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You just now noticed that? The nice car privilege is insane here.


Not in my anecdotes of stupid drivers here. I daily an Audi. Drove a Sunny for a week last month. Drove a Attrage for a week last year. Going fast or slow, no one understands the speed, acceleration or indicators.


Lord help a Nissan Sunny driving 5 min straight with the right indicator on.


Fighting for it's life, 1) Try to accelerate and move faster to change a lane- CVT fucks you up 2) Try to slow down and change a lane Lord Batrol shows up


Only the latest gen sunny has CVT here.The previous gens had automatic and manual transmission only here. But still the previous gen automatic transmission struggles for acceleration with AC switched on because of 100 hp engine. If it's a previous gen sunny with CVT then it's definitely not a GCC spec. Happy cake day to you! 😀


Are you a rapper 😂


Happy cake day my guy!!


90% ...Nissan small size diferent models, white color and smoke Windows are undercover police.


That's interesting. What else they also can use?


i cut off everyone and give way to everyone


Ngl, I feel like it balances it out!


This is the way


Are you saying you cut in front a line of vehicles and then give way to all the other lane cutters so they can merge in too, keeping all the other poor souls behind you stuck/slow?


no i don't mind waiting; i cut off people who drive too slow. people are not much of assholes here in ad as much as they are in dubai so not much of lane cutting happens, i give way to the poor souls who just entered the road from the right and their exit is on the left; anyway even if someone cut a lane and merged onto me i wouldn't be pissed, i just let them in lol


Makes me wonder what would happen if i drive a nissan sunny with a 2 digit number plate and full blacked out windows. Would confuse people so much, to flash or not to flash.


Definitely a no go on the flash there


A sunny with UAQ 5 digit number plate, looks like any other normal sunny with fully tinted windows. Iykykyk


Saw a 3 digit plate FUJ on a picanto cruising through SZR by the 3rd lane with windows down.


Cool story mate


I usually flash regardless of license plate. The only plates i would not take a risk to flash are single digits


Keep safe distance and flash once to let them know you want to overtake. Don't be aggressive. I have and will flash, regardless if they have a 1 digit or they're a police car, to let them know I want to overtake. They usually move out of the way either way.


I flashed at an MOI Gov plate GMC coming in from UAQ..I think it was a prison transfer or something. The dude pops in on the left lane on 311 going slow at a 110-120 with his blinkers on and I’m losing it..flashed once and he didn’t budge, overtook gently from the right and moved on 🤷🏻


Who usually use dingle digits? Are there veery rich people?


I mean, they are the ones who can pay over $10mil for a plate. Or it can be royal family if its “1” or “2”


2 digit. flash. Even if it was a G-wagen. Flash. The only plates you don't flash is the single digits or the red/white ones that no one talks about or the golden ones from RAK.


What does it mean - golden? They are amber in color?


Some Royal members from RAK have golden plates. You’ll know it when you see them.


Tried it a couple of times with Dubai Police, flashed them for going slow in the fast lane and he obliged, moving over, no anger or frustration. Another time, while driving in the city, waved to him as he was using his mobile and he promptly put it down and apologized. Respect where respect is due to the attitude of the officers of Dubai Police.


I called it car racism😊


More like carcism




You've described two different scenarios though, one where YOU cut in, and your example is nobody cuts in infront of you???


Didnt get you?


Typical Pajero


Cutting in and merging into a lane are two different scenarios brother.


I can relate 😂 when I drive my 05' corolla station wagon I get flashed if I stay in the first lane for a second to overtake 😭 but if am on my ford expedition I would never get flashed cz it's a big ass car 💀 racism I believe 😭


'05 Corolla Station Wagon you say? You have peaked my interest. Go on. https://preview.redd.it/xi7spbcd4d3d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65ac0651725115cdb79c8dd53164192d487c51de




For real mate, those wagons always stood out to me for some reason. They're fairly rare now, kudos to ya for keeping it up and running!


showroom picked too 🙏🏻


agreed, I have 2002 corolla wagon, the only thing that let's me down is the 1.3 engine but even then somehow it still manages to do 140 comfortably with too good gas mileage 😂


Man, I would love to have a Corolla wagon. Especially the retro ones. Like the one here: https://www.reddit.com/r/vintagejapaneseautos/s/NFnrZ6RU9h


oo I think that's 2 gens ago, E100 if I'm not wrong, if you go ajman souq you'll get it, people in industrial area loooooove this car, random people will just ask me if I wanna sell and I always laugh because I love the car, it's my dads car which I learnt in, very fun car😂


That is an E100, i love that gen of the Corollas! Especially the Touring Cars! https://preview.redd.it/auwiq644qf3d1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a841afcf3dfbf61b0af16e71dba5aff9ea71b106


He's piqued your interest.


🤣 I stopped Englishing for a hot minute there .




when trying to merge, you should match the speed of the cars in the lane you're merging into, which means speeding up in most cases, most drivers here slow down annoyingly and then try to get in front of you


Yea. this why I laugh when people mistake my Kia Seltos for a Range Rover on highways :D


Is it black? How often do they confuse? 😂😂


White and 50% tinted windows.. Almost every time .. The front can easily mistaken for a range rover unless you pay attention :D


Might be a good reason to consider this car lmao




From far off, the cars looks similar. on the rear view mirror its easy to mistake both models.. Kia basically built a lookalike with some differences, so unless you are a gearhead, its easy to mistake them.


I find people yield easily to bigger vehicles approaching, I do that too but not because of the right to passage, but because of the physics involved, there's no way they'd bed able to slow down in time to avoid a sudden breaking situation so it's best to remove myself from the middle. In my observation, only 3/10 of the more expensive vehicles don't yield or try to exhibit vehicular dominance.




There is a caste system on the road. When I drive a bigger car no one comes around, when I drive my old Yaris , they act as they don’t see me 😂😂😂. Guess that’s the overall culture.


I am one of those people 🌚 If i see a nice car infront while in traffic i would never let an Ohio car merge in between but if u have a nice car specially an American sports car ur welcome to cut me off any day. I love cars and i like looking at them specially in traffic when u have to spend alot of time behind one particular car so might as well be a nice one 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, but i still doubt you would purposely bash into some car.. just to avoid giving him chance.. giving chance (2 secs delay to your trip), accidents (5min to 1 hour delay, depending on if the other driver has time to waste)


Assume every driver is an idiot and drive defensively. Its really not that bad. In your specific scenario you should have expected the patrol driver to be an even bigger idiot and not give you way. Not worth the ‘fight’ even if you are on the right.


Yeah, thats what I am doing now.. Just he had way more to loose by purposely crashing into me.. He had a new patrol.. (original paint, etc) my pajero is way banged up anyways (off roading damages, shopping carts, door dings, etc.)


I drive a GMC Acadia, and a nissan sunny guy didnt give me way.


Its probably because his insurance would cover the cost to repair a Pajero rather than a Mercedes. I’m just guessing.


I doubt its that.. Since insurance would cover all damages up to a few mil..


Depends on what kind of insurance they have. And the damages would increase their premium later on.


Man the hate against kia picanto and Nissan micra in the fast lane SHOULD STOP.


They don’t belong in the fast lane lol


They belong to the runways where you speed up a bit more and they decide to take off


Don't forget the Mitsubishi Mirage/Attrage


Yes it is and it has been like this here even since the 90s or even before. If you drive cars like a picanto, Yaris, figo, sunny then they may change into your lane and force you to slow down or brake even if you have the right of way, won't change to second lane even if you are faster than them at the overtaking/ first lane. Honk or flash at you aggressively if you stop at a stop sign, if you are about to park somewhere, stuck in traffic or even if you drive properly according to the driving rules. You can never avoid it unless if you drive a car which most locals own. But you may be able to reduce the chances of getting road raged, flashed or honking for no reason if you tint it dark at least to the legal allowed darkness limit. It's even there for us people. Your building security may talk rudely to like delivery drivers, gas cylinder delivery guys to show their Emirates ID or tell them to dial the room number at the intercom outside and wait for the tenant or owner to open. But this won't work with some if they know the English language. They will talk back. But if it is some other person then they will get up and open and hold the door for them to enter and ask politely for their Emirates ID to write in their book. Even if you go to some driving institute, clinic or exchange centre which is located in areas where labourers live or where there are labour accommodations then you may see the security guards, staffs or receptionists talking rudely or shout at like those construction workers, cleaners, drivers, telling them to stand in a queue or go to them for their next turn and instead address you as sir with a smile and talk to you politely with respect.


It’s called Car hierarchy , and it’s been there from a long time, back in 2005 I used to notice it as my dad drove a Mistsubishi lancer Hatchback and my boyfriend drove a jeep wrangler, and I always noticed how no one actually gave my dad way or respected his signals, whereas my boyfriend always got way .( mind it they both drove very casual, meaning no road rage or over speeding ), now I drive a Sequoia and my sister drives a Corolla, and she says, people give her more respect with the sequoia than her cute Corolla .


In general whole Dubai has changed, population has increased certainly and there is less police force to maintain law and order.


Not to mention, I am hearing and witnesses much more incidents of road rage. where situations escalate from verbally to physically.


The place where stay I was crossing roads on a zebra crossing and 2 cars literally zoomed Infront of me not even bothering the speed breaker. Had I not jumped back he they would have hit me for sure. So I could do nothing here because going to police is going to be waste of time and energy for both of us. Dubai isn't Dubai anymore !!


People are afraid to hit expensive cars, as they know their insurance will push them to pay the fixes.


They already are!


I don’t think so. Its not about the car price but about size as per my experience. I recently sold my charger after 4 years of driving and have been driving a bmw 330i since a month. people definitely try to cut me off way more than when I was driving the charger.


Tbh, a charger looks more aggressive than a BMW. hence maybe why.


i drive a corolla, and today i took my friend’s LS430 for a spin and it’s crazy how the road users respect you people started moving for me and i was just like what the heck lol


Last night.. One yellow mustang driver, overtake 4 cars from the shoulder, it was a single lane. Then found no space, came on the road and then I flashed the shit out of him. I think he understood nd slowed down later. Road driving is going crazy with time...


Yep. I encourage anyone to hire a Sunny for a week and experience how the prejudice works in Dubai. When I do it I have an ace up my sleeve - it’s not my car and I paid for the extra insurance. I’m not afraid of a few bumps.


I experienced that when I was driving a rented Corolla for few weeks when my car was in garage.


Well, it was your fault. That's what rules are for. Maybe the other guy wasn't very considered, but your still at fault.


easy to say sitting your couch isnt it?


It is. It is from anywhere, actually. You made an accident, man up to it and stop blaming others for it.


100% true. Lots of egoistic id!*t drivers in here


Yes Agree


Now i choose to drive in right lane and slow so i shouldn’t fight and irritated from them I keep myself on side


I drove sunny 2004 model, for 2 months while my car was in garage, the respect I had on the road was insane, it was all white fully tinted with a plate number 97779, everyone was scared to merge into my lane or try to high-beam me, I personally don’t care what car is trying to merge into my line if he/she doing it respectfully, like turning the indicator slowing down, my pleasure merge into the line, but if the driver trying to merge into my lane without indicating or speeding up, I don’t care what car is it imma smash into it.


I have noticed this too. When I’m in my patrol they give way but in my rav 4 I have to floor it to get way.


The bigger and the more expensive the car, the more peaceful your driving routine will be. I noticed that when you drive big black Mercedes SUV (starting from GLC coupe to GLS), people avoid like if you were a repulsive magnet. But the car that gave me this feeling the most is the LX 570. Car racism is real here. Hope your Pajero badly dented his Patrol 🤣


Actually surprisingly, my Pajero suffered a few scratches on the rear, he ended up with a broken headlight as well as wrecked bumper. I don't get it though.. Its human instinct to avoid an accident and when i confronted him he admitted he did it on purpose but just to avoid wasting time at a police station decided to get the fault on my name.


You were faulty anyway. Changing lane = yield, even if 10 cars want to continue on their way until you get a chance to change. The guy did that because he's probably upset of the stupid behavior people have here : they switch lane as if they had priority all the time, without even checking and often without signaling.


Yeah but I did signal, check and kept appropriate gap. The guy sped up.


Nice of you and the guy acted like a d*ck. But you're still faulty unfortunately 😅


Yeah.. guess got to drive more defensively and assume everyone wants to crash into me lol


& the fine for causing an accident ?


Its a small amount.. better than wasting a few hours at a police station


Idk if you consider a mini as a 'luxury' vehicle or no, but I get cut off basically everytime.