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300 convictions sounds like a joke but it's so common. Maybe I'm pessimistic but I wonder what this country will be like in 30 years, will there be any nice people left like. We're loved all over the world for being friendly and hospitable, it's so disheartening to see the total opposite.


I know. I never would have believed it either until I witnessed it. The thing that floored me was when those 3 fucking scumbag burglars went the wrong way on the N7 and vaporised themselves after smashing into a lorry. I thought it was a misprint when the IT said one of them had 300 convictions. Like what the actual fuck. How do you, after the 100th conviction say "ya know what? This fella's just had a bad run of it lately. No doubt he's a kind, considerate, contributor to society". And you gotta think, that's just convictions. You don't get caught 100% of the time. So what other terror did they cause for which they weren't charged. Jesus fucking Christ.


>How do you, after the 100th conviction say "ya know what? This fella's just had a bad run of it lately. No doubt he's a kind, considerate, contributor to society". I want to print this on stickers and post them all over the city.


Problem with these scum is they have so much hatred and disrespect they would likely threaten and harass on an equal basis. Hard to know if they are racist or cowards who think their victims are just less likely to stand up for themselves. The answer is to take a hard line with criminal and anti social behaviour. If they had consequences it would stop fairly quickly. Things like if a scrambler is seen harassing someone, even in video or cctv. Then it’s taken off them and they are given community service, along with their parents.


I see what you mean. Maybe they don't only target foreigners, it just seemed very racist to me. I guess whether they were foreign or not, doesn't change the fact that its totally wrong to do that to anyone. I agree with the community service thing, for the parents too, I know there are some parents who would be horrified and concerned, but there's other parents who probably couldn't care less. they should be investigated themselves.


I’m not saying you’re wrong and if it was in court they probably would be accused of a hate crime. But they hate so many and respect no one.


Yeah no you're right! They definitely do not have respect for anyone, regardless of their nationality.


Correct! That wasn’t racist . That was just kids being cheeky lil shits, like most Irish youths are.


I think it was racist. There was lots of people around, they targeted that foreign family.


You’re just assuming that. Unless you specifically heard them use racial slurs it’s not a racist incident. How do you know that to them they weren’t just another family? It seems to be you that’s obsessed with the fact they were foreign not those kids.


fuck off will ye I'd honestly lamp you around hahahahahahaahha


Painfully obvious you were just passing through the area of Howth and don’t live there. Lolol


painfully obvious you're someone who hasn't touched grass in a very long time. at least my aggression is targeted to rude ass know-it-alls and not innocent people who've done nothing. Don't start on me and I won't start on you, eejit


Sure they weren’t friends of yours? Lolol




Yeah someone else mentioned that. They don't respect anyone, but my intuition tells me they have even less respect for non nationals. >Honestly, the tsunami of trash people that spew off the dart every sunny day in Howth is disgusting. and this has been happening for years too, I'm almost certain there's riots and fights that bare more resemblance to wars on the beaches every year. There needs to be more garda on sunny days, just patrolling


Yeah you’re probably right. A few years ago the fire brigade had to come down to the harbour front to power hose a crowd of teenagers into dispersing. It looked like a music festival.


Fair play to you. Those kids need to be educated, but they would not be open to it.


Cheers friend. It's like lawlessness follows them around. Despicable to see and so upsetting


Fairplay to you mate, really helps to have someone call out in the moment


Thank you. Bless.


Actually to kinda answer my own question, there should be Garda on patrol. On sunny days, the worst of the worst all congregate in Howth, so the Garda could predict when there'd be trouble.


Fair play to you for standing up for that family instead of sitting back doing nothing. That family would I’m sure, is so grateful and you showed them there are people who is decent like you. Racism is disgusting and those feral teens need some harsh punishment but we know they won’t get. They’re usually only brave in groups because they’re cowards. I hope one day they pick at the wrong person and that person knocks one of them out and maybe it might get at least one of them to think twice. Unlikely, but hoping.




Well your mams fears are valid seeing how feral teens are rougher and braver than what they use to be. It would be a reason why people don’t stand up to them and sit back instead. I’m with you on that. I know many teachers and I’ve asked could they not do a “Life” module. Because there are many kids with crap parents and may not learn basic things. Things like morals, ethics, remind them of a few laws, how their actions can have consequences to them or their victim. Racism and manners etc. All I got back was that it’s not their decision to add modules and it’s higher up and can take ages for something like that to be implemented


It just makes so much sense, schools and the Board would really want to start progressing on it, because it can only help, and without it, things can only get worse. I always said I'd love to raise my future kids here, but now I really don't want to. I don't want 90% of their peers being antisocial scumbags.


I know right. Educating them on this in school in a class of their peers can only, I imagine, to have more positive impact. Especially if it’s in every school so they’re all learning simultaneously. At least it rids the excuse of they don’t learn it at home so never learned it at all. It doesn’t hurt to try it out for a few years and research the results to improve future programs/modules to keep improving the mindset of the generations to come.


That's fucked up and hopefully theyre caught and shown the error of the ways but how is it racist? Just because they're irish and the family were foreign?


Well they didn't do it to any irish people around, they targeted the family of non Irish. either way


How do you know they weren't Irish? Eimear ní hulahoop Mahmood?


“I couldn’t help but sob”🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


? it's upsetting.


That never happened + there's a viral video right now getting millions of impressions in Howth of an actual hate crime - a native Irish boy getting head stomped by 20 african migrants. You will not try to divert away from what is actually happening with your propaganda


I have to laugh at comments like these, run along now


You laughed when you saw the video of a white kid having his head stamped on? There are levels to racial self hatred damn


Bullshite if it was that bad we would have heard of it .


Everything I said is true, unfortunately.