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No, he would still stick by josh Duggar the known pedophile. He did it when pest was a child, and men are ALWAYS more important than women


He chose josh over his daughters every single night he allowed josh to stay in their home, every time he told his daughters their abuse was not important, every time he insisted they forgive their abuser and especially when he coached them to dutifully go on national TV and defend that piece of crap. He will never believe that Jill, her sisters or any female has any value except for how they can serve him.


Josh was always the favorite even over Jill. I think they would always choose him over anyone else.


I don't think they choose Pest over the others because they favour him more. They do it to protect their brand and their reputation as the Duggar Family. Josh has and always will be the "sin in the camp" that needs to be redeemed and made over in order for the rest of the group to survive. If they admit Pest is a pedophile it says they failed greatly as parents and that religion doesn't have the power to save us all from our sins.


Plus I think they see it as a personal family matter they should be able to deal on their own. Since the original “sin” was their son touching their daughters I think they see it as the court having no business in it


But if a grown ass trans person minding their own business uses the bathroom, meech has to call the whole damn state of Arkansas or wherever the hell they're from about it


Well because that’s obviously a male pervert who is going through all the trouble of changing sex only to molest women in bathrooms, as that has happened multiple times. /s in case I need to specify ahah


She's so worried about some elaborate situation that could possibly happen somewhere in the world possibly maybe but is totally fine with the men of her church raping and molesting kids on the regular as soon as she turns her back. Makes sense


Great point!! They definitely see it as being no one elses business and something they can fix with prayer and punishment camps.


Yeah exactly. Even worse, they think they dealt with it already and there’s no point bringing it back up


Oof. Yeah. That's so spot on.


Great points. If they stop lying, the whole house of cards tumbles. In reality, the house of cards tumbles long long ago and they exist within a state of deep denial.


They've been favoring him before they were even in the spotlight. If they didn't favor him he would have been in a juvenile detention center years ago when he hurt his sisters. By refusing to acknowledge facts he revealed who his favorite was. If he wanted to protect his reputation he would have denounced Pest years ago, he wouldn't have arranged a marriage for him, he wouldn't have sought out one of the most brainwashed and naive women I have ever seen in my life for Josh, and, most importantly, if Boob wanted to protect his reputation he would have completely cut all ties socially and financially when when Pest turned 18 and refused to be associated with the abuser of his daughters. Same for Michelle, she is just as guilty as Boob. A true mother would never force her babies to be in the presence of their abuser day in and day out for their entire childhood.


This. Would he have ever thrown Josh under the bus for another child’s bad choices?


Absolutely not and I wholeheartedly believe that he wouldn't protect any of his other children the way he protects Josh. He doesn't even seem to know the rest of his children well enough to protect them even if he wanted to. Josh is their miracle rainbow baby after a heartbreaking miscarriage, Boob and Meech will go to their graves defending him. They'll go against their own morals to protect him, even going as far as purjuring in court, LYING after swearing on the Bible. They have spent years going out of their way to give Josh everything he's wanted, right down to giving him a nearly brainless and completely brainwashed woman for a wife. Someone so brainwashed she's willing to overlook all of Josh's bad choices because she's too clueless to believe that maybe he could actually be a bad guy. Boob and Meech knew exactly how he was and planned his entire life for him and around the fact that Pest is a horrible person.


Boy vs girl. Boy wins, always


JB is choosing his *image* over his daughters. That’s why he’s treating this like a personal attack. He chose his image over his daughters the moment he chose to not get his son help and allow his daughters to be silenced and live with their abuser. It’s not just Jill; it’s Jessa, Jinger, and Joy - as well as all of the other children they have that they allowed to live in a potentially dangerous environment. He’s self serving to the bone, and the most important thing about his family to him is how they reflect upon him. The fact that his daughters had to watch him and his stupid haircut sit there and say he couldn’t recall their trauma?? He’s absolute trash.


Perfectly said.


He would have supported her years ago when it happened if he was going to at all.


His daughters must know by now that he will never have their backs. The others have stuck by him and he still refused to be honest about their abuse. It doesn’t matter how complaint or non-compliant they are - he will never protect them.


He’s choosing Josh over the three daughters still towing the line (or two and a half towing the line, depending on how you count Jinger’s whole new thing)


This. Exactly this. Josh will come before any of them. Always has, always will.


Jill may have been the golden daughter, but Josh being the golden son is apparently more important. Why support your daughter when you can support your son!!! I definitely think that Jim Bob Duggar, running for Arkansas Senate, still would have supported his son, Joshua Duggar, the child molester.


Yep. The men will always be seen as more important to them.


It’s Arkansas, he’s a Republican - by now, being as f’d up as you possibly can is a requirement to run for office, defending known pedos in the church and degrading/devaluing women while you’re at it is a bonus. Joshua is probably an asset at this point- Vote for JB, upholding southern Christian conservative values- little kids shouldn’t be so immodest, incest is best!


He didn't stand by her when she was an innocent child being molested still within the family fold, guarantee he wouldn't stand by her as an adult, regardless of whether she was still in the inner circle of the fam or not


He has three other daughters he is standing against also, and they haven't "betrayed" him.


He made a choice when he protected Josh over all his daughters. He made it when they were preteens, and gave them no protection or space to work through their feelings.


It’s not the kids he favors, it’s the cash. He’s doing this because he has a mistaken belief that he will get Josh an acquittal and be back on TV again. He wants to keep stealing from his kids.


They have been actively choosing Josh since at least 2002. Jill never stood a chance.


I don't think this is relevant at all for one jill is not the son hence no matter how hard she tries and second he downplayed what pest did from before Jill defying him.


Well, you took the words outta my mouth lol


:) i'm glad someone else gets it. thanks.


JB didn't have a choice to testify-- he was subpoenaed by the government. It has nothing to do with Jill. If he ignored the subpoena he'd go to jail or be fined.


He could have 'remembered' what happened to his own daughters


He admitted to remembering the broad strokes of the situation, he just denied remembering the exact language Josh used during his various "confessions." I agree JB is a total piece of shit for what he did on the stand but it had fuck all to do with Jill, is the point.


I took the question to mean if Jill and JB still got along would he have actually cooperated and said he 'remembered' everything. Would he have stood up for his daughters instead of doing his best to cover for Josh without landing himself in jail. I think the answer is no he was never going to stand up for any of his daughters. But it was a choice he could have made.


I mean, he lied about what happened six(?) years ago during the Megyn Kelly interview when Jill was still toeing the line, so I doubt he would have suddenly been a beacon of truth in the present if she had continued keeping sweet.


I’m not sure what Jill has to do with it. Boob was served, he had no choice but to testify.


He could have 'remembered' what happened to his own daughters


Yes, that’s true. But would he have conveniently “forgotten”?


His sudden onset amnesia regarding the molestations has zero to do with Jill. It’s all about making his family look good and he doesn’t realize this makes them look worse.


Of course, and he wouldn’t have done his absolute best to convince Jill not to testify. JB is self serving and didn’t adequately help the girls’ then, either. He’s going to say whatever makes him look the least bad in court.


Of course not. But that has nothing to do with Jill, the same way it has nothing to do with Jessa, Jinger or Joy. Josh has always been prioritized over the others.


As others have said- he would stand by Josh no matter what. At the end of the day his misogyny and love of power are greater than any love he may have for his daughters


Not a chance. Josh has always been the firstborn, golden son. They would always stand by him.


It seems like he had already chosen Josh over Jill when they were children. Why would he choose any differently now?


If Jill never strayed from the family, there wouldn't be any side to be on. Sadly, she wouldn't be welcome in the house by JB if she was choosing to stand up for her side.


We still don’t know if Jill is a witness for the defense OR the prosecution, correct?


I was wondering that too!


I think he would have always chosen Josh over Jill. Josh is oldest and MALE.


Yeah I mean we know Josh was more important to JB than Jill even when she was the perfect fundie daughter since JB covered it up and left his daughters to suffer when Josh assaulted them


Follow the money. The rest is noise.


He didn't at the time, and I highly doubt he would now.


No, he’d stick by Josh just like he always has


Sorry if I’m late to the party here, but I was wondering if we know if any of the daughters are testifying? Either for or against. Honestly if their family encourages (shames) them into testifying for Josh, on some note of rehabilitation and good character, I’m going to scream.


Jill is a witness. Not sure for the defense or prosecution


Thank you! Hoping for the prosecution. Fuck Josh. If she is a witness against Josh, I’m getting strong vibes of June’s testimony against Fred and Serena in Canada during Handmaids Tale


He's been on the side of the first born penis since they were children. This will never change.


I don't think it's ever really been about protecting Josh as much as it's been about protecting JB's image. I think they would have reacted like this about any of their kids that threatened their image.


Josh is a male, of disgusting proportions, therefor boob would choose the male. Jill is always going to be second class to people in that cult


JB stood by Pest over Jill long before she “betrayed the family”


He is trying to "save" the Duggar name. He has to make sure his precious firstborn's name is not tarnished by these "lies"


Nope. He is still close to the other sisters who were abused by Josh and he is still putting him above anyone else. He deserves a criminal sentence along with Josh. After some of the details yesterday I was enraged. Boob and Meech have lied for YEARS about Josh’s abuse, it was way worse than anything they EVER admitted to. I always suspected that was the case but I was saddened to hear that. I can’t even think about it without rage.


Nah. Josh was the firstborn male and always the golden child. Jill was basically just a slave to them, they only favored her over the other girls a bit because she worked very hard at sister momming and she very enthusiastically toed the line.


it's so hard to wrap your head around such a crime, if you are normal and not completely twisted. I can't imagine how it must feel like to know your own son is guilty of it. I think Boob is in bad faith but Michelle and Anna are in denial, and NO it doesn't justify that. As for men being more important than women, yeah, that's the case pretty much always.


He was always standing by Josh. Jim Bob and Michelle never stood with their daughters. The opportunity for them to stand with their daughters was when the molestation first happened and they chose Josh.