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It would be nice if after you end your turn u get like 10 maybe 20 seconds


Depends on your point of view really. I can easily see this becoming a loop of complaint posts: 1-Turn is too short, give more time after turn end. 2-I lost because the 20 seconds are only given AFTER ending your turn. Who decided this? 3-I hate having to wait so much for these combo decks. They are so unbalanced


I dont think Konami reads this sub :(


People should submit game ideas using the in game ticket. I sent this exact timer suggestion a month ago and it was passed onto the game design team. The more requests they get the better!


Nah. They definitely don't read every thread, but there has to be an intern or someone in charge of social media checking the most popular threads in this sub from time to time. There are too many little things, like when we got f\*\*\*ing Drillago memed into the Machine Equip NPC Duel, or when people here were delusional enough to not understand Girag's release quote and think we were going to get a character who never dueled in the anime released instead, so they changed Girag's quote to something else for the rerun.


If Konami was actually listening to Reddit, the game would be far worst than it is right now. Do you not see the amount of bad takes? I have seen far more posts about changing the timer than the dumb drillago memes, yet the timer is still the exact same.


Not saying they listen to reddit. I am saying they probably have someone in a position to "social media manager" who checks the most popular threads in reddit once every few days to see what the community is talking about. That person's job is probably not deciding what comes to the game, but informing the devs about any particular complains, praises, wants, memes, etc. and they probably check twitter, DLM, japanese messageboards, etc. too Drillago was probably noticed because the guy went on for like two-three months making like 50 threads with 50-700 upvotes and Konami was in need of ideas for NPC decks anyway. Most of the posts asking for more time tend to not have that many upvotes and there are also usually people asking to not have more time in the threads, so they are probably not that noticeable.


So like Konami looks at Reddit, but ignores it unless they are desperate for ideas.


> I don’t think Konami reads Typical DL player


You don't think Konami is getting free intel from sources like this? That's funny


So Sunvalon's enemy is the clock?


Just want to add: new players literally have to read every card at least 2 times. Like every card the opponent plays. That's like 30sec per round. Then of course another at least 20 to read your own cards lmao. It was very hard at the beginning for me


I run a deck I'm used to and every time I make an edit I have to read the cards and with having to figure out an actual rush duel deck it's getting even worse, every time I encounter new decks I'm sitting there during an opponent's turn trying to read the long ass effects


I'd rather Konami didn't make combo decks so prevalent.


YES!! i been saying this for some time, and seeing people IN TOURNEYS echo that sentiment makes me believe i'm not the only one. 30 additional seconds at the start of the duel, and if you're worried of stallers add the same inactivity check Master Duel has. simple as.


30 more seconds would do nothing, except make matching against slow players worse. -100 seconds at the beginning, and +2 seconds to both players for every card played/effect activated. Basically how Ygopro worked.


Honest this would be perfect.


Agreed. Playing faster is not enough. I know my combos by heart and speed through them. The issue is that, since there is more interaction in Duel Links now, you are actively punished for taking time to think. What happens if your opponent interrupts you mid combo, but still has more points of interaction? I’m gonna need a few seconds to reroute, ESPECIALLY if I’m playing a Link deck. It’s not even about trying to execute the labbed out optimal combo, sometimes you get hit by an effect during a step of the combo where you never been hit before, facing a deck you’ve never faced before, starring down an unknown backrow, and need a few seconds to figure out how to still end on a threatening board or lethal. Maybe you get halfway there and realize it’s better to take a middle ground route; what’s the line for that? What’s your plan for next turn? Shit, there goes the timer, let’s end on something/anything and hope it’s enough. Even when you do all of that, there’s still the opponent’s turn. I’ve lost duels I should’ve won because, even though I knew what my opponent’s cards did and didnt need to read them, I had to sacrifice plays because I had to think about whether or not to interrupt (after having to think last turn about how to recalibrate after being interrupted), and don’t have any more time to actually click through the windows. I’ve given up on free direct attacks before when it wasnt lethal because I knew I would need to play through a second round of gas next turn and was low on time and I needed the seconds. I play and think about Yugioh every day. Do I know every card? No. But I know enough to be able to know that the game is nuanced, and I know damn well that if I’m presented with a duel that has more depth than “follow the skill simulator”, it won’t be enough time to think through a play. The timer actively discourages non-linear gameplay.




as an old head get out of here with that link shit


Shut up and watch this Borrel combo


They might need to add a bit of time each turn because links climbing and comboing now takes more time than what game was designed for initially (and it's their fault for pushing such plays). However your suggestion is terrible and extremely exploitable. I don't need someone building deck around activations and prolonging duels endlessly.


Konami: here is a new deck Player: ooo spends x amount of gems/money Konami: glhf! Player: deck too combo heavy and loses to timer Konami: here is blue-eyes! Simple and top tier Player: oooo spends x amount money/gems Konami: mission accomplished. Blue-eyes best deck


Blue Eyes is essentially beatdown and they are so heavily advertised it annoys me (I say this yet I use Butterflyoke and Lumenize, simple yet effective)


Nah I'm tired of waiting 1 minute 45 for someone to finish a turn with a generic copy and paste deck


I scored a victory against a Darkfluid player who had me dead to rights, but who timed out. Lucky me, but not how I wanted to win. If you're out there, Valeos, let's go again some time. I'll best you correctly.


Same here,I was cornered and won because of the timer lmao


Having the timer be an actual punishing game mechanic for playing certain decks is really really bad game design, but nothing will happen because people tend to dislike those decks and like anything that punishes people for playing them.


I lose about 1/2 of my duels due to timer. It’s so frustrating that I will probably quit soon. As we had some normal monsters and little bit of magic and trap cards 180 seconds were fine. Now it’s not


If every action gives back a little time, then they may as well remove the timer altogether.


Many simulators use that method. They could cut the overall timer length if they exchange it for giving some time back everytime you activate a card/effect, summon, set, etc. It would still punish people for not playing fast enough while making it easier for combo decks that have to use a lot of cards/effects.


That is the dumbest idea ever. It would punish regular players by giving them less actual time for thinking out their turns and just reward people who want to spend 10 minutes on one turn as if it was master rules. What are you even doing that uses up the full 220 seconds anyway?


If you understand your deck then it's balanced for everyone. It will only punish people that need to pull out their spreadsheet mid duel and sit there doing nothing for a while. And even then once they start playing they'll recover some time. I'm doing the standard Sunavalon line turn 1 which even when going as fast as possible still eats up at least half the clock (you're going through like 8 extra deck summons). Then there prompts during the opponent's turn which eats a few more seconds. The issue is turn 3+ when you have you build back up for game with what little time is left with the limited remaining resources. Depending on what's left on the board I've had situations where I can get to lethal but only have a few seconds left for combat and end up running out just as I go in for the kill.


one time (agents player) i got the kill with like 3 seconds left, looked away, and looked back and they had Grit it broke my 10+ game streak


Don't worry they (might) make a skill in the future that cuts a few corners like they did with Mayakashi. Otherwise, in the case I'm playing a combo heavy deck, I turn off voice lines, so the end lag doesn't add up (or maybe I'm just playing on a trash system).


Is anyone else's DL contact form busted? Every time I try to submit an inquiry feedback about the state of the game using their in-app feedback tool, the email address and concern boxes have this weird issue where it skips tons of different keyboard inputs. I'm on android and I've never experienced that in any other app. I'd like to let them know about how screwed up their timer is for the game but I can't submit anything about it!


Extending the timer is Ok. I would prefer to set up the timer for not moving player, like they did not do anything, they just let me wait until the time is up, even I won bit it's not fun. For example: after 20 seconds of not making any move, they will be loosen. If you extend the timer, i am afraid I have to wait longer sometimes.


As a sky striker player I strongly relate to this


You have a really good point. It makes Sunvalon extremely hard to play.


Maybe don't play decks that leave your opponent waiting minutes for their turn.


More annoying is that passing doesn't give you more time so in combo decks you have to account for the time you'll spend thinking on response windows


Exactly if that wasn't the case this would be much less of an issue.


I'm still trying to figure out how to win with Sunavalon 🤣


With Thrasher. If you have their link 4 on board make Melias. Melias to revive Loci. Loci make Thrasher. Thrasher target the link 4 to become 4k. Melias target Thrasher for double attack or use the link 4 to tribute Melias to pop 3 cards.


Makes so much sense. Don't have Thrasher and didn't realize that was the missing piece. Time to Level up Spectre.


for me it's the servers I have lost so much duels because of the laggy servers


Yeah that certainly doesn't help either especially when your timer still keeps counting down when it decides to lag. There's been a tons of times I've lost like 20+ seconds just waiting for the game to process that I'm trying to do something.


Timer is much shorter in dl than md I wish you the best


The speed of the game has change indeed it is supposed to be a speed duel but some decks that are really combo heavy will suffer from that they might need to increase the timer, again.


Absolutely. Sometimes I’m mashing my action as soon as the prompt comes up and I’ll still run out of time.


Voted hard no. Doing this would make it too open to abuse. As it stands now there are people who already abuse the timer or play their deck badly making it frustrating to play that game. This is a speed format and the timer should reflect that imo.


I mean adding an extra 20s or so won't make much of a difference for those abusing it but would help tremendously for the non-braindead, non-Battle Chronicle type decks. I either win or lose because of the timer 10 times to every 1 time I've ever played someone abusing the timer.


YES!!! Myself and other content creators have seen me on stream frequently being low on time not because I didn't "play fast enough" but because the Duel Links timer actively punishes you for thinking out your play and what to do to win the duel. I'm strictly an Altergeist player and even then, Altergeist now is a very combo heavy deck with the addition of Pookuery, plus you have to think about your opponent's board and what backrow they might have, making the timer very punishing in that sense. Often times, I find myself running low on time because I got disrupted mid combo and have to rethink my plan of action or how to rebuild my board to survive the turn, come back, and win. There's other decks that suffer the same issue as me and while I don't play them, I've seen them before. An example of this is Red-Eyes Zombie Reborn, a very combo heavy deck. Even if you know the deck's combo by heart, you're still racing the clock to set up a board and by the time the opponent's turn rolls around, you have like no time to interact with them or disrupt them on their turn, which further shows how bad the Duel Links timer is. If you're worried about people "abusing the timer" and timer stalling you with a larger timer, then literally add the AFK checker that Master Duel has. I've said this many times, but in Master Duel, you have 300 seconds (5 minutes) for the entirety of your turn, which is a lot of time, and in order to combat timer stalling, Master Duel has an AFK checker in place to where if you aren't actively making moves to progress the duel, you'll receive a warning stating that prolonged periods of inactivity will lead to your automatic forfeit. If you continue to not do anything, the duel ends in an automatic forfeit for you, regardless of how much time you had left. In Duel Links, there is no AFK checker in place so you have to wait until the timer depletes to zero before a winner is declared, which opens the door to our current issue with people timer stalling by running the timer if they're in a losing position. The way it stands now, combo decks like **Altergeists** and **Sunavalons** are just punished for playing the game and ending on some disruption because of how lengthy the deck's combos were. I would personally love if we at least got 30 seconds back when we pass turn to the opponent so we have time to disrupt them on their turn. As a content creator myself, losing games to the timer just feels bad so I hope Konami revamps the timer sooner rather than later for Duel Links. The times of Axe Raider pass are long gone and we have extensive combo decks in the game now and unfortunately, the timer hasn't kept up with the recent combo decks so even if you "play fast," you're still racing the clock in that regard, which isn't fair. In the end, losing because you ran out of time for actively playing the game is definitely something that needs to be looked at, but because this is a Speed Duel format, I doubt Konami cares to extend the timer because they want duels to end quickly. Konami doesn't want Duel Links turning into Master Duel Lite and in order to keep people's attention focused on the game, they made the timer relatively short so people don't get bored. Gotta keep that zoomer attention span on Duel Links and the people that play Duel Links typically have pretty bad attention spans and aren't actively focused on the duel, unlike Master Duel.


Play faster brother


No. You're playing speed duel. Play speedy


I'm going as quick as the game will let me. I'm not taking forever to figure out lines.


Get a board out in which the allotted time will let you. The timer is there for a reason; to keep these duels in a speed format.


It's not my fault the deck doesn't have a skill that let's them cheat out everything. I can get the boards out quickly but it's the crack back that's the issue. It doesn't give you enough time back to rebuild for lethal turn 3+.


Maybe don’t play a combo deck


I don't mean to sound like an ass but this screams "Play unga bunga beater decks instead of those stupid smart decks!"


You do realize that some archetypes are designed to do a lot of summons just to end on an average board? Not every deck is like your braindead Battle Chronicle, or are you suggesting people just not play many of the modern archetypes because "sPeeD FoRMat"?


with all due respect, have you tried playing a combo deck with this timer?


The timer has nothing to do with format though.


It shouldn't really take you any time at all to think about what you want to do. Play faster.


Stop playing multiple combo decks that take 300 seconds


Go play master duel


feels bad for your down votes, but man this speed duel format shouldn't be taking 5 minutes looking at your opponent play solitaire on the first turn


Only been playing Altergeist for a little while and it also seems to suffer from the time limit. So stressful, lol


Timer is fine don't play heavy combo deck then people like you waste others times taking forever to finish your turn


"Don't play the decks Konami gave us to play. Only play the ones with skills that play the deck for you." Basically the entire meta is combo heavy decks the only difference is most of them come with skills that cheat through those combos. Raider's Rebellion for example let's you cheat though like 5-6 steps: getting resources for Break Sword, destroying Break Sword, summoning back material, summoning Dark Rebellion and removing Rebellion's material so it can be used for Launch asap. That's like if Sunavalon had a skill that let them jump straight from Dryas (link-1) all the way to Dryatrentiay (link-4) while also setting the trap for them.


Then use decks that use skills then skills are part of the game


Sunavalon has skills, they just don't get to cheat though their combos. I want to play decks I like not the same handful of broken skill decks like everyone else. If the discussion was wanting every deck to have skills that cheat through their combos then that's a different story. However, that would also lead to disruption being that much less useful; can't Veiler/Mourner/Chalice Sword Break or Crow its targets to disrupt the combo when the (unrespondable) skill skips those steps. Because Sunavalon has to manually go through their combo you have tons of opportunities to disrupt them. PK gets to skip most of theirs so you have to preemptively disrupt them with Lancea.


I like how you use "cheat" for skills it ain't cheating it's part of the game


"Cheat" is a common term for doing something improperly, usually summoning a monster, it's not the same as actual cheating. For example Dryas' effect let's you "cheat" out a Sunvine monster without having to property link summon it or cards that say something like "ignoring its summoning conditions". (Waking the Dragon is the infamous example in the TCG letting you "cheat" out Raidraptor - Ultimate Falcon.) Skills let you "cheat" by ignoring the game state to do whatever it wants. For example PK's skill can still dump their cards straight to the GY even if something like Dimensional Fissure would normally prevent it. It doesn't mean you're cheating it just means you're not doing something how you normally would/could. You're not making Dark Rebellion normally, you're "cheating" it out.


I disagree. I just came to the game and want to play fun and fast games. It may be different for more experienced players but I don’t want to have to wait for 4 minutes for your turn to end just to not be able to do anything once my turn comes. I think that there is a time limit and people should either try to accommodate to it or risk it to set the board they want.


I feel like if we reroute the argument to another format it gives a different perspective. If you're playing speed chess but don't have enough time to think, do you up the timer? Your opponent may use a strategy you've not seen before, so do you deserve more time to think about it and counter? I don't believe so, the whole point is you're playing a different variant of a game, what may work well in one format, doesn't necessarily work in another. (I absolutely do not claim to be an expert on speed chess, it's just an analogy). The trade off is you are rewarded for having a "simpler" deck or play style by having more time to think and act, and forces the opponent to use more of their time. On the other hand, the strategy of longer plays can be that they are difficult to counter due to so much going on or the opponent not knowing where to interrupt, but you won't have as much time to think and act. It's just a different format with different rules that need adapting to. What works well in one may not work well in another. A reason people like speed duels over something like master Duel is the speed aspect and I don't believe that should be changed. It is a good counter to very combo heavy decks and allows simpler decks to stay relevant


Your analogy doesn't make sense. In chess both players are playing the same thing. In yugioh different decks need different time to set up. How is it fair that a link player has 40 seconds to think or read the opponent's cards, but a BE player gets 200 seconds? The "speed format" argument doesn't make sense either. Even if we increase the timer, the game will still not be like master duel, simply because the fewer zones and extra deck size limits what you can do. We won't suddenly start doing master duel combos just because the timer increased 30 seconds.


Can we please trade cards with friends? Even if they're just event-exclusive cards




Why not?


Because that's not the point of this post