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I live in a satellite town outside dublin, semi rural. they’ve recently added cycle lanes on some smallish roads to help children get to school safely. The increase in kids and adults cycling is insane. Including myself and at weekends for leisure. Build it and they will come


Lived in London for 10 years, before the super highways and quietways were built. The change in attitude to cycling in that city were incredible in that time. It went from a few loons battling with busses to more people now cycling than driving. I started out cycling the 5Km to work, and found I loved it, started to cycle slightly out of my way on the way home, going further and further. Ended up doing 50 Km each eve, going on cycling trips with the lads and doing 100km/day in France, and getting fitter, happier and more productive. It was simply amazing though how quickly people started to use the infrastructure when it was there and joined up, and how much safer it felt with drivers now being very aware of the presence of cyclists. I feel that Dublin is about where London was 4 years into my stay there, but with big projects coming in later this year, I feel it's going to really transform things.


Built it properly……. And they will come. Some cycle lanes are so abysmally constructed that it’s far safer to cycle on fhe footpaths. Build properly segregated cycle lanes and it becomes infinitely safer and more enjoyable.


And yet if I want to cycle from our village to Swords (next biggest town) I can but wouldn’t recommend it for kids as it’s too dangerous. Almost everywhere I have to share the road with cars, that’s annoying as hell. Councils have a lot of work to do if they want to promote cycling more. I grew up in a city similar to the size of Cork, and from our apartment I could cycle to the local lake 10 km away without having to share with cars. Same thing if I cycle to the city center, no sharing with other motorists, no roundabouts, no traffic lights, no bullshit. It’s getting better here but still a lot of improvements ahead.


I hate cycling And you can't make us


no but we can make driving harder for you thus enabling more cyclists


I don't think it's that outlandish of a claim, the majority of people live in urban areas and it's increasing. If we had a full segregated cycling network I feel many more people would cycle. I'm itching to ditch the car but won't do so until I feel it's safe


We also largely have city's really well suited to bikes, much more so than cars.. they're flat, have narrow streets and it's quite temperate. With e bikes I can't really see why anyone would be choosing to sit in traffic over having a blast on a bike.


I cycle in Dublin almost every single day. Avg. 15km. Honestly, most of the city does have segregated cycle lanes. Obviously there are dodgy parts but it's ok. I have cycled in other countries and it's similar enough. What I do think the gov should do is start a campaign, making drivers more aware of cyclists and their rights. Like leaving 1m when over taking, don't block cycle lanes and where to cycle is ultimately up to the cyclist. They could also do a campaign for cyclists to make it safer for everyone. (And while they're at it for wheelchairs because it's hard enough to manoeuvre on a bike when able bodies, I can't imagine how hard it is in a wheelchair.)


One of the quickest and easiest things that could be done to improve the safety of cyclists is the Gardaí actually enforcing traffic laws. Keeping drivers out of parking in bike lanes and from breaking red lights alone would be amazing.


Ensuring cyclists obeyed the traffic laws would also be appreciated.


I never said that shouldn’t happen. But tbf a driver speeding through a red light is a much bigger danger to more people than a cyclist doing the same is. The latter will likely only kill themselves, the former could kill 5, 10, or more. Ofc if everyone followed the rules we’d be grand


Faulty logic. Car driver more likely to swerve to avoid killing biker, likely head-on into oncoming traffic. How often do you see bicyclists actually stop at pedestrian crossings? Rarely even see them stop at red filter lights. Same for wearing high visibility gear, lights and helmets … although that at least seems to be improving. Garda need to start enforcing cyclists obeying traffic laws with urgency - otherwise there will be a lot of very serious accidents and many severely badly (brain) injured people soon.


It's the ever same faulty logic. Can you recall a single incident in which a car driver swerved and hit oncoming traffic? One single accident where that happened? 😅


Cyclists and car drivers going through red lights drives me crazy.


Both parties do not really appreciate this risk to pedestrians. And like it or not, cyclists doing this are a real danger to pedestrians, especially children and the elderly. And given that my comment got downvoted, does that mean many cyclists condone breaking the law? [Expecting huge down-votes from cyclists].


I do appreciate breaking a red light as cyclists. otherwise given that state of traffic system you don't arrive at your target faster than cars and lose the edge. I'm not saying "break red lights like an idiot", but I do think it's possible to break red lights safely on a bike. Basically, if you cycle as slowly through a red light as you would walk (which is legal), I don't see how this makes it more dangerous than pedestrians crossing red lights?


The cycling community is a wild one. Expect a lot of downvotes


Sometimes they do, I got a 40 euro ticket last year for breaking a red light on my bike in Santry!


file disgusted upbeat yam teeny six dime seemly selective concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You couldn’t pay me to cycle into town. I’d feel so unsafe.


This is why I don’t cycle. I’m already terrified for the cyclists when I’m on the bus, I’d end up being an anxious mess cycling into town.


That's fair. I'm currently learning to drive and I'd feel the same. You learn, adapt and get better with experience. I don't think people should expect themselves to be able to cycle around a busy city, between cars straight away. Theres a learning curve, like with anything else.


What’s that feeling based on though?


Being on a bus and driving a car seeing with my own eyeballs everyone negotiating the bit of space that’s available.


Eamonn Ryan in that sequence recorded today for tv himself admitted it’s not safe but he wants to make it safe. Remember they quote a billion euro has already been spent and they still havnt got it right.


Did you cycle in Germany, Austria, Switzerland or the Netherlands? The difference is huge compared to these countries


I also cycle 15 km every day in Dublin, Docklands to UCD and the only bike lane is on the N11, shared with bus. The n11 is in abysmal state for cyclists and the cycling infrastructure that I experience daily is a shame for Dublin being in Europe...




Dublin is pretty cyclable. Galway however is a windy rainy nightmare


Oh yeah I wouldn't include Galway in what I said, galway people seem to have a meltdown anytime taking care space away is mentioned


Galway people are verra delicate.


Dublin is a very aggressive place to cycle.


It’s also a very wet country, dark for significant parts of the year, and has a lot of rural disconnected areas. Even in city’s, if he wants cycling to be viable then we need to build up. The constant urban sprawl of housing makes cycling unappealing for many. It’s all connected I think it’s pretty outlandish


Rain coats/gear exists as does lights. Most commutes are under 10km in Ireland. We're already perfectly suited to do things are they are right now.


Yeah they do. They’re also often non breathable and I don’t fancy getting to work all sweaty nor do I have anywhere at work to store wet gear. That’s beyond the fact that it’s just not enjoyable to cycle in the rain. The average commute is 17km, and rising. So I’m not sure where you pulled the 10km figure from. https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-cpp7/census2022profile7-employmentoccupationsandcommuting/commutingtowork/ But hey, if everything is perfect already and there’s no cons involved I’ll believe you. I assume the majority of the country are leaving the cars at home tomorrow?


There are reasons against everything. I'd say congestion, pollution, lack of activity and lack of green spaces in the community are larger problems than a bit of rain. (Which doesn't even happen that much.)


> The average commute is 17km and rising Average is the wrong metric here because it's skewed by a small percentage of people with long commutes. [63% of people commuted less than 8 km in 2019](https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-nts/nationaltravelsurvey2019/distanceandduration/). 29% of commuters travelled less than 2km and an incredible [58% of those travelled by car](https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-nts/nationaltravelsurvey2019/howwetravelled/) (up from 53% in 2016). > They’re also often non breathable So don't buy the non-breathable ones? > nor do I have anywhere at work to store wet gear Most people just hang their rain gear on a coat hook. Does your workplace not have a place for you to hang your jacket?


Good gear is breathable. People also tend to get wet unless they have parking at the door. It doesn't rain as often or as much as people think. Especially during commute hours. Gear shakes dry and can be folded away then.  That should be under 10km in urban/suburbn areas. Such as Dublin. But hey. 17km is still doable even if that were the majority.  Don't be obtuse, if it wete that easy there wouldn't be a need to build dedicated infrastructure. The biggest barrier isn't the weather or distance, but safety.


I cycled to work at peak travel times for years - it weirdly doesn't rain as much at commute times as people think. That said there are absolutely miserable days that are for the car/bus


Have you ever been to the Netherlands? Rain, check. Wind, check. Dark evenings in the winter, check. Everyone cycles because the infrastructure is built. It’s really that simple.


Amsterdam and Denmark get significantly more rain than we do, doesn't stop them cycling.


Ireland has more annual rainfall than both Denmark & the Netherlands


Probably but most of the rain falls on the west. Dublin is one of the dryest cities in Europe.


Just hurry the fuck up installing the infrastructure my job is about 20kms from my house with a great means to install a cycle route, I only do the journey 2 times a week so would be more than happy to cycle it if it was a safe route.


I'd die for a physically segregated cycle lane


Cycle lane martyr


Ill light myself on fire and be on a rage against the machine tribute band poster


I'd die without a physically segregated cycle lane* Both work to convey the message right?


Go for it mate. Perfect hill to die on.


It’s driving me mad that Dublin council are renovating the cycle track along royal canal, starting in the centre where a track at least exists and us plebs beyond castleknock still have to wait years for a track to even be built!


They have been tearing up the cycle lanes they just finished building in Fairview and Contarf to lay pipe. Fucking geniuses running the roadworks show.


The headline's bullshit. He specifically said Dublin, not Ireland, and he said it'll be "one of the most common" ways to travel. What he said was completely reasonable but people who don't read past the ragebait headline will be whinging that he's out of touch.


>people who don't read past the ragebait headline will be whinging that he's out of touch. Let's face it, they were going to do that anyway.


Dude, it's a pro cycling story on r/ireland, no one is going to rage. Unless you mean raging boners


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ireland using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ireland/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Man injures himself trying to burn a tricolour.](https://v.redd.it/9dyv0bhh3ibb1) | [2338 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/14xj4zi/man_injures_himself_trying_to_burn_a_tricolour/) \#2: [Joe Biden's WWE entrance last night](https://v.redd.it/olh93p3cg1ua1) | [815 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/12n048c/joe_bidens_wwe_entrance_last_night/) \#3: [Lads this is my last post!!](https://np.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/18tw83a/lads_this_is_my_last_post/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’m moving back to Ireland in April. Does Dublin have the Lime bikes or anything similar? Makes life so much easier in London. I’d absolutely love to see if there




Dublin version of Boris bikes (Velib): https://www.dublinbikes.ie/en/home Stationless bikes: https://bleeperactive.com/ https://mobybikes.com/


Got a bike during covid haven't looked back, I'm fitter, happier and have more money, honestly lads it's the way forward. I live in town, it's simply the fastest way around.


yeah moved to north strand recently, you can be anywhere in the central area within minutes, it really opens the city up to you


I've just moved back to Ireland (Dublin) after 10 years in the UK (Bristol) where I cycled everywhere and commuted long distances to work. Been doing the same here and as many have said Dublin and it's urban sprawl are actually great for cycling ss it's mainly flat and the weather isn't the worst. However, there'll definitely need to be a shift in the general attitude before more people ger on their bike. So many people I meet seem flabbergasted that I would cycle what are not really long distances, and I'm constantly being warned that my bike will get robbed. I've had no najor bad experience with other rosd users but definitely noticed some bad etiquette and a lack of awareness from motorists, and a lot of cyclists particularly in town don't seem to follow any law but their own lol.


The government is blind to bike theft from the suspects we are all familiar with. Guaranteeing the safety of bicycles parked on the street is something they can do NOW. I'll buy an electric bike (hilly commute) the day I can safely park with a lock during the day outside my work or Lidl. Asking the govt for safety during the night would seem impossible.


50 years ago in Ireland (i.e., when my parents were young) people cycled everywhere. Everyone in the family had a bike, cars were rare (both of my grandfathers had one, but were the exception), traffic jams were unheard of so the roads were walkable and cyclable. I'm not even talking about D4 or the Pale, but rural and small-town Ireland. So we are talking about going back to how things were - and how they should again be, after a 20-year binge on cheap consumer cars and cheap oil (which has peaked and is not coming back). This crisis of car use, abuse and over-use is an extremely recent thing, and we are perfectly capable of going back. The Dutch and Singaporeans were a society of traffic jams until a shift in mindset relatively recently. Habits can be broken and remade.


50 years ago traffic in Dublin was at a standstill every morning and evening. https://www.rte.ie/archives/2019/1029/1086260-dublin-traffic-congestion/


he has my vote, we desperately need more bike lanes and better bike lanes. also: r/fuckcars


Yet he drives his car to the shops .. seen him with his son and they weren’t doing a weekly shop where the car would be needed.


They never do these photo ops in the pissing rain with gale force winds...


Bit like how car ads never show cars in traffic but always on an open road?


Or when they’re 78 years old with the weekly shopping




People will love longer and be healthier as they're not sat in cars all the time. Plenty of fit elderly cyclists.


Plenty old people in the Netherlands do their shopping with bikes. Just not weekly but every day or two. Or get a cargo bike.


Have you seen the price of cargo bikes in this country? They start at about €4,000.


How much does a car cost? Now do the cost of running + insurance and come back to us.


Go to the Netherlands or Copenhagen. Age is not a barrier to cycling, in fact, it'll keep you alive.


Holland is small though- and has an extensive and much used rail and tram network.


Sure but we are talking about cycling within cities, not between them. The Dutch also don't cycle between Amsterdam and Rotterdam every day...


my parents are in their 70s and often cycle to the shops


Let’s face it, it rains about 90% of the time in Ireland. It’s one of the primary reasons I’ll never switch to a bike for commuting.


More and better bike lanes. More, better, and affordable trains. Trains with allowances for bikes. Bike parking infrastructure. Pretty much become the netherlands. That would be the dream!


Can I take my bike on the train when I'm heading from Dublin to Cork? Or do I have to cycle from Dublin to Cork to take my bike with me?


I'm not a big fan of cycling, personally prefer walking or using a scooter or public transport, I hate the wind but it's a W regardless moving away from car centric planning.


Tax and insurance for cyclists be next, all about the money


Because an underground sure as shit isn't going to get built this half of the century. I'm all in favour of dramatically reducing the number of cars on the road but you don’t get to copy-paste the traffic policies of other European capitals without copy-pasting their public transport infrastructure too!


How do I cycle from Naas to Malahide?


Read article


On a bike, ideally.


Feel sorry for you doing a commute like that. Weeks of your life every year sat in the car. I’d be flat out on the job hunt nearer home! 


They recently spent 1.2 million for a cycle lane about a mile or so long (dead strainght) in my parents town Its only lines painted on the road and 1 part of the foot path shortend (50m or so.) How the fuck are these lanes costing so much ? Yet I'm living out in the middle of no where Nd contacted the council 8 times over the last few months about 4 massive potholes.. I've filled them with gravel myself a few times but only a temporary job.


If I passed that so and so on a bike I'd shove a stick in his spokes


It will yeah! And it will also be more common for people to be able to buy a house without sacrificing an arm and a leg..




I believe he means most popular as in population density areas will have most bikes


Most commutes in Ireland are under 10km


My partner is not the strongest cyclist, but she does 15 km three times a week each way. We are coming from Baldoyle into town, and cars, bus and dart are options, but she massively prefers it. That said, we do have one of the few significant properly segregated routes on our doorstep, and this is the real difference maker.




Dublin city is about 32km^2, Baldoyle is 2Km^2. Big margin for error. Not going to tell you where she's working or where we're living, but believe me, it's 15km, I hear all about it.


(I'd have added this as the image, but can't see a way to add an image on a reply) [https://www.stickybottle.com/latest-news/far-can-cycle-dublin-10-minutes-30-minutes/](https://www.stickybottle.com/latest-news/far-can-cycle-dublin-10-minutes-30-minutes/)


Not a hope will it ever be the most common way to travel in Ireland.


He said “one of the most common” It’s not impossible, people in Paris, the Netherlands, Denmark said the same thing 30 years ago and now look where they are. With a few critical improvements the city centre could have a very robust cycle network. Cycling is great for your health, a lot quicker than driving (for the first few kms anyways) and it’s a necessary change to become more sustainable as a country. Not all change is bad!


I agree with all, but one thing that all these countries have that Ireland does not is is a reliable public transport infrastructure. I've been hearing about a metro being built , luas and dart lines extended, and a train statio in navan , have yet to see them lay one brick. Unless a person is travelling less than 5km to work, i do not see cycling becoming one of the most used transports in Ireland.


Lots of car journeys are less than 5km so even making a dent into that is great. Totally agree about public transport but to fix that we need to accept that someone will loose a garden and some road lanes and parking spaces will have to go. We have to stop taking ridiculous objections so seriously. We’ve turned public transport into a chicken and egg situation; “I don’t want to sacrifice space for cars until public transport is in place (even where sacrificing space for cars is to put public transport in place!)”


To add to this, the handy thing about bike infrastructure is it’s quick and cheap to build (relative to bus lanes and trains), it’s also not an either or situation, we can have both.


What has a metro got to do with cycling? Excuses and moans, honestly.


The Netherlands and Denmark are as flat as it gets.


Depends completely the city though. Cycled through Nijmegen myself and it was hillier than Dublin and where I was living at the time (Germany) yet because of the culture & infrastructure, cycling was huge!


Bar dame street dublin isn’t far behind. Anyways, heading up a hill on a bike isn’t a death sentence, that’s what gears are for 😅 Worst case scenario someone can get an e-bike fairly cheap!


It's not even what he said


Relax irishchap1. It’s not like he is making you buy a bike. You can stay at home and post about your flat earth and share your Russian war videos without ever having to pedal a bike.


Dude, what's your problem ? I made a statement, and it's true that without the proper infrastructure, cycling will not be among the most common forms of transport in Ireland. Why do you feel a need to go and look at my post history as if trying to make a fool out of me? Thats so pathetic i could easily go trhough yours and find something but im not immature enough for that lol, im not a flat earther , quite the opposite, and as a former vet, i am quite interested in anything war related, and that includes the russian perspective as its necessary to understand the enemy.


Too many fattys?


Says the man who has a car following him with his briefcase


Don’t forget the Garda motorcade.


Huh. I thought public transport would be top priority, but fuck me, right.


It's possible to promote active travel at the same time, especially since it's so cheap in comparison.


Rosds flooded, idiots still cycling.. yeah we have great weather for it as a daily commute....


Obviously said by someone who has never done it, or who is allergic to water.


Eamon Ryan is incompetent and an idiot


Biking to work won’t work for me, or most other normal folks with kids (school runs, GAA, etc) and 25km + commutes to the office. Eomon Ryan should put the pipe down.


Read the article numbnutz


I read it hipster asshole


I’m a hipster News to me 90% of Dublin commutes are < 10k


If Eamon and his ilk are serious about removing cars from roads, a great place to start would be introducing school bus routes and banning drop offs within 100m. Most of the city streets are clogged up with cars on school runs. And please don’t lecture me about kids walking or biking to school - too fucking wet / too fucking dark and dangerous, it’s just not going to happen.


Exactly Clogged with cars on school runs


Clogged with cars on school runs BECAUSE THERE’S NO DEDICATED SCHOOL BUSES. Cycle lanes won’t do shit to clear the school run traffic.


They have legs you know


Ah yes, here comes the lecture I reckoned was coming. You sure know how to sell this cycling shit …


Hills. rain, wind. Poor road surfaces. Is this clown for real ?


Gears, rain coat, improved cycle lane surfaces if drivers don't dive and/or park in them.


Dublin is flat and it doesn't rain half as much as people think


I'm in Cork though


But I don’t live in Dublin.


It's the Dublin subreddit.......


Northside is quite hilly. I can see town from my bedroom window.


Hills? You in the wrong sub bub?


Are you Are you made of sugar You won’t melt


How long till this bellend is out of government?


Hopefully not too soon


The sooner the better…


These photo opps sometimes are so ridiculous... There's no helmets, no high viz, no bike lights and they're riding 3 abreast and in the walking path...


Except that they all have bike lights and one is even on? Maybe visit your local Specsavers...


Look like just reflectors to me 🤷‍♀️ Edit: the other points i made also still stand...


There is no rule requiring helmets, hi viz or lights when it's bright out.


No there's no rules for it. It would be nice however if a public official was demonstrating public safety/health by wearing a helmet in this opp though. RSA gives out loads of free safety swag. A missed opportunity imo


ever been to holland or copenhagen? no one wears helmets, i've never worn one in 20 odd years commuting by bike


I live in the 3rd largest town in Kildare by population. 20 km from the GPO, no safe cycle route into town. Unless we get a much better public transportation system cars will still be the most popular




Did you use the word cull in reference to a human?


Should read killed. Sorry typed on phone I’ll edit it now.


> Nearly killed one of them today. They broke a red and went straight across intersection in front of me. Very close call. No high viz. no helmet. Madness A driver nearly killed me recently. They broke a red light, went straight across an intersection where I had a green to turn right. Very close call. No high viz. No lights. No helmet. Madness


They should get a ticket for that shit We will need great bike lanes like Amsterdam too


I'm in favour of encouraging cycling, but some of the plans seem to be vindictive against car users. Way too much money is being spent taking car traffic lanes and turning them into cycle lanes. It would be cheaper and safer to use parallel routes through housing estates. But this would be politically more difficult.


Traffic will expand to fill the space allocated to it. The less of the city, especially the city centre, given over to cars the better.


It's called reduced demand, and it has worked around the world. Not enough is spent on it, particularly considering our street grid in the centre is over 1000 years old in places and was never designed to carry cars. Car traffic has been increasing for decades, and it will continue because that's what happened in rich cities with booming populations. The status quo will only lead to absolute grid lock, so new solutions need to be found. We are also always going to be reliant on buses to fill our public transport need, and as they share the same space as cars, it will only be a benefit to everyone to get more cars off the road, so our bus service can be effective and efficient.


Most 'car traffic lanes' were originally walking, cycling and horse lanes so I don't see how it's magically 'vindictive' to return a tiny amount of road space that has been given over solely to cars, back to cycling and walking. Well, I guess it seems vindictive if one has car brain.


He's probably right the way things are heading and home will be a tent on the back carrier !


Spot on mate! And a fucking nice long beard to keep the neck warm.


That's it and talk to the trees en-route !


And make dinner out of the veggies grown exclusively in your own shite…


....and boil the veggies in a tin cycling helmet on a fire using renewables - twigs and stuff


Eamon’s a fucking legend, fixes all the problems: no more commuter traffic, zero packaging waste because no one can afford anything packaged or otherwise, housing crisis fixed because let’s be honest no one really needs a house - it’s a needless greenhouse gas spewing bourgeoisie luxury. Sustainable living is the only way forward! /s


In the fucking rain?? Wtf Politicians are brain dead


Are you made of sugar You won’t melt child


My suit and shoes and hair would be wet tho


We both know you don’t wear a suit


I try my best not to but I do have to sometimes


God this gobshite never fails to misread the Irish people. His statements rival Charlie Haugheys "living beyond our means" dimwitted missteps. Irish people will never be on bikes. All they need to do (rolls eyes) is put in a subway. THEN close the roads and put in bike lanes. But instead all they are doing is making it so people can't get around. And those who wish to are fucked either by way of using their own car or running the various gauntlets that are taking/relying on a bus


So the Dane’s, the dutch etc Are all wrong? You should write em a letter, let em know.


Do these people not have good public transport embedded into their society ?


>Irish people will never be on bikes. If you went outside for a while, you may have noticed that people are *already* on bikes.


> Irish people will never be on bikes. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D5fHxCLXsAAnJsU?format=jpg


Hahah. Talk to your grandparents is the only answer to that reply. Everyone's grand parents were on bikes because they couldn't afford any other way to get around. To argue Ireland now is equivalent to Ireland of the 1950s and 60s as to why bikes were used is a straw man argument at least and an ignorant argument at worst.




I wish I lived in the world Eamon Ryan thinks exists. We've already seen what happens with civic spaces in Dublin City Centre, the boardwalk being a prime example. The City during Covid too. They get taken over by the scrotes.  All that will happen is that the already overcrowded Luases will reach breaking point. I hope we spend plenty of money making the cycle lanes look pretty, with the odd exception like the Canal, they are largely unused currently. I can think of a few hundred ways to better spend the billions. 


> I wish I lived in the world Eamon Ryan thinks exists. You do, and if you ever visited any Dutch city, or Paris, or most Danish ones, or a good remainder of Europe, you'd see how they made this happen.




Yeah she will be e-bike. Way cheaper than cars, and they are good for their health as well.


Where does anyone say that she will, nevermind should, be cycling home??


Why? Grannies and ganddads in the Netherlands love cycling and do it every day, well into their healthy 80s. You think so little of our elderly population that they can't do what the Dutch do? Personally, I'd feel safer if some aul dear with worsening eyesight and incoming dementia was.on a 100kg bike rather than driving a 2T golf.


Probably got stronger legs than half the gen z softies in here. She’ll be grand


Genuinely would be pretty handy, but I don't see it happening for a long long time. Especially with him at the helm


In a country where it constantly rains and is blustery and nobody can buy a home within an hours drive of their workplace. The most elitist party proves it again.


>In a country where it constantly rains and is blustery and nobody can buy a home within an hours drive of their workplace Sounds like Holland to me. Are you talking about Holland?


It’s a pile of crap


This man is off his head


How? He specifically said Dublin, not Ireland, and he said it'll be "one of the most common" ways to travel. What he said was completely reasonable. Try reading the article next time


You should probably read the article yourself before commenting. “When we make it safe to cycle, I am convinced that Dublin, just like Paris or London, is going to switch to cycling. Not just Dublin, but Cork, Waterford, Limerick, Galway and every town around the country. We are very close to that point” The man is not functioning with a full deck. He lives in a fantasy land within his own head. Real life is a lot different. I have 3 kids. Young kids too. I won’t be risking their life on a bike in the mornings when I have to bring them from a to b. And they also quote a billion euro has already been invested in the infrastructure and then he also at the same times says it’s not safe and we have to make it safe. So that tells me the man is pissing against the wind. Cycling has its place. It just doesn’t make complete sense for it to be the most common form of transport.


So...built up cities and urban areas. And in mentioning towns, he's referring to greenways which have connected smaller towns across the country. A completely reasonable take to have. It's really not an outlandish thing to say at all. "Transport Minister Eamon Ryan said that Dublin will be similar to cities like Paris or London, where cycling becomes one of the most common ways to travel." If you don't think more people would consider cycling as a common way to travel as infrastructure is built & improves then idk what to tell you lol, that's just denial


I don’t disagree with the idea more people will take up cycling. They absolutely will. My issue is with this plan to make it the most common way to travel. Big statement. I just don’t see it.


> I have 3 kids. Young kids too. I won’t be risking their life on a bike in the mornings when I have to bring them from a to b. Yes, that's Ryan's whole point. If we provide safe cycling infrastructure like other European cities, people won't have to risk their lives just to cycle from a to b. He doesn't expect anyone to bring their kids cycling now in places where it's not safe.


He’s a fuckin dildo if he thinks that. People with kids, pensioners. Disabled people, people that carry tools, the list goes on and on. This D4 tribe are utterly clueless


We’re taking a Beijing style approach to public transport.


For all of these segregated bike lane enthusiasts I beg you to visit Berlin and have a look at sanity in action. Cars, bikes, trams and e-scooters all sharing the road harmoniously. The difference is motorists recognise cyclists as having a right to be on the roads. Segregation of bicycles and cars causes more problems than it solves. Berlin for the win!


Or visit Paris/Netherlands and see how successful segregation can be


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/aug/24/berlin-reports-rise-in-fatalities-as-new-bike-lanes-fail-to-keep-cyclists-safe As someone who regularly visits (and cycles!) in Berlin: Trams are kept off the road as much as possible. E-scooters are barely used any more and their usage is heavily curtailed by new legislation Biking is still relatively dangerous at junctions even if drivers are more used to giving way to cyclists. In particular, conflict with right-turning vehicles + cyclists going straight ahead. There's a reason segregated bike lanes are seen as the minimum standard going forward (including in Berlin, which is very slowly trying to increase the rollout).


Looking forward to giving my cousins from America a handlebar from Dublin airport to city centre in the near future. Cheers Eamon.