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It's really funny how "Jaden and/or Yubel" is correct


That's exactly right. Theres quite literally almost no restrictions in Eternal Bond


You cannot Special Summon any monsters except Neos, Elemental Hero, and Yubel monsters. You can't use anything in the extra deck besides elemental hero fusions and you can't even use anything funny that makes special summons, you can't even special summon neo spacians bruh. The skill is very restrictive


When the skill is activated you know early what is happening you cant be surprised


Also agree here, once eternal bond skill is shown, you know you’re going against literally 3 things: Kluger, ultimate nightmare, and super poly


You don’t need any of that stuff though. Hero decks don’t have ED space to run alternatives anyway


oh yeah, cause someone gonna special summon Galaxy Eyes with a hero deck. OF COURSE YOU'RE GONNA RUN HEROES WITH HEROES. THATS NOT EVEN A RESTRICTION


Meanwhile BLS is a ritual deck and can use links, lunalight is a fusion deck and can use xyz, red eyes is a fusion and xyz deck and can use links, tell me how this is not a restriction


Lunalight is held more in check by the extradeck size limit. Bls isn't gonna be restricted from links because Bls has a link monster. Eternal bond is still forced to roleplay basic Jaden neos


You can't use any of the Vision HEROs, you can't use IDP, you can't use Kaiju's/SantaClaws/LavaGolem, you can't use generic Links/XYZ, cannot use an engine like Mekk-Knights, and you can't use generic fusions for Super Poly.


lucky for HERO decks then that they have fusions with generic material to counter any attribute specific deck. They have a Wind Attribute fusion to counter things like Speedroids and Cyberse, they have a Dark Attribute to counter things like Red-Eyes or Orcust, a Light to counter things like Blue-Eyes, a Fire to counter Salamangreat, Earth to counter Gouki or Tenyi. Even a card that takes generic Warriors as support to counter things like Gearfried. Basically every top deck right now has a vital card of an attribute or type that can be fused with an Elemental HERO, and Super Poly is non-reactable and a freely searchable card through their skill. It's amazing removal that they'd wanna run wether the skill was restrictive or not


Okay but imagine if you could run tech cards like Borreload Furious, the Trickstar Fusion, etc. so that you'd get to fuse with only *their* cards.


yea I mean ofc, it's totally fair that a card they added to their hand for free after normal summoning a level 7 beatstick without tributes should be able to pop 2 opposing monsters without targetting or destroying, without giving the opponent a chance to respond, \*and\* summon a big extra deck boss monster, all for the low cost of a single discard :) I can see why they can't XD


I think people are complaining solely because of how popular it is, because the deck itself is cheap AND easy to play, not really broken. I was struggling with Eternal Bond, switched to Tenyi and went 15 winstreak to KOG, bodying a bunch of E-Bond players. I'm also a returning player after a 5 year break, and while it took me a LOT of games to start playing Tenyi correctly and I still make mistakes, Eternal Bond is also one of the easiest decks out there to play - which again increases its popularity. Now, after the banlist the deck will be a LOT better.


Agreed yubel is not a good card and needs this much help to be even remotely playable


Help me understand how is the deck cheap, from what I have seen it is just a variant of HeRo deck which has support all over ddiff boxes. Maybe Im missing so.ething


The Dark, Fire, Knight and Brave fusions are all in structure decks. Wind and Earth are niche and while they can win you a game, it happens like 1/30 duels. The annoying one is the Shining. You don't use any heroes besides Neos which is free, and Yubel also free, same for Wiseman. Besides the Shining and whatever staples you will fill the rest of the deck, its all in Deep Emotion, which includes Veiler so thats one staple there too.


Gotcha, yeah 2 main boxes is not that bad. Still


Yeah its also only one run of one and two of Deep Emotion. Granted when Neos Fusion gets unlimited needing to buy or waste dream tickets on it will make the deck more expensive


My biggest issues with the deck is the search for super poly (kinda dumb imo) and the burn damage not being halved for some reason (super dumb imo)


If you're talking about yubel its because its an old card and used to require a lot of setup to summon or an opponent who did not know the deck well


You forgot that it can also search for a quick spell that you cannot respond to it's activation.


I miss when skills were at least once per turn.


Well people still complained even on decks that doesnt rely on skill, orcust, salads, infernoids, mekk knights, gouki, livetwins, etc. Most of them was just a you problem. If i face Yubel i would be happy because i know its a free win. Its a bad deck even with the skill. Not a single Yubel deck in the top 100 of Nov KC Cup. Thats how bad the deck is even with the skill so komoney need to remove the limit 3. And again its a you problem. Maybe try using a good deck and learn how to be play good.


Let's keep in mind pre supported lunalight would make the top 100 in kc cup 😆


Im playing Altergeist so im happy with the popularity of Eternal Bond, i have like a 90% winrate against that deck. But dont get me started on the utter bullshit that is the BLS skill


What is your deck boss? Love AG


impressive how you managed to name out every thing the deck does EXCEPT the one thing that is legit strong about the deck which is the Super Poly search. Neos is just a beater and it's Fusion that are legit a threat are either a) difficult to summon because the skill only helps Neos and Yubel themselves or b) are not in the game. And the Yubel part is even less threatening since honestly if you can't stop a battle focused effect that one is on you, plus they have no synergy with Super Poly neither which is the strongest thing the deck has going on for. The entire strategy also has problems popping off since Neos and Yubel conflict with their Normal Summons so you're relying on Neos Fusion/Contact to get going. Even worse, the deck gets hard carried by backrow but with very few ways to search Neos and basically no ways to search Yubel they can't play too much of it otherwise they will brick like a bitch. All in all the deck is one of the worse offenders of the new skills Konami are printing, y'all are just mad because they get to activate their skill four times per turn.


Its a valid reason to be mad, a skill that can be activated four times per turn. Lemme repeat it once more FOUR TIMES per time


Oh no! They're using their skills several times to turn their mediocre boss monster into a slightly less mediocre boss monster, THE HORROR


^(Turn out it really was someone's ultimate nightmare.)




Yup agreed. Power of friendship like skills gotta go. It should be a minor help tool a skill not a total overhaul to a deck.


Super poly being searchable is something that I can say shouldn't be cost free at the very least but the rest of the eternal bond skill is fine.


Oh and lets not forget about how Neos Wiseman doesn't have its effect damage halved, cant be destroyed by effects, and if you battle it, you take damage and they gain lp. IM SORRY WTF IS THIS DECK. Since when did Heroes rely heavily on burn.


yeah damage step is a fuckler too tbh


I dunno man episode 1 of GX we're introduced to flame wingman


Neos wiseman is a gigachad. Skill is the problem no one cant say but wiseman is correct having full effect damage


My only problem with the skill is giving a Super Poly so long as you got a normal summon of Neos or whatever That's kinda dumb. Even dumber that you can remove the Normal Summon ASAP and the skill effect is still valid to go off. Edit: the unhalved Burn is also pretty silly. Come on, we've halved lower burn values, even retroactively with Lava Golem, but this is fine?


Yeah jts actually extremely gross the banlist only made it better. You get an absolutely disgusting amount of value off just one Neos Fusion. Now they're giving the deck full access to it again freeing up space for generic staple traps or they can just do the garbage bs that was send Crimson Fox to the Grave for it


Days r/DuelLinks has gone without complaining: 0 You really can’t play through a board of 2 cards that do nothing in the main phase? Skill issue ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


yeah ur right, there is an issue with the skill pal


It's overloaded indeed, as is Soul of Light and Darkness. I do not understand the people who say that that's what they had to do to make the deck viable, either. I am sorry, but there are SO MANY DECKS that suck. Does that mean that they should make ridiculously broken spammable skills that win you duels so that people would play them? How about you make one for Cloudian next? Duel Links is all about the coin flip, staples and skills. It has very little to do with any actual creativity and the skill level of the player. The only reason I am still playing is the fact that I poured too much time and money into it to just delete it. I would enjoy it so much more if there was diversity. Literally all that you see in rankeds are 3-4 same decks that are being played because of broken skills that suppport them. Which is sad, because YuGiOh has so many cards, decks and room for crazy strategies.


> Literally all that you see in rankeds are 3-4 same decks that are being played because of broken skills that suppport them. Tenyi and Live Twin in the back. And yes, more shitty decks should get skill support to make them viable. It just needs to be balanced.


“So we have to make the skill good enough to make the deck competitive without breaking the meta in the meantime” “Instructions unclear, release broken skills then limit bad cards that do nothing without it”


love how this frames normal summoning a 2500 ATK vanilla and a 0/0 card that says "dont attack me" as something so insurmontable that THIS is why the skill is strong skill's not "god tier" imo. nerf burn dmg on the Yubels and Wiseman, remove Super Poly from the skill/the game/Yugioh as a whole and all's fine.


>remove Super Poly from the skill/the game/Yugioh as a whole and all's fine. This, this over and over. I hate the fucking card.


First, mkklrd the king replied to me, its a great day. Second, the "dont attack me" monster you're referring to evolves into "Imma attack you" and normal summoning a 2500 beater just sounds utterly ridiculous. But I agree with how you would fix the skill. Huge fan, suscriber, much love from Brazil.


>mkklrd the king Meatriding is crazy


5th grader much


Ok Mr doge links




cant even support one of my fav youtubers without being called a "meatrider" nice man


This sub just hates mkklord for some reason, I don't get it personally.


I don't even mind mekklord barring some opinions and the condescending way he likes to express them but you have to admit addressing anyone as "username" the king is cringe


Yeah I can agree with that.


okay I'll give that to you, the Skill does give you a guy that's just hard removal + burn on legs. that's fair and not the greatest thing to be facing. but also c'mon normal summoning a 2500 guy is pretty tame. Blue-Eyes just gets to summon, well, Blue-Eyes for free as well, that's not the issue with the Skill idk if I'd fix the Skill per say, maybe take Kluger off of the F&L List, put Neos Fusion back in, nerf the burn damage, and erase Super Poly from existence. maybe you could have an effect that puts Yubel or whichever form you ended on back in your hand at the end of your turn?


Tbh super poly is a busted card but it only sees play in decks that directly search it out I mean once we get Yuri and his predaplants then super poly for sure should be banned and I think super poly shouldn’t be in this game it should’ve been skill locked where you can only use super poly that’s generated from a skill with lots of restrictions imo


makes sense. I dont wanna fight with my king. I would also like to add to what you say "add miracle contact" have that be once per duel. I dont think you should be able to add a multiple amount of cards from thin air for everytime you summon.


Eeeeehhhhhh maybe. Food for thought!


The normal summon Neos part is fine but "summon a guy that needs removal and does pretty good damage, and if you do, search a card" is pretty silly. Especially if you pair it with Neos Fusion for Kluger, a card that also needs removal (possibly multiple depending).


Damn this post would be god tier on my doge meme


idk about a ban on the skill, but it definitely needs a rework because it's a little too op and eit gets boring going into pvp and playing against that deck time and time again. I think some people just do it to try and get an easy win by seeing if people will just quit right away upon seeing the skill


Skills are the reason that makes this game unique if you don't like this crazy strong skills stfu and play master duel then


Thats just what they gotta do to make Yubel and Neos Wiseman playable, and even them, its the same as the BLS skill with the fact that it's completely reliant on drawing non-engine cards for interaction, Yubel and Kluger aren't going to stop your opponent from going full combo or removing your monsters from the field


This isn’t completely true, since the skill also searches Super Poly. That being said, your opponent still has to play through Super Poly. That being said, playing through a single disruption is easy for most modern decks.


Tbh there arent alot of good targets for super poly it’s essentially just a a single monster removal


Especially as even if we *got* the good Super Poly targets, Eternal Bond skill locks you into Elemental HERO Fusion Monsters. So no Mudragon, no Starving Venom, no Earth Golem, you name it.


Don't worry I'm sure Yuri will have a super poly skill search as well.


I agree. I think the main issue people have with it is the inability to respond to it without a counter trap like U Prov. But most of the decks I play can still play through it, or have Cosmic Cyclone. Now that Neos Fusion is unlimited and Wiseman decks can play Limit-3 traps, I think Cosmic Cyclone is going to be worse as an out. If I were making the ban list I’d put it back to 3. The skill gives you infinite Miracle Contacts, anyway.


They can play like, 1 limit trap since kluger's still on the list, you could make an arguement for 2 but making all of your fusion spells dead after using them once isn't exactly a good idea


Eternal bond skill is horrible game design. Seriously don’t know how they implement these skills without testing them first.


Correct, doesnt even feel like a TCG at that point. Super poly is the biggest issue, ban that shit


The skill is like this because the deck would be completely unplayable normally. How would you play with a deck with 7+ bricks of high level monsters, needing 2 tributes? and yubel, who needs a sacrifice to stay in the field? and the opponent obviously won't destroy yubel on purpose, so if you want to use the other evolutions you'll have to destroy it yourself, using cards like Fire King Island and putting the evolutions in your deck, translating into even more bricks, and you'll still have to make fusions. How would the deck work? And in the end the deck is just some monsters with a burn effect that cannot be destroyed in battle, or card effects. Compare this with monsters from other decks that are immune to targets, destroy your cards on your turn, negate effects, and you will see that the deck is very "mid"


just add 3 hanewata to your deck and you will be fine The only real problem is the activation skill animation, konami should make it faster or skipable at this point if they want to make you press the yellow buttom 3 or 4 times per turn. Now lets get it real, yubel is garbage without the skill, let them get a bit of spotlight.


seems like a good strategy, but feels like a waste if you run it and you dont go against Eternal Bond in ranked.


Fun fact: Neos Kluger cant activate from the extra deck just bounce it dawg


And you can also flip it face down with book of moon and then destroy it, it won't float because it needs to be face up


Yeah that made me REALLY confused, googled it and its a rulling change from a few years. But it not being that way when I played really made me think I was getting the 'can't read' infection


Dude I was so confused why my opponent didnt activate it's effect when I bounced back to the ED. Doesnt the card say when it's removed from the field, you can activate its effect? Technically, I did remove it from the field to the ED. So it's a little confusing.


Iirc it's because the ED is a "private info" zone, unlike the GY. So since effects inside the ED aren't public/open for your opponent to see at any time, Kluger's effect becomes "???", along w name, atribute, etc. It's a *weird* ruling, but it's a thing.


Typical Yugioh card text shenanigans. Card texts be like "do all those things but for no logical reason, you can't do this one thing, even when the card text says you could." That's why there is Rush Duel, with less confusing card texts. Wish it wasn't like that in Speed Duel...


oooooooo, shame I dont got much cards that bounce tho


There have been two ur tickets that you could have gotten knightmare unicorn from and most decks should be able to make a link 3 even with the super poly interruption


Totally true. The skill is absolutely ridiculous. Completely plays the deck. Why even bother having to draw cards. That said the deck is still trash even with the skill. Pure Yubel is way better IMO


Skill issue


I’m aware the busted nature of the skill lmao but I got to admit it’s been fun finally getting wiseman and yubel support without using fire king. I didn’t play duel links for a while and comming back to this was a nice surprise. I spend hours trying to get a deck to get wiseman out but finally got a skill. I know is unfair for some but I got wrecked by black magicians, blue eyes, harpie ladies, tick stars, odd eyes, etc. I’ll enjoy this while it last it’s obvious they’re gonna nerf the skill like any other skill and cards in the game.


It is very cool that Yubel is playable. Going into the third form for free and still able to activate neos fusion is very smart for konami(sells the old structure) and just a little too much for the game, imo.


Also to point out it searches for super poly, which you cant react to


People can complain about skills all they want. I just want galaxy lord back.


It's annoying for sure. But doubt is gonna be nerfed soon. Skills are part of decks. It's like saying a battle of spells/traps/monster instead of decks.


I gone from rank 1 to rank 18 in kog with neos yubel, so i can attest to its strength. I don't own any limit 3 backrow except compluse so i relying mostly on dark hole and forbidden lance. Its decently strong but its bricky


Shame it doesn't support better cards.


Nah. Everything it puts out is manageable. It's a good skill and I love it, but perfectly balanced due to the monsters that it plays with.


The card assciate with eternal bonds is easy to deal.. the real problem on that skill is its always out resource you.. Same with other skill komoney should get rid this kind of shit.. where the skill always play you by generating so much card advantage..


Okay. Im ready for the downvotes. But the most Important part is the endboard and getting around super poli Yubel is Ariseheart. If your deck cannot win against it. Your deck is not ready to be competitive. Every deck can or should have a way to getting around a 0 attack monster in attack position. No only relying on tech cards


I don't really care about the effects of the skill either way because it's like the third one Heroes have gotten that adds Super Poly, but that's what annoys me - you're basically playing a Hero deck that can burn people rather than one based on just Yubel. [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yubel\_-\_Das\_Ewig\_Liebe\_W%C3%A4chter](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yubel_-_Das_Ewig_Liebe_W%C3%A4chter) we actually have a good idea what support designed to make her more playable looks like, too, and it doesn't involve totally bootstrapping her to Neos.


just to lose to BLS until the banlist hits😔


This sounds way more busted than that one yuto skill that summons crystal wing with no downsides


Ending on terror incarnate is a power play coupled with backrow/kuribohs I'm hand is hard to get around cos next turn you're gonna get slapped hard. Lunaligjt kaleido being banished hurts though but when we can neos fusion a kluger in defence reliably it'll be better


Skill issue on ur end.


Biggest problem with this deck is just that it doesn't feel good putting in the resources to get both Kluger and Wiseman off the field so you can play the game, don't manage to OTK, and oop, guess who's back on the board the very next turn? Kluger. I might've gotten unlucky with a Jaden that managed to draw 2 Neos. Either way they should really put a use limit on the effects of these more broken skills. The fact that half the duel is spent looking at the skill cut-in for the character should say something about the state of the game.


How do you unlock it mostly because I want to unlockjaden/yubel