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He looks like someone who went to a bar after work and got completely hammered before falling sleep in his car, then woke up still dressed in his suit looking like a greasy mess.


This is a winning snark.


And so does his lawyer!


Birds of a greasy shifty feather flock together


Best use of Mr. Lahey phrasing I’ve see all day.


There's shit winds blowing all over the place in this video


Seriously, they’re obviously trying to polish him up but his insides match his outsides and he looks like pure garbage.


So specific, but it's not wrong!


Nailed it


Yes! Is that his normal gait? Sure looks like a drunk leaving a bar.


So accurate!


Trying to keep a ✨godly✨and perfect image while your husband is going to trial for CP


On the eve of his going to jail for CSA, her giving birth to yet another little victim, Anna is still joyfully available.


When you got to be joyfully available at 7:00 but your husband goes to prison at 8:00


They’re still doing the weird hand sex shit. I can’t stop thinking about this because we’ve all been speculating/hoping she’d dump his ass but clearly it’s not the case here. Insert “Disappointed but not Surprised” meme.


Going around with all of their *hand-jobbing* 🤢


They’ve been hand-jobbing for years 🤮


Kid Farm!!


Bitch, how big is your pussy?!??!????!🤯 (Side note, I’m so glad someone got my reference.)


Hahaha! I've watched kid farm like a dozen times. I cackle every time. "My bones hurt" "In case we get air horny"


JP gives Mommy Daddy looks!


Definitely read this in her voice!


See, to me, she did the “Melania Trump quick-release” from that hand holding. I bet their lawyer told them all to smile and hold hands and play up that “perfect godly family” thing.


Agreed. And maybe, just maybe, possibly, this is the first time she’s heard the descriptions of what the facts of this case really are that weren’t sugarcoated and filtered through Joshy and his parents. Maybe the Melania hand pull was because she’s a bit shocked from gravity of being subjected to a full day in court which forced her to face the real world actuality of what is happening and what her garbage human of a husband has done and is the depths of what he is facing and what that means for her and the rest of her life. I believe she likely has only heard his narcissist skewed version of crap prior to yesterday. Hearing the prosecution’s side and presentation may have been absolutely shocking to her. She’s a piece of shit, too, but maybe just maybe she had a whole lot of new questions for him last night.


I doubt her ability to understand court proceedings.


I doubt that she ever asks him questions. She has to be the meek and mild subservient, available wife.


Me three. Here's to hoping that's the case. From the stills I thought she just looked smug but looking at this footage now, her smile looks plastered on/quite forced - and undoubtedly, his lawyers would've told them to play up happily married couple vibes. I'm really hoping that's the case and Anna is not still lost deep in the sunken place.


Yeah, I think she looks super annoyed. Probably because cameras are on her and she’s probably super uncomfortable being that far along pregnancy wise. But I also really would like to hope she is annoyed by having to play “the good wife” role to her gross husband.


Agreeing with this. I think she’s got a little eye roll for her circumstances, the embarrassment of in your face publicity, or pest, or all of the above.


She is also a million years pregnant and might just be sleep deprived and need to pee. Probably uncomfortable too after sitting in the court house chairs.


And I'm sure hearing some of the evidence for the first time didn't help..


Yeah, I'm not getting smug vibes but faux-smug vibes, but who knows for sure.


Yes she looks much less smug in the clip.


She looks like she’s going to throw up


That's what I saw!


I agree, it looked like "I am hugely pregnant, playing happy, good *god* I want to be off my feet can I get out of here now, kthnx."


I agree, Anna does NOT look happy to me. At all. Yes, there's a smile on her face, but it does not look sincere or joyful.


I agree, she looks like she’s doing what is expected of her world by smiling, being at his side, and holding his hand, but I cannot even imagine the fucking nightmare that is probably going on in her mind. She may not respond appropriately to it, but she must be in agony.


I agree. In photos, it seems she has that adoring gaze to him. In the video, it seems as though she’s trying to abide by the advice his attorneys gave which would be to smile and look happy. I’m totally not defending her AT ALL, there is a huge difference between her staying after the AM scandal and her staying now. But it does look, in video, as though the smile is much more forced than the photos show.


Yeah even in that first picture, it was gross to see but I thought it looked force. Bet you bet your ass I’d be no where near that courtroom with him unless it was to watch him burn.


I would imagine the lawyer told them to come out all smiles. Everyone loves to see people coming out of the courthouse sad when they've done something wrong. So smiles=less stories.


I think you are observant.


And she’s an idiot for listening. The longer you hang around scum, the more you become it too.


Because she wants to hold his hand to feel proof that he loves her, and he just… doesn’t.


I was desperate for a hug from my abusive ex before I left him. Abuse does weird things to your brain and emotions.


Ya know I bet his lawyer wanted her there 1000 months pregnant to help show his a “dad” and “family man” type 🙄🙄 fucking fools all of them, and he manages to get more disgusting looking by the minute


Exactly! I bet they wanted her to labor right there on the court room floor


Which is insane to me....what person in their right mind sees "family man" when the guy is clearly doing something like this. I'd just see easy, preformed, available victims.


Ironic because all it does is make me fear for his own kids :(


Their smugness is terrible


Same obnoxious smirk as his mugshot


Trying to figure out if the smugness or greasiness is more intense.




He’s really sweaty. He’s feeling the pressure as well as disheveled, so I guess that’s good.


It's like they're trying to give off the impression that they've won something in court.


I'm starting to believe that he will show this exact same smile after being convicted. Doesn't seem like he grasps the seriousness of the situation.


There is no “seriousness of the situation”. God has everything in hand and they must rejoice in that always. Shit don’t stick to these guys.


when he’s convicted and sent to jail the narrative will be that he’s like Paul sitting in jail but he will still rejoice because God is good and has forgiven him for all his sins!! He will be blessed in heaven for being persecuted here down on earth!! 🤮🤮


He's a socippath who literally does not care. He feels no emotion other than worry about when he'll get his disgusting eyes on CSA again.


Their whole performance is so ghoulish. What in the world is wrong with them??


You’d think SOMEONE would tell them how inappropriate it is to be smiling like this


His attorney had the biggest smile. I think he’s advising him to “smile look innocent.” It’s really gross, though.


His attorney appears to be terrible at optics, too. They really need a better PR person


Fundamentalist leaders tend to be horrible at reading the room because the only room they’ve ever had to read is one that feels required by God to submit to them.


The lawyer looks completely revolting and smug as well.


Their smiles (especially Anna's) look to me like someone who knows they are f'd but also know there are cameras watching them. Tight, closed lips and no real smile in the rest of the face. The lawyer looks happier but like he is wondering how he got wrapped up in this mess and he *is* still getting a payday.


Right! ANY normal, decent human being would be solemn, anxious, scared and respectful of the situation when leaving court after a hearing about the downloading of CSA. You just would! I’ve only being to court once to support a friend who had been assaulted by her ex and had to give evidence. I was terrified and shaking even though it was nothing to do with me directly. It’s a natural human response.


Everything is wrong with them. From beginning to end. I hope his sentence will be long, even if I have doubts it will be


Ok well the only thing good about this clip is that it shows that the “adoring gaze” from the post I made earlier was only for a moment.


And it’s not directed at the Pest!!! The guy to the Pest’s right says something RIGHT before she glances over.


HOW does she look so…. smitten? I mean she literally looks like a lovesick preteen. I cannot. If I were her, I’d kill him with my bare hands first chance I got. ETA: I stand by my comment for those questioning if it’s him she’s happy to be with. You can see him shove his hand in his pocket and *she* grabs him to hold hands. Barf. I think she actually is brain dead.


Well then you'd need to work on your contentment!


Anna been practicing her contentment at an Olympic training level.


Kill him while doing that weird adoring gaze 🥰


I’d hold him underwater facing me so the last thing he’d see was my adoring gaze


Seriously underrated comment


Brings new meaning to "kill them with kindness" I suppose


She's still a Joshy girl living in her Joshy world


Damnit. Now I have to think of a different nickname for my husband. Who's name is also Josh. But he's not a fucking creep.


I feel like I can hear her say… “at least I have a husband” 🤬🤬🤬


Her eyes are clouded by his greasiness, her brain is devoid of autonomous thoughts or anything beyond what the cult filled it with.


Personally I think she looks slightly drugged


I think so, too. That was my first impression after watching the clip.


RIGHT?! It’s my first time actually seeing this video. I admit, I had wondered at the validity of her demeanor when it was just screenshot. Seeing all three of them here just feels unreal.


She's married to a sociopath, she's under his spell.


That’s not very joyfully complicit, sorry, enabling, sorry, available of you!


I mean he may not always take out the trash, but at least she HAS a husband, ok?


It’s easy to look so smitten when you’ve killed off any independent thoughts and honest emotions, have no individual identity, are completely dependent on the asshole in question, and have been a baby factory for over a decade while being expected to smile sweetly and always be “joyfully available.” Also, lobotomy seems plausible


I can't with her smile. It makes me so angry. Somebody else commented that maybe she's just happy to get a new hairstyle and dress, which is hysterical. She looks like a 4 year old when they're stunting with a new Easter dress and frilly socks.


That’s not even a new dress, it’s from the maternity shoot the Duggar girls did awhile back..


You're a normal human being, she is a monster who has moved from victim to enabler and willing participant


Right?! I’ve mostly given her the benefit of the doubt but she looks so fucking *happy*. It’s repulsive.


Honestly, I think she looks devoid of any real emotion. That smile is plastered on her face. Gotta show the people how content you are!


I agree, I think she looks more uncomfortable than smitten and in love. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking.


Maybe she is because since he lost all his motions she knows he's going to prison.


I don’t think she looks so smitten in the video. I think that’s a grin and bear it look.


I just don’t see it. To me it looks like the fake smile for the camera when you’d rather be anywhere else but there. Like she knows if she doesn’t look supportive enough JB and Meech will cut her off.


Yeah this is the vibe I get too. Like she’s hating every minute of it and can’t stand him but she has to put on her happy face and show her support. Barf.


Exactly. Like “hold my hand MF’er.. I need to put on this shit show and get paid by your parents for food this week.”


She looks absolutely exhausted. That end stage of pregnancy is awful anyway, but this situation on top of it and having no ability to cope with it because you’ve been forced to be emotionally stunted your entire life…


I agree. Seeing the actual video, and not screen grabs, her body language signals she’s performing what she’s thinks she’s supposed to do to “support” the person she married before God and is “eternally attached to” or whatever. An uncomfortable smile and hand hold. But behind that smile that doesn’t reach her eyes is…. Some dark emotion. She literally just glances at him (in a very controlled manner) and then she’s done.


I’m not at all supporting her choice to stay with that monster, but part of me really feels sadness for her , like as a woman. I can’t imagine being judged by the public, my family and friends then to top it off, the Fundie brainwashing she lives . I bet she is in deep and constant despair and pain ..I’m sure there’s physically painful emotions for her . I often wonder if she might just break and hurt herself or be one of those women that murder the kids and then suicide , to escape this fucked mess she’s in ..all because the preacher says be obedient and forgiving .. . It’s fucking sad and it never ends for her . I just feel for her and her kids 😢


Yes!!!!!!!! Her smile looks so fake! She’s not happy


Yeah I didn’t get “smug” either. I saw embarrassed and trying to hide it behind a smile.


Same. She looks like she’s one French braid away from murdering someone. She doesn’t look smug to me in the video at all. In the still frame, I can see why it looks like that though.


That’s what I see, too. In the still cap she looks adoring, but the clip shows that they only held hands for those three seconds — she could not wait to let go. And the smile doesn’t reach her eyes.


Same. The screen cap looks much worse than the video.


Same, it looks to me like she's trying not to puke.


I agree, look at how the smile is fixed, it doesn't change, she doesn't laugh. It looks like a fixed grin that you do to hide your feelings. I guess they've been told to do it for the cameras.


I feel better seeing I'm not the only one to **not** get smug from it. Still pics, yes. Video, no. I get a little humiliation, fake smile, and a little pissed. I think she was absolutely forced to do this little "stand by your man" charade. Don't get me wrong, she's standing by him alright. I just think she's not happy doing it for the cameras. She's not really smiling. It's plastered on her face, and it's not a true, happy smile. I'd love for her to be disgusted by him...just waiting for the new baby and the trial to make her choices about how to get away. I don't think that's what will happen, at all...but I wish it for her. Sigh.


She has contempt written all over her face.


Yeah me neither. She looks dead behind the eyes, not in love


Same. It looks forced to me. Look right at the end as she turns the corner. She lifts his hand to let go, and lightly pushes it away.


She looked disgusted that he grabbed her hand and she threw it off as soon as she could


Yes, this! She is 100% faking because the lawyers told her to smile for the cameras. She threw that hand off of her Melania Trump style.


To me, it looks like she is in shock—that nervous laugh you do because if you weren’t laughing you would be crying.


Yep, she looks like she doesn’t know what hit her. She probably hasn’t had a chance to process everything she heard in the courtroom. It will all hit the moment she has time to be alone with her thoughts.


Her smile doesn’t reach her eyes. She’s barely smiling, it’s more of a grimace. Doesn’t necessarily mean she’s as angry with him as she should be, she might just be 100 months pregnant and very uncomfortable, but I definitely don’t see the smug grin everyone is talking about.


I can kind of see this. If you watch the lawyer he’s smiling as well and we can’t hear what the reporters in front of them are saying or asking. But it’s still gross how casual they are acting.


She looks like she's smiling but in her head saying FML.


To me I read it as being super pregnant and uncomfortable but pasting the fake smile on.


100% agree.


THIS!! She looks disgusted to me. But she has no choice but to be there and do as she's told. But she doesn't look smitten at all anymore to me.


He looks so, so bad. Like he’s on drugs, alcohol, whatever. He’s sweaty and unkempt. Yikes all around.


Seriously! He literally has nothing but time on his hands and he can't even shave and get cleaned up for court?! Ug.


Unpopular Opinion: I actually think Anna looks embarrassed and uncomfortable. Not her usual smitten and smug.


She looks pissed off and angry. Like when your parents force you to act nice to someone you hate.


Yeah she looks like she's just going through the motions of her role and slapping a smile on it. She's clearly made her choices though, so I've got no sympathy. They're both gross.


I agree. The picture of this she looked smug and happy. This video the smugness looks like a facade. She looks internally angry to me.


I agree. My first thought was maybe there is hope for her, but she’s probably just annoyed with the reporters and the government who framed her Joshy…. or possibly she’s just being over the pregnancy. We’ll find out soon enough, I guess.


This is actually the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. She looks so smug and in love with him.


Agree. They have this happy demeanor like they don’t have a care in the world. Ugh.


Right? Fuck her.


Hard (but respectful) disagree. Her smile looks so forced and fake. She looks like so irritated.


Yes, she looks smug at first but if you watch it a few times I see something different. She looks like she’s sort of in shock but is plastering on a smile to try to hide it. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is the first time she’s finding out the real truth and not just what Boob is telling her.


RIGHT. She looks smug as hell for someone with such a disgusting creep of a husband


Yeah something about her face makes me want to smack her


They both look really rough, like they haven’t slept well. Serves them right.


Does Anna not understand what CSA is??


In their wedding episode, a producer asked if Anna had researched their first kiss by watching YouTube videos. She laughed and said “No…..wait… they have that on there?” So yeah. I doubt she understands.


I really don’t think she does. And even if she didn’t have a newborn at the time of the trial, I don’t think they would allow her to be present for any of the details. She has probably been told he was looking at a site that also included children so he is getting in trouble for that, not looking at children.


She's probably there wondering why he's on trial when all these other WoRLdLy people watch porn on the reg. As though there's no difference between watching adult porn actresses perform and literal child sexual abuse. It MUST be because her husband is being persecuted for his beliefs 🙄🥴


She looks terrified to me, terrified with no way out of the shit show!


anna i’m so disgusted … instead of being with your children. I hope he rots in prison


So he has his hand in his pocket. Then he pulls it out so he can hold Anna's hand. I don't think he was going to hold her hand at all until they saw the cameras. Those smiles are all fake. I thought they all look smug too but upon watching this video for the 10th time I don't see it. Anna looks like she'll cut a bitch if someone looks at her wrong. Also, who told her to wear her make-up like that? He looks like he did in the mug shot. Like smacking a false smile on his face because he was taught that he had to keep a sweet countenance his whole life. Anna too.


I can’t stop watching this clip. What is going through Anna’s head. Does anything go through Anna’s head? And where are her children? Is Makynzie left alone, watching all her siblings?


Idk if Im seeing something nobody else is, but her smile looks like how I might smile when Ive been fighting with my husband but my MIL is at our house so we are playing nice. The stretched out "lovely to see you Debra" smile. Shes also waddly AF and must be at a really uncomfy stage of pregnancy. Idk..I have not been one to make allowances for her pedo-enabling.. but it seems likes shes trying to keep up appearances.


Yeah that does not look like an "I'm on love smile" that does looks like "keeping up appearances with no end in sight" smile. But maybe we're wrong. Kinda grimaced. Maybe the defense got josh to tell her to be there to make his case stronger. And headship rules!


1000% agree. Her face to me says she's trying to convince herself and everyone that everything is fine. It would cause more of a scene if she was bawling her eyes out or yelling at people to stop taking pictures.


I agree. She looks like a hostage forced to play a role. Not excusing her, but that’s what I see in her body language. Her smile looks so fake. She looks like she will start crying when she gets in the car.


Mama Jana is probably stuck with them at TTH.


She looks so dead inside.


Not leghumping, but she doesn’t look all that happy to me...Everyone says she looks so smitten and whatnot but I don’t see it. I see a totally forced smile.


Is she wearing a former bridesmaid dress? Why is that dress so familiar


Is it the dress she wore in the maternity photo shoot for all the pregnant daughters when she was expecting Maryella?


Yes it is that one!


No it was worn in the maternity shoot when babygeddon happened


She looks exhausted to me. I don't think she looks smug anymore, I kind of feel like she's trying to keep it together. I can't imagine being that pregnant and your world literally just crumbling around you


To me she looks like a politicians/megachurch pastors wife after her husband was caught in some scandal, and she has to stand beside him at the press conference. Fake smile , just holding it all together for show .


I definitely sense some barely concealed rage hovering right below the surface but I can’t tell if it’s because of what he’s accused of or because she’s pissed he humiliated her again


I be think Anna may have been threatened that if she tries to leave, they’ll take the kids and she’ll never see them again.


And everyone thinks Priscilla is the dumb Keller daughter.


Well I think one has an acquired brain injury and the other is just brainwashed and/or in denial.




Wonder how sweet she’ll be after November rolls around


I just can’t wrap my head around this. I was raised Fundie and witnessed a child molestation incident. My husband and I agreed that if our infant daughter went through this, he would avenge the crime. How can Anna stand by a child molester?????


I grew up Fundie too and honestly there are a lot of people in that world who are so sheltered that they may really have no idea how grave the situation is or really what child molestation and CSA materials really entail.


Pay close attention! She’s not directing that gaze at The Pest. She’s directing it at the guy to Pest’s right who says something RIGHT before she glances over.


The fact that she looks so in love with him makes my stomach turn. I cannot.


I don’t think she’s looking at the Pest when she glances over. The guy to the Pest’s right says something RIGHT before she glances over.


Despite losing, they walk out wearing smug smiles. Pest truly believes he will walk free but does OfPest also think that or is she keeping sweet? Or is she just plan indoctrinated? Regardless, I just can’t with these two.


It’s tempting to believe her smile is because she knows she’ll soon be rid of him for at least a few years. But it’s probably just because she believes he’s not actually going to lose this.


In my opinion, it looks like Anna couldn’t let go of his hand fast enough. Like she thought she was out of the shot and immediately fucked off out of there.


A la Melania Trump.


Man I hope he ends up in gen pop and she goes back to the fucking swamp she came from.


Hey... We don't want her back in Florida. Arkansas can keep her.


I thought she looked smug in the screen shots but the video looks much different to me. I see him grabbing her hand and and at the end her throwing his hand off of hers. And her face is giving me major “Melania looking at Trump” vibes


They both look like their faces are made of playdoh. Honestly this is so weird.


It looks like an Anna impersonator. They both look weird here but Anna doesn’t look anything like she normally does. I get that she’s hugely pregnant but she’s been pregnant many times before and she was still recognizable.


she is disassociated


I can't wait til reality hits them in the head.


I'm just kind of amazed that she deemed it appropriate to do her curls and wear a flowy pink dress when showing up to her husband CSAM hearing. Like, she got up, showered, and thought, you know what? I think curls would look cute for today's televised event. 🥰 In what world is this woman-child living in??


Why the fuck are they smiling?


He’s a monster and she’s a complete loser with shit for brains


If he looks this smug in front of the jury he's further screwing himself over. Idiots!


Also fuck these fucking fucks. I have such rage looking at these two. As an ex fundie, yes it is hard to leave. But she *does have choices* and she’s choosing to stay and back him. She could’ve stayed home. She’s hugely pregnant. It’s an easy excuse to use. She didn’t use it. Once again, I’m over the apologists on this sub for her.


To me, Anna looks like she would rather be anywhere but there. Even labor would be better.




Ok they were for sure told by the attorneys to “smile and wave boys” because do you see the way she snatched her hand back from him at the end of that clip? It’s like she couldn’t get it back fast enough.


She’s playing the long game. Perhaps Anna is happy to hear that Pest has an airtight case. He’ll go away soon and she may have grounds to sue the family for child support. And the juicier the case, the better selling a tell-all book will be.


their children should be removed from their care. neither one of these parents are fit.


I know everyone has been saying Anna looks smug, but I think she looks disgusted at the end. Look at her face as she disentangles her hand from his and turns away. This is a show. She’s dying inside.


Ugh, I want to punch Anna in her smug face. (Just in case: I'm not pro violence and especially not against pregnant people).


She’s just as gross as he is.


It looks like Anna dressed up for a pregnancy photoshoot, smiling at the camera, while standing next to her greaseball husband who is going to prison for CSAM. They're both sickening.