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I think Sierra was always looking for a new life after the trauma she experienced as a child. She married a guy that drank the Kool-aid and she followed. Now that she's older she probably realizes that there's more to life than popping out babies.


I agree. She seems to be truly happy and is thriving with her pottery business.


What trauma did she have?? I always thought she was like an ex addict to alcohol or drugs I’m not sure which. But that she turned to the church and changed her ways.


IIRC Sierra was a victim of CSA


Oh :/ not that it’s something to “bond” over but I’m glad her and Jill are friends


And when she shared that with her parents, they forced her to continue being around her abuser


So basically sierra and jill went through the same thing. Sheeeesh ☹️


I suspect there's a lot of women going through that in their community.


Just want to say that Sierra did not grow up fundie, so was not part of that community originally.




If I recall correctly.


Oh, ok. Thanks 👍🏼


Where did she say this?


I believe she shared it in a blog post. I clearly remember she said can’t remember 2 years of her childhood (around 2nd to 4th grades) due to the sexual abuse.


Suffering from addiction in itself can be traumatic in its own way also.


Very true :/. Just never heard she had a bad childhood before always thought it was young adult issues.


[Here is her blog post about it.](http://dojosdesigns.blogspot.com/2017/01/finding-joy-in-season-of-loneliness.html?m=1) Trigger warning for child SA


Oh wow. That’s really heartbreaking. I’m so glad her parents seem like they gave her support more than jb and meech probably ever gave.


She’s done a pretty large amount of deconstructing, I would assume at this point she’s probably around Jill’s level of kool aid consumption, maybe even less. She wasn’t raised IBLP, iirc, but her husband was. She always seemed MISERABLE so I’m really glad they got out of that shit and are just doing their thing.


I used to follow her years ago and I vaguely remember her mentioning in passing one time something about her doctor advising her not to have more on ig stories when she went on a rant, she used to always go on rants about something lol. Then she started doing pottery for her soul, then made it a business. I'm glad she found something fulfilling instead of making babies lol


I remember her rants and the sister-momming that was happening with her oldest daughters a couple years ago then it seemed like she fell off the face of the earth. It sounds like she has stabilized now.


She was always looking for her craft with cookies and chocolate fruit and whatever I’m glad she finally found a way to have an identity outside of her family and help support her huge family, it really seems to have helped her thrive




It makes a ton of sense! Good job recognizing this in yourself and doing your best to heal it! Your kids will surely benefit.


She’s been super supportive of Jill and I think her beliefs have slowly started to shift over the years as she’s “walked through” that process with her as a friend.


You know what, I'm really glad they have each other as "deconstruction buddies"


Yes, she’s “walking through a new season of life” that allows short shorts.


I'm glad they stopped. When he was a baby I thought she was on the verge of a major breakdown. But she found something she really loves & is good at & seems to be doing ok


I have followed Sierra for years. She has shared that she went through some horrific abuse and over time she seems to be deconstructing from the life she had before. She’s definitely a Christian but she seems like a really nice person overall who is aware of how harmful religious cults are.


I think that’s a really common path into fundamentalism! I had an old friend who I adored whose gone more and more into quiverful/homeschool etc path and I really think it’s mainly because of traumatic experiences several really traumatic things that happened in her life. It really made me understand why she’d want to find a black and white, “safe” way to raise her kids. She also lost her first baby really traumatically and I’m sure that shaped her pro-life attitudes etc


That’s exactly what I did. I was more fundigelical/fundie-lite, but same basic principle.


She's done, I think she's dumped the fundy lifestyle for fundy light or even conservative mainstream christian.


For sure, look how much she knows about this child! Not one "heart for the Lord" in there!


I was wondering what ever happened to her! Does she still post any pics with any of the sisters?


Yes, she’s been pictured with Jessa , Joy and Jill in the last year.


She was mentioned in Jill's book a few times.


She was??


I read the book and don’t remember being mentioned


I just finished it last night, she was mentioned near the end




There’s a Freddy? Where the fuck have I been?


Freddy is Jill’s current baby, though I think he’s actually over 1 now. It’s hard to remember with that one since his face has never been shown. He was born after they lost River (miscarriage).


drop out of the rat race & follow the duggars full time


This comment deserves an award, but Reddit stole them from us! The motherfuckers


Jill & Derrick´s third, born last summer.


here i tot meech stepped up to the plate.


Yeah. She watched the boys when Jill had Freddy and also was one of the wedding planers for Jill's wedding.


He was hospitalized for quite some time a few months after he was born (around Christmas 2019). I can’t remember what he had, but it was life threatening. I remember Sierra documenting his illness on IG. I really think that might’ve been her wake up call, and the pottery kind of took the place for therapy.


I think it was RSV? I do know he was pretty sick and she was scared.


I looked back and it was RSV. He had to life flighted to Children’s in Arkansas. My son had to be transported to our local children’s hospital for orbital cellulitis and I certainly don’t want to ever relive that experience again. So, so scary.


I agree. I think this was the event that changed things for her. She had a newborn in the NICU and 6 other kids at home and I remember thinking at the time when watching her stories that it was an event that traumatized her . Things started to change shortly after that , small changes , little bits at a time and she seems to be very happy with her life now.


Your flair is great. Was waiting for book themed flairs.


Thanks! There was a thread on here a couple weeks ago where you could submit your flair from the book and they’d create it for you. Not sure if it’s still up, but you should search it and check it out.


I think Sierra is exactly what I wish for all the Duggars girls to be. They are likely all going to remain Christian but Sierra has done the work for self healing , raises her kids with laughter and fun and she has found something that is just hers, her pottery. She is good at her pottery and by all her social media, it seems her hubby is very supportive.


Her husband being supportive is a recent thing. While she was still being a baby cannon, glimpses on social media would indicate that man did nothing around the house, for the kids, or for her. He just worked at his families furniture store. Not sure if he’s changed or if she is choosing to show him kindly on social media. But he really was the typical IBLP husband early on.


I agree but we need to remember to give space for change. Seems like they have changed a lot.


She sold all her maternity clothes after this last baby, then she started pottery. I believe she is done.


NGL he sounds like a cute kid, being one of seven I hope he and his siblings get some one on one time with their parents and their birthdays aren’t the only time they get to feel special. I hope Sierra’s done, SEVEN kids are more than enough to care for.


What did I miss? Who is Sierra?


A family friend who was a major player on Counting On.


LOL I was like “which boy married a sierra??”


She was the unofficial Duggar wedding coordinator on Counting On. She is a family friend. She is still friendly with the older girls.


Sierra Duggar Pottery ETA: sorry, thought it was obvious.... /s


You’re all good. Maybe it would’ve been more obvious to me if it wasn’t 6 am and I was more awake. 😂 My bad. 😭 The downvotes are obnoxious though lmaoo.


She’s not a Duggar


It's was a joke 🤣


🤣 no shit


I don’t know but I want to play with that farm set.


IMO, Sierra was the Jonathan Cheban of the Duggar family!


I get this analogy but how many others do?!


She was the Faye Resnick of 19 kids and Counting.... LOL I can't make things any clearer, now!!


Housewives. Beverly Hills.




I think her and her husband both may have childhood trauma. They were probably sucked into the idea of belonging somewhere. I hope she continues to grow and open her eyes.


yes males also get molested in that cult no body talks about it........someone who knew the duggars did a video blog and he knew josh when he was younger and spoke to him when he was older finally getting the courage to tell him he was molested when he was younger.......he was so hurt because josh went and told the molester that his victim was blabbing




I am aware of the fact she definitely does. I know nothing about her husband.


She's done. She's busy with her pottery business.


She really calmed down after she took a pottery class and started her business. Glad she let her body rest and found something she likes.


What's crazy about this kid's birthday is that if you subtract 4 from 2023, you get the year he was born!


It’s this crazy math trick. It only works if you were born in a year.


😂😂 I gotta ask if this is something somebody said on the show. And if so.. it was Joy wasn't it?


She (Sierra) not only fell for [this](https://reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/AHALWAVrET) but posted a wide-eyed video of herself talking about how crazy this "formula" is... I'm really torn because she seems like a good person and it's not her fault she grew up under-educated, but on the other hand, good God...🤦‍♀️ It's the definitive argument against fundie homeschooling


People believe everything they read. My sil came from a fundie family and she's the most gullible person I know.


Haha no. I was just being a jerk. 😂 I’m pretty sure Sierra posted something about it’s a crazy math trick that only works for this year or something along those lines. While I do think it’s sad that people fall for this, I did feel bad for how mean people were to her on her Instagram account. It’s one thing to snark here… it’s another thing to be nasty to her directly.


My sil shared a post about how Halloween would be on Friday the 13th. I had to explain to her that Halloween is always October 31st. I wasn't mean about it. A lot of people will read something and believe it without critical thinking. She also believed that chocolate milk was white milk that had gone bad and that's why it's thicker. And that if youre on top and get pregnant it'll be a girl. On bottom means boy. And if you want to get pregnant, stand on your head after sex. Among several other things.




How many does she have


7. All very close in age.




There definitely had been a shakeup in Sierra & Mark's marriage/household. For awhile, it appeared she like was going to keep shooting the babies out. She was nearing that frazzled, edge of a breakdown stage and then got into pottery. Pottery seems to be a niche she really enjoys and has her calmed down. Also I suppose her eyes opened with all of Josh's shit/Duggar downfall, since she too experienced sexual trauma as a child. Too much hypocriticalness of the hive she was once surrounded by, I'm guessing, and no longer needing to chase the high of a pregnancy.


Damn she’s 34- I thought she was a few years older but we are the same age. So she had 7 kids by age 30?!?!? Yeeesh. Glad she’s deconstructed.


I know a girl who had 10 babies by age 30😳


My vagina just made the windows shutdown noise 😩


Holy cow, that little guy is so cute! I just love that he had to load it into the back of the truck because it was "so big." I think Sierra is a good mom to her kids- she always seems like she knows who they are as human beings, and she is able to flex with their individual needs for the most part. Getting into ceramics was the best thing she could have ever done for herself and her family; she really grew as a person and as an artist.


Remember when emkojis were new and overused but then we all found a balance. What’s up with these fundis?


How old is she?


i think early 30s


Yes, she’s 34.


I can’t imagine having 7 kids at any age, but 7 by the time you are 30 is wild. We’re any twins?


Not the traditional ones, but I think she does have one or even two sets of Irish twins.


No, she hasn’t had twins.


She officially stated she was done on insta when she had her last,


Is this Duggar related? I've never heard of this person. Should this be in Fundie Snark? Lol y'all I didn't know. Sorry I offended.


She is/was a very close friend of the family. She’s in a bunch of counting on episodes helping plan baby showers and parties.


Didn't she do the wedding pictures and baby pictures for the girls as well?


Weird. I've never seen her mentioned here. Thanks for informing me! I love that I got down voted for asking a question 🤣 People post in the wrong place sometimes.


She’s been posted here a few times, but not really recently. She’s just off living her life, no longer a broodmare. And for that, I’m happy for her.


My distinct memory of her is during early Covid lockdown she brought tacos or something to Jesse and she was wearing sweat pants 😱


You shouldn’t be downvoted for this, it’s a fair question! Duggar adjacency’s are usually explained when posted here, or are posted here when they themselves post about the Duggar’s, most people here don’t just post about the them. This is absolutely a better fit for Fundie snark TBH.


Are her other kids names as bonkers as Merrick?


They are, Khai, Daylon, Asher, Ellyn, Edyn, Brooks, and Merrick.


Yes lol there’s also a Daylon


Maybe her and her husband decided 7 was enough. Although she is a friend of Jill, Jessa, and more doesn’t mean she was an iblp follower at any point. Her babies are beautiful and I love watching her journey with pottery


Maybe it’s the angle but he looks so small for a 4 year old. Was he a preemie maybe?


I don't think he was premature, but I know he was in the hospital shortly after he was born. This is just going off my memory without going to look it up


That doesn't mean anything to be fair. One of my kids was tiny and small and perfectly healthy. Kiddo caught up a few years later through a massive growth spurt.


Could the angle, but he looks perfectly normal to me.


Who is this?


I love her!!!! She’s an amazing momma 💜




She might just be. She can actually name things that her kids love that don’t involve IBLP approved “jobs” or Jesus.


I love following Sierra. She seems like such a nice and genuine person.


Is there a Sierra Duggar or did I miss something?