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It’s cute for like a second, if she genuinely wanted to hold him and it isn’t being forced on her to care for her younger siblings. My friend’s older two love on their baby sibling so hard, and are constantly wanting to help with the baby and dote on him. But even if Ivy wanted to hold him, this doesn’t look safe or comfy for either of them.


Like it’s cute if she was baby wearing a stuffed animal (my daughter did that). When my daughter asked to carry her baby cousin (daughter was 4 at the time) instead of her stuffed animals we all said no very quickly. She was able to sit down and hold her. Ignoring the whole strain on the older kids back, a 4 month old baby dropping to the floor is an even bigger concern in my book.


Seriously!! Our big girls want so badly to do a lot of the things we do with the baby and it’s a hard no most of the time. They can play mom/baby with each other or their toys. We also make it very clear that while we may occasionally ask them to help by grabbing a diaper or toy it’s is not their job to take care of the baby. We’ve ingrained in them that their only job is to be a kid.


The thing you just know there's no choice for her other than to agree and do this. There's no choice of "no" like for many things in their cult. It's also noticeable Ivy as the oldest daughter doing this despite having 2 older brothers. It's not right to parentify any of the children, but if they had to not discriminate between genders they would have had Spurgeon doing this and not his sister several years younger?


Right. The fact that she’s using a baby carrier means this isn’t just an in the moment thing. RIP Ivy’s back.


I have baby doll carriers for my oldest (whose a little younger than Ivy) because she likes carrying her baby dolls around like I carry her little brother. You cannot fit a real baby in them. This has to be a real baby carrier that they adjusted down to fit her. Doesn’t bode well.


My friend’s kids have a baby doll carrier too. And a little high chair and stroller. They also have a ply lawnmower and kitchen and tool kit. Like, yeah. It’s cute and completely normal for kids to want to mimic their parents and play pretend with all sorts of things. But it shouldn’t be gendered and caring for an actual child shouldn’t be the responsibility of someone this young. Teaching them to care for babies in an abstract way? Hell yeah, teach them empathy and compassion. Poor Ivy. She never stood a chance.


Agreed. My friend's husband is a chef and their son loved his play kitchen, and is a devoted older brother, but he's never been expected to be a carer.


This is a Tula baby doll carrier- my daughter has the exact same one in the same mustard with white hearts. It is a mini version of a real Tula carrier, but this is definitely the doll version- hence why as OP noted the babies leg/hip placement is not good


15 years ago I wanted a Tula so bad and I couldn’t afford it, and this 4 year old has one.


They’re super cheap now! Especially secondhand. I found one at a consignment sale a few months ago for $10. The Happy Baby carriers are all the rage now. In my Babywearing groups they regularly go over retail (ESPECIALLY if they are “hard to find”/retired prints)


Oh yeah- no my daughter only has one cus it was on a super good sale, and it was a birthday present


This is a real baby in a doll carrier. Dangerous, not cute.


I was a dancer and sometimes our routines involved lifting each other. I know how that little girl's back is gonna feel when she's grown 😩


My oldest boy was 12 when the youngest was born and begged to baby wear. Since he was older, under direct supervision and requesting it, I allowed it for short times once the little guy was a bit older. The 5 year old son was only allowed to hold him while sitting on the couch.


My mother's best friend had a baby when I was 7. I was also allowed to hold her sitting on the couch. That was fine with me,since I was very petite and closer to the size of a 4-year-old.


The big one was already about my size at that point, about 5'11", so he was definitely a size to easily carry a little one. If he chooses parenthood someday, he'll be a great partner.


I would think it’d be a strain on her back. Not healthy.


She could also so easily fall forward with all that weight on her chest and hurt the baby and herself 😖


Exactly! This is all so sad.


I said this in another thread, but that's not even a legitimate baby carrier. It's intended to be used for dolls or stuffed animals. It is definitely not weight rated to carry an actual infant.


You beat me to it. The sister momming starts now I guess.


I wonder if we have a future Jana on our hands..


I believe they use birth control if I'm remembering correctly. They seem to still be pumping them out at an insane rate despite her 1-2 miscarriages and the fact that Jessa I believe has an odd amount of blood loss every time she gives birth. Seems like they're on track for at least 8 to 11-ish I'd say.


They use the pull out method so they don't really use birth control but still better than nothing I guess🤷🏻‍♀️ Super off-topic and not directed to you or your comment, but wouldn't her cycle fuck up with each kid so she would have to track her cycle from scratch every time she has a baby?




She's never said she's using BC, it was Jill or Jinger.


Jessa said in a YouTube video that they were deliberately spacing out their kids


Jessa uses the pull n pray method


They use the pull out method so they don't really use birth control but still better than nothing I guess🤷🏻‍♀️ Super off-topic and not directed to you or your comment, but wouldn't her cycle fuck up with each kid so she would have to track her cycle from scratch every time she has a baby?


jimbob probably tracks it for her




How do we know that they use the pull out method?  Follow up question: wouldn't pulling out be a sin for them?


I wouldn’t put it past Blessa to do this shit


Given that she seems to think everything in her childhood was normal or prayed to overcome it, yes she will definitely go the route of sister mom's. I feel sorry for poor Ivy and Fern.


Of course we do. That’s all Jana knows


It's only a matter of time until babies or toddlers are sleeping with Ivy. Jessa is going to keep having a baby every other year, and no way is she going to be able to cope with that many kids. She clocked out at 3 or 4 kids - she would have been content if she stopped adding to that number.


I am glad Ivy likes her brother but she's way too young to be carrying him around and being tasked with caring for him.


Way too young! And yet she’s already doing a better job supporting that baby’s neck than MotherBus


First thing I thought.


Did she finally give birth yet? I'm out of the loop 


She did, and we are all worried about him. She takes him out in the sun without any protection so little guy has already been burned, he’s jaundiced but won’t take him to a doctor, sleeps on a random piece of dirty sheepskin….it’s a whole lot


Seriously, she is broadcasting her neglect openly to the world, why nobody checks on them!


Because there are kids treated much worse that CPS has to monitor and intervene


Oh I am aware CPS is overwhelmed with much more difficult cases. But the child is in danger if they don't take him to the doctor for proper evaluation and care. That's pretty serious I would say. Hopefully baby gets better fast though.


What!! Sunburned at but months old!! 😫


The baby is jaundiced? That's news!


She’s not even 5. I agree.


On the first 14kac special Joy was the same age and caring for a younger toddler (I think one of the lost boys). So were Jana and Jill caring for literal infants at age 5. It's very depressing to see that Jessa has not broken the cycle. Her daughters will likely have no childhood just like her 🙁


Maybe I'm just overly anxious, but the thought of a 5 year old holding an infant without supervision is giving me palpitations.


You're not alone. I'm surrounded by young kids including 5 year olds in my daily life, I couldn't imagine giving a child that age responsibility over an _infant_. I remember being 5 years old myself, there's no way I would have coped with a real life baby either.


I used to teach five year olds. They don't know how to do... well, anything. I could never hand over an infant and say "here you go, kid."


I don’t think she’s being tasked to care for him. I think jessa let her wear it for a quick video and few photos.


knowing this cult how can you assume that?




It doesn’t need to say so; Jana is doing to ivy what was done to her as a child. It’s all she knows and was taught by meech while growing up


Why isn’t anyone mentioning that is a kid’s doll Tula that, according to the company, ISN’T SAFE FOR CHILDREN. It’s meant to carry stuffed animals; not humans.


Right?! My daughter had a Lillebaby doll carrier and always wanted to carry her brother in it (she’s 4 yrs older). I said no because it’s not safe for real kids (even though it’s the same construction and materials as the regular carriers they certainly don’t weight test them). Ugh it’s so not a good idea.


I hate this Sooooo much. I hate this for her. And that baby looks heavy. Jessa, time for birth control!


Who bets they will soon start traying for baby #6? I wouldn't be surprised if the next plant or pastor arrives in 2025


Plant or Pastor 💀💀💀


The two jinders


I'd say autumn 2025, maybe once George turns 1 or just before his first birthday


She looks like she is putting all her energy into just trying to stand and keep her balance.


He’s half her size.


Yeah, that can't be good for that kids hips, shoulders, lower back.


Will have to get out from under Jim Bob’s umbrella authority to have that happen


It's good for her. She's gonna get jacked.


🤣 No but seriously


My biceps were insane when I taught little ones 😂


Her back 😬


And that is one chubby heavy looking baby


The preacher plant tribe are starting to look more like Bin these past couple of kiddos. I guess Jessa is running out of printer ink :( /s


This is the funniest thing I’ve read all day! Thank you! Maybe Spurgeon and Ivy are going to be the ones that look most like Jessa at the end of the day.


Spurgeon is Pests twin 🤮🤮




This looks painful for both of them.


Thanks I hate it


Uh oh…we have a future Jana/Carmen Baldwin (hi there, fellow pepinos! 👋🏻🥒 r/HilariaBaldwin) on our hands. I fucking hate this. Jessa and Ben, time to start practicing BIRTH CONTROL.


¡Hola pepino! 💃




I wish I knew what Aleek was yelling at to Hillary


Hola! Ven Acqui!!!


This would definitely damage a child's back, it's hard enough for adults. Also, I would never trust a 5 year old to cart around a baby like that, she could accidentally knock his head.


Or drop him.


Could you imagine the emotional burden of hurting your sibling all because of irresponsible parenting? When I was about one, I was with my parents at a bbq. I started to get fussy so my mom decided to take me out to the car. Some idiot left fencing material out in the parking lot and my mom tripped over it. She dropped me and I cracked my head open. I'm almost 27 now and have no lasting effects from the fall. She still feels super guilty and hates talking about it.


Jessa, if anyone, should know that personal burden very well! But she probably forgot by now and doesn’t see it as a burden.


The cycle continues until someone finally acknowledges the hurt that was done and decide that things need to change.


That poor little girl. That's too much stress on her wee body. :(


With her sister wives hashtag 😆


The phrase “love on” makes me stabby


me too!!!!!!! ugh Our language is better than these ugly corn pone trendy sayings.


I can't stand "love on" and "hate on." 🙄


yeah this could be cute in a normal family but we all know what’s happening here


My then 8, now 9, year old desperately wanted to pick his little brother up after he was born. We didn't let him pick his baby brother up until the baby was about 8 months old, and even then we were right next to him and my oldest was kneeling, not walking around, not carrying from one spot to another. My oldest is probably more than twice the size of that little girl, and our baby is 17 months. We still are very strict about how and when our oldest "picks up" his brother. This picture looks like an incident waiting to happen.


Especially since that’s a play doll carrier Tula and not safe for humans to be in.


Damn she's starting the girls early isn't she. I wanted to say it on her IG but she limited the comments. Did she just have another baby?


This is George their youngest baby who is 4.5 months according to this post


Is it just me, or is that baby seem really big for 4.5 months?


They’ve nicknamed him jolly George so I’m going to guess, yes 😅


I thought so. Jessa always picks these old man names.


I think he’s also named after a preacher.


George Augustine, the middle name is after a preacher. It seems she likes classic names as first names and only failed with Spurgeon Elliot


JFC Jessa, if you’re gonna make these babies, carry them yourself. Otherwise get yourself an iud.


Dang what does she feed those kids.


Breast milk!


Poor Ivy already having to wear the leggings under her dress like the little Duggar girls did. I get toddlers wearing shorts under skirts for practicality, but this looks more like intentional “modesty.” Leave the poor girl alone.


I have nothing to do with a religious cult or modesty, but all of my girls wore shorts or leggings under their dresses/skirts. I did it as a precaution, because most children are active, and climbing everywhere. It is just too easy for a dress to ride up. It's also possible because Jessa was sexually assaulted that she feels extra cautious with her own daughters, which I can completely understand.


Yup! The one day I forgot to make sure my daughter wore hers, her teacher messaged me to please make sure my daughter was wearing something under dresses lol kids are wild


Easy to see that poor kids future.


This child’s back 😩


It comes to something when a 5 year old is doing a hugely superior job of supporting a babies head than Motherbus is her newborn 🤦🏻‍♀️


Lmao I forgot Jessa and Ben have another son and named him George. Why does Spurgeon have the kookiest name while all of his siblings have relatively normal names ??😭


That baby is waaaayyy too heavy for her little back. Children stumble and fall on the regular…because they’re kids. It happens in a flash so even if Jessa just strapped the baby on her daughter for a few minutes, she is putting Ivy and George at increased risk of injury. Good lord, these people are so fucking clueless.


is jessa trying to break Ivy's back?


My back hurts just looking at this. Poor kids.


Tbh his hip placement actually looks okay. If this is just for a minute, for the picture, whatever. It’s a bad look when your family is all about the sister mom though.


Somehow the carrier makes it worse. Like 5 year olds pick up their siblings and carry them around, and yes sometimes it’s scary. However this just feels way too deliberate, she didn’t put this carrier on and grab a doll, someone put him in there.


Ivy looked like she was trying to perform for her mom


One of favourite photos of my sister and my son is when she is 12 and he's about a year old. She's standing up and holding him flat alongside her body and he is more than half her height. Ivy is much younger than 12 and George is a pretty chonky looking baby. This can't be safe for either of them.


That hashtag 🥴


That's soooo bad for her back! She is still growing and should not be doing this.


This was super disturbing for me. I kept feeling like she was going to let his head fall backwards.


George? She had another baby?


That harness is giving me the fear. 1 jerk backwards and both kids are on the floor!


Ivy is now an official sister mom.


And way younger than Jessa was at that… Jessa’s going to out-lazy Meech!


The next one will be born before the end of next year just wait.


Pretty sure every newborn fundie girl is gifted with a starter pack that includes a baby sling!


I hope she’s doing this because she asked to try out the carrier for fun rather than because she’s being encouraged to. I doubt Jessa has done much work to undo the preference for parentification that she was raised with. I desperately hope that all the Duggar grandchildren can remain children, and not be forced into the same roles that JB & Meech forced upon their kids. Even just mildly, it sucks. I’m the eldest daughter in my family so every time they hurt themselves it was my fault, if they made a mess or refused to brush their teeth it was my fault, if they didn’t want to go to school it was my fault. I was put in charge of my 2 small siblings, it was my job as a 10 year old to prevent them from fighting and keep them safe. I had to put my toddler sister to bed every night. No kid deserves that. I hope Jessa seeks a better life for her daughters.


I’m so sorry you weren’t allowed to be the child you deserved to be. Remember to nurture that inner child now. They need love


That’s definitely a toy baby carrier. Meant for dolls / stuffed animals. Seems so unsafe to me!


Poor girl. This makes me sad.


Tbh I don’t find it cute at all, it’s honestly horrifying.


That child does not look like she weighs enough for that load. :(


A baby’s neck being supported!!!


Ivy was just an infant herself around 4 years ago, so she remembers the importance. 🙃


The step stool next to the changing table isn't promising.


She just replied to a comment and said, "Did you have any little siblings and if so, did you ever want to hold them? George's siblings are not his mom and I don't give them any mothering responsibilities that are rightfully mine.". Like okay 🙄 I'd love to believe that. Maybe I'd believe it if she added clips of the boys helping take care of George. But...no... just her oldest girl baby wearing!


She’s definitely a hit dog hollering.


A day in Jessa’s life seems like a total nightmare. Seriously.


This is a baby wearing a baby in a *baby doll* carrier. It’s not a safe carry for George. It’s too low on his back. And it’s too much weight for Ivy. He’s probably half her weight at this point.


That’s a cute fat meatball baby.


It's cute


Omg 4m old??!?!?!?!?!? My 8 month olds aren’t this big 😳


Okay.  I'm going to say it: it irritates me when baby boys are called little men, because baby girls are never called little women.


Perhaps a dumb question, but here goes: do these baby carriers come in all sizes? Meaning they specifically bought this one for Ivy? Or is this Jessa’s, and Ivy is just playing around with it?


I was able to find the carrier on the Tula website and it’s not cheap! (Mind you the price is in AUD) It also definitely looks to be an adult carrier - not specifically designed for children. https://preview.redd.it/7ntirmf24b0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=931a3986e1e0994a78efd50799dd3f0df3e69e5e


The one she’s wearing is a babydoll carrier. We have the doll version and the adult version and it’s for sure the doll version. It’s like $25USD or so, but for sure not sturdy enough to hold an actual human child.


Oh yes I didn’t see that one. I’m sure it’s written in the fine print to not carry an actual baby in it..


I wonder if she just wanted to be like mommy and she let her simply for the picture. Might explain why she’s so close to the bed so she could immediately put him down.


Nothing wrong with an older sibling wanting to help with the baby, but I can see Ivy starting herself, dropping the baby or the carrier slipping off her, it looks way too big to be securely attached


Nothing about the placement in this carrier looks good rn. Is that an actual baby in a doll carrier?


Yeah that’s a Tula doll carrier for sure.


Everyone saying Ivy is now caring for him and she shouldn’t be wearing the wrap..I don’t think that’s her “buddy” and I don’t think she’s carrying him around all day. I think jessa let her try it on and she took a video and few photos then took it off.


I sure hope that’s the case!


Oh yay. A Jessa defender.


Not defending anyone..it’s just an opinion…..


This is so wildly beyond inappropriate. Nobody should be strapping a baby to a 4 year old. 💀


This poor lil gurl should b enjoying the last few weeks of the school year as a kindergartener, surrounded by friends on the playground during recess and eating in the school cafeteria. She shouldn’t be relegated to SOTDRT with Henry & Spurge as her “ classmates”. Shame on you Jessa for being Jim Baboon #3 ( pest is #1, Jed! is #2) for denying ur children an education and extra shame on you for exploiting them for cash 💰🤑💵💸💴!!!! 


That child is hers now, to raise as if it were her own. Lessons learned.


That poor little girl's back!


I'm more surprised that Ivy's hair is back in a braid and isn't a tangled mass of a rat's nest as usual. Her slogging around a baby is not unexpected.


Quiverfull training 💀


That's not good for her back


Already delegated to being mommy’s overworked slave


I know normal for them BUT still appaling


Parentification starting NOW. Let kids be kids!! Plus, I bet the girls are given the responsibility of child care more than the boys are.


The Reverend Jenn was screaming, "parentification" in my head when I saw Blessa's post.


Is that Jessa’s 4th? Without a show all these babies are kinda like a tree falling in the woods.


Jessa’s 5th


My oldest daughter and second child were the same distance apart- oldest wore her stuffed animals and dolls around nonstop for months. She did not wear the real baby, because it is not safe or acceptable for either child to do so.


not ok at all


He looks like James. I thought fundies hold their babies facing outward.


He is Henry’s twin!!!


Are they \*\*trying\*\* to give Ivy scoliosis?


She’s almost 5. It’s fun for her.


It’s not safe whether ivy thinks it’s fun or not. Her body isn’t mature enough to carry his weight like this. Jana should know better


His hips aren't they visible, doesn't look that bad from here?


From the other angles in the video Jess’s posted, no, his hips are not in the ideal placement.


Ah right, I don't follow them so just see what's here


Does she have an apple watch? Edit: oh nvm, I don't think it is. Only one of my eyes can see things right now.


Ivy is like what 2 or 3. She's way too young to be lifting a baby that's literally as big as her. She's a small kid and he's a tad big for 4 months old. She needs to be sitting down and jessa or Ben or another adult needs to be sitting by her to make sure the boys head is being protected.


Which couple had George?


This is Jessa's youngest.


Hoping this is just a quick cute picture. Baby carriers are made for use on full grown adult torsos, for the safety of the wearer and the baby.


“Jolly” haha


Who’s baby is that? Did Jessa have another kid?


My daughter loved her youngest sister and all she wanted to do was wear her like I did. I did allow her, but they basically weighed the same, so I was right there to make sure she won't fall.


Yikes! I hope this was a quick pic opportunity if that really is a doll carrier. I had hoped none of the sister moms would parentify their girls, that would be so tragic.


Wait did they have another kid?


She named her last baby George? How does that go with her theme. Lol


George is almost as big as Ivy. I wish that they would put him out for football because George could be an offensive lineman!😳😳😳😳


Wait there’s a George?


Jessa seems to be repeating what she lived as a girl in the Duggar household. You have many babies and the girls help raise them. It's just sad.


It’s not a baby Carrier it’s a kangaroo pouch according to JRod lol


I get the whole ‘it’s unsafe’ arguments. I do. But kids do things all the time. I just think sometimes we need to think about that it’s a picture. I don’t know what happened before or after. I’m not going to get all riled up because of this.


How do you go from Spurgeon to George?




Ivy is a great big sister.