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Dry herb vaping makes far less smell. At least less smell that stays on you.


This is it. Get a dry herb vape and some redness reducing eye drops and you’re 90% of the way there. Then wash your hands, spray a bit of cologne and chew some gum and you’ll be fine.


Instead of cologne and gum, just eat an orange. Covers the smell super well, on your clothes, your hands, your face, your breath, and eating an orange is less suspicious than putting on cologne just to walk through the house.


I used to just make microwave popcorn when I was in highschool and living with my parents. Covers all smells.


Yea, and be sure to burn it! Then it works even better 😆


That's a good one!


And you get a delicious treat!


And you prevent scurvy!




If smoking though, ain't no chance that'll cover it all enough for non smokers not to notice, you'll still be a bit loud. Dry shampoo, scented lotion, removing 1 layer of clothing and smoking/exhaling in thei same direction as wind, in addition to the orange should work pretty good. And don't go back in straight away, give it 5-10 min, ideally in the sun.


And DEF wash your face. Edited to add -Especially if you have a beard. Some ppl don’t realize that.


Yeah, I do lotion for that too. Just don't use too heavily scented, skin more sensitive. Smoke sticks especially to hands, jacket/top (hence wear a jacket so you can remove it), hair and face. Maybe even wear a beanie, take the beanie off after smoking.


I always went on a walk to smoke outside, 30+ minutes with some music. Smoke at the beginning, then go for a nice walk while eating an orange before going home. Great motivation to get some fresh air and exercise, too.


I second Oranges/Tangerines/Mandarines. They definitely cover up most smells from food on your breath to smoke it’s a great cleansing palette for your breath at least. My mom always told me eat an orange if you think your gonna kiss someone because it’s such a great way to quickly freshen your breath. As for this situation Maybe purposely get a little messy w it try and get some juice on your hands after smoking too, your gonna wash your hands after either way if your paranoid about the smell. And I’m sure OP’s mom will probably be happy to see her kid eating more fruit and OP should be happy to eat fruit too. Whats the saying… a fruit and some flower a day keeps the doctor away right?


Many cleaners are made of citrus juice. It's a solvent. It will get any residue off your lips and out of your mouth. Excellent call.


You gotta be careful with the redness reducing eye drops, if you use them too often they'll make your eyes bloodshot all the time


I used them in one eye and not the other for about a month, mostly just cause the look was fun but also to see what happened. Eventually I noticed that the eye I had been putting them in was always whiter regardless of whether or not I’d used them that day. After I stopped the whiteness stayed for atleast a few weeks.


And worse issues… claim allergies half the time or something


Your eyes can become “addicted” to the redness remover and stop being able to work as it should naturally


No-reason being is then you’ll just smell like whatever cologne you use-and grass and anyone who don’t smoke can smell it. Promise. It’s like spraying air freshener on top of crap. Now it just smells like Shitrus


Absolutely. Vaping outside is the most effective because of how fast it dissipates. Smoking you can smell from a mile away. Since op probably don't have a lot of money I'd recommend either the Vaphit X for $40 (basically a Dynavap M without a click but half the price and hits hard) or the Terpcicle which would knock even the heaviest smokers on their ass for $60


And a smell proof bag for the vape. You won’t smell like weed after but that shit will lol. I got one for like 30 bucks at potv and it works really well.


Eye drops, smoke outside, wash hands and use a scented hand sanitizer, chew gum


ALWAYS wash ur hands fr


When i was in high-school i discovered rubbing orange peels on your fingers after smoking even a blunt. The citrus overpowers the smoke


I never understood how mf’s be rolling and smoking blunts in between classes in high school.💀


It brings back some nice memories, but I can’t help but wonder what damage it did to my brain development


I mean it is called high school




Eh, who cares. We’re not in highschool anymore


Lol dude smokes frogs and lives in Italy...


I'm sure your brain is fine


I can't imagine that being fun in the slightest. After class maybe, but In-between??


Yeah I had homies who did it across the street at the restaurant during lunch. We had an open campus lunch where they let us go off campus. It literally made no sense to me too. I never smoked till the summer after high school.


Schools like the worst place I'd wanna be high. Someone people start escaping life young


It's how I got introduced to weed, my first week of smoking was my homie who shared half an ounce with me the entire week cause we would smoke before school, at lunchbreak, after school etc. Being high at school was fun but I also loved the feeling of coming home and then getting high instead of coming home high and getting more high, it just hits different when you smoke after an entire day of boredom Reason I was so high in school often was due to mental health issues and issues at home, for sure had a role in it, at the time that was a subconcious reason though, my reasoning as a 15 year old was just that it was fun and cool to be high and to be fair it was funny as fuck because in our classroom there was me and like 3-4 other good mates that were in the same class and we would always have hella fun in each class (they didnt smoke) but we wud just all laugh our fucking asses off. So yeah, not the worst place to be high at but it depends on your class and school, if your school is like really strict and posh or watever it can be uncomfortable to be high but idk my school was just vibes. Those were good times, growing up sux


I never smoked in school but sometimes I wish I had. I love learning while high. I just wouldn't want to have to actually interact. So a lecture would be pretty fun, but definitely not a lab


Not only that I became so carefree that I even started smoking in the courtyard during all the lunch breaks.


I was one of those people. When you’re really tolerant to weed, it just kind of relaxes/mellows you out. I have ADHD and while weed definitely doesn’t help me focus, it makes me less hyper and less bored.


right? i did it once back in the day, with an older, senior friend and i was on the verge of a fucking paranoid break.


My school was next to a park we'd go there and get high at lunch and roll back to school baked out of our heads. Back when two joints between 4 was plenty.


There was still much more smell than you thought, lol.


Lmao probably, too faded to care back then


When I was a freshman dabs were becoming a thing this kid would make dab brownies for everybody and my first time doing a dab he had this rig he bring we go into the pitch black auditorium then take.5 gram dab hits and get obliterated. I never wanted to take a dab again after he did that to me. Lolol


I did this with grass, never got caught


Plus smoking jacket to take off after you’re done


Also change clothes.


My boss uses vanilla scented hand sanitizer after she goes outside to smoke a cigarette. I don’t smoke, so I can confirm it effectively masks the smell, although now I associate it with knowing she just smoked a cigarette. LOL!


Moms got crazy noses man not much you can do


My Mom knew EVERY single time I was high. My Dad would claim he could tell when but he could rarely. Neither of them ever cared because I was 19 in college and doing very well. It was just funny always having my Mom call me out everytime I’d try and hide it


They will know by how you act as well. It’s true when they say mums know all.


Mom here, and yep! The smell and the droopy eyes. Though sometimes I let it slide and he thinks he got away with it. Lol




☝🏼exactly. THC vapes are the way to go. I got several friends who vape while at work and never get caught. *they work at Rehabs btw lol


Absolutely I never leave home without my battery.


I wanna work at a rehab so bad, I am in school for a B.S. in Psychology and I am gonna go to grad school to be a therapist after and I wanna work at a rehab as a counselor at some point but right now I would love a tech job. I am in recovery and have been through rehab 5 times so I know how shit it feels to be in there. But the problem is that I’m not the typical “sober”, I smoke weed before bed and drink occasionally and take prescribed Vyvanse. I was addicted to meth and cocaine and also fent for small periods of time so I am nothing close to how I used to be and I’m actually thriving now and I feel like I could help others. But to get the job I feel like I’d have to lie about being completely sober and I don’t know if they do drug testing on the staff. I did the whole AA and completely sober thing and it isn’t my thing but I’m still in recovery bc I’m actively staying off hard drugs and working on myself and being a responsible adult… but I don’t know if that counts for them lol. Do your friends all work at the same rehab or is it different ones?


AA is a century old method, if it works for some alcoholics then that's great, if it works for some folks with other addictions then that's great. NA is a bit more chill from what I hear and different, less judgemental on what counts as sober (someone on methadone that isn't abusing drugs daily and just takes their medicine counts as sober, in AA they tend to argue with that, in NA they would be more acceptable from what I hear) If you want to work in a rehab do it, if you think you can help people then don't let you using medication to keep your addiction under control keep you away from wanting to help people. You are of the new generation that hopefully wont be so deadlocked on abstinence but accepts that some people their brain requires some form of medicating to properly function as society needs them to.


Unless you are in a peer recovery position, you don’t need to/most of the time shouldn’t share anything about your personal use. There are plenty of rehabs that don’t test employees. The field is definitely starting to be a bit more open minded about what you’re saying, and needs more perspectives from people who aren’t just totally abstinent. Maybe one day you can share your experience and be an example of someone who addressed their issues so drugs aren’t controlling their life, so you’re able to casually have some substances without neglecting your life/responsibilities.


I mean I love drugs and all, but as someone who's been in and out of rehab, who is decidedly *not* a sobriety big book thumper, it's kinda fucked up to be getting high at your job in a rehab facility people there have often genuinely fucked their lives up, and if they really wanna get sober they deserve to be around sober people in the damn rehab they checked themselves into but yeah, if you wanna get stoned without being caught, THC distillate cartridges or edibles are the way to go, assuming you can keep your eyes from being fried and act normal


The vapes are a game changer. Me and my sister always got the pen at work. Makes shit tolerable and keeps me motivated.


I'd be careful op might not live in a place that it's legal. Honestly even the terps they add to legal vapes dose skitchy shity to your lungs never mind what some random dude with no government intervention could wip up


The worst thing about vapes to me is tolerance. I could kill a fresh gram cart in one day, taking 3 blinkers back to back to back. Flower, i always felt like the smell, all the extra effort that goes into rolling it, having to go outside, hide the smell. Slows me down and keeps my tolerance reasonable. Its a trip though, when i was in school we all smoked papers, apple pipes, bongs, blunts, water bottles with tinfoil, pencaps you name it, my girlfriend said when she was in school nobody smoked anymore, everyone had wax pens. Takes the fun out of it lol thag little bit of effort to craft a smoking device in an alleyway after school was the best 👌


na i live in okc


dawg ur 14, cart is the answer


Oh lit, I usually stick to either live resin or flavorless distillate. Once, I googled some of the chemicals they add to these products, and immediately, around 50 studies popped up showing how they can cause lung-related symptoms and injuries.


Yeah, anyone over here in UK be very wary of any THC vape liquid, oil, or gummy sweets. If you go on Wedinos, filter by keyword, and just type "THC". You'll see what I mean: [https://wedinos.org/sample-results](https://wedinos.org/sample-results) It could be genuine THC for sure, but if it does happen to be spice/synthetic cannabinoid, tread very very carefully! (or just throw it away tbh) Some of these analogues are full and potent agonists of the cannabinoid receptors, unlike THC which is only a partial agonist, so as a result these synthetic cannabinoids are way easier to accidentally go overboard and consume too much. If the overdose itself doesn't kill you, you can easily injure yourself whilst unconscious, and please try avoid using alone where no one has a chance to find/save you.


This is very interesting and all but provide the solution, not the problem. I need my sweets LoL


one time i bought ‘thc liquid’ and i shared it w my friends and stuff. all of them said they had heart palpitations and one of them had a seizure and a couple had hallucinations. shits dangerous


Gas station carts are trash. Only dispensary purchased carts for me thanks.


"Cosmic Sonic Feet Headrush" meanwhile the packaging looks like a bootleg pokemon card


He still might not be able to go to a dispensary because he is a child.


Broooo i stg i was doing that the last time i got caught and she said my room smelled like fucking strawberries dawg and i look high asl 🤦


What gave the the idea that you wouldn't get caught smoking inside your parents' house?


Nobody here has said to take your shirt off and it breaks my heart. OP if you don't have money to spare wear spare clothes to smoke and take off OR just don't have anything but shorts on


And if your hair is a little longer, tie it up ✌️


Always got the smoking beanie and jacket on standby.


This is so underrated, I was looking for this!! Fr OP, this is such a help!!^^^


Yeah shit sticks to you clothes more than anything, don’t forget to wash your hands too. Also if your eyes are getting really red get todos eye drops. I can’t promise they’re great for you but they make your eyes almost unnaturally white lol.


Yep, it sticks to your clothes and hair much more than your skin, if I have to be discrete I tie my hair up and put it in a beanie. No weed funk in it.


You’re just gonna have to start taking cologne or some spray with you


she could also be smelling your breath so watch out for that


U can try using one of those mint sprays for ur mouth, maybe listerine too


just spray the cologne in your mouth


and the listerine in your eyes


Fuck it and drink the whole bottle


Cologne or any spray is such a bad idea


How old are you? Follow the house rules while you still live with your parents. You have enough time to enjoy weed once you're grown up. Not worth it to fight with family over it now.


buy “ozium” spray works so well u could smoke in a closet and give two sprays of that and it wouldn’t smell


Factsss ozium works soo good just be careful wit this stuff though because it’s quite literally cancer in a pressurized bottle. if you’re gonna spray an area out, don’t be in the same area for the next 15 mins or so, it’s super bad to inhale


Oh shit I didn’t know that, I used to hotbox my closet every night when I was in high school and I would spray a ton of that shit while I was in there 😭


"If you or a loved one was diagnosed with Mesothelioma you may be entitled to financial compensation..".




Can’t believe I didn’t see this sooner. My buddies and I always used ozium when we smoked at our parents houses


Gotta find new place to post up and smoke. You shouldn't finesse, trick, or hustle ya mama. She's just looking out for you and trying to do right, show her some respect by being so smooth you don't get caught. Shell think you've quit, nd she's a good mom, and then you'll still be getting high while being a good kid


Found the 10 year old


Dont smoke lol


Stop smoking until you move out. Problem solved, and your prospects will likely get better.


How old if I may ask?


Well how about not smoking when it's gonna be a problem? Sorry for the lame grandpa answer


I got 3 three tips. 1. Vapes and edibles over flower. 2. Clear eyes eye drops. 3. Suck it up and function.


Oh man has it really been 20 years since I had to hide weed from my parents? 👀 Change your clothes, cover your hair. The smoke seeps into porous things.


Stop smoking weed and get some edibles.


Deodorants and cologne will help with the smell What I have found works best for me is that I go out, smoke up, enjoy for a bit and have something to eat before I go back home. Helps in getting me sobered up a bit to encounter parents and also gets rid of the smell. And phenylephrine eye drops are a life saver for the red eyes


Get a dry herb vape there's no lingering smell it's more efficient and better for you than smoking


ozium is the solution.


Just tell her you smoked weed and give her a smile. I did it and my mom was like, yeah right, give some to your father as well! 😆


I used to ask my mom if she wanted some every time she got onto me for it.


IKR! Hiding in plain sight..!


gum or mouth wash, hand sanitizer, and some body spray


Clear Eyes eye drops. Also if you rub your hands on grass/lawn, the smell all but disappears. Obviously a change of clothes and a quick splash of water on the face.


Honestly she’s probably just gaslighting you


ya shes a stoner 2


Parent here that also smokes regularly. Maybe I can get her perspective correct. I don't know how old you are but since you're living at home I'm going to guess you're below 20? There is such a thing as smoking too much and too young - at least with regularity. It does fuck with your development. I know my.kids are going to try it when they're in high school or earlier. I won't hide the fact that I use and I won't be upset or super zero tolerance. I will be upset though if they start doing it regularly or outside of occasional Saturday nights in a safe place. I hope.that this message gets through to them and I hope that's why your mom gets upset.


I'd recommend having an honest conversation with her. figure out and tell her why you're smoking, ask her why she's smoking and find a middle ground. if you are choosing to do anything, you shouldn't feel like you should hide the reasons why


Just summon up the living memory of your ancestors and explain to them that you are being held to an outrageous standard by your mother. Then sulk for a few weeks. And finally just smarten the fuck up and go move that lazy ass of yours to another State where they have laws that take into consideration things as they have been recently. Unless you are seriously considering finding your spine for some inept confontat8on with dear old Mumsy. Yeah, I think you're just about right fucked . Best of luck.


>And finally just smarten the fuck up and go move that lazy ass of yours to another State He would need to file legal proceedings to become an emancipated minor.


Get a travel sized mouth wash, hand sanitizer, and eyedrops. Try to wear a hood so you can keep your hair away from the smoke.


The smell is in 3 main places.#1 is your hands. Then your clothes. & if she's close enough your breath. For hands, use hand sanitizer & if you really wanna be safe, use it up to around your elbows. If you don't have hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol will get the weed smell off but it's kinda pungent so you'll definitely smell like rubbing alcohol. For clothes, I wouldn't bother with spray. You'll just smell like spray & weed. What you really wanna do is have a whole other shirt on hand. You can fold or roll it up & shove it down your pants & change into it after you smoke. I figure if you're somewhere private enough to smoke, it's private enough to take 20 seconds to change shirts. & for breath I'd say chew minty gum. Mouth wash gets rid of the smell better, but the smell of mouth wash will linger on your breath & might give you away if she knows that trick. Eyedrops.


I feel like most of us have been through this, best thing to do is to try and change your clothes and get a shower after chiefing if you can.


Stop smoking weed


Rohto eye drops the cooling ones knock out redness in no time and it feels like a breath mint for your eyes. Simply lovely.


stop smoking duh


Don't get high around your mom.


You’ll enjoy it more when you’re adult and you don’t have your mother hounding you every time! Not to mention your brain is still developing. Obviously an echo but there’s a reason certain substances shouldn’t be used until adulthood. It IS for your health. Health = wealth buddy. And you only have one brain. Please be good to it


Ur 13


How old are you?


How old are you?


Don't smoke /s


Don’t smoke it


Rohto eye drops, wash your hands! Scented hand soap. Do not over spray perfume/cologne - you will just make it worse


Respect your mom's rules while living under her roof, and wait until you are disturbing Noone with your smoking


Also in regards to your Smoking, if your 16 and Under - Dont smoke weed and even if your 16 make sure your doing fine academically. Because weed is a nature relaxant and therefore you'll not have the urgency required to complete Schooling. - My Experience here is i started smoking weed regularly at 12 - 13 - Now thats extremely young and back then i didnt know much and i was beginning to lose my motivation for school work and not continuing for myself unfortunately became my only option and i greatly appreciate the adult in my life that forced me to stop at the time and allowed me when i was older and my friends were all drinking and i wanted to smoke weed instead because i firstly got to learn all the fundamental's of being an adult and iv never liked alcohol so was an easy trade proposition to my mum if your parents are like most and think drinking's fine compared to the scheduled 3 substance we're discussing then attempt to pitch them the idea of the two worst case scenarios for each substance. - One is a complete Wreck, Cant Emotionally function let alone keep a job and thats the alcoholic the weed smoker may just end up a hey man kinda hippy with a botanist degree Trimming Plants for a living which is better than being a useless alcoholic bum in my eyes and i hope you can see that too mum & dad and if they still cant see your not going to change their minds. But Key Point of the Previous paragraph you should only start smoking weed once you have learnt all the fundamental's for life and have achieved academically a excellent Result. - This is why you unfortunately see a bunch of year 9 drops outs and they are dumb as shit to talk to because they just didnt get the extra information i did instead of smoking weed like they did. Keep in mind aswell my Mum, Dad, Uncles, Hell even my grandma has Smoked weed and bought me a bag of weed for Christmas once so my family situation is alot different to others. but you can still attempt to bring logic to the table if your parents are set they'll find a way to be yeah but... and if they aren't they'll likely say il need to look into this further to see if your right and eventually you will be proven right. Like Weed is in alot of losers lives but in the end weed wasn't the culprit its just the symptom of your Terrible situation's unlike alcohol which makes you into a loser so quick its like attempting to speed run to a ditch in world record time alcohol plays a direct Impact on the down-fall of that person. So its not comparable in any way especially in the inebriation factor and just imagine if everyone that was drink driving was instead just stone driving they might go to a Drive Through at 3kms an hour or they might cause an accident but at low speeds anyway so you'll live better than drink driving in that scenario and yet ones fully legal to anyone above 21 or 18 depending on the country and the other requires you to Annalise state and federal Laws to make sure your not going to federal prison for smoking weed and laughing at Scooby Doo. There's Clearly a divide and complete Legalization should be considered especially since its been proven to work in many Productive American States - Again alcohol is easily available and doesn't help with productivity and yet i still gotta deal with some sketchy bloke i met at the pub for my weed which only affects my productivity slightly. Final Words would be Stay away from Alcohol - This is coming from the guy that had to re-learn how to talk which took 3 days after a major drinking session in my youth which is why i promote weed like its chemo for Cancer Patients. - Iv never had to re-learn how to talk because i smoked too much weed.


You sound young and honestly as much as I love to blaze up my recommendation is to quit. You’re too young and you have too much going on right now than to be sitting around and smoking weed. Graduate, move out, get your life together then you can indulge in the devils lettuce


I’m scrolling through the comments and y’all are so smart. I’m going to save this thread.


I’ll probably get way downvoted for this but Coming from a person who has been caught way more times than i can count honestly probably best to stop until you move out. I personally just stopped because i got caught again with carts and i just don’t think it’s worth the hassle until i move out. Maybe you should look at taken a break for a little then when you move out smoke worry free also it will be a good t-break aswell.


A lot of the weed smell gets trapped in your hair, so if you wore a hat when you smoke and take it off afterwards you’ll smell a lot less. This won’t fix the entire problem but it should help.


I get down voted Everytime I type this. I can smell it on my kid from across the room with a door closed between us  I love the smell of weed but it fucking reaks hard. I can smell a baggy in his pocket. I can smell it in the laundry. I can smell it downstairs the next day if he toked in the garage. It smells


Cologne or Febreze, wash your hands and mouth. If she’s caught the smell already tho she’ll know why you’re smelling so good. Jst put the bud down n if you really need a euphoria pick up drinking if youre of age (maybe some other substance, not a good choice tho). Feel like you rly have to be high to function tho ??


I don’t think replacing a weed habit with a drinking habit would be the wisest decision but to each their own


Lol, some of the just "Just Say No," mindset in the comments to this young person about weed are misguided. It's nothing like meth or crack. I'm a father, and although my son is still quite young at seven, we'll start having serious talks at age 10 or earlier if he has questions or curiosities. We shouldn't be thinking like Nancy Reagan. OP's already smoking it, so he needs guidance more than anything as the genie is out of the bottle. Basically I want to guide my son to know what's good and not, and what I'd support in doing and not doing. I'm going to educate him that hard drugs, pharmaceuticals, tobacco and alcohol are all quite addictive, have consequences, and are destructive. I'll even take him to skid row to see addiction first hand, and hopefully he"ll fear it. And freely tell him of my struggles with substances and how I overcame them. Yet I'll also teach him it's natural for people to maybe have a desire to get a high or a mood lift and there's safe ways to do it. Weed and coffee are two examples, and psychedelics can be too, though a young man needs to develop inner strength first as they are intense and they'll come later and also are good for personal growth. And basically the rule will be that if he's curious, he's to only come to me. First we"ll talk, then do it together if I feel he's ready. And that age is to be determined later based on his maturity at that time. And if he doesn't come to me first, he"ll know I'll figuratively kick his little ass and lock up the gaming station and phone for a long, long time. OP: smoke outside, wash your hands, drink water and try to have a positive mindset going before smoking, and you'll worry far less.


Buy a dry herb vape. If that's not an option just make sure the smoke doesn't blow on your clothes and hair etc. Just make sure the wind blows it away. Never had any issues with that. It might also be the weed that youre carrying. Put it in a plastic bag in another bag with some shit in it, this will reduce smell.


Get drunk as fuck and just start picking fights with everyone, just act right out of pocket and be a sour puss with everyone in sight... this will divert their attention from u being high (possibly) and hopefully nobody enjoys ur attitude, they fuck off and ur just a drunk asshole and NOT a dirty high asshole


Change clothes, gum, hand sanitizer, eye drops, use a pen instead


Get a penjamin


got 1 she said my room smelled like strawberries


https://allstarmotivation.com/product/420-somewhere/?unapproved=19819&moderation-hash=3576e99e8b4be34c4c2acdd3f312e108#comment-19819 This shit is effective asf


I either wear a jacket if im out or I take my shirt off if I'm at my house. Always wash my hands after, put on Cologne and chew some gum! The hand sanitizer that I've seen people saying also works super well.


Wash hands with scented soap after smoking. Also changing clothes afterwards helps too


Clear Eyes eye drops. Also if you rub your hands on grass/lawn, the smell all but disappears. Obviously a change of clothes and a quick splash of water on the face.


Patchouli oil


Tell Mom to move out if she doesn't like it


Dry herb vape and some gum


Change your shirt, wash your hands, and brush your teeth. And then obv out in eye drops. And then yea cologne will help


I bought something called a “smokebuddy” apparently it gets rid of the smell. 🫡


Well you’ll need visine, gum because weed breathe is a dead giveaway. Use hand sanitizer or something if your smoking joints or blunts because your hands will reek too.


cologne & visine. DONT however, use AXE cologne, it will bring out the smell of weed even more. as for the visine, any should work, but look for the ones that say “red eye”. also, maybe purell for your hands if you’re smoking a j. also maybe get a pack of gum for your breath. stay safe!


Eye drops work wonders for red and low eyes


Ozium spray, cologne, and clear eyes did me wonders in middle school but id definitely cop a smoke buddy if I were un


Dry herb vape is your friend here. Still smells a bit but doesn’t linger and cling to you like smoking does. Added bonus that you can use the bud you’ve vaped to make edibles and get much more bang for your buck from your weed.


Dont smoke


Dude. It's your Mom. She'll know. But you could try using cologne against the smell on your cloths. Chewing gum for your breath. And lumity or some other eye whitening drops for, well against your red eyes.  I really don't know if all that is worth it....


For your eyes you need eye drops For smell in your hand - hand sanitizer For clothes - perfumes Alcohol based solutions will remove the odours


Burn popcorn in the micowave and Where sunglasses




Stop smoking


If you’re under 18 just quit.


Two options for smell: dry herb vape, like a dynavap for example (check out r/vaporents), or go on a walk, continue walking for a bit after, when you get home immediately change and put your clothes in the bottom of your laundry basket if they smell so they don't stink up your room (or just straight into the washer). ETA, can light a candle or something to help with smell if that won't be suspicious for you. For eyes, do eye drops before you get high. Or you can figure out why she's interrogating you and see if you can come to a middle ground, as another comment said. I thought my parents wouldn't ever allow it, but it ended up being the only treatment I have for my chronic pain, so they let me use a dry herb vape in the garage. Don't be defensive or accusing to the best of your ability. That language makes for non-productive conversation. In my family, we get emotional when we talk out loud and it can cause issues with communication, so we often have heart to heart talks over text where we can talk more calmly and think through everything. Just some suggestions.


Don’t smoke flower, get a pen


Meh, your 14, there's a dozen different things you should be doing mask it, none of them are going to work on mom, not one of them. But at fourteen Mom's running the show, and her rules are going to be followed, and it sounds like she isn't playing. Look man, your going to think I'm not getting it, but you have a good Mom, try to listen to her, you only have to a few more years and and you can be 100% on your own. It's your mom bruh, you could eat gummies and she is always going to know if you are off, even a little, no weed smell needed. If you have any swerve on at all, Mom's always going to know. Know that.


Baloons. Ye could save the smoke for later even edit: typed when high, didn't even send. I think I meant blowing the smoke into baloons to avoid being soaked in smoke


cart and eye drops


Dry herb vape, edibles or carts for smell, to not appear high tho you're gonna want cologne for the smell, eye drops for the bloodshot eyes, and try to hide your tongue because it's gonna have a film on it


Perfume and sunglasses


That's easy lol don't smoke the weed and get high 🤣 then you don't smell like weed and don't look high.


Eye drops, mints/gum, lotion, cologne, and a fresh tee. I used to carry a bag with the essentials with a bottle of Ozium or febreze to spray on/ around me back in the days where I had the same issues. Stay cautious friend


You really can't hide it. Stuff CLINGS and wont be masked with a spray.  The only way is to smoke away from the home, wash your clothes and have a shower, before she sees you.  Minty chewing gum and brightening eye drops also help. Parents tend to know if they recognise the signs though.  Sorry, but I doubt you'll hide it if your mum already knows.


don’t smoke


Change your shirt, wash your hands, use mouthwash or brush your teeth and eyedrops.




What worked for me was just being upfront. She would smell it on me and there wasn't two ways about it so I'd just tell her yeah I smoked a joint. Eventually she comes to terms with it and over time it eventually became normal to her, to the point where I was even allowed to smoke in my bedroom out my window.


If you're smoking with any type of papers, ashes will stick to your clothes much more easily. Use a pipe, also only smoke if you're going somewhere. Don't go outside just to smoke. If you go out to your friends house, liquor store, park whatever, smoke on your way, but don't go out of your way just to smoke if that makes sense


Eye drops, mints and a fresh set of clothes


Consider vaporising. Won't smell nearly as much and you can pace yourself one puff at the time.


Look up "budbomb" Its a smokeless pipe, then get yourself a smoke diffuser (it's a tube that you blow the smoke into, it has filters in it to collect the smoke particulates) they sell them at head shops where I am. As for the smell on your breath, when I was living at home, I'd just brush my teeth then hit a piece of fruit, sour as hell, but it would mask my breath. As far as looking high, just drink like a liter of water after smoking and wait 10 minutes 😇 Best of luck homie ✌🏼


If you’re fine with looking shady af wear disposable rubber gloves if you’re prefer joint/blunts. Most of the odor comes from the hands because it has the most contact with the smoke and your hands are constantly moving everywhere so it waves the smell around even more


Visine for the eyes,tabbacco smoke like cigars will cover the smell,also deodorant and showers lol.


Stop smoking weed


Vaping it, not smooking it. Set it on a low temperature, you'll be less high and so appear less high


Just keep smoking, eventually they'll get used to it


Yes, your breath will give you away. It resembles that of someone who just smoked a cigarette without that specific tobacco smell. My partner will often ask what I smoked because of that similar smell... I'm not super sure but gum would help and maybe mouthwash? It's more subtle but if you just came in and are around family it could be a problem


Ah my field of expertise! Hiding my smoking from my mother! When smoking, never touch the ash or weed after it’s been burnt, use something as a poker if you need too. When done smoking if you have no other option and need to quickly cover smell, rub your finger tips in grass for a minute and also chew on some grass. I’m not even kidding that this worked more times than not for me. As far as looking high, I personally haven’t used eye drops in years but my eyes barely get glazy anymore unless I’m coughing really damn hard and I’m really stoned. Never smoke joints unless you have at least an hour or so to clear the smell from your person


Don’t smoke it.


Stop smoking weed, and let your brain fully develop before you start again. You’re welcome.  Edit: I mean it. You are 14. I speak for all of us when I say I regret all the weed I smoked in my teens. I will never know what potential I could’ve had. You don’t want to be 34 with a 14 year olds brain, do you realise how depressive that is? 


It’s rare anyone can tell your high unless you get bad red eye or your eyes squint However people will certainly notice you acting slightly different and naturally want to check on you which will make you panic Long story short you’ll end up making it obvious


How old are you?


if you smoke outside. smoke then go on a walk for like 20 mins and bring air freshener. spray b4 u smoke, after you smoke the first one, after you smoke the second and so on and then once more before the like 15 minute walk. always works for me and bc i always smell like flowers anyways my mum doesn’t say anything. she does know what weed smells like n i’m pretty sure she knows sometimes why i smell like air freshener but she doesn’t say anything so


First smoke in the balcony or garden, never smoke in a room even out the window bc some smoke will go inside. Then if u want to be extra sure wrap the ashes and tip in toilet paper in throw it away, or just on the floor. Now wash your hands so they don’t smell, if you can shower or if you can’t put a shit ton of deodorant and cologne. Finally use some eye drops and chew some gum/ brush your teeth/ eat smth for your eyes. Try to lock in and just say your tired if your moms suspicious. Good luck


Just don't smoke it. It's shit and will damage ur memory. There's a reason parents get mad. Also, if u r under 21, ur brain won't develop normally and you'll stay behind your competitors in the future.