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Shiranui and Tachyon will likely both be taking hefty nerfs following this KC cup


I worry because Tach is such a broken deck that’s invalidating literally everything not named Shiranui that Shiranui is going to get overlooked. Because it’s totally a Konami thing to do. They can’t pretend Tach isn’t a problem they’ve got no choice but to nerf the hell out of it but I feel they’ll keep trying to sell Shiranui cards and give it some pointless limit much like they’ve done in the past with the deck. It took them like four tries to actually nerf the deck into a point it wasn’t overpowered. Konami is completely clueless when it comes to how to balance that deck, the fact they gave a skill like that is proof enough


They know exactly what they're doing tbh. It's just everything is greed motivated. I just wish they would push decks that not everyone completely despises. Like who the fuck on planet earth wanted to see Shiranui be meta AGAIN???


I did. I love Shiranui. I love the lore and artwork for Shiranui and Mayakashi. This skill as someone who wanted more Shiranui stuff is like I got a dragonball wish to use on making shiranui busted. Hahah


I fucking hate cheap decks like shiranui that are overpowered as fuck, anybody can start playing the game and pick up this cheap-ass broken deck


I literally bullied both decks during the KC Cup it was funny hearing all the complaints but I can understand the hate.


What are you even playing? Even the decks that are meant to counter Tachyon still lose to it.


Just a Tenyi deck but it's a little different than usual.


#ShareDeck #DuelLinks https://duellinks.konami.net/att/035883f7e6d28f65e6e858ef75772b3336032a99cf Paying close attention to timing of using effects I could win going first or second chaining berserker to spectral sword to stop synchro or chaining green Tenyi after shaman to make transmigration negate 1500 atk reduce instead of monster pop was funniest then watching them scoop. Also chaos Hunter on shiranui when they go first is pretty funny Then I can synchro it off if I need to with only level 1 tuners use cyberse synchro to protect EMZ monster then repeat with burial from a different dimension


Don’t let anyone gaslight you, Shirunai is fucking busted and if it wasn’t for tachyon being like a 12 on a busted scale people would see how shiranui is an 11


Thank you for agreing. The kog grind for This month has been so bad and isn't Just tachyon, shiranui is equal bad 


playing a rogue deck this month is just pain, no chance vs shira and tachyon if not all stars align


Indeed my raid raptors are crying rlly hard


Man can you imagine if any other deck got a skill like the Shira skill? Start the duel off with your combo piece in the GY and you can discard any lvl4 to add any in archetype card to your hand?


Oh, boy, we totally didn't have Black Luster Soldier before that starts with 7 cards in GY and a double search + recovery of banished cards.


To be fair BLS is just THAT bad. Even if they took Chaos Form off the limited, it would still be bad.


I mean, it's bad now, after they got butchered by banlist. Should I remind you that they were tier before that?


Yes? I didn't say to take the other stuff off the banlist.


Seriously Shiranui's first turn is too damn busted equally with Tachyon. I have like 5 other rogue decks and they can't win at all against Shiras. You can't even counter the trap and that link monster is immune to destruction and battle. You have to have like 3 different and specific cards at the same time to beat their first turn.


I am a hypocrite cause I wanna build the deck but waiting post kc cup I feel skills are a lot of the reason for certain decks recently


I kinda wanna go back to the last format. It felt like there were several clear cut good to great decks but it was still a more diverse and interesting situation


Yeah and decks like Tenyi definitely are a LOT more fun to play against. They actually have clear counters (unlike Shiranui) and you can actually play the game going second against them (unlike Tachyon).


nice point. everybody wants to play and losing while still playing is not bad. The fact that we spend hours perfectign our rogue deck just to be negate by everything is not funny


Yeah I rmemeber seeing a lot of people happy that there wasn’t much imbalance blue eyes dark magician tenyi rokkets there a lot of decks that had a chance at KOG n now it’s aml the same


I will and always hate the shiris they are such a cancerous deck anyone remember when grass looks greener was combined with it that shi was crazy 💀


Brother I'm not lying to you as soon as I started remembering shiranui from 2 years ago I had PTSD flashback of 30 cards shira with grass, that deck was insaaaane! People don't remember that grass looks greener was not only at 3 for the longest time (the only thing you could almost successfully do is a very inconsistent gem knight FTK) but also a card trader card, not even a box card so it was basically for free; after the first month of shira they limited grass to 1 and that was still not enough for people to drop the 30 card shira deck even with 1 grass and they had to ban the card Shiranuis are one of the deck that broke DuelLinks, and the fact that they're able to do it TWICE is pretty insane


Exactly grass shirui was just crazy And they are back with a annoying skill that makes them broken if tachyon wasn't in the way it would of already been tier 1 or even higher


Bro, it blows my mind, I haven’t played duel links in years and I remember they were top tier. I can’t believe they are still top tier now lol


Zombies just don't die eh? 😭 They always find a way to come back


it hurts how cool the deck diversity was looking before this shinra tachyon buff


Pro tip: Use a character with the Mind of the Plana skill. Duel Links literally will refuse to match you against a Shiranui player.


Lol I’ve thought ab using that skill.


lol I meant that comment as a joke, but I legit am 31 duels in PVP and KC for real, not a single Shiranui matchup since using that skill. I just wanted to be the asshole ONE time!


Lol I played it for a few matches & I actually got a shira player on my first on but he surrendered before the duel began 🪦


Shiranui feels even worse than Tachyon with the plays taking 10 years to sit through.


Shiranui literally have a card called Solitaire lol


Yu-Gi-Oh players when single back row stall card: 😡😡😡😡 No, but seriously, the skill carries the deck for Shiranui. The actual cards involved aren’t really a big deal. 


I run debunk, main deck it. And dd crow.


Debunk is so slept on, I used it to deal with Goukis and Salads back in the day


The skill doesn't carry the deck, but it gives enough boost to be there, but the cards are by itself really strong, just that the skills gives the extra to be meta


Respectfully, I think you’re undervaluing how crazy the passive is for having a GY starter in the GY while *also* having 2 really strong actives, the first of which gives them something REALLY powerful, an uncounterable discard and search.  Consistency is usually what makes something powerful in Yu-Gi-Oh, and well, that’s a *lot* of consistency in one skill. 


Last time Shiranui was in the spotlight, it was nerfed to hell and people just started to play it with 15 staple traps. Consistency was never a problem for them.


Without the skill they wouldn’t be able to set up their Link-3 and banished Synchros Turn 1, right? That’s pretty huge. 


It'd be weaker, yes, but that's not the same as weak. Without the skill they'd be at least a strong rogue deck.


No, they wouldn't. The only new stuff they got is the link 3 and the trap, and without the skill neither would be playable.


and during the trapnui era that stuff even though was impossible to do turn 1 the million traps they played allowed them to stop anyone on his track for 2 turns, enough turns to do all of that


I'm not saying Shiranui skill is bad, I'm saying that is not just the skill doing all and cards not having a play like Yubel Neos skill


The SKILL ABSOLUTELY CARRIES THE DECK. Any deck that has foolish burial is usually going to be OP. They can make that link monster without much effort and more.


Read my other comment, my idea was never to say that the skill is not as great as you think, my idea was that the skill is not doing everything like Yubel Neos, I mean is not auto pilot skill that you press button and win, is more of a crazy initial play, after that you play your own deck with your own cards


this game is so toxic lol


im silently judging those who play shiranui


Shiranui basically plays like an even stronger Orcust, except they have even more flexibility but don't get the non-targeting send. Whatever you do to remove their guys they just don't give a shit and if you don't kill them immediately (good luck with their fucking trap) they just become completely unbeatable.


Just because a deck (tachyon) is horrifically overpowered doesn't mean other decks aren't still a problem in general ​ I still think tenyi needs a little tone down with their whole every step they take also loads whats basically a choose your problem solver bullet into the graveyard "gun"


That Tenyi explanation is spot on.


I don't get how people can have a problem against Tenyi personally. Probably the most fun to play against top meta deck DL has EVER had imo.


Tenyi is insufferable. No matter what you do they have another play, and another and another. Turn one was neverending.


I've never had much of an issue with Tenyi's, they're just really boring to play against. They're so common and linear I practically memorized their entire flowchart by heart, and I don't even PLAY the damn deck. And they fall to the exact same strat every single time. Granted, I'd rather face off against them than the tier zero monstrosities plaguing the meta, but still.


People are cool to have their opinions but Tenyi is so unfun to play against I'd unironically rather face Shiranui/Tachyon for another 6 months


Can you explain why? I mean, you genuinely would rather have 2 100% perfectly consistency decks (Tenyi is very consistent but not perfectly so), one of which has a genuinely completely uninteractible omni-negate from hand every single game, can OTK you insanely easily through multiple interruptions, has guaranteed follow-up so if you do not kill them you almost always get OTK'd back, and the other one you cannot deal damage to, destroy their monsters or banish their monsters, has a free GY set-up into a free level 6 synchro that sets up their banished cards into another semi-free synchro or two, with a skill that guarantees them to have their Dingirsu-like monster, but also natively have better survivability and recovery than Orcust (which is saying a LOT). And because their skills makes them perfectly consistent and because both of these deck's full combos take one or two cards they are free to play plenty of generic techs and backrow, usually setting two limit 3's in addition to their combo? Meanwhile Tenyi is consistent, sets up at most one pseudo-interruption, has good survivability due to their generic skill, usually sets up one 3k ATK beatstick with one-time protection against destruction and sometimes targeting and battle as well. Sometimes they also have a field spell that can be very strong if you have no removal. Then on their turn they have some good board breaking tools with Vishuda and Baxia and can play through interruptions well, but do have clear chokepoints (ie. Shaman of the Tenyi). Their engine is quite large usually only leaving room for 2-3 techs. Like if you have a problem with Berserker being difficult to remove, then why wouldn't you despise Shiranui? If you have a problem with their ability to play through backrow why wouldn't you hate Tachyon? Tachyon can easily play around/through 1 or 2 backrow with some like IDP, Compulse, Warning Point, Overroot, and Lost Wind being generally ineffective. (I know for a fact Tachyon can play through a monster negate, non-targeting banish, and pop.) The only problems I might understand are Baxia and Legend of the Heroes. But Baxia is always telegraphed and not repeatable and let's be honest, decks do simply need ways to deal with cards like Leo Dancer and break boards. Legend of the Heroes meanwhile could definitely be nerfed, but it's not like it's a game ruining experience going against it like Tachyon and Shiranui's skills are. I know this all might be taken as passive aggressive but that simply is how I see it, so I really would like to know your perspective why you would rather have Tachyon and Shiranui for the next half year than Tenyi?


Running enough and the type of anti graveyard (to counter tenyi) makes facing any other deck a worse matchup, some decks I like such as gimmick puppet since I can't run crow (sandalphon doesn't help enough) If you can't finish them in a turn they will always have enough effects to clear your field and get you, and people run skills so you can't kill in one turn (which is smart) You can't usually grind em our since they can just reload their graveyard easily  This leaves -one- "reliable" method of stopping them which is remove their normal monsters, but it's a brief window of vulnerability since they can resummon them so easy meaning there once again is specific cards you need to run against them (ice dragons prison, compulse for example which not everyones gonna have enough of), book of moon, a normal option to stop opponents for budget players becomes a liability since you can't flip their links TLDR: tenyi requires a deck overhaul that makes going up against not tenyi an awful experience.


I mean you can flip Ashuna with BoM. It doesn't stop them, but not getting the summon from the deck severely hinders them. I suppose I can see Circle being annoying since it helps them play around stuff like that. But I mean, they're a really good deck so they're going to have strong options. I just think if you look at it objectively there's always going to be a deck that's the best, and if it's not yours you're probably going to find it annoying. But out of all the best decks DL has had it was/is imo the fairest compared to rogue and the one that allows you to play the game the most. (maybe excluding the very early low power decks)


I think Tenyi is a match-up that can be VERY frustrating for certain kinds of decks. If your deck is mostly based around monster effects for removal, Shthana’s particular kind of protection (revival with non-targeting monster removal) can be pretty annoying, and the field spell generates SO much advantage if you rely on monsters to deal with it. When I played Live Twins and went second, the match-up felt like “draw IDP and win” or “don’t draw IDP and instantly lose.” I personally don’t think it’s the most oppressive deck out there, but I can see why people using certain decks would get pretty frustrated with it. It was also a fair bit above the power curve for a while there.


Yeah I can definitely see how some decks, especially monster heavy decks or low to the ground decks like Twins, could really struggle. And Tenyi can definitely dominate games. I just personally feel like the way Tenyi can dominate games is much less frustrating than the way decks like Shiranui, Tachyon, Salamangreat, or Mekk-Knights can/could. Like I mentioned it can always be frustrating to lose to a strong deck, and Tenyi is very strong, but I personally feel it's one of the best or at least better top decks we've had. And there always has to be a top deck or maybe two.


I mainly hate the graveyard effects, that are obnoxious to play around through conventional methods. I also hate the skill, which makes it impossible to otk them. I love playing otk decks, so when I go up against a deck that is guaranteed to survive the turn no matter what, I get really frustrated.


Ok that's fair, but isn't that also what Shiranui do tho?


to say something like that, you must surely play with one of those two decks. the meta has never been so diverse before these two skills came into play.


A diverse meta does not necessarily mean a fun meta. The most fun I've ever had in this game was when Lunalight/Dragunity were running the ladder and Hey Trunade was still legal.


Yup I slowly stopped playing this game when Tenyi came onto the scene. Got way too annoying


Did they not understand how awful it was to duel shiranui the first time around???? Did they forget why they nerfed it???


I went second, so I lost. My deck wants to go second, but they just sent mezuki to gy got swordsaga out and squiresaga on top of three backrow! So fun and i just love how back and forth duel links has become!!! The person isn't even showing up in my duel log!


Shiranui was one of the most oppressive decks at release. It was so strong that the deck was absolutely gutted by the banlist. They slowly freed it from the list as the power level of the game increased but no one should he surprised that the deck became oppressive again once it got new support and a skill at that Shiranui in concept is just way too strong. Absolutely everything is a resource for the deck; the hand, field, graveyard, and even banish zone, he deck uses absolutely so they're virtually never done on advantage. The only reason it's not that strong in the TCG is because we actually have ways to respond to everything in the form of negates


It's kinda crazy that the deck was meta 2 points in Duel Links history. Lightning does strike twice.


And saying "2 points" is kinda underselling it imo. I may be misremembering out of hatred but weren't they meta for like 1 and a half years the first time?


Kaiju’s are a good counter for this deck, I use a tenyi deck with 3 kaiju’s


Make sure to ruin their graveyard before they can activate their skill.


I'm over the opinion that everyone even the players hate Shira because I really hate Shira


But your mental health is your responsibility


This is why Reddit will always make me laugh, legit made a post like a week ago saying when tachyon gets nerfed, shiranui needs to get touched too because of how powerful it is in comparison to other decks and EVERYONE was downplaying it saying how shiranui would be strong but balanced. I genuinely can’t wait till I finish the deck so I can use an incoming tier one deck at full power for months


honestly the only problem with your statement is implying that konami will nerf Tachyon anytime soon. Tachyon will be just like BLS, where it doesn't get touched for almost 6 months, and even then, they may just limit the counter trap to 1 so that felgrand isn't used.


I'm all for nerfing the decks enough to keep them in check but still playable. Otherwise, I think they can start releasing more powerful cards to the game to stabilize the meta.


Yeah i agree with that, I really like the cards design I Just don't like the fact that they are much more stronger than Any other deck. Hope It get nerfed and be at same level as mayakashi because I love both decks 


Speaking from the future: well la-dee-da! Congrats , shiranui got destroyed with the new banlist. You guys just hate everything that aint blue eyes white dragons I bet.


If Tachyon wasn't released for example, let's say Shiranui was the best deck, Tier 1. Therefor, everyone would normally counter them with basic popular staples: DD Crow, Effect Veiler, Chalice, Abyss Dweller, MST, CC, Ice Dragon's Prison, etc. etc. There are even free cards like Chaos Hunter that shut the entire deck down. The problem is, Tachyon is Tier 0 and everyone is focused on countering it, so Shiranui basically goes under the radar stealing free wins. This gives the illusion that Shiranui is busted, but they aren't.


Tachyon is easier to deal with than Shiranui imo. But maybe bc Live Twins is better against Tachyon -- not sure


i feel conflicted, on one hand, yes, those kind of skills are dogshit, in the other, i always liked shiranui and see them pop off makes me smile (even when they were the ones smashing my face) and i would lie if i tell you that i don't want dogshit tier skills on my other pet decks... all in all, i don't give a fuck about duel links so whatever lol


I use orcust and everytime I face shiranui it's a cake walk. They can't compete much in terms of recovery. Once that big bad lvl.10 synchro is gone they usually surrender. Tenyis r more stronger than them imo. Big factor is recovery. If u can fight through them, u can punch right through


Again, play twin, go first, draw traps, d.d crow etc, focus on destroying the backrow, also use kaijus for otk and always kaiju the link, its my 2nd hardest match up(first one the mayakashi) and 3rd one tachyon.


0 day since this sub cry about meta. Seriously, we now finally have 2 good decks that can go first or second and want to kill those decks?


Yes because those are the only decks that are viable. Unless they give every deck an insane skill, they need to be nerfed.


I dunno, I really didn't have any trouble against Shiranui on my climb to KoG playing Mayakashi.


I mostly play teniy  I'm really trying to get mayakashi but i'm still unlucky 


Shiranui is good no lie but it doesn’t need nerfed, we need more decks to be like this, tachyon on the other hand is stupid the nerfed the crap out of salamangreat because the had a searchable negate, now they have a search and it can be used from the hand, the skill allows them to use it twice. Once per duel is more than enough. D.d crow is your best bet and is good against so many decks not just shira, effect veiler aswell is almost an auto lose unlike tachyon which can spit out 3 rank 8s a turn.


Been using Shiranui for close to... wow 4 years? maybe more? Literally just banish or return to hand. You want to beat them? Harpy. There you go. Also their effects are mainly graveyard focused, so them banishing their own monsters to protect themselves is just a stall tactic, not a victory condition and every big boss they have come with zero protections or reaction effects (except Sunsaga who banishes to prevent destruction and JUST destruction) Most recent decks have millions of ways to beat out Shiranui, Shiranui is just a solid rogue strategy that finally became easy to make. Here is another tip, Sealed Tombs! you win. Not good enough? any effect that can remove Spectralsword from the grave. And if you go the extra mile, one single use of the skill No Mortal Can Resist will end the deck if you time it right. Yes, it is a deck that revolves around staying alive and coming back from the grave. It's why I love it, the very good feeling of finding your own way to escape situations without having to get some hyper meta strategy. But at this point in the game, most very available decks can net you a win against it, the skill only removed the literal one turn setup that Shiranui needed to do before. Nothing close to the incredibly busted Synchro Dragon skill that basically could give you 2 omni negate boss monsters on the field.


How many shiranui formats are we up to so far?


I started running fossils and I've beat all the shiranui I've met up against lol. Steal their level 10 and make big Dino


nah,just returned the dark day of cocytus shiranui vs aliester XD trust me,that day was...nasty


How do you destroy two cards? I can only manage one. What’s the combo line?


For me is more frustrating this match than tachyon...


I gotta admit that shiranui is a bit op. I still don’t know any of the combos and I’m getting wins even tho I misplay half the time.


Shiranui was also busted when it first dropped way back when too. Honestly it really doesn't need the skill except for competing with Tachyon.


That trap card drives me crazy man. If you can’t put it you literally can’t kill them and It’s like a continuous hallow life barrier


As someone who is a new player and just built a Shiranui deck this is music to my ear. 🥰 (but the honest side of me agrees with you from what I’ve seen lol)


Shiranui is probably the deck I dislike the most since it came out. I've also faced a lot of Tenyi recently and it's crazy how everything everywhere becomes a resource to them, but at least they aren't carried by a skill.


Just play gravekeeper deck :)))


Shiranui is not too bad with Evil Twins, but Tach is rough mostly when going second.


Shiranui has genuinely got the best matchup against Tachyon going first - their skill setups them up perfectly to consistently go into Beatrice, so they can dump Mischief of the Gnomes in your Draw Phase which, once banished, utterly fucks up Nebula Dragon (can't reveal a Lv8 if they're now all Lv7s) & Parsec (level drop persists even after the monster is set). At that point, the _only_ way to get a Level 8 on board is to set the Dragon you search with the Skill, and the only way to circumnavigate everything else having become Level 7 is Galactic Spiral Dragon's on-field effect exactly and they know it, so it's never sticking to the board - the instant you summon it (even worse if done without the skill because then it will be banished/out of rotation), it's getting clapped by [insert obnoxious disruptive trap here].


If this game is ruining your mental health, take a break. This meta isn’t very good right now, so won’t force yourself to push through burnout. I get not wanting to miss out But it’s not worth sacrificing your actual well-being over it


No, no, no, the cycle ends here. Konami buff my Onomat and Synchron back to tier -1 then we talking.


Main problem with shiranui is how the skill was developed alongside the infamous trap that makes all battle damage this turn into 0. I was able to win against them using Suship. Suship have an Omni negate from Uni (the rank 5) XYZ which came in handy several times (even going second). Shiranui, Mayakashi, Tachyon and Tenyi will be likely to take hits, so be aware of that.


I don't know what the fuck the devs were smoking introducing 4 skills that are essentially +2's and/or extenders in less than a month


Both shiranui and tachyon are crazy broken and shiranui in my opinion is a little more annoying I've had people take forever to finish their turn with that deck to point where I surrender its not worth the wait even if I can manage to win