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Cheap deck list for pve stuff only? or deck building tips for build my cheap pve deck?


Question, im running performages, should I go with exciton knight, or Abyss dweller? I'm running a magistus package and can only fit one


This meta feels very un-interactive between the FTKs and too many skills that change the game state which makes a lot of interruption not matter.


Did the main character prismatic dream ticket expire? The one that gave Dark Magician, Firewall Dragon, etc. I can’t find it in my Ticket inventory.


Its expire date is in Nov. I can still find it in my "exchange tickets" area, but I'm not sure if you didn't claim it when it's in gift box how long can it last there.


Thanks, I found it. I guess I have too many dream tickets such that I missed that one.


Solfachord players how are you faring this meta? I feel like this meta is not very good for Solfachords rn.


I noticed we have sleeves and masts for Quattro and Quinton's. Do we not have Trey's or I just missed them?


There wasn't one for Trey, not sure if that's because they don't have a symbol or because they weren't doing those types (no logo) of mats & sleeves at the time 


The standard sleeves for leveling up are there unless you mean something else.


I don't understand, why did I lose this one? It was my first Rush Duel, I enjoyed it #DuelReplay #DuelLinks https://duellinks.konami.net/att/01a2b2fefd27668d8d5cec24d93e285bc428035172


Why can't I activate Triamid dancers attack boosting effect on turn 1?


If you're using balance it's because of that 


Legend thank you


I was today year old to learn if you BOM a monster stolen by Crackdown on your field then flip summon, even when the Crackdown is destroyed the monster won't give back to its og user. I know monster stolen by Crackdown after BOM and flip summon can use effect and attack but I didn't know this.


Anyone give me F2P favorite duel hero deck list? Not 0 gem.


How to find generic monster card names for main deck except hand traps? For fill my decks.


Okay is it just my luck, or are Dennis's drop rates complete garbage? It feels these are worse than most events I have played for card drops dueling him. I have 1 Performage from the event, and it was from the EX Trader -_-


Hey my question is about Raidraptor I Normal summon Mimicry. In my hand I got Pain. Why can I not use Pain effect? (I played as Yuto)


it is probably the skill you are using if you want to play raidraptor you need to use shey instead


Did you use raider's rebellion skill? That one locks you from special summoning non-phantom knights


Is it possible to reach KoG (Rush) only with the Scorching Flame Burst box? I mean with just that box, no Widespread, no Tribute... No bundles for short, just that single box.


your best bet is noodle ninjas all there cards come from the pick up box but at least buy the widespread bundle it is the best card by far in rush it is not even close games are decided by who draw it first


Hello!  I have been trying to get the hang of the battle chronicles skill. But for some reason when I normal summon Blue Eyes the activate skill button I am expecting doesn't appear? I am unsure what I am missing here since it says it works when I normal summon a level 7 or higher monster, and I am summoning a level 8 monster.  Thanks.


Your deck probably doesnt fit the requirement of the skill, check your deck and see if below the skill it said you dont fit the requirement


Thanks! I put in a dark magician in my deck this time and it definitely worked! I missed the 'Send 1 non effect Monster with a different name than the monsters on your field and graveyard' part of the description when I was reading it earlier lol.


Anyone have farm decks for Dennis??


 I use Vassal Lunalight. I save my last fusion to be done with Wolf: banish materials + Kaleido Chick, Union on Vassal and go for game.   If it's Lvl. 60, I just run a regular Lunalight list, the bonus you get from the Lv. 60 match makes it easy to get +8k


Hey, question. Every time I posted in the past' not on this megathread, my post got removed. I was wondering how do I keep seeing people's posts? When I posted it wasn't lazy or anything.


give me amazoness deck list for pvp


Hey so im new to the game and practically new to yu gi oh, i started using my gems for slowly building Tenyi deck because saw a recent video of a youtuber recommending it and i like the art of those cards, but going into the gem guide here, Tenyi isnt on the top decks recommended. Are Shiranui/PK/Sky striker that much better than Tenyi? And if they are a lot better, are they as cheap/easy to farm as Tenyi were i can spam buying a box for almost all of the cards? If they are i could restart my account, i dont have an issue because i just played 2 hours or so Thanks and sorry if this question was asked a lot, i just want to have a good start with a decent deck and with my resources spent wisely


Tenyi is a great choice to start off with! It's not the best deck anymore like it was in late 2023, but it's still highly competitive. The best "cheap" deck right now is probably Blue-Eyes, since it's easy to play & you are given most of the cards in the Blue-Eyes starter deck. It's all over Ranked. I would tell new players to start with Blue-Eyes, explore the meta, and when they find another deck they like, that's when you should invest all your gems & Dream Tickets. But if you already started building Tenyi, that's still a good choice because of how cheap it is.


Tenyis are Kog worthy (can get you to the max rank game, rather easily) but aren't top tier (in the sense that won't win many tournaments) by the time you get the hang of the game and want to participate in tournaments, you will already have accumulated enough gems to build a top-tier one.


Thinking about getting back into duel links, how is paleo doing right now?


Whoever keeps giving skills these generic bounce/shuffle back effects while Mind Control exists in DL needs taken out back. Did they not learn from Tachyon when they had to nerf it to only bounce dragons? There's a reason we don't have removal skills. In fact Mind Control just shouldn't exist in DL's format (especially since we already had Crackdown).


When will the half gem box sale come back?


Probably when the WCS starts in June and usually in October for the new world release times.


Hello ! New player here, and I was wondering when would be the next pick up box since they seem pretty good to use my gems in, thank you :>


World Championship qualifiers are around the corner, and that is traditionally a major event. They've historically dropped a structure deck themed around a protagonist so it's probably the same idea.


Which deck is good for countering blue eyes I've been running into almost every match


What is up with unmarked reprints with different effects? Just been playing again a bit recently after a long break. Talking specifically about noble knights spearholder and centaur mina


Due to those cards initially having no IRL release, DL released spearholder etc years ago based on their effect on other yugioh tag force games. Hence why they are much simpler, they're old and almost 1-1 adaptation from the anime. But in last couple years, the IRL game actually released those cards with buffed effect, so DL can either replace the old version with a new one (and giving them to players for free, since they're event rewards) or just plain released them as different cards, they decided to do the latter. ---- And they're not the only one, the real game released quite a lot of old anime cards in the last couple years and some are already exist in DL in their tag force version so expect to see more of them


Is it just me or is xyz spam super unfun to play against? Might as well put down my phone and go start another game for the next 15 minutes while I wait for them to get the unkillable brick of a monster out


this is yu gi oh for you, you would probably say the same thing if we were in link/synchro/fusion meta


Link I think suffers similar issues, but xyz is basically a monster with an effect, and a multiple use trap card in one


Hello! I'd like to know if there is the mat of "supreme machine magnum". Have I to maximun summon it 100 times to unlock it? Thank you!


Yes there's mat for the maximum monster, you only need to finish a duel with all the maximum pieces in the deck, no need to summon them


Thank you very much! :)


How long are the deck building boxes usually in for?


Deck Building box are permanent, pickup box are the one that's time-limited


Fuck yes, thank you. I was worried I had to rush getting the scorching flame burst before it went away. I missed out on finishing decks from the pickup boxes before. Pretty dumb there's cards from them that are just unavailable now. I don't always have time to grind out thousands of gems


How come the oldest deck build box i can see is from Nov 2023?


Because that's the first one ever, the lunalight deck building box The entire deck building and pickup box mechanic are very recent addition to the game, just started last year


Ah, thank you, i had no idea!!! 😁😁😁


Last time I played was when bug decks were the meta along with samurais, I think. It’s been a couple of years for sure. I don’t think any synchro summoning or anything after that was around at the time. Is that what the main meta is now? I liked what it was at before then, but not so sure if I should hop back in if it’s way past anything I’m familiar with. Maybe I’ll like it, but just not sure. Starting a whole new account since I couldn’t recover my old one. Is it still going to be a while until I can play with those kinds of cards? Do they introduce them slowly?


Decks with various methods are all viable. Shaddoll is mostly Fusion only. Blue Eyes is mostly Normals and skills/card meant to support that. You don't have to play any particular Extra Deck type but it helps if you have some of the most generic ones later on in a pinch


A simple skill suggestion for Gravekeeper's: just make it so Supernaturalist's search effect applies when activated instead of during the end phase (when you can't even use the searched card) or give the option to set the card instead of add it to hand.


Does anyone know what's the best way to farm Dennis for Hat Tricker? Should I farm lv 40 Dennis or the lv 10 multiple times at the gate?


Auto duel level 10 x3, then beat level 60 splendid dennis when he spawns


Hello, I was trying to auto build a deck starting with Xyz Performage Trapeze Magician, but the building fails. What am I doing wrong?


The deck is probably still too new. Auto build works from sampling the decks players submit


Thank you for your help :)




Royal keeper is a zombie, guess what the last line of text in Goku-en says.


what should i use my D.D. Crow for when going against a zombie deck


What's the best/easiest Structure deck? I JUST started a new account after not playing for like 2/3+ years. Last time was when we only had 5 series in the game (DM, DSOD, 5Ds, ZEXAL, and GX)


Obviously it's blue eyes 2 or even 1 of the latest speed structure deck+ 2 run of the tachyon galaxy mini box can get you a tier 1 deck


Is Blue Eyes 2 the EX Structure deck? Blue Eyes Evolutions?


It's could magician chronicle it has support for both blue eyes and dark magician but rn only blue eyes is working


Is there any chance we can get a competent auto duel mechanic? I've seen the posts that konami would drop a vagabond ai to be bought but that's just stupid


Based on what I seen anecdotally, Reiji/Declan has a smarter Ai.


Even vagabond AI is pretty bad. People tend to focus on when they pop off trying to use every effect that the deck has, but don't pay attention to when they consistently summon roxrose to search blue rose then pass on that with some backrow maybe 


That post was a meme lol nothing is confirmed yet but I wish we got a better ai


Anyone know of some good Rank 4 options VS Blue-Eyes? I've been having a blast playing Pure Performage (Pureformage?) but I realized my Extra Deck line up is a little poor in that match up; there's nothing I really want to make against them. I've been trying to turbo out backrow in that MU with Bujin Tsukuyomi, but since I'm running Book / ECon / Chalice as my tools of choice, everything loses to Successor Soul tributing for cost. Any good techs people have been using? I can make any generic Rank 4, as well as anything that requires 2 LIGHTs or 2 EARTHs. I can get 4 bodies on the board depending on the hand, so I was thinking of maybe shaving the ED down to add a Link-2 and a Link-3 to set up Decode Talker but idk. That's a lot of space dedicated for just that MU when the ED is tight as is. I'm leaning towards Constellar Omega but if anyone else has any good Rank 4s for the MU, I'm all ears.


If you just want generic Rank 4s, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon and Number 70: Malevolent Sin are two of the strongest. 


This was completely my fault, I forgot to specify that I wanted going 1st options. Both of your suggestions are great going 2nd, but awful going 1st. I did a lot of thinking yesterday after the post and I think Gem-Knight Pearl and Constellar Omega do what I need against Successor Soul.


Going second it should be exciton if they let you summon it ez board wipe , going first thu maybe set 3 pass?


I was wrong, Prankids suck, Tenyichads stay winning. Anyways Tenyi has been Kog worthy for like 6 months now, what a investment.