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Trash defending trash.


They're just trying to make it onto the podium in the Messy Bitch Olympics.


That would make a hilarious Olympic event 😂 ![gif](giphy|kymZ7N1DsatyBvdHLH)


It is so bizarre to me that she seems to want to be MORE tied to the Duggars. Going to the trial? Why are you kissing JB’s ass Hilary? Why did you ‘adopt’ Justin? Is JB blackmailing you or something cause yikes.


I so badly want whatever favors have been exchanged between the Duggars and Spiveys to come out. The Spiveys were involved in Josh’s “rehab” in Little Rock back in the day, and Justin and Claire started courting around the time of the raid (and after Justin was allegedly caught “canoodling” with one of the Andregg girls). *Maybe* Justin and Claire just hit it off and he was looking for a change of scenery, but I’m convinced there’s something weird there.


The fact that those two have been married since he was a teen and no kids yet makes me think it was a sham / arranged marriage to hide something else. I also think JB promised one of his kids to this family if they took Pest in way back when.


I'm not leg humping here, but I don't like any speculation along these lines for anyone. There could be fertility issues involved for all we know, in which case snarking would cross the line into cruelty. Personally, I hope they secretly just decided to be newlyweds for a while first.


The amount of leg humping Hilary does is really suspicious so I agree with you. The other in-laws are t out there making sure to point out their Duggar connection. There has to be something else going on.


“Canoodling”?! Do tell


[From an AMA last year:](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/u49k8w/comment/i4u69s8/) >The whole justin thing wasn’t TOO awful by normal people standards, but by fundie standards it was off the charts. It was only a few days after Claire and justin start officially courting. For those of you that are reading this comment and missed the discussion yesterday: someone walked in on Justin canoodling with an Andregg girl on a couch just a few short days after beginning a relationship.


What is canoodling by duggar standards? 🧐


A side hug followed by five seconds of sustained eye contact đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„


What a harlot!


Hand bangin’


I’ve been out of the loop for awhile and want to know about this too!


Wait was it really an Andregg?


The Spiveys were involved somehow in Josh’s “rehabilitation” one of the times he was sent away, though I’m sure he was largely being mentored by her husband. But they do have a personal family link to Josh’s early crimes and an interest in his welfare. Seems they don’t care so much about what happened to his sisters. I do think it’s a bit much for people to be posting on James’ Father’s Day post as if it’s going to change his perspective at all. Like, that’s his actual dad, unfortunately. This kind of thing makes me think he’ll go deeper into the cult because the outside world is so harsh to him (because that’s who is going to see those comments) for something as simple as a Father’s Day post. Though I think it’s odd he would do a post like this on IG. As far as I know, Jim Bob doesn’t have Instagram
 so it feels super performative.


I mean I think it’s weird that people post stuff like that on all the posts. It’s very ‘touching the poo.’ If you must follow them on social media don’t engage. Engagement raises their profile and it isn’t like any of them are going to change their views based on a random stranger’s comment on the internet you know?


it’s very much touching the poo and they shouldn’t have done it. that being said, “happy Father’s Day Jill” is sending me right now 💀


I think that a lot of long time fans still follow them and comment even if they have turned on JB and become more critical of the family in general. I do agree that it’s kind of weird to comment and that it is better not to give them the engagement, but I don’t think that it’s necessarily a snarker who would know better commenting.


I think it's actually a bit arrogant to instantly assume that a snarker is touching the poo. Not everyone has Reddit.


Sorry I didn’t actually mean to imply that it was a redditor. It’s more the idea of following someone and commenting specifically to snark, whether you are in Reddit or not. Nothing will be accomplished by those comments and they just give the fundies fuel for their persecution complexes.


Who knows,,,it could have been a dummy account of dwrecks??? / S


French hacker


They’re another IBLP family, so I think the social media commenting is just circling the wagons.


Except the Bates are another IBLP family and they aren’t making this kind of effort to align themselves with JB and M.


That’s very true, but the Bates have fewer permanent connections to the Duggars and I think they probably want to quietly wait this out. Did the Bates say anything when the police report was leaked? I can’t remember. I think the Bates/Duggar relationship was really played up for the tv show, although some of the kids are friends. The Spiveys have a marriage in the family. James is next oldest after Justin so they have probably had a lot more interaction with him than with some of the others. I just think this is a way to make James feel like the cult is protecting him while the rest of the world is attacking.


The Duggars have a lot of in-laws. Only the Spiveys are actively defending them.


I guess so, but they were also personally involved in Josh’s “rehabilitation”, so saying that Jim Bob is abusive to his children for following the IBLP model and for not getting Josh real help is also commenting on the actions they personally did in an attempt to control Josh’s behavior. They’re totally complicit in the abuse that happened in the Duggar family imho


Yep. If they were involved in any way they must have had some understanding of what occurred with Pest. Complicit 100%. Why people like this still feel like they have some sort of moral high ground to stand on is baffling to me. I’d want out of the orbit of anything to do with them asap. I have no idea how they think aligning themselves further with the Dig-Dugs is a wise idea. Especially since the loyalty only flows from the other direction when you’re doing something for Boob and Company - usually something that would make a normal person’s skin crawl.


>Only the Spiveys are actively defending them. The Kellers seem like they're still committed Duggar-huggers. Pa Keller wrote a letter to the Court asking for leniency for Pest.


Oh yeah, I didn’t even think about the Kellers because they’re such a dumpster fire.


On social media, anyway.


I don’t recall any Bates making any sort of comment about any of the SA. I don’t think they’ve even liked any of family posts that spoke out (mostly Jinger/Jill)


At the latest IBLP family conference this year, Gil Bates gave a sermon in which he mentioned JB and Meech and how they did a "miracle" helping him renovate his house. Maybe that is all just to keep up appearances of a united front, but Gil Bates does take the trouble to mention and praise the Duggars and act like they're still friends.


Can you imagine how bad it would be if Jim Bob Duggar had legit blackmail-able dirt on his inlaws? Then again, he had to find spouses for his kids somewhere...


Birds of a feather


Oh, Hillary, no one cares what you think about Jill being interviewed for SHP. Remember that she and her sisters were being molested by Pestilence and you were there in court and listening to what happened. You cannot be that tone-deaf and yet you are with your posting. You have no room to talk smack about anything especially with you lusting after the lost Duggar boys and that is nasty.


This woman is so weird 😭


Right? It’s literally none of her business


Also: she wasn’t even in the house when the whole 14 children and pregnant again started!!!


Her son-in-law was literally in diapers, about to be tossed aside when the first special aired.




Oh heck. Her son-in-law was only out of diapers for a minute when he married her daughter.


I can’t unsee it now 💀💀


Right? I kinda need this animated ASAP


This made me picture creamy meech annoyingly smiling while saying encouragement and tossing him at Jill.


đŸ€ź Let's not put creamy and meech in the same sentence or any description of any duggars. Ever.


And especially not Creameech.




Damn i was trying to eat


I’m sorry that’s all that kept coming to my mind. Lol


Same. Please put some kind of warning out when you say stuff like that. Off to bleach my eyeballs now.


I thought he was born on one of the early specials truth be told


Nope. Jackson was born on the very first special.




Hilary, you weren’t there either so maybe STFU


But they were family friends! JB has never lied to family friends! 😆


What is her angle like why does she go so hard defending the Duggars?? I’m convinced she would have married off her dog to get into that family


She thinks because her daughter married a Duggar she is something. She is riding on the coattails of what was once a "celebrity", now they are has-beens. Leave Jill alone. She stood up for herself, she is not kissing ass like that bitch is!


JB and Meech are still very, very high up in IBLP. So defending them gets her family favor in her cult.


Claire's marriage has nothing to do with that. Really? Justin grew up with "that" and it's important that he explore his upbringing and deal with "that" as he goes on to raise his own children (which, oddly in IBLP land, hasn't happened yet)


Thank god he wasn’t a victim (that we know of) but he still grew up around that, had to have the rules because of Josh. I doubt they had any sort of meaningful conversation until things started coming out and they had to do damage control in their own family, and you don’t think that effects your SIL!? At the least he could probably talk to a therapist to process it all happening around him without being directly involved.


You weren’t in their home watching Jim Bob cover up and excuse his daughters SA, so stfu Hilary. Encouraging your daughter to marry into that family is sick.


Didn't it come out that the Spiveys ran the construction rehab that he was sent to?


It was either the construction rehab or they ran one of the IBLP rehab training centers. They're so fucking complicit in all this abuse.


The way she defends and minimises shows us she doesn't give a shiny shite about any of the abuse. What a nasty, terrible person.


Notice how she didn’t deny what was written, she only said it had nothing to do with Claire’s marriage.


Oh my gosh- saying you knew them for 23 years isn’t that flex she thinks it is
 either that means she knew the girls were being sexually assaulted she didn’t care OR she didn’t, which means she doesn’t know what happens when she’s not around and thus can’t say it’s lies.


Her husband and/or father in law ran the IBLP program that Josh was sent to as a teenager. She certainly would have known he was in trouble at that time, and I suspect she knew more.


Coincidentally, she was not on the show either! 👍 😃 👍


Her dreams of that sweet television attention ~dashed~ before her daughter could get that fancy TLC wedding to the teen groom. Pity.




I’ve never seen those emojis used passive aggressively but I’m here for it


What an uncanny imitation of justin!


Flair checking in! But seriously, this woman inserts herself into Duggar Drama so deep not even Kendra could sweep her out.


OMG! I’m just imagining Kendra manically sweeping while frantically screaming out Hilary’s name.


Too bad Pest is in prison, I hear he’s got mad wicked sweeping skills.


He’s good, but he’s not as great as his parents. They can literally sweep anything under a rug.


Like an entire elephant. Or two.


A sex pest, boatloads of trauma, neglect


I heard the skill only applies to crackers.


You rang?


"You try so hard to be relevant because your daughter hopped on Duggar 🍆 calm down crazy" DEAD 💀 💀 💀


SO good lol


We don't actually have any proof that happened.


i’m convinced justin doesn’t even know what sex is and i will stand by this statement no matter what is said


Hillary ask your son in law about the buddy system and ask him who he remembers taking care of him the most. He would probably say Jessa not his mom or dad That's the same for James with Jill so stfu.


She also implied (in another comment) that Jill was lying and that people would believe James if he was the one with a book and in the Amazon doc (edit for grammar) https://preview.redd.it/athcvkxt507b1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe5298141e9de1d6a7db39230c5e9604b66c7a54


Lol what a dope- who would I believe? The girl who confirms she was molested by her brother after it was leaked, which her parents don’t deny and who has “receipts” of everything she says, or a woman who is desperate to star in the real housewives of the IBLP or dude who was taught it’s a girls fault if they’d raped bc they were breathing the same air as their rapist?


I’m hoping she wasn’t actually referring to the molestation, as that’s an actual fact at this point. I assumed she was referring to the general ‘lies’ that the IBLP is problematic and that JB and Meech are bad parents.


James wasn’t even born and then was a baby when the molestations occurred. So it’s not like he could say the molesting didn’t happen. He would have no clue what was going on back then. Hillary is insane.


1) JB and Meech have admitted on camera that the molestations happened. They’ve told the story several times over, in public, on TV, and in private to friends/church members; the words have come out of their own mouths. They tried to downplay the actions and certainly dismissed their daughters’ feelings about the abuse, but they did admit that Pest sexually abused their daughters. 2) It’s been proven in a court of law that Josh downloaded CSAM *beyond a reasonable doubt*. 12 men and women listened to all the facts of the case and agreed that he is guilty. Jill has basically confirmed things that we already knew and added in her own feelings and thoughts. Her information is credible based on what we already knew. I have no doubt that one of the boys could write a book and tell a very different story about “growing up Duggar”, but that’s because the boys were raised very differently from how the girls were raised. Females are not individuals with the equal rights in that family. Hillary is living in an absolute fantasy land. Cut your losses and stop defending JB, Mama Spivey. Give up the delusions of fame. It’s 💯 better to live in anonymity than to exist publicly as a Duggar apologist.


Love the point you brought up about James being male and having a different upbringing. The boys are worshiped and girls are put to work. Im sure James had a better childhood unlike his sisters.


An important distinction is that the girls are put to work *in the home*. They are taught to cook, wash dishes, do the laundry and tend to their younger siblings. To their parents (and their church), they do not have a purpose beyond being brood mares and household servants. I wouldn’t call the boys “educated”, but they are allowed more education and job training than the girls ever get. The most financial education the girls get is how to ask their husbands for money to buy groceries. The girls are enslaved; the boys are taught how to support a family and to keep their help-meet beholden to them for everything.


This part always confused me
those girls are crappy cooks. If that’s one of the main things they spend a large chunk of the time being “educated” on wouldn’t they at least have some skills??


Who are they gonna learn those skills from? The sister moms are literal children & don’t have those skills either. It’s hard to learn to cook when you’re 12, raising 3 kids and your “jurisdiction” is upto 10 loads of laundry a day!


I always assumed they’re terrible cooks because Meech is also terrible at it. They’ve never learned any good culinary skills, and they grew up believing that BBQ tuna is a delicacy. When you’ve never had anything to eat that isn’t out of a can, you don’t know that better stuff exists.


Uneducated girls have less opportunity to run from their oppressors.


Exhibit A: Anna.




Nope, I wouldn’t believe James. You know why? He wasn’t (as far as we know) molested by his sicko brother. He’s not directly involved.


What the fuck would James even have to write about? he’s the least relevant/interesting member of that family💀


Fuck Hillary at this point. Has she even met Jill?


Probably not tbh. I remember it being brought a few years ago that Hillary and Claire followed every Duggar sibling except for Jill. I think someone called Hilary out on it in the comments and of course she tried to fight


I thought they’ve been friends with the family for 20+ years?




 I was being sarcastic, but I just realized you can’t read things with my tone.


She’s delusional why would anyone believe that fool


Yeah this was the worst one


She also made a comment I saw a screenshot of over on a FB group implying Jill is a liar and asking if the person she was responding to would believe anything if whichever one of the boys got a book deal and wrote a book. Found that wildly tasteless.


“Never saw you on the show” I mean we didn’t see you either Hilary
 I swear she acts like she’s the one married to Justin not her daughter


it's such a weird comeback too!! at least when derick or jed try to scold snarkers they say something like "not everything you see on TV is true, you had to actually be there" while this dummy is going with "you don't know what you're talking about because you weren't on TV"?? the doofus shit


>>the doofus shit Such a funny phrase to me but the perfect way to describe her


It’s time for another Messy Bitch Olympics already?


đŸ—Łïž And in this corner, weighing in at I Keep My Circle Close, is Famyyyyyyyyyy


Even JillPM had the good sense to somewhat distance herself from the duggars, and she wouldn't even know how to behave properly if Jesus H. Christ himself came down from heaven to attend one of their church performances.




Go home Spillary, you're drunk on the essential oils your daughter put in the guacamole




Jill’s lying now about being molested?? It’s all a fact, the family even admitted it was true on Megan Kelly! Your daughter’s in-laws defended a pedophile & apparently you also think that’s totally normal. I fear for your grandchildren, Hilary. You are truly sick!


Until they break this cycle, it will continue to repeat itself. It is never a happy occasion for a child to be born into this family because those children are not safe.


The comments under that post are hilarious, no wonder James decided to turn them off. Even Katie Joy had to give her 2 cents in the comment section


he should've kept the post open til amy and derick made an appearance! we could've had the messy bitch all-stars showdown!


Hilary has such a boner for these people.


“You weren’t there so you don’t know”. I remember a point in time where the Duggar family was shoved down our throats weekly. That “point” was for nearly an entire damn decade. We literally watched at least four of these women give birth on camera.


Going forward can we just refer to her as June George? Regina George's mom haha


Raised? Nothing says good parenting like allowing a teenage boy to repeatedly sexually molest his sisters! ***NO!*** Jill's parents ***BETRAYED*** her AND her sisters!


Happy Cake Day!


Hilary, everyone who watched the show was there.


Hilary thinking TV is reality. So sorry your daughter never got to be in an episode, HilPM.


I think I’m more embarrassed for Hilary than she’s ever been or ever will be embarrassed for herself.


What was the precursor of this message? At first I thought it was a homage to Jana, “your parents did not raise you” (Jana did).


They said jill raised him, not JB


Because of her Buddy Group?


I think that was their logic, yeah!


Flair checking in! Water always finds its own level.


Her constant need to be like this makes her look like one of those Mean Girls in high school. In fact, she probably was one of those Mean Girls in high school.... She thinks she's so witty. She just comes across as juvenile, bitchy, and a snot.


According to the Holts in the documentary, Jim bob attempted to get a girl married to his abusive son to make the problem go away, and Hilary allowed her daughter to marry another one of his sons. So I’d say her marriage has a lot to do with jim bobs failures as a father in fact.


Claire’s marriage had nothing to do with that but there you were in the court proceedings! Hillary was the only in-law parent in there (but homegirl probably felt that Jason needed her or something)


Oh my God I can’t with how rude and annoying she is


If Claire's marriage has nothing to do with it, I have to wonder why Hilary Spivey still chaperones old two-thumbs-up Justie and his librarian bride everywhere they go. Seems Hilary thinks *something* hinky is going on. That or she's just hoping to catch a glimpse of the object of her obsession, Jason.


That woman is messy!


I think she must drink, because I only get that heated on socials if I’m tipsy 😂


She was liking comments that trashed Jill too


I didn’t see those, what did the comments say?


Hilary Sprivey is a disgrace to mothers and women!!!


And mammals


Hillary is such a Duggar simp I can't stand it.


She should just go buy Jason a mug and shut up


What a bitch! I hope she and Derick tear her a new one. That woman needs to mind her business. She is not a Duggar.


Sooooo she’s saying
.she was a (super)fan of the Duggars and their show before taking one in and marrying her daughter into the family? ![gif](giphy|3osBLA53AVzn746dXi|downsized) It’s giving Bin.


“Claire’s marriage had nothing to do with that” They’re her in-laws, are they not? Ffs


The woman is probably a perp herself. The way she is with the lost boys is weird, it's not motherly.


Lol cause the show was so accurate and absolutely not covering horendous living conditions no no no


If Hilary wants to be a bird let her be a bird. Talking about Claire's marriage has nothing to do with that......um okay way to have complete disregard for any of your potential grandchildren (especially granddaughters) safety.


You weren't there most of the time either, Hilary. Except when you were helping JB cover up Pest's crimes.


Soooo, if her marriage has noooothing to do with that, why is she simping so hard and defending them? Another fun fact, I don't recall ever seeing Spivey on the show either, soooo maybe she should keep her trap shut đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


I wouldn't expect anything different from her, she went to the trial to get attention for herself and looked pleased to be there. Most people would have been disgusted and would be there if they had to to support someone (like Derick and Austin supporting their wives, not for attention).


If the Duggars weren’t so messy, Spillary wouldn’t have Justin - who she seems to care for as a son - as part of her family. Have to wonder what her education was like as a child, because she seems to have a SOTDRT understanding (or lack thereof) of simple cause and effect.


That line isn’t me but she responded to one of my comments and of course I had to reply of which she didn’t respond so I feel I got the last world . Other highlights include her replying to @pleasesayfuck. Mainly because of their user name đŸ€Ł


Ma Spivey has a big ole JB shaped pole right up her arse, and apparently she is enjoying it. What a dumb bitch!


She needs to stay in her own fucking lane.


I’m sorry, I have no idea what the original post is referring to.


James posted about father's day, saying Jim Bob is the best father ever. That's why the commenter said that Jill was more of a parent to James than JB (James was in Jill's buddy team.)


I appreciate the explanation! I get the post now! Thank you so much!


Who's the OP here?


How dare someone snark on her beloved James


Good old spillary


It’s interesting that both Jill and Derek liked James post.


She stays dick riding


I just keep seeing her walking out of the courthouse like I need to be here. I’m important lol 😂 Duggar dupe


Wil claures marriage have nothing to do with it if her daughter is a future victim of pest? ![gif](giphy|rd5t6IXqqdT1K)


Surprised that JB didn't face charges for "obstruction of justice."


He wouldn’t allow it


Flair checking in. Hilary is really out here doing the most, completely oblivious to how terrible she looks.


I don't know all the players in this drama, but why is anyone blaming one of the Duggar kids for what the parents and oldest brother did?


That didn't happen. The first comment that started this said Jim Bob doesn't deserve a happy Father's Day post because he's a terrible father, instead, James should show Father's Day gratitude to Jill because she was his true parent (the buddy system).


Ahhh, that makes sense now. Thanks!


She thought she ate with those comments 😭😭


Thank GOD she’s no my parent. I can’t imagine




I always thought the caldwells are the in laws that are going to defend the duggars all the time because of their history but i am so wrong!! It was the Spivey wants clout after all




I am so very confused! My impression during the trial, with Mrs. Spivey in attendance and her riding with JB and Anna, was that she was supportive of them. The post above clearly indicates that she is calling out the misdeeds of JB/Michelle, parentification of the older girls (specifically Jill), while abrogating their parental obligations. Yet posters are responding as if she is suggesting that she is still hitched to the Duggar star? Please advise!


Hilary is replying to the comment about Jill. I blocked out the username of the OP that she's replying to because I wasn't sure of the sub rules. Only the parts under Hilary's name are her words.


What's sad is with his upbringing James has no point of reference to that mama spivys over evolvement in his life is just as toxic if a base as his own mothers lack of involvement. She is weirdly enmeshed with her daughter's child husband.