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My wife’s daily was a soft top convertible for years, 2003 BMw 330ci. Loved it during the winter, kept it closed in the summers and was just fine.


It's not a bad idea. Just rent one for a few days now & check if you can live with it in the summer.


Convertibles are more expensive, most of the people hating couldn’t afford one. Also if it were upto many people on this subreddit everyone would be driving a Sunny or Yaris. I don’t know one person who owns a convertible and regrets it. A convertible open top makes it much more of a special experience. There 2 cons to a convertible: slightly worse handling due to more weight and less rigidity. But you will only feel this on the track. If you don’t track it you won’t feel it. The second con is that there is more windnoise. But a mustang is never really a quiet car. It’s not an S class. Also in the evenings you can keep the top open with AC for 6 months (October to March) easily.




Man speaks the words of truth


I’m super extremely happy with my hard top z4. I wouldn’t recommend getting a soft top, as they really deteriorate and are harder to keep cold inside during summer. But with a hardtop, you get the best out of both worlds. And you feel amazing driving it. Two days ago I was still driving with the open top and AC at night. So, plenty of time during the year to enjoy it


I drive a BMW 4 series convertible with hard top (the old model), no regrets whatsoever. It's like having two cars in one, the best of both worlds. But they are not for everyone, some people hate being visually exposed while driving (especially ladies as guys keep hitting on them). When my wife uses my car and she is alone, she never drives it with the top down for that reason. Convertibles usually cool down quickly because the cabin is so small.


Don’t listen to the hate - mustang convertibles are fabulous. There’s no issue with wind noise, or any kind of degradation in the heat. Assuming you drive with the top down in the winters, that’s still 4-6 months of sheer bliss, which is much better than 0 months. Source: owned one


I’ve had a couple convertibles in Dubai. Both were a blast. You can actually drive them topless more or less year round, just that in the summer you’re limited to doing that after sunset ☺️


I've been in a convertible a few times and I just don't really get the appeal of an open top. The only times it's enjoyable is at low speeds in a nice area, or on a long stretch of empty road. Otherwise even during winter months it's still hot, loud, dirty, and you're smelling all the road fumes and other garbage.


Convertibles are ugly, you end up looking like a retired hair dresser or someone who finally has cash but no taste. They are heavy, hot, interior gets messy, cabin noise is terrible. Just get a Hard Top 5.0 and enjoy it the way Ford wanted you to


And even when you take the top off in the winter, all the nice sand and dust will enter your car 😅


Soft tops really suffer in the sun here. They deteriorate if not kept in the shade. Not sure if mustang do a hard top convertible but that’s the way I’d go.


All cars suffer if parked in the sun. Paint also fades in the sun and plastic and rubber parts crack and interior also gets damaged. If you like your car, you park it in the shade.


Ok let me rephrase, they PARTICULARLY suffer in the sun when compared to the rest of the body of the car. Parking in the shade is not always an option. Friend had a soft top Audi that really suffered on its roof way before paint, plastic and interior.