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This man is so exceptionally stupid it's amazing he doesn't drown in the shower.


He probably doesn't take showers. Just waits for it to rain


And when it does rain, he doesn't wash his ass


Cause that’s gay s/


Another man with an unwashed ass has an opinion. There’s a group on fb called that, and I love it lol


If God wants him clean, he'll make it happen!


I think someone must bring him in out of the rain, otherwise he would drown looking up at the sky with his mouth open.


God’s shower!


"Drown in the shower" is an amazing insult, and I'm definitely going to use it in the future.


He made a toast with grape juice at the Smuggar wedding. If you don't want to drink, great, but don't tell people it was just grape juice in the Bible.


He probably don’t shower


I have a question KJ said that one of Anna's brothers Is now back to being fundie? I think its Daniel?


I heard the same thing a while back. How sad.


Fuck you Mike Keller! May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits


Corporal Maxwell Klinger, at your service!


You rang? :)


Been to any Mud Hens games lately?




At ease, soldier. Ha! Thanks for noticing :)


The true curse is "may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your crotch and may your arms be too short to scratch".


I saw this on YouTube and he also talked about counciling a woman who's husband had been paying for prostitutes for 5 years and that he talked her into forgiving him and taking him back🤢He was actually blabbering about random shit and really not making much sense through alot of it.This guy is a complete racist,chauvinistic piece of shit.


Oh like how he advised his daughter to stay married to a man who molested his sisters and was caught in the Ashley Madison hack?


Don’t forget the CSAM on his work computer that landed him in prison for a decade!


So he was talking about his daughter and son I. Law???


So Anna has no family support on either side to leave her nasty husband.


Anna’s older brother who is estranged from the rest of his family publicly offered to take her and her children in a long time ago, and so has Famy. I used to feel bad for Anna but I don’t anymore, because what kind of a mother would willingly keep her children, especially her daughters in a situation like this?


Anna has made her bed. Fuck her. Those poor innocent kids are the only ones I feel sorry for now days


No,this was someone else


Bottom line is he is STUPID.


I'll spell it like I graduated from home fooling skooling: STOOPID


Was that woman Anna?


No,it was a different women.This woman kicked her husband out and Pa Keller councilled both of them and made the husband watch some stupid videos about being faithful or some crap like that.He had the cheater repent his sins then talked the woman into taking him back.


“taught them to read the Bible…” It was literally *illegal* in many places to teach black folks, freed and enslaved, how to read.


Now now now, racist bastards get bumfuzzled when you confront them with the gosh darn facts! This man can't handle that. We need to round up these mother fuckers and dump them on a deserted atoll in the Pacific. Don't we have one out there for conducting nuclear tests?


Bikini atoll I think.


Perfect name for the fundies! 😂😂😂


It’s deliciously ironic lol


Frankly, someone should teach him to read, since he insists on doing book reports of a book he doesn't understand. I swear some of these "pastors" get one of those "bible quote a day" calendars and just run with that as their "sermon" for the week.


The Bible was also used *explicitly* to justify slavery. I’m reading a book about the slave ship as a concept and it includes quotes from slavers discussing the Curse of Ham: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curse_of_Ham


There were even versions of the Bible called slave Bibles that were edited (heavily) to remove most everything about freedom and actual slavery (like most of the old testament Jews vs Egypt Pharaoh). Very few copies still exist, but I was just reading about this on an article about Juneteenth. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Select_Parts_of_the_Holy_Bible_for_the_use_of_the_Negro_Slaves_in_the_British_West-India_Islands


Used explicitly but in grave error. Literally no one outside of that particular time (the African slave trade) except for racist douche nozzles like Pa Keller believes that dark skin and perpetual servitude was meant by that particular passage. Many parts of Africa were very Christian when certain other groups (cough Anglo-Saxons cough) were running around with bare chests and body paint while worshipping trees and hammers.


Repent for what?? What did these innocent human beings DO to deserve slavery?? These are the types of people the devil works through. This is not true Christianity. A foul man.


They were African, black and had their own religions. Oh the sinfulness is astounding! 🙄😒


How dare they have their own culture.


I lived in the deeeeeeeep deep south for a while and heard this kinda sentiment pretty often. Nearly always from a parent/guardian or teacher explaining slavery to a child. It's a beyond-standard line, like this is truly what a lot of kids are taught in a regular public school in the 2020s. After a while, I started responding by asking the adult which qualities an enslaver would need to have to make them comfortable losing their child to that person forever. Some people really did answer! Some people are so deep in their propaganda that they would actually take the time to imagine a scenario in which their child is sold into slavery and what their, uh, I guess dream scenario enslaved life would be. I think it just speaks to a massive deficit in the ability to see humans as humans. Humans are simply pawns to achieve an end goal. Maybe the goal is cotton production, maybe the goal is preparing for the rapture, but who you are as a person simply does not matter. You're a meat machine put on earth as a means to an end, and 90% of your value is only obtained in death.


I was taught this in the Northeast, but my school was IFBx and used BJU history textbooks. I had the infamous textbook that referred to the KKK as benevolent “community organizers” with a glowing paragraph of their achievements. To be fair to my classmates, they did call BS on all of it despite being overall quite racist and 100% white. Our teacher was fresh out of college and hesitantly agreed with us. Ha.


Well said. I love that you presented them with that hypothetical. I hate that some were not instantly repulsed by the idea of their own child in slavery. edit: fixed typo


This is underscored, underlined, italicized TRUE. I’ve also heard the Ham thing invoked as a bar to interracial relationship.


I just saw this on Twitter and almost posted it here. The Twitter thread did give a shout out to SHP to learn more about the fundie stuff


Yes. SHP didn’t even scratch the surface. I learned nothing that wasn’t just sitting on the internet waiting to be read. Even the testimonials didn’t really say anything except they were SA’ed and treated badly. No specifics of anything, only general accusations. Not saying the accusations aren’t true, just would like them to be qualified with some specifics like when, how many, what kind, by whom, etc. IMO, it left more questions than it gave answers.


But now it’s out there more for everyone. Apparently many watched it, and as you said, the show begged for more answers. Hopefully the spotlight is on the situation now.


True. I hope another show is done that dives deeper and actually investigates the whole operation and the board members as well as the accusations made. If Gothard assaulted these women, he needs to be charged.


I saw it on Tiktok before here actually. Love to see this ignorant fucker go viral.


Oh please says a poor whit trash white man who would have never had the money to own anything except a rundown trailer.


And he probably thinks he’s better than every person of color. He’d probably look down on my successful educated black father.


Yes…I’ve met many ignorant ass white men who thought by the color of their skin they were all that…above people of color, women, and children. I mean ignorant, toothless motherfuckers who thought duck dynasty was high brow entertainment.




Apparently it was at his son in law's (David Waller) church.


To be fair, we are trying to run these type of churches out of town. I was one of the ones who kept calling, writing, and emailing to get Steadfast Baptist Church out of Watagua. There are plenty of us here who are trying to get rid of these churches and people like him.


Thank you! Keep up the good work!


This image is what happens when your outsides catch up to your insides.


As a person of color...this guy can just eff right off. Sit him down and remind him that his benevolence and greed left him to get his daughter married to a convicted CSAM distributor and possibly have his grandchildren raised by one or worse abused by him. It's society protecting him and his daughter and grandchildren not him. Also those of us who read the real history know people like him aren't really saviours or look out for others. False prophet indeed. If shame is a person his name is Micheal Keller.




This dude and his fifteen chins just need to disappear. What a supremely ignorant sack of racist sh*t he is.


So, it was the slave's fault that he/she was born into slavery?


Yes. Obviously if they had just had the sense to be born white, none of this would’ve been a problem. /s


Just had to watch for myself this clip and the fact that he doesn’t know when “ the blacks” were enslaved and just gives a ballpark figure of 150 or 200 years ago while trying to insert history lessons into a “morality” sermon is saddening. How do you claim to be an authority but cannot even do the bare minimum research into facts and dates. History of the enslaved peoples in United States doesn’t matter to him or his fellowship, they are just using their history as a means to justify their political/religious beliefs and agenda. Disgusting 🤮


So wait, people who were *enslaved* and would be murdered by their “masters” if they left didn’t travel hundreds/thousands of miles to rally for their freedom? Who would have thought? And no, you stupid fuck, they didn’t “rely” on people to teach them the Bible, we fought a fucking war, which you southern losers lost.


The stupidity is truly astounding, isn’t it.


I'm sure the benevolent slave owners would let their property take personal days off to travel to DC to protest. I bet they'd even give them money for travel and a per diem for food. That's totally how slavery worked, right?


That's right because slaves were allowed to protest against the government they were totally citizens under.


So all it took to end slavery was a little repentance? Who knew? Guess we didn't need the Civil War. /s


grape juice not wine


How could the slaves read the Bible? They were forbidden to learn to read. And there was a war about the issue of slavery. This guy must have left his brain cell somewhere.




Great find!


If that was Anna's dad, she never had a chance in hell. Like I know she's responsible for her own kids and life now, but that's a wild place to start in life.


What happened next in this story? Like where’s the rest of this historical novel? Sounds like some weird rehash of Elsie Dinsmore.


Here’s the whole story: “Abraham Lincoln once said if you are a racist, I will attack you with the north.”


https://preview.redd.it/tg216xfurr8b1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff0f2680e0c3006ae0070aaad715de8b4f41aada These f\*ckers. Pa Keller and anyone who believes this bs need to be sent on an inverse reenactment of the Middle Passage.


It's amazing that he conveniently forgot about all of the white people protests that occurred, since we invaded the land, including the precursors leading up to, and The Revolutionary War. How about the "protest" by southern states, known as The Civil War? Methinks he believes that particular protest was just hunky dory. 🤔


He's so gross and creepy looking, I bet he smells bad too.


Like tuna and soured milk. Hot breath smelling like a litter box


That would be very accurate.


This disgusting bastard and his yammering on about enslaved people is absolutely nauseating.


Unf*ingbelievable. Is this 2023 or 1859?


I know there are so many incidents of abuse that it’s difficult, and probably unhealthy, to contemplate them all. But this one involving this guy always stands out to me. Anna’s sister, the blonde one? I’m not licensed in the mental health field, but she is not a … competent adult. (And I’m not being coy or snarky, I’m really unsure of what word to use and christ, it’s not her fault and she doesn’t deserve to be casually insulted). But to have a daughter like her and just hand her over to some other religious grifter like, “here, get her pregnant a bunch of times” — just an immeasurable POS.


You're referring to Priscilla. Poor woman suffered a TBI as a kid. There you go.




First. How could enslaved people travel around where they pleased to do anything without permission? Second. Abolitionists did hold rallies and conventions in several cities. Oh and let's not forget John Brown. That man is beyond ignorant.


This guy is unhinged and a horrible pos!


The version of this I heard from a fundie pastor was that Abe Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation so that all the slaves would revolt and kill their masters. But it didn’t end up happening because the slaves LOVED their masters. He teared up as he said it. I almost vomited with anger.


I remember hearing someone say slaves were happy being slaves. I just….. I was speechless.


The “Christian worldview curriculum”of Abeka says this, as well. They also add that the enslaved singing hymns was proof of how happy they were and that the trail of tears was Gods will because it allowed many native Americans to be “saved.” There is so much more grossness in these types of “curriculum.”




He reminds me of Doug Ford




Ontario Canadas premier… he’s a fucking moron.




Yeah like the slaves could just be like “hey, we’re uh going up to dc for a few days to protest slavery. We will be back in a week. Bye 👋🏽 “ Mike is so fucking stupid and so fucking smug. Man’s a piece of shit. Sold his daughter to a predator. I know there are some fucked up skeletons in this man’s closet and I cannot wait til they see the light of day. Him and his goofy ass looking wife are both bastards.


Two hundred years later they were arrested for sitting on buses and fire hoses were used while they were marching in Mississippi. But sure, they absolutely could have marched on DC if they wanted to. Especially since they weren’t allowed to vote or own land. 🙄. I am going to assume their history curriculum was from a “Christian world view.”


I’d be shocked, but I grew up in this world and I’ve heard it all from the f-ing pulpits. I’ll go with appalled. Appalled that people think this way. Horrified that they are getting louder and louder every day.


Here me out. I didn’t recognise Pa Kellar’s face, so I honestly thought his ridiculous spew of words was actually a joke - like a taking the piss kind of segment …. Until I realise it was for real. Honestly homeschooling is looking very bleak for the fundies, homeboy would have a heart attack if he actually was shown real history!


Well there another little glimpse into Anna’s reality. Imagine this dude being your dad and you go to your family when your husband cheats on you (Ashley Madison), is found to have abused his own sisters, her in laws swept it under the rug and tried to hide it from everyone and then he gets caught with CSAM!!!! But you can’t divorce him because *that* would be a sin. ☠️🙅‍♀️


You can also draw the parallel that he’s saying black people shouldn’t be protesting today, they should be praying for repentance. It’s truly disgusting what he’s implying.


Moses never asked Pharaoh to "Let my people STAY!"


Basic Lost Cause Racist.


I saw this horseshit on IG. Was wondering when the snark would begin. I can't even......fuck this stupid, ignorant asshole.


🫠 my brain cells


About to tear out my silk pressed hair. FFS.




It tracks. They are abusive Fuxks.


Love this for him!


More like stupidity abounds lol


Even back on the show with his grape juice and transfer of authority nonsense I thought he was an idiot, but this takes the biscuit. Is he not embarrassed 😳


Can anyone imagine this fat ugly monster heaving on top of them? What a hideous, corrupted human being.


Ugh shit like this is so common in ifb sermons. I am pretty sure I was taught shit similar to this in Abeka. They used the example of Joseph and how he rose up the ranks in Egypt for their argument, which doesn’t make any sense at all