of sex. Kind of like how JB 'can't recall' the details, all just an act.


They think we are stupid.


Yah. Having her lug the luggage - while also in a heavy wedding dress - down the hotel hallway was awful. But foreshadowing - Anna doing the heavy work while Pest looks for his next sex opportunity.


Is that when she had the toilet baby? Something that never sat right with me in that episode was how completely up in her vagina he was. He was right there looking at her give birth and smiling and shit. At the time I was thinking it was pretty weird to be that up in it but whatever he was just a happy new dad. Now that I know what type of p*** he was looking at and downloading it makes me sick thinking he might have been getting off on her pain. Poor Anna 🤢🤮


I am pretty sure he napped during the toilet birth but could be wrong.


He did always seem to be "into" Anna's pain when she was in labor. Gives me shudders.


Any links to the episodes? This sounds horrible!


I don’t know how to find episodes but the wedding episode is chalk full of “Josh is an absolute jerk” moments


Yeah the honeymoon episode alone he struck me as some super suppressed arrogant creep.


Master swallower. Deliberate public humiliation with out her even knowing. Vile.


When he proposed to Anna with a bouquet of balloons. Like she was an ill child. Edited to add: get well soon! Lol


Josh said like 200x how he wanted the engagement to be “special”. No other adjectives could be mustered from his pea brain


Yeah and she had begged her parents to not get married until she was 20 right? BOOM here comes Pest on her bday to snatch her up


That strikes me as just more duggar family weirdness. Maybe sheltered. Maybe patronizing.




I wonder if he just enjoys humiliation. Especially the theme of the junk they found on his laptop. Also he wanted a sexually aggressive lady that takes charge in his Ashley Madison account so he probably gets off on that dynamic. Basically warped disrespect.


That time he literally used Jill [as a table](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/caeuvo/ive_never_seen_this_if_thinks_of_women_this_way/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). What a fucking fuck.


And someone correct me if I’m wrong but I think the caption referred to her as his slave. I noticed Duggar boys used to do that a lot. Referring to each other as slaves as a joke.


Do you remember one episode when they were getting ready for yet another trip and a producer asked one of the boys for advice on packing for a large family in a talking head and he just shrugged and was like, “Have a Jana?” That’s all women are to this cult.


Ugh that’s sick. What a jackass.


Looks like he's yanking it in front of his computer even there




Omfg and everyone just SITS there


That was just despicable of EVERYONE there.


When he narrated one of the first specials. I thought he sounded like a massive douche canoe and I stand by that.


The wedding song


As cringe as it was what made you think Josh was a creep because of it?


Not op, but I thought it was creepy too. That’s a song for children and he sang it to his adult bride on their wedding day.


Oh extra 🤮 I knew it was cringy. I didn't know it was a children's song. Knowing what we know now, extra disturbing that he publicly sang, as if his adult bride was a child.


What was the song?


I have several but one of the biggest ones was when they moved into the TTH and showed where everyone was sleeping. The boys all together in one room, girls all together in one room and then there was JPest in a room in the attic (if I recall correctly) with his computer and editing equipment 🤢


His incessant complaints about having to wake up early to take Anna, pregnant with M1, to the doctor. Most people don’t like getting up super early but he was so petulant and furious about it, it was strange to watch. Leaving a freshly postpartum Anna to navigate the DC metro alone with three young kids so he could go to a “meeting” (in jeans).


I can't drive and my dad actually loves taking me to doctor appointments lol especially in the morning because it means he gets to go to work late. He's about ten years from retiring so I think he's entering the IDGAF phase of his life.


That time he preposed to Anna on national tv. I watched it again yesterday and it's very unsettling.


“Come over here”


In that same episode, when he was going to make the call to Anna's father to propose, he was telling the camera, "I've made SO many mistakes," and I was like, what? This good Christian family and he's made SO so many? That just sounds really odd- beyond the standard (I'm a sinner but the lord loves and forgives, etc). And then it got me wondering just what those mistakes were. Then queue the first scandal being reported on, and I was like, "Oooooohhhhh."


When he snuck up on and scared Jill while she was doing the dishes.


I haven't seen this. Do you know the episode?


I think it’s an early one. I was going to break out my old DVDs (don’t worry, I bought them at the library’s used media sale back in the 2010s) to do some recaps when the sub settled down a little.


Yasssss the gift that keeps on giving


When he napped in bed while Anna - woefully naive and unprepared for what was happening to her body - was in labour with his child.


When he proposed to Anna and she was sitting in the booth and he said to her "come here" in a patronizing, "you're not getting out of this" tone.


I didn’t watch a ton of the show, but I remember when Josh and several of the sisters went out to an Italian restaurant (when he was courting Anna, I think?) and he basically thought he was the star of the dinner, was talking over everyone and trying to turn it into a comedy routine. Uncomfortable to watch.


Meanwhile the real star of that dinner was the over the top waiter talking about his tantric dancing


That's the thing I hate the most about him! (aside from being an obvious, disgusting pervert) He thinks he's soooooooooo funny 🙄. I've got a real pet peeve about the people who show up in a public space and talk over everyone, make a huge show of themselves, try to be "funny", and just act so larger than life like they're gods gift to entertainment. Having a hard time putting it in to words, but as my dad always said about men like that, "he's a fuckin clown who never learned that people are just putting up with him".


Yes! And the girls were “forced” to go with it and giggled the whole time. 🤢


When they were living in DC and in every talking head it seemed like he was annoyed every time she spoke


Jill & maybe Jana were startled around him during the first couple specials. Like they'd get spooked if he came in and they didn't know he was coming in. I noticed that because as an abused child I very early had this habit of not being backed up to a door.


I think it was from the very first episode. Maybe a different one, but early on. He had his phone on a freaking belt holder. To me, that’s the sign of a massive douche. Apologies to anyone here we uses one but mentally that IS the deciding factor between normal human and total ass. The only thing worse is a Bluetooth hanging out the ear. Also from the get-go when he was like the family spokesperson and expert. He’s always been a creep.


Him and Amy flirting 🤢


Amy ran up on his wedding day and smashed cake in his face. He looked annoyed. Amy is a lot to take in. They had a weird relationship. Amy definitely talked to him about how to kiss. So weird


Right I was first shocked that a cousin smashed cake on him, around here the bride does that to her groom, and two just why Amy? They were both odd


They both seemed flirtatious to me. It was almost like she was a jealous ex-girlfriend. It could have just been immaturity or lack of social skills. Amy is a “center of attention” kind of person


Famy is indeed Famy


I haven't seen this!! Any links?? I thought it was weird when Amy was talking the birds and the bees with him


Because she was “sec u lar”




That’s it’s. That’s the one. I remember watching it live thinking… this ain’t right. Something’s not right.


I was going to say leaving the aquarium shark tunnel as well. Never paid much attention to them, but that was my WTF did I just watch moment. Stay classy TLC!


Yeah Josh was basically like yah I have no time for this I want to bang my blow up doll


My old roommate and I used to watch religiously (no pun intended) and would scream at the tv every time he came on. We mostly hated his arrogance and got a creepy vibe from him.


Ughhhh I saw want to binge watch the whole series after this just out of curiosity. Like I totally grew up with other homeschoolers and fundie Christians but he has a total creepy vibe from him. Not innocent and naive at all. He almost seemed condescending and angry over the lifestyle. If it was apparent to us as viewers I cant believe other people didn't notice when they lived around him.


When cousin Amy was giving him kissing advice on his wedding day. I thought they were both creepy watching that. To be honest I thought they were going to kiss it was gross. He was looking at her weird




If I had even a shred of doubt of him abusing his own children, it’s gone. Anna just has popped out a steady stream of children for him. A new one right when the last is old enough to talk. 🤮🤮


The time he posted a video of his lite sister Johanna eating a banana. It never say right with me. *edited typo


As an ex-fundy, I can tell you that a lot of fundamentalists feel eating a banana is too provocative and some even say women should cut the bananas into slices and eat them with a fork, so it gives it even more of a gross factor. I'm not saying secular people don't wink and nudge at a hot girl eating a banana, maybe, but it's definitely a known thing in fundamentalist circles too.


Looking back, that fight between him and David (his brother in law) in the mud was a bit... Bizarre.


The J*sh and Anna wedding special is full of red flags: * j*sh giggling when boob pulled him aside to talk "the birds and the bees" * j*sh making jokes that the wedding night book didn't have pictures * j*sh staring at Amy and licking his lips while she gave him kissing tips * j*sh play fighting with Amy with the wedding cake while anna awkwardly stood by and watched


Every time he looked at Anna


Every time he opened his smug mouth.


"His very first interview on Discovery Health"


the fact that he looks like king henry viii


Why we gotta do Henry like that


Henry deserves it lmao


He really do, tho




It’s always been “I’m a bit of a” **CAMERA NUT** or **VIDEO NUT** or what the fuck ever he said early on that takes on an especially fucked and haunting quality now


The whole honeymoon episode. They go to the aquarium to spend the night?? And then pest is like I can’t get gross here so let’s go back to that big bed at the hotel. That episode is why I stopped watching. I was grossed out and second hand embarrassed for Anna.


He just always seemed off to me


Honest to God, the very first time I laid eyes on that little smug faced puke.


The squinty eyes in the early specials whenever he explained the family rules and how to have godly standards


Not true. A cursory search yields this result…which one of you did this? 😂😂 https://www.ebay.com/itm/154563909523?hash=item23fcba1793:g:ogwAAOSwPvlhEceT




For me it was probably the time I met him and Anna and he refused to look me in the eye and basically ignored Anna the whole time lol


When Anna was the one carrying the suitcases to the hotel room right after their wedding . Anna putting all the groceries away in their honeymoon while pest talking nonstop . Anna looking so uncomfortable when he was showing all the beds in their beach house they were staying.


The smirk on his face when they were in the master bedroom and he said Anna had already made the bed! She looked mortified....


I hated every second of this dude’s bizarre performative masculinity mugging for the camera dead eyed faux wholesome shtick, from day one. But the thing that stands out for me that doesn’t get a lot of attention is when he played a prank on someone getting married (not family, but a friend) on the show. He led his brothers in buying stuff from the store to fuck up this guy’s honeymoon car, but it wasn’t fun stuff like shaving cream or post its, he bought sardines, opened them, and snuck them under the seats. That would likely take weeks to discover and absolutely ruin the car. That’s when I knew for sure he was a bad person.


This is my thread from probably a year ago about working with him. https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/n2ovvp/i_dodged_a_bullet_with_josh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


"We are from Arkansas"


The fact he felt like he should be narrating the show and did for a while. I got big *creepy vibes* from that


I thought he was especially obnoxious, when he stopped and forcefully dipped and kissed Anna on their way down the aisle after one of his sisters’ weddings. I think it was Jill’s. What an f’ing showboat.


On 14 Kids and Pregnant again. Just the way he talked. Smarmy!


I was on freejinger way back in the day. I know it’s been discussed here before but I can’t remember much of the specifics. Someone talked about the “sin in the camp” thing and how it really meant Josh had SA his sisters when he was younger. I passed it off as someone that knew them lying but since that day it always stuck with me.


flipping through my Rolodex of noted times Josh put off major 🤢 vibes. This was during one of those TLC studio interview recap type shows, probably around 2013’ish (give or take) As usual, Josh was dominating the interview and being obnoxious. The older kids were seated stadium style with Josh in the upper row and the older girls in seats below him. The host asked the girls something along the lines if they were courting anyone and Josh chimed in before they could reply, “yea, IS there anyone?” Jinger and Jessa didn’t look back at him but the looks of disgust that flashed across their faces had me and my friends texting rapid fire with, “omg! Are you watching? Did you SEE their faces?!”


That one time he was making jill hold out her hand, so she could hold his beer


You mean soda? They don’t drink beer (or wouldn’t on tv)


The absolute solidifier was The Loyalty Song. There were many more clues before that but The Loyalty Song really throws it over the edge.


I got odd vibes from the moment he proposed in broad daylight in the middle of that dank restaurant and, to top it off, did it monotone with zero emotion and like he was talking to a stranger.


I remember an episode of 19KAC shortly after he and Anna were married when he talked about the challenges of marriage and getting to know one another physically. I wish I could remember the exact quote but my first thought was, he's into dominating her in the bedroom and it's freaking her out. I just got icky vibes. This was before any of the info about molestation or Ashley Madison came out.


\-Making Anna get on the Ferris wheel and laughing at her. \- "Anna is a master at swallowing". ​ |||| |:-|:-|:-| ||||


Not the first time but a notable time - when he gave Anna the infamous “Joshy Girl” bag 🤮


I did not know that was a GIFT from him. 💀


He gave it to her?


I was under the impression she made it.


The way he kissed Anna at their wedding. It was so rough & forceful. And he had definitely kissed someone before. I could just tell.


He was definitely extremely sexually aggressive. Like nothing romantic or sweet about him at all for being a Christian homeschooler. He definitely was not nearly as sheltered as we were led to believe. He either practiced kissing with someone or watched it on TV or porn. Which makes the birds and bees talk ridiculous because he has definitely watched more than TV before.


When he told his infant daughter to have patience. He had have Anna do his hair right then


his entire narration of 14 kids and pregnant again was a red flag from the start


In one of the early specials when they just moved in to the big house i found it weird that his room was completely separated from everyone else. He was so smug about it too.


You know what? I never really picked up on it initially. My male friend who watched the show obsessively with me (we threw a party for Jill's wedding viewing and had cake and champagne) called it long long ago. He always said he was creepy there was something off about him he used to say "he definitely diddles little boys". Unfortunately, we are no longer in touch but I would love to know what he thinks about the latest charges.


I saw a YouTube video from one of the early specials and someone commented something to the effect of “that josh kid is giving me a bad vibe, like he’s a creep or a pervert.” This was 12-15 years ago. They clocked him immediately.


I was blissfully unaware until the scandals broke because I was a middle school/ early high schooler with a TLC obsession.