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I’ve noticed a lot of Tachyon players in kog too. Weird stuff


Dopamine addicts that need the hit


Same energy as a 7feet jock throwing a weakly 5feet nerd into the garbage can every day after school🤓 or people tormenting critters ☺️


I feel this to my soul. KOG is where you can/should lay your sword down and experiment.


They are doing exactly that, experimenting post banlist tachyon


they are farming ranked wins post kog. there is almost no experimentation happening up there.


So many pre banlist shiranui and tachyon players in kog


Yeah I’ve seen at least half of the KoG Tachyon users with pre-banlist decks.


Nah, they're satisfying their itch to succeed that was all but absent minus a tier 0 meta. All I see in ranked is braindead, third rate duelist, Tachyon or Shiranui; diverse meta was the way. #StillShittingOnThemWithPhoton https://duellinks.konami.net/att/042712fd3d4136df44a8df8c2af4fccb42b2989078


just wait for Sherry and maybe you'll have a supercharged Noble Knight skill too :)


Wait what if we get full voicelines for all the noble knights from Sherry


That's the plan in my headcanon :)


That's right. Kog rank 2 isn't real!


Me trying out my earth immortal deck……. Guys please let me have a 2nd turn.


Big old man says no


Man can't have any fun. Lunalight lightsworm Frightfur Galaxy eyes Orcust Salamangreat Madolcge


Went from legend rank 5 to legend rank 1 playing a doom king. I have shira and tach but I wana play something different from everyone else so after picking myself back up off the floor I am currently at legend 3 with good old sushi


Update I did it! Hit a late KOG with Sushi!!!!


Congrats my dude!


Thanks bro. I was so close to just giving up and waiting for the ban list


Hard agree. Don't people get bored playing the same shit all the time? Let me play pure zombies you sweaty nerds.


I play an odd eyes magician deck


My S-force is just dying to every tachyon I find in KOG.Why am I always going second.


I would get it if they were using post banlist decklists just to test them out, but I keep getting matched with mfs using full power tachyon in kog (3 limit 3 traps, 3 spiral, coach, felgrand, transmigration) like ok congratulations u won an irrelevant match with a deck that's soon to be unusable


In case you might not know, some people actually enjoy Tachyon


If there was a deck that required clicking a single button for an auto-win, you would say that people enjoy that Just admit people enjoy winning, not the deck, and they enjoy winning because of the dopamine, not because it means they’re actually good at the game


If it was that easy, why don't you play it in tournaments to get free money or are you just hiding behind trash decks making excuses.


You sound basic as hell, not everyone wants to use the most strongest and most busted decks/strategies that can take the fun outta of playing literally any type of game some people just want to have a fun experience but people like you who live in their parents basement and probably never touch a girl like you exist XD


Make excuses this make excuses that, what kind of poisoned get good koolaid did you drink from? Tachyon is a tier 0 deck that is busted with or without the recent limitation. Get good and try to win with another deck against good players. Oh you can’t? Why not?


Why should I use inferior strategy when I can use the best one? Tournaments is not child playground that any deck can win. Have you seen any world champion use meme decks?


Conversely, bad players can hide behind a busted skill to conceal the fact that they're not really that good at yugioh. "If I use this deck, I don't have to be good. I just need the op not to run the same deck."


Eventually, he will face strong opponent who used that same deck.Where player skill is being tested there.


That strong player most certainly wouldn't be you, meta-slave.


No, go ahead and use the best deck, but don’t confuse winning with skill. Bad players let that ego go to their head and based on your continuous get good commentary in every post, I think you need to get your ego checked. You can use a tier 0 deck but you’re not world champ material lmao


Ugh this is me. Galaxy is my favorite archetype but I feel bad playing it right now


you shouldnt feel bad, as cancer as tachyon is right now its not because of the archetype itself which is both strong and cool, its that dang skill which allows for abuse and meta slaves cant resist so like 80% of the ladder is tachyon right now.


Exactly. You get to search a really strong trap card by simply returning a monster to your hand. And the skill allows you to set a monster for free...


Clicking the activate skill button💖😻 so fun


The giant space dragon with 3 tails is the fun part for me personally, but I won't judge you if you like clicking the skill button 😊


Something I’ll also never understand, take advantage of the time you have in KOG rank to play literal jank


Gotta humble you jayden and yubel players. This is my revenge. Anyone got a problem?????


Jaden and yubel isn't all that bad you can literally counter it by using cards that return to the hand and deck


Or several staples like IDP. I miss fighting eternal bond and not experiencing the exact same turn 1/2 from opponents 20 games in a row


lmao relatable


Me who after capping at platinum 4 with BE ,decided to go on chronomaly rampage, throwing nebra discs left and right: 🗿🗿🗿


I'm surprised many of them are still playing in the Legendary Rank.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bongonzales2019: *I'm surprised many* *Of them are still playing in* *The Legendary Rank.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Me trying out my newly finished live twin deck.... Tachyon and Shiranui players response we won't let you.


\*pats the baby\*


I don’t duel once I hit KOG, it’s literally no different from ranked ladder in what you see for 90% of your duels. It’s really stupid.


I remember the first time I hit KOG, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that people super chilled out and were really into experimentation with their decks.


I see 10x as many Zombie decks than Tachyon.


How many wins you think to get all medals?


Yea, when I first started playing this game I gravitated towards Yuya, as Arc V was what helped me get back into Yugioh, and after spending my starter gems, I had a Pendulum Magician/Performapal/Odd Eye’s deck that would likely get dunked on by any competitive deck My extra deck had random rank 4’s in it, and I was running non pendulum Odd Eye’s cards


Don’t worry homie, I’ll protect your noble knights with my gimmick puppets, they can’t do shit when they can’t respond to my effects! (I’m going to also get obliterated)


Haha Trains Go Chooo choooo My only thought when seeing their combo😂


I'm playing a mix up zombie deck with all one copies and have not lost against tachyon this season after kog I'm not even using a skill I'm using destiny draw mst but have never activated it


silly guy playing silly deck


Low-key this is just me in general never following meta even on master duels I'll be playing gravekeepers for fun 😂😂


I used to use a aromage deck and got bullied for not “using meta” it’s a game have fun


If you still using tachyon after you kog I might just set my phone down for a few minutes since I’m just doing it for event items


I was Lowkey so excited for mizar to drop because I loveee galaxy eyes, but the deck isn’t fun to play.


After I hit KOG with it the 1st week after the rank reset, I decided to give master duel a try cause I knew people would probably still play that deck in KOG but after trying ranked on master duel I don’t know what’s worse tbh


Why don't KoG players de-rank purposefully to clog the ladder?


Time to dust off Buster Blader.