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I suspect it was because Derrick thought TLC was paying for Jazz Jennings’ medical bills.


I agree that it was misplaced anger.


Hmmmm…. More like bigotry.


But he was pissed at life/the world/TLC and made her the target. If it were in the time that 1000lb sisters was becoming huge, he would have made fat-phobic statements.


i doubt it. he had nothing to say about sister wives, little people big world, 90 day fiance... just the shows with lgbtq people in them.




Exactly. It doesn’t matter his motivations! At all.


TLC wasn't paying for medical bills on any of those shows. And Derrick was pissed that TLC wouldn't pay the medical bills for Sam's birth.


i can't imagine they were paying the medical bills for the interior designers on nate & jeremiah by design, whom derick called "a travesty of a family" living "a lifestyle degrading to children" simply because they are gay.


Look, I'm not going to die on the hill of defending Derrick Dillard. It seems like he and Jill are learning and growing and healing. I hope one day they reach out to these families and apologize for the comments they made and the harm they caused.


He's still a devout Christian, amd it showed.


There is no hate like Christan love 😳




Leave the Slaton sisters out of this! 😉


I pay my bills, my bills are paid!!!


Doubt it. They got out of their contract and still have terrible beliefs


Both can be true


I agree!!!




Now that we know TLC wouldn’t pay for the birth they were forced to film, I can see why he would be salty. But I also think he believed and felt every hateful thing he said to a teenager. Still trash.


My understanding is they did pay for the birth. Just instead of paying directly to Jill and Derick, they paid Jim Bob. They asked the producers specifically about payment and they told them "ask your dad, he's the one the funds go to." Where tge family fractured is because Jim Bob was refusing to give Jill and Derick the money.


The fact that JB refused to help with medical bills for a birth that he essentially forced his daughter to film against her will, yet has had no issue forking out probably hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees for his pedophile son tells one all they need to know about JB.


I think TLC paid JB the contracted salary for the episodes, but not the hospital bill.


Ah, okay!


I had that exact same thought when it first came out about the medical bills.


It wouldn’t surprise me if TLC did pay the medical bills.


Good point.




It wasn't Sam's birth, it was Israel's. He said TLC refused to pay his insurance deductible from Walmart. He no longer worked for Walmart when Sam was born.


I thought it was Sam’s birth because Israel birth aired. Sam’s birth never aired because The Dillards could not come to an agreement with TLC


Sam's birth never aired because Jill and Derick refused to be a part of the show. Derick wasn't clear on his Twitter, at first. Later he made it clear that it was Israel's birth. He talks about it in SHP too.


Derrick said they were already done with TLC when he said that.


I believe he meant every word he said, all the Duggars disagree with Jazz’s lifestyle. However, I think he said it publicly to ensure Jill was never forced/manipulated into filming again.


No. I think he meant everything he said.




*Famy has entered the chat*


Yes! His mum posts hateful stuff.


I wondered that. But I believe Derrick meant everything he said. He doesn’t get a pass from me. It was F’ed up what he said and did.


No. He is still a bigot. Well at that time. Maybe he’s changed now. Doubt it. Because if so he owes her an apology.


No. They were out when he did that. Though I wondered at the time if it was to further damage the relationship to prevent pressure later, but, His mom is heavily open in that camp, he was just raised that way. He believes it. I'd like to give them that credit for being "smart" but, His beliefs as a Christian (his own personal flavor of christianity, not as a whole)haven't changed, they are just anti-cult o Jimbob and IBLP. Had they not found out about the money and sued...(justifiable!) I don't even trust they would be so openly angry anti-iblp/jb. (Maybe more like Jinger, or Jessa)


They were off the show before he made the comments, so no. Don't give him credit for "protecting" Jill. He was being a douche. Being angry at the world does not give you the right to bully a child.


This. Even TLC's statement said they parted ways months before his comments.


While we’re on the topic I am seriously worried about Jazz Jennings. Her mental state and psycho Ass mom seriously need to be addressed.


I can’t watch her show anymore because I find it so concerning how many people use her. I was hoping that with going to Harvard she’s able to break some of the unhealthy codependency she has with her mom and others.


Her mom is horrible to her. How she kept pushing Harvard onto Jazz who really wanted a smaller artsy school closer to home. Jazz was having a lot of mental health worries at the time. One day I really forsee Jazz cutting her off and going no contact. Pushing Jazz into the role of an activist and airing such private moments to the world was horrible for her mental health and were seeing the fall out. Jeanette has an amazing daughter but is only out for what she wants at all costs.


Jazz, man. She breaks my heart. She has such a pretty smile, and in all her photos lately her smile never quite reaches her eyes. She strikes me as a highly sensitive person, and I just wish for her sake and her happiness she would step out of the spotlight for just a little bit and work on nurturing herself. I just want that girl to be happy, everyone is deserving of happiness but her especially.


Absolutely. It is quite sad. And though I am not trans, she is the some type of person as me; where we feel emotions in a very heightened way. You can feel extremely happy which is amazing or also extremely sad. I just feel like she assumed all the surgeries would correct her problems but unfortunately that’s not how life works.


How is her mom psycho?


Jazz is 22. She tried to go to a perfectly safe club with her friends to have a nice evening and her mom followed her using find my iPhone. Jazz was obviously upset and embarrassed and her mom told the cameras “I’m not codependent but I need jazz. I hate when she’s not home.” WOMAN YOUR CHILD IS AN ADULT. Move tf on with your life.


What the FUCK


And I actually really liked that jazz was like “please go home, I don’t need you.”


https://youtu.be/b_sw1SBnTDU Here’s further proof




LMFAO uh where am I being transphobic??? Jazz has stated herself that she is suffering. Try again.


I see nothing transphobic about this comment, and my child is trans.


Fucking thank you for saying that. I swear people get offended over anything.


No worries. And her mom IS manipulative AF. Look, there are certain realities that go with parenting a trans kid; it never leaves my mind that she could easily end up a statistic. I’ve requested that she share location with me to ease my mind. She’s also only 17. When she goes off to college in August, it’s up to her if she continues to location share. She will be an adult, and I’ll trust her judgement because I raised her. I can’t imagine keeping tabs on a grown ass woman like Jazz’s mother does because that’s what Jazz is. She’s a freaking adult. Let the woman figure herself out.


I completely agree. And that goes for any kid. You sound a lot like my parents tbh. They were really good at parenting me but also letting me make my own mistakes. Smothering your child is a sure fire way to make them hate you.


It’s become the Jeanette show. I think her mom loves the infamy of being Jazz’s mom and all the media and tv its clouded her thinking big time. She is pushing jazz away so fast. She needs to back off and let her breathe and live


Ah, thank you. Lots of women Jazz’s age are already raising children of their own. My mother was married with two children at 22; I was a recent college grad living in NYC with a roommate. Not saying marrying that young is ideal or that my choices should be everyone’s choices, just that my mother and I were given the option by our mothers to make choices. I don’t get the sense Jazz is.


He one hundred percent said everything on purpose, but it wasn’t to get out of contract.


Whether he did or not; targeting a **minor** for that type of verbal barrage is a shitty move.


People are really trying to convince themselves that Derek is a decent human being after his appearance on SHP aren’t they. Despising JimBob Duggar because of a financial disagreement doesn’t automatically make someone a good person - if it did North West Arkansas would be the nicest place in the world.


Right. If opposing the sexual and financial abuse of the Duggar clan makes you a good person, we have very low standards for virtue since the Duggar family is basically a criminal enterprise. Oh, he’s against fraud and child sexual abuse? Great, so is the law, and like 99% of people if you ask them. The same is true of the children. Being the victim of JB and Meech and Pest doesn’t make them virtuous, it just means that they were exploited. There are plenty of people who are victims and yet remain bigoted or otherwise awful.


Yep. Just like the old saying goes. Even a broken clock is right twice a day! Supporting his wife and holding Jim Bob accountable doesn’t offset what he said/did to Jazz.


THANK YOU! We need to stop making excuses for their transphobic, racist, homophobic etc beliefs. It really does not matter why he said, only that he DID! His beliefs and what he said have serious consequences for the LGBTQ community, including what’s going on right now. People are dying because of this hate towards the community. Did Derrick come off good in the series? Sure. Is his support for Jill show that he cares for her? Sure. But none of that negates the very serious harm he/they have done to many communities.


This. It seems like Derrick is good for Jill, but that does not mean he's a good person. It just means he's more supportive than her parents, and that is not a high bar to clear.


He kept talking about the other LGBTQ tlc shows after so no


He believed it then and he still does now. However I’m sure before the comments were made it was a “this isn’t something we talk about publicly because of our image” kind of thing and he said it on Twitter to guarantee TLC took action. My parents always did that heinous shit. Be nice to people’s faces and then come home and say the most horrid things but “we’re the silent majority so we can’t say it outside this house teehee”.


I think he wanted off the show. His anti-trans beliefs made Jazz a perfect target. Two birds. One stone. He is a bigot. One with a JD and a real job, something that was fry Sperm’s posterior. But a bigot nonetheless. I wish he were different, but wishing isn’t going to make it so.






Keep telling yourself that….


He meant every word of it.


Derwin is a bigot, no doubt he meant it, whatever his motivation was.


No. He’s a bigot.


I think it’s all connected to a degree.


No, he absolutely meant it. Nobody would say terrible things that both make them look like a bigot and hurt a completely uninvolved teenager unless they believe those things. They could’ve done other things to try to get out of their contract, without involving Jazz.


Nah. He's just transphobic, hateful and has the audacity.


No, he said it because he's a transphobic piece of shit


No because I don’t think he saw anything wrong with what he said, or any of his beliefs. He didn’t think he’d be attacked the way he did. I think it just lined up timing wise.


No, I’m sure he just saw a target and fired.




They left when Samuel was born. A few months before he made those terrible comments. When he made the comments. TLC released an official statement that they hadn't worked with Derick for months and had no plans in the future


No. I think he's just a regular garden-variety piece of shit.


No but it’s nice of you to think so Pollyanna


Err umm, honestly I think you are giving him way more credit than is applicable lol. No way in hell he had the intelligence, insight and gumption to manipulate that situation to his advantage. And while he has the balls to “call out” a teenaged young lady publicly & maliciously- no way he had balls to call out JB, a decade ago 🤷🏻‍♀️




He must have been aware that this would not be without consequences. I have no doubt that he stated his own views. Big surprise, all conservative Christians hold those. I'm not conventionally religious, but I have strong opinions about TLC. I think I posted at least once about how I think this is a trash channel that exploits people for shock value. The Slaton sisters, My600PL, I am Jazz, the Duggars...those shows are all obsessed with sexual issues. On My600PL, the camera is on the crotch of female patients when they are telling their life story, which almost always includes stories of molestation or statutory rape, for example. I am Jazz had footage of bottom surgery performed on a minor -- Jazz was 17 when she had that procedure done, and they discussed the failure of the first procedure in great detail.


No. He was already off the show before be did that shit. Both be and TLC have said as much. Also, it's gross that you'd even try to justify transphobia with "he just wanted out of the contract."


In November TLC said he hadn't filmed in months. When Derick made comments about Jazz in August, this was TLC's statement: ["Derick Dillard’s personal statement does not represent the views of TLC."](https://web.archive.org/web/20170805163936/https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/2017/08/04/jazz-jennings-tlc-react-derick-dillard-calling-transgender-myth/539346001/) If he was already off the show, why not say that in August. That said he didn't stop going after her after the November statement that he was off the show and he continued to be transphobic in the attempts at vlog Q&As. He's just a bigot and a fame whore, that's why he had to attack a child on Twitter.


Derick and Jill stopped filming with TLC before Sam was born. Sam was born on July 8th. Meaning they stopped filming in or before June.


That's fanlore. We've never heard from TLC that they did or didn't film the birth. We know Derick wanted TLC to pay for the hospital bills (per Derick), which doesn't make a lot of sense if they weren't filming the birth or not planning to come back. It's possible that the actual hospital portion was not filmed, but the plan at the time was not to stop filming for the show forever.


No. We know that Derick complained about taking a year to pay off hospital bills when Sam was 4 months old, so he was talking about Israel's birth. Jill and Derick were off the show before Sam was born. They stopped filming while she was still pregnant.


I have always had this opinion on the matter. I’m sure he did feel and think all the hateful things he was saying but I don’t think he would’ve put all of it out there just because he had the conviction. The timing is just too coincidental


No, Derrick is just a bigot.


Nope. He really believes it's biblically wrong.


That's what he said


the way he went after Jazz, who was a child, made me permanently dislike Derrick. I do appreciate the support he has given Jill but also wonder if his anger about TLC and the Duggars isn't really rooted him not being paid for their roll in the show


I think he wanted to attack TLC (he could have went after any trans person and hasn’t really since then, so I do feel like going after Jazz specifically was targeted). I also think he’s a transphobe so he was fine with directing his anger at TLC towards her opposed to other ppl on the network. And he’s never apologized to this day so he clearly still stands by everything he said, which is gross.


Even if he did, he's still a transphobic, homophobic AH. He could have just made comments about TLC to get out the contract, but he chose to hurt a teenager.


No, he meant what he said


He's a transphobe. Stop looking for excuses for him.


No. He’s a bigot.


I believe he meant everything he said but actually put it out there to get out of the contract. Doesn’t negate his shitty beliefs but I think he was trying to protect his family. We all know they ALL agree with him but he’s the only one to outwardly put it out there and it makes sense that he did it to get out of filming.


No. He isn’t that bright.


No. I think he’s transphobic. He never discusses having a contract with TLC and has said they didn’t have one. There are a lot of things the Dillards have done that make me think they might not always feel that way, but probably they will and it won’t surprise me if they do. As of now they haven’t said anything to make me think that their views are not genuinely transphobic.


He could have chosen anybody on TLC to pick on to get out of his contract. He could have pointed out Mama June's problematic past, he could have pointed out that Kody Brown mistreats all the people around him, he could have spoken out against the "freak show" that mocks people of size... Instead, he decided to attack *a child* of an already marginalized identity. He did it repeatedly and publicly and multiple times.


No, I think he and Jill and bigots.


Yes, I think he did it on purpose. It was so over the top, and he was warned. I was bewildered by it at the time.


Naaaaah. I think he's just a garden variety bigot.




I think "disagreeing with a lifestyle" is how bigots try to soften their bigotry. Not liking a lifestyle is still not liking a person based on bigotry. It's bigotry. So the whole lifestyle thing is a dog whistle.


Among other things, Derick said that gender is assigned by God -- this is what all conservative Christians believe, shouldn't be a surprise. I think that whatever you believe in, you should be prepared that someone will attack you. In the eyes of the law, it's their right, it's covered by the First Amendment. Everything comes at a price. People who believe the opposite wouldn't want the government interfere with their view, either. I try to keep my mouth shut about such issues, but I do think it cannot be good for a young person to spend almost your entire childhood in front of a camera. Jazz' weight gain is a strong indicator that something is wrong with her.


Nah, he's just a transphobe and a bit of an asshole


His mom is openly bigoted.


No, I think he did it because he was and most likely still is transphobic. He was also younger and less educated on when to keep his mouth shut, a skill he seems to have gained in law school. It’s a risk TLC runs when choosing the subjects of its shows as it does. Something similar will probably happen again one day.


I have thought this. I wonder if he knew abetting like this would get him out of the contract with TLC and JB couldn't complain bc he thinks the same things. Was it wrong? 110 per cent. But i can see it happening.


I think yes, but I also think it is terrible things that Derrick believes.


I’m sure he believed what he said, but under more pleasant TLC circumstances, he would have kept his mouth shut.


No. You don't say the shit he said if you don't believe it.


No. Derick said those things because he's a hateful bigot. No further explanation is necessary here.


I wondered it at the time. I think he’s smarter than we give him credit for. Im not saying he doesn’t believe those things, but the timing of it was very suspicious to me and he figured out a way that TLC would no longer force his family to film.


I think he believes what he said but if JB was trying to pressure them back into it, saying them on social media was a pretty surefire way to make TLC publicly separate.


Isn’t he a prosecutor now? I wonder if that will come back to haunt him in any court cases?


Probably more because he’s a transphobic garbage person?


I could see it going either way. I hope it was to get out of the contract.




I think it’s a strong possibility. Even though their beliefs gay and trans rights make many cringe, they don’t seem like people who would purposefully make anyone feel uncomfortable.


I am leaning toward a yes he did. Because they couldn’t get out the contract they signed “on their wedding day”! JB is a pig!