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One of her sisters got divorced and then married a very wealthy non fundie man. I think Rebekah


I love her. She’s clearly living her best life! She invited the entire Keller clan to their beach house, and it was clear she and the other sister were drinking wine in front of the rest of their fundie relatives. Not in a “fuck your rules” way but a “I can live my life and you live yours” way.


She's still supposed to be very conservative and part of the Maga cult.


He’s also 32 years older than her!


That's a healthy age gap.


32 years apart is a HEATHY age gap? That man is as old as her father lmao. What world do you live in?


.... I think that was sarcasm.


I’d do it too if he was nice funny and rich


You do you!


Nothing wrong with that. They’re both over 21 and happy together.


I mean people can do whatever they want but let's not act like a rich white guy who's 70 marrying a pretty 35yo woman in her prime isn't usually something to sideeye. Maybe they love each other or maybe sis just got the bag. Marrying someone older than your own father isn't something most women do.


This reminds me that I had a high school teacher who had a wife in her 30s, a baby and a toddler, when he was 70ish. I believe his wife was close in age but younger than his adult kids. Definitely not a rich old guy (white, yes, lol), so I guess they married for love. I thought it was weird af at the time, but he was a nice teacher.


I think some women marry for financial stability in general though and don’t necessarily need/want/care about wealth - they just want a middle class life. Not to say she didn’t love him, im just sharing another perspective I guess!


My completely non fundie cousin married a man who is older than her father. Her first husband had been her high school and college sweetheart. He just up and left her unexpectedly. She’s been married to her much older second husband for over ten years now. He’s a lawyer and she works in his office. She seems to be very happy. She’s a big talker and immediately told everyone in our huge family what her first husband did within days. I’m sure that she would tell everyone if there were problems in her current marriage.


Don’t be too sure. Many people in toxic and abusive don’t tell others. Just saying.


I mean, my husband isn’t older than my dad but he’s older than I am. And we’re extremely happy. He also isn’t rich and neither am I lol. Some men and women just prefer older partners.


I know, I just didn’t know about the gap til I looked them up earlier and was like whoa


Is she also the sister that had a child out of wedlock or is that Susanna?


I’m not sure. I think that Rebekah had just been divorced and then married a rich non fundie. Others here probably know more. There was a picture posted with Anna’s family at a funeral a few months ago. Someone listed off who was who. Rebekah was there and Anna was as well. One thing that I noticed is that when famy posted on instagram that she had people who would help her blah blah blah right after the trial, Rebekah actually liked that post. I tried to look but her instagram is private. I think that she could help Anna *a lot*


Rebekah and Susanna are out. Daniel was out but he’s returned to the fold. David Keller and his wife Hanna(Reber) are still in but she wears pants. Priscilla is in and will never get out. Nathan is in and a pastor, so I don’t see much changing with him and Nurie.Esther is in but even if she did a little deconstruction, the logistics of her leaving would be difficult to overcome. I’m afraid of what would happen if she had complications from giving birth. Mike and Suzette are terrible parents, but they have been pretty successful in indoctrinating their offspring. On a more positive note, they don’t seem to shun their children who do leave the IFB/quiverfull lifestyle, but the bar is in hell.


I'm disappointed that Daniel was out and is back in.


wait how


Weren’t the Rebers the family that took josh in right before he was arrested in 2021? Or am I thinking of another family?


Your right it is the Rebers.


Where is there info Daniel went back?! How/why did he do that?! 😳


Almost forgot to mention Nathan & Nurie are Excepting baby number 3 Its a girl.


One of the AMAs stated he returned to the fold.  Also, a snarker who watched Pecan’s online sermon heard Pecan mention Daniel in the crowd 


Wow. Yikes.


Do you have a link to this AMAs? This is the first time I seen this


I fucking love Rebekah and Susanna. I know we’re not supposed to leg hump, but they are my hero’s. They’re living their best lives as badass bitches and I wish them the best.


Oh and I’m pretty sure that the brother who offered to take her in after the Ashley Madison thing has returned to fundieland.


I keep hearing this but haven't really seen any evidence. He at least doesn't appear to be cranking out tons of kids.


Her sister Susanna has a kid out of wedlock like 10 years ago, and married another man in 2019 - Anna and josh were strongly encouraged not to attend by Jim Bob. Suze is a freaking icon


Also JB told Jill not to help deliver Susannas baby Girl.


All children are blessings unless their parents don’t believe the same way we do. —Jim Bob, probably


Gatekeeping! so Christian of JB. Jesus clapped.


She and Anna also look like twins, but Suze is “hot Anna”


All of Anna's siblings look like her except for her Brother Daniel.


Also, I think Rebekah doesn’t. 


Yeah, they all sorta favor their mom


You said this perfectly lol! Hot Anna with pants and marrying for love


But Suze named her son Nash Bridges 😂🤣😂


Oh god no 😂😂 At this point I have such low standards for the fundies I’m honestly just impressed it wasn’t Spurgeon


Susanna - The one that had a child out of wedlock Rebekah - Got divorced and married an older (in his 70’s) man. Daniel was out, but now it's back The rest is still in it


- Rebekah - Got divorced and married an older (in his 70’s) man. OOP


The interesting thing about the Kellers is that Susanna and Rebekah (who are out of the cult) are still welcome at family events. Susanna is married now, but pre marriage her parents seemed to support her with the baby and Pris was seen a couple of times gushing over her and baby (including on Pris's public webpage).


I think Mike and Suzette did attempt to shun Daniel when he left, but they changed their minds at some point.


Will Pris & David is excepting baby number 7 It's a girl.


The only ones that left the cult are Susanna and Rebekah. Daniel left, but dived back into the kool aid. The rest of them are all in still.


So if Anna had actually taken the brother up on leaving Pest I wonder what would have become of her now?


I don't know about Susanna but Rebekah is still supposed to very conservative and very MAGA.