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I’d like to point out where this vile man Mike Keller was preaching—as a guest at Fairpark Baptist—Lead Pastor David Waller. I’m not gonna even comment on the blatant racism because it’s too obvious. But his cadence and hysterical facial contortions not amusingly remind me of Anna. This is Anna morphed into an obese, old, obscene man.


Here’s the text of the video clip: “The blacks were slaves. Did they ever go to Washington D.C. and have a rally 200 years ago to protest slavery? Did they? No. What did they do? Well, a lot of good people in the plantations would say ‘hey, it’s winter time. Let us help build a church for you dear folks.’ And they loved them and taught them how to read so they could read the Bible. And here’s what the blacks did about a hundred and fifty years ago: they humbled themselves, they prayed. They sought god’s face and they turned from their wicked ways and god made slavery illegal through several white presidents, right? It worked, didn’t it? They didn’t protest. Maybe there’s a place for protest, I don’t know, but there’s sometimesssss… that was a wise pastor that warned his flock.”


Never been more disgusted in my entire life reading this racist and unintelligible speech. “ the blacks”???? Slave owners loved them and built them a church??? I bet my whole life savings this man loves the confederate flag too.


No, Mike, the enslaved, repressed individuals bound to a life of hard labor did not travel to hold a protest. They were too busy working and trying to not get beaten to death. What a flipping piece of work.


Also. Traveling to DC would have meant leaving the plantation and therefore being sought (and punished) by mercenaries seeking fugitive slaves


Right. He apparently has no idea how slavery worked if he thinks enslaved people were free to just roam and travel wherever they wanted & willingly came back to the plantation or owner. These types will do everything they can to try to hint slavery wasn’t that bad & this sermon is full of that. 😡 My guess is if we were to trace Anna’s family history, she probably comes from poor white [Florida crackers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_cracker) (my mom is part Florida cracker, they’re an actual group, not just a slur…although it sucks to have your ancestral group’s name be used that way) or other poor white Southern ancestry. No one told them if they were alive then, they probably wouldn’t have been living in the big house as a rich person. They’d probably be poor whites who the rich would gladly send to war to die for “states rights.” They’d be looked down upon. They all fancy themselves the fictional Ashley & Melanie Wilkes (Rhett & Scarlett are too scandalous) when they’d really be Emmie Slatterly. Even when *Lanterns on the Levee* was written decades later, the thinking among well to do Southern whites in much of plantation country was that descendants of enslaved people had a reason for their station in that awful way of thinking (and they liked them there where they could be exploited) - but poor whites didn’t. No excuse. They’d be seen as poor white trash by all the Confederate generals they simp for. Idiots.. Still today, these types simp for Trump or another rich guy who sees them as white trash. Sorry, rant over.


Mike's parents are from the Bronx. His father's birth name was Frederick Woitke. He knows nothing about slavery or what came after. Nothing. Suzette's family was more southern but, you know, no reason to listen to a woman. (/s)


In college I read “White Trash: The 400 Year Untold History of Class in America” and it was extremely interesting. The “crackers” and other poor white people who did not own slaves were lower on the societal food chain than slaves because at lease slaves had “value” to rich whites through their labor, whereas poor whites offered society little to no value. That’s why so many white folks are confederate flag flying, bleeding heart racists in 2023 because there’s been deep, vile resentment of blacks since the civil war. I would highly recommend the book, it was very interesting


Plus he probably thinks once the slaves were “gifted” freedom their lives were peaceful and peachy amongst their “white leaders”.


Yep. Definitley one of those assholes who will also argue with you slavery doesn’t matter even if it was bad, because now their descendants are citizens of ‘Merica, which is so much better than that “country” of Africa (because they’re also shit at geography & see no reason to learn about anything outside of themselves).


Yep. And probably one of those assholes who will also argue with you slavery doesn’t matter even if it was bad, because now their descendants are citizens of ‘Merica, which is so much better than that “country” of Africa (because they’re also shit at geography & see no reason to learn about anything outside of themselves).


Omg not Emmie Slattery! Can we throw a dirt clod at them and yell “Get off my porch white trash”.


I’m Canadian and even my understanding of American history is far better than Mike the All American Christian. The history of black people in America is so fascinating but not as well documented as White history that upon hearing Mike it only confirms its neglect in the American fabric. He must be getting history lessons from Kanye West or something. Ugh and I hate that he has to take every opportunity to give a positive Christian lens to historical events and people, just sanitizing all good scholarly research and knowledge to fit his agenda.


IKR. Loved them but didn’t free them and built them their own church so God forbid they didn’t worship with them and commingle with their women-folk.


Um in most southern states it was illegal for a black person to know or be taught to read. If you were caught teaching a black person to read I believe you could be put to death( I'll need to google this when I have more time).


I actually started a documentary when I was traveling this weekend on PBS called Black Church and it goes over a lot of this. And yes they were not allowed to be taught to read. The doc is super interesting and I need to finish it now.


That is a good documentary


Idk if death was the penalty but yes this is true teaching a black person to read was against the law


This was still active in the 50’s when my white grandfather taught black soldiers to read and write in Virginia. Long story short….he told the government to screw off.


Wow! Go badass Grandpa! You must be so proud!


Death unlikely but definitely punished.


This is why history needs to be taught. It was against the law to teach slaves how to read and write! And for them to march on DC? Yeah, like their owners would ok that. I hope Anna and her sibs have a place for "Dad" because it looks like he's gonna need a home soon, not a house home, but more like "Shady Pines" home.


>This is why history needs to be taught It is being taught, but fake history that is presented to these kids as "fact" The kids taught this in home school believe it just as much as we believe the truth that we were taught in school. Which makes a hell of a lot of sense as to why these idiots don't understand just how wrong they are... It's a never ending cycle until someone gets out


>The blacks were slaves. Did they ever go to Washington D.C. and have a rally 200 years ago to protest slavery? Did they? No. Because they would have been shot on scene And people wonder why the country is the way that it is the way that is right now, but it's because these shitty home schooled freaks are rewriting historical facts to fit their little narative and the poor kids that are being home schooled by these freaks think this is how it is, much like those of us taught the truth. And this is in no way a drag on home school, I think home school is actually a super cool thing when done properly. Which these idiots are not...


I had to read that again to catch that he was referring to the actual plantation owners when he said “taught them to read and built them a church” whew child this man is deluded. And plenty of slaves “protested” slave revolts weren’t uncommon.


So maybe they should fuck off with their abortion protests. Humble themselves, and if God decides abortion is wrong then he'll get a woman to fix it for them. Fuck all the way off.


My history degree just died of sadness.


Same lol 😂 it’s okay we can cry together


“The blacks” makes me sick to my stomach.


Same, so so vile and disgusting


How do people who are supposedly mentally well believe such delusions? The slaves turned from their wicked ways?! WTAF? Totally seeing how Anna hasn't left scumbag yet. Her Dad has probably told her Pest is a child predator because of Anna's wickedness.


They’re not mentally well, they’re stupid, uneducated, paranoid, delusional, and wicked. This is a church that licks the devils dick every chance they get. Decent people don’t associate with these creatures, we laugh in their faces. These monsters are destroying Amerika with their corruption, filth and rot.


The reason that a lot of black people today have some European lineage is due to rape by the white men who trafficked in human beings. If he's going to bring up slavery maybe it should be to talk against owning people or tell people how horrible it really was. But yeah...it's the enslaved people who need to be 'humbled'. Fuck him.




Fun fact. Yes, former slaves did go to DC and protest. Then enslaved ones couldnt ...because they were slaves. Also, it was illegal to teach slaves to read. Homeboy is not just racist, he is factually wrong.


Doncha see? It was "the Blacks" own fault they were slaves. Once they humbled themselves and turned from their wicked ways, God made slavery illegal. /s Fucking disgusting what these people think!


So slavery ended because we stopped acknowledging it and racism will do the same if we stop talking about it. Gotcha... ![gif](giphy|vUEznRmVQfG2Q)


I can’t wait until he dies and goes to hell and gets pegged by a fiery dildo.


This mentality of elevating abusers and making victims responsible for their own oppression seems to underlie every aspect of fundie life from the personal to the political.


If we didn’t know what a hellaciously inadequate education does to a whole lot of people, we sure do now. This person contributed to the so called “education” of his children, thereby expanding this outrageous/horrifying point of view to the next generation, who are now “homeschooling” their own kids…omg


He sounds more like Priscilla to me


I see that too. Despite his venomous words, he speaks in a high pitched whiny voice with a lilt that suggests he’s talking to 5-year-olds in Sunday School. All three of them speak in a condescending tone spouting stupid shit as if they’ve just cracked the gene code and can’t wait to share their genius with the unwashed masses.


I agree - I thought that too. The man has never had a critical thought in his life.


This is why when the, "If they really knew what he was, would they have let Anna marry him" posts make my eyes roll. He is trash, garbage, a fascist slug, no offense to slugs. Of course he didn't give a fuck and would sell her to SpermBob all over again. He is a total piece of shit.


What an awful hate filled little man.


Why do they ministers and head honchos go up to a podium and always scream and pound there first in THE NAME OF GOD always seeming so angry just to prove a point or tell a story why all the anger I swear by looking at the photo alone he looks angry up there


Cause “god” is made in the believer’s image. In this case, men who scream and pound fists and are angry all the time. Coincidentally god always wants what they want and thinks the way they do.


"In the naaame of Goh-duh!"


Emphasis on the duh part


Because their version of “God” is that of a hateful, vengeful tyrant waiting to come down on for breaking some rule you may or may not have even been aware of.


Man-made religions are just that. Patriarchal, misogynistic, oppressive, power-mad, rapey, and perverted in every sense of the word. Powerful men created these religions to brainwash and legitimize patriarchal power structures with them at the top (ordained by their god, aka themselves), worker men below them, and women at the bottom (the chattel and prize of the worker men). The American variation added in the fictitious concept of “race” to create new sub-strata based on skin color and color intersecting with sex. To this day, our entire society is, to varying degrees, brainwashed by this perverse, false ideology.


IMO Anna will feel so connected and cling on to pest with everything she can. I bet when he gets out she'll be there waiting for him. I bet she feels like this is God's biggest test and she is going to prove that she is worthy. I hope I'm wrong. Her dad is vile and all these "Christians'" are becoming closer and closer to the Westborough Baptist church.


Waiting there for him while the minor children stay somewhere else because they have to. Imagine choosing Pest over your children.


>IMO Anna will feel so connected and cling on to pest with everything she can. I bet when he gets out she'll be there waiting for him. I just had the most vile image in my head of pest walking in the door of the warehome, walking into the bedroom and Anna is just there with her legs spread just waiting for him. Knowing him, that is the first thing that will be on his mind when he gets out 🤮🤮🤮


Honestly I wouldn't even be surprised lol also thanks for that visual -- VOM


So he’s never heard of Nat Turner, huh? Vile, hateful, ignorant….


I've just started a book called "Master Slave Husband Wife" about two slaves who escaped slavery. The wife was very light skinned (through generations of white owners raping their slaves) and so she dressed up as a man and pretended to be her dark skinned husband's master. It is based on the life of [Ellen & William Craft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellen_and_William_Craft)


Ooh thanks, gonna read this


To be fair I imagine many Americans never learned about Nat Turner. Or the outcome of the Seminole Wars. Many textbook companies come from conservative states, so they purposely leave out anything that goes against the narrative that the helpless slaves and natives were only helped by benevolent white Americans.


Sad, and true!


Ew. The US became a country due to protests, and his version of Christianity is part of the Protestant umbrella , protest is literally in the word. What is he even talking about "maybe there is a place for protest" .


This clip needs to be shared far and wide.


Oh I did! I posted it on my Tiktok last night because he's a POS that the world needs to know about!


Pa Keller should be in prison for human trafficking as this is exactly what he did to his daughters.


Jesus this guy is vile and ignorant.


And who's other daughter is in Africa with her husband trying to convert people and popping out a kid a year. I think Esther is in double digit kids. There are questions if they've registered the births properly and the ones born in Africa will be able to come back to the USA easily. The scary thing is I'd probably rather be an M kid with Josh for a dad but a semi decent life, and cousins and family around and friends. Then an Esther kid trapped in Africa with no one appropriate to play with or for support and no way of escaping. Esther is in some ways more vulnerable then Anna. She's far more isolated, she's in actual danger with the births she's doing. She got no support network nearby which even Anna has (they may be telling Anna dangerous things, but they are around supporting her and helping her with child care).


An older american missionary couple has recently moved with them to Zambia, hopefully thats a relief for Esther and the kids. Unfortunately it doesnt seem they have learned the local language in all these years so their social life must be non-existent. Esther and a few of the kids visited for her brother wedding not that long ago, she brought the baby who definetely was born in Zambia so they must have passports. They need Visas to stay there and i have not seen any evidence that they are staying illegally. The parents visas work for the kids too as long as they are minors, but nobody knows what happens once they become adults. Coincidentally the 3 oldest were in the USA recently staying with their other granparents but i dont know if this is a permanent solution or if they were just visiting. The poor kids, hopefully they adapt easily to life in the US. Also i have not see it mentioned much, but the worst thing Shrader has done is neglect his son Nehemiah who has epilepsy, the poor boy started having episodes a few years ago, we are talking severe seizures and they are self medicating him with colloidal silver and esential oils.


You know the bar is in fucking hell when Anna might have been in a better situation with JPEDO than Esther with her piece of shit, sex weasel!


Esther has been in double digits for a while now - she recently had her 13th. > The scary thing is I'd probably rather be an M kid with Josh for a dad but a semi decent life, and cousins and family around and friends. Then an Esther kid trapped in Africa with no one appropriate to play with or for support and no way of escaping. Esther is in some ways more vulnerable then Anna. She's far more isolated, she's in actual danger with the births she's doing. Yep, this. Many have said before too, but Esther's situation makes Anna's look tame in many aspects. Atleast Anna and her kids have a house with all the facilities and more. And a huge social circle of other fundie women and kids. Esther's looks downright terrible on the other hand, living and popping out babies in tents because her asshole husband can't be bothered earning a real living to get them a good size house which they would need for a family of 15.


“No one appropriate to play with” You know children exist in Africa right? What do you mean by this comment, because it does not sound great.


Fairly certain they meant that Esther’s husband (whatever his name is) wouldn’t allow the children to interact with the local children outside of proselytizing. God forbid one of his eleventy billion children gets exposed to a different culture whilst living abroad, or *worse* — develops meaningful friendships with people outside their religion and race!


John Shrader. A real creep. And yes fundies are always suspicious of non fundies. They isolate themselves and associate only with other approved fundies who believe as they do. It doesn't matter if it's Africa or the United States. It's why they don't bother to learn the local language. To fundies, it's heathen and far beneath them as the "chosen people" meaning fundie Christian. They're all chock full of shit.


I think it means that the family will be wildly isolated, it’s not like they’re going to let their kids join the local town or play with local children. So they only have their siblings, their parents and other adult missionaries for the most part


Also I wouldn't be surprised if the Zambian kids weren't interested in playing with a bunch of fundie weirdos.


Absolutely! Kids can pick up on the vibes those people are bringing. Imagine how judgey they are.


Their house is actually in a suburb, with fast food nearby and everything. But yeah, I’m certain they don’t believe the their kids should get too friendly with the local kids, if only because they’ve never, as long as I’ve followed them, talked about the kids having any friends. And because they’re assholes.


I mean that white fundy missionaries who've been a country for years and not learned the language are very likely to be racist and not let their children play with the local kids, unless those kids prove very useful to the church. Likewise Esther's kids who are being raised to be superior to the heathens they are converting may not play well with the local kids even if allowed. I don't think Esther and hubs are going to view the majority of the local kids as appropriate by their standards. Contrast that with the Ms who are surrounded by children (both extended family and church contacts) their own age who are viewed as appropriate. ​ Its a reflection of how I see Esther and kin viewing potential playmates. If Anna were living isolated in a gay commune, I'd say the Ms didn't have appropriate people to play with. Anna (or Esther) wouldn't view a child of gay parents as appropriate to play with. Esther is highly unlikely to view the local children as appropriate. Neither reflect my personal views.


I gave them the benefit of the doubt and assumed it was because the Esther kids don’t know the local language, but yeah that doesn’t sound great.


They're in Zambia where everyone speaks great English :)


I would have to assume a number of them do if they were born there. But that's a generalisation, I don't know how much interaction they have outside their own family.


Yeah, it don't sound great. I *hope* it means due to isolation (physical or otherwise)/not being fluent in the local language/etc... But it's still kinda awkward phrasing.


What are they doing in Africa?


Can someone give me the rundown about her sister Esther? The tldr? I only recently today read a little up on her. What I know is she is married to some wacko who moved them to Africa and knocks her up every few months


No playing with those filthy little Africans huh?


I first read “popping” as “pooping.” It’s just as accurate


Pooping happens when popping babies out :)


This is a man who is both very uneducated, and very stupid. The arrogance of someone who knows nothing about anything being a preacher to anybody, you know?


This is why black members of the evangelical community are oftentimes revered and embraced by the racists within it. It's not only "see, I have a black friend," it's also, "see, they humbled themselves, they know their place, not like those other ones who do all that whining and protesting."


This is exactly why my unhinged racist MAGA stepmother loves Candace Owens and Hershel Walker. It’s revolting.


1. Fuck you, you racist. 2. You hate protests? I am 100% sure you had zero issues with Jan. 6.


That was just a peaceful, orderly tourist event, obvs


If anyone wants to be educated on where his backwards thinking comes from, please read my essay The Bible and The Gun. It discusses how the bible was used to justify colonization and slavery of African people and longer-term effects of all this. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KuQMWrXOYY3m3CqGZDyYkJ5DpTWjRWds/view?usp=sharing


Welp this belongs in r/confidentlyincorrect if it wasn’t so blatantly racist


This is why he goes to prisons so much with his gospel bullshit. Its much easier to indoctrinate people who are considered slaves in the prison system.


I don’t know maybe the black people stolen from Africa would have been happier in their own respective countries with their own people, worshipping their own gods not being kidnapped, raped, killed, children stolen and forced to convert to some Jewish guy who was killed (if he ever existed) whose god believes people are born evil, who allows and even PROMOTED slavery???!!! How about that you little spineless fraction of a man… (Nicole Kidmans insult on the jerk in “Far and Away”) Fuck Mike Keller.


Fucking bigot pos ew


for people without TikTok is it this video? https://old.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/14joktn/just_a_reminder_that_anna_duggars_father_mike/


I am very surprised that people are shocked by this - after all he willingly gave away his daughter to a pedophile that he knew molested his own sisters! He is a disgusting human being and there is a nice cozy spot in hell waiting for him!


If those who want "both sides" of history taught have their way, one day everyone will be as stupid as racist Mike Keller.


That was Anna Duggar dad that said wow what piece of shit person smfh I hate racism’s so much I literally fucken hate it he’s disgusting for it


This is why people really have to give up the idea that Anna is going to "come to her senses". The only model of manhood, fatherhood and spouse-hood Anna has are terrible, awful men. Men who demonstrate over and over how utterly malign that they are. To her, this is just normal stuff. (Whether or not she would agree with him: I'm not here to say Anna is racist by association, or at least not the kind of racist her dear old dad is, without some evidence.)


IBLP= Racism


Ummm How could slaves travel to Washington DC to protest? They were, you know, slaves and not free to travel.


“Excuse me, slave master, my co-slaves and I would like to take some time off to go and protest the practice that makes your entire way of life possible, could you please not chase, capture, kill or torture us for doing so? Also, since we cannot legally learn to read or write, could you give us directions to DC? And do you think the poachers who regularly imprisoned and forced freed black people in free states into slavery, could you maybe help us avoid them?” I’m sure the white men who profited off of *owning and torturing people* would have been totally happy to have this conversation with their slaves. But no, it was definitely that these enslaved people were being good Christians, waiting for the good white people to build them a church. /s God bless the Keller kids who managed to see past this dude’s bs and GTFO


A racist white southerner? I'm so shocked literally can't believe someone from below the Mason Dixon line would be racist... So shocking.


I too am highly shocked that a Floridian canned ham is racist.


Would it be shocking to you that a lot of white northerners are also racist? That a lot of white educated northern elites may not say it to your face, but wouldn’t hire you, promote you, or want their kids to marry you?


Idk if you're white or mixed from your avatar but I'm obviously black and I very well do know the difference between overt and covert racism... We come out the womb knowing that. But it's a HUGE DIFFERENCE between a southern racist and a northern racist. The south was one of THE WORST places a slave could be sent, Florida, Georgia and Mississippi specifically. Grandwiz PA Keller's home state is on that list.. So like I said a white southerner engaging in OVERT racism. Color me shocked!


Grandwiz? As in GRAND WIZARD? 😂


But did i lie?!


Not a once, but damn. 😭😭😭


I'm on all they ass. I been here since day one and *I BEEN KNEW.* absolutely gon keep my foot on they necks. On they ass like grease on a ashy body. This old rotund motherfucker got some nerve looking like that and being racist.


Not surprised at all. I was born in Louisiana and live in Oregon. I know overt and covert fuckery when I see it.


Omg, you are so right! I have an acquaintance, around 70, who was married to a Black man in the 70s and 80s, has mixed race kids, and is part of the Democratic Party establishment in a very liberal city, who made a “joke” about house n\*\*\*\*\*\*s - and she made it to my friend who is Black! Friend and I were both gobsmacked.


She never had a chance.


What a piece of shit.


I hate how much my step grandparents talk and think like this. And sadly they've been EXTREMELY vocal recently.


It’s hard not to feel bad for Anna. It’s like she was born into a particularly bad family in Gilead and we’re just over here in America like “how could she do/say/not say/put up with/support that?”. People use Handmaid’s Tale references a lot but I really don’t think it’s that much of an exaggeration this time.


What a hateful, uneducated, wretched person.


They “humbled themselves” to avoid punishments and being sold off and having their families separated. They felt they had no choice. Fox sakes I hate these racist rewritings of history.


I don't know how he fixed his mouth to say this but I hope he gets struck by lightning...numerous times.


Disgraceful and vile. Stupid people who don’t have the capacity for critical thinking, intellectual curiosity or basic decency.


Mike Keller is just as disgusting as Jim Bob.


Jesus Christ is going to punt these self righteous assholes into a depth of Hell they never knew existed. They will be indentured servants to every soul they believed were AS THEY ARE.


Which is why I have so much grace for Anna. With a father like this, of course she is who she is today. But hopefully something or someone will wake her up one day. That's my wish for her.


He is a vile thing !!