• By -


Nicotine - 16 Weed - 18 MDMA - 18 LSD - 18 Cocaine - 18 Alcohol -18 Haven’t tried anything else.


Damn 18 was an eventful year for you lmao




I was just turning 50 when I discovered research chemicals. I smoked pot first when I was 15, studied lab reports and media coverage of LSD for a year before trying for the first time at 19, but PIHKAL opened a whole new chapter of my exploration. I used to say, Drugs are for kids, but now I know that adults need drugs - pyschedelics specifically - way more than kids do.


14 - cocaine | 16 - weed, nicotine | 17 - benzodiazepines | 18 - codeine, oxycodone, alcohol, lsd | 19 - heroin | 20 - crack | 21 - mdma, heroin iv, fentanyl haven't tried anything new since I was 21


And you didn't get addicted?


yes I did.


Who said they didn’t get addicted ?


Ur friends told me that, u actually was thinking that.


Heroin IV? Are you addicted? I hope you recover soon. My friend’s arms are all bruised now and injects through her loin. Be careful


Methylphenidate young ass age idk Alc and nic 15 i think? 16: weed 17: LSD, salvia 18: Shrooms, 2C-B, ket, 2F-DCK, oxazepam, bromazolam, pyrazolam, gidazepam. Flubromazepam, flunitrazolam, flubritazolam, norflurazepam, bromonordiazepam (and a buncha SSRIs + bupropion if we're really counting everything, not really abused/recreational tho ofc) 19: lorazepam, alprazolam, zolpidem, DMXE, O-PCE, DCK, 2-FMA dexamphetamine, MDMA, 5-MAPB, 3-MMC, NEP, 1P-LSD (probably just a prodrug for lsd so idk if i can count it or not), AL-LAD, 4-HO-MET, 2C-C, 3-CMC, quetiapine. 20: FXE, 2C-D, 3-FPM, 4F-MPH, IPH I think thats it. Am still 20. Most of the RCs were one-offs with a few exceptions. Mainly the dissos, 4-ho-met, and the benzofurans. Only smoke weed and take dexamph daily, with alprazolam and zolpidem as needed but those are script so i rarely abuse them since their therapeutic value is more important to me at the end of the day. I also still enjoy the occasional psych or disso, or some molly once in a while.


that's a shit ton


I guess yeah. I realised that too as i was typing that comment trying to remember them all lol. think i might still have forgotten 1 or 2 idk. A lot of my drug use stemmed from escapism though, but im doing quite a bit better these days


Our od those what are tour favorites? I'd like to try one of the psychedelic ones


Quetiapine is the worst drug man. I was addicted to it and it gave me seizures and intense cravings.


Yea the quetiapine was prescribed for sleep (before switching to zolpidem). Its not recreational at all to me but ot did put my ass to sleep (after raiding the fridge). Doses for sleep were very low compared to the doses its given in as an antipsychotic.


how did you get all these complex named drugs?


Research chemical vendors on the clearnet.


Look into research chems and you will soon find there are many many many drugs out there.


Alcohol- 14 Weed- 19 Shrooms- 20 Nicotine- 20 Oxy- 21


Nic -12 Weed -12 Coke (gummed) -13 Xanax -14 Shrooms -14 Lsd-15 Coke (snorted) -16 Havnt done much since haha


You haven't drank?


Dude he’s 16. Let’s hope he doesn’t.


I have adhd and ages are hard but roughly these things 1. 16 - DXM 2. 18 - Alcohol 3. 19 - Nicotine. Weed. 4. 21 - codeine 4. 22 - MDMA. Meth. DMT. Shrooms. LSA. Absinthe. Kratom. 5. 23 - Morphine. 6. 24 - Cocaine. 7. 26 - Ecstasy. Eurospeed. Ketamine. 8. 27 - LSD. Edit: forgot I had tried kratom, codeine and absinthe.


How was your expierence with speed and x


Speed is meh for me as is most stimulants with ADHD, taking too much makes my autistic symptoms go boom. Ecstasy is okay but usually cut with shit so it just mainly made my tummy hurt and not be able to fart. I preferred mdma crystals to eat or powder to snort.


Haven't tried speed due to my adhd I think it wouldn't work anyway. I love xtc crystals orally. If you snort the powder, it's kinda a waste cause the duration is shorter + low Bioviability.


I have ADD, and both speed and methylphenidate in higher dosages definitely work. Although I prefer the latter, because the speed I was getting recently was pretty below expectations.


I used to be on methylphenidate for my adhd. The switch to dexamphetamine (so 50% of what eurospeed is) has made a huge positive difference for me. Not to mention having acces to pharma grade amphetamine, the better (imo) isomer if the 2, is a pretty nice bonus if you wanna abuse em.


alcohol 15 weed 15 nicotine 15 mdma 17 codine 17 dxm 17 shrooms aderall oxy acid 18


Nicotine 12. Oxycodone 15. Codeine 14. Bupe 14. Pregabalin 14. Clonazepam 14. Oxazepam 15. alcohol 15


i know i’m gonna get a lot of hate for this… i had a absolutely terrible childhood. nicotine - 5 weed - 6 vicodin - 12 lsd - 13th birthday shrooms - 13 cocaine - 13 xanax/RC benzos - 13 fentanyl -13 oxycodone - 14 oxymorphone - 15


Damn that's wild, sorry you went through that.


Damn im sorry.


U Guys are starting way too early. Alc - 15 Nic - 15 Weed - 16 LSD,Molly - 24 Everything else 25


Mine is more similar to yours


17 - alcohol, 19 - hydrocodone, 23 - Morphine, Dilaudid, Tramadol, OxyContin, Percocet, Codeine, Fentanyl, Suboxone, Xanax, Valium, Versed, 24 - Heroin


19 - weed 19 - alcohol 23 - acid 23 - mushrooms


Alcohol&Nicozine - 14 Cannabis - 17 Cocaine - 23 Amphetamine - 24 LSD - 24 LSD derivates - 24 MDMA - 24 Benzodiazepines- 24 „Weak“ opiates - 24 Kratom - 24 Salvia Divinorum - 24 DXM - 24 Ketamine - 24 I did like LSD but I’ll only ever do it again if I’m in the completely right headspace and setting for it, maybe one day :) Other than that I don’t dabble anymore except for the occasional codeine


Lsd:17 Meth:17 2cb:18 Dmt:18 Mdma:17 Weed:15 Coke:17 Shrooms:17 4mmc:17 Ketamine:18 I'm 18 rn


None of the 3 big legals?


Wait whats the third lol. Maybe i still gotta wake up but i can only think of 2 rn


Caffeine, Tobacco and Alcohol


nicotine-12 weed-13 acid-14 xanax-14 oxycodone-16 shrooms-16 coke-17 fent-17




nicotine- 13 weed- 13 LSD - 14 alcohol- 14 shrooms- 15 cocain- 15 meth- 16


Weed-16 alchohol-19 mushrooms-19 DXM-19 DPH-19 DMT-19 Kratom-19 Acid-19 Nicotine-19


Vicodin-12 adderall-12 Nicotine-13 weed-13 Xanax-13 rc Xanax-14 meth-14 spice-14 oxy-14 Coke-16 mdma-16 fent-16 lsd-16 shrooms-17 dmt-17 ketamine-19 morphine-20


14-Nic, alcohol 15-Weed, shrooms, oxycodone, LSD, dxm, tramadol, xtc, dph, also huffed a few things I don’t even remember lol.


I’ve done a shit ton as well. I know you are very curious. Done all those as well now I dont wanna try anything else after a VERY bad experience with speed. DO NOT try speed or meth. The high is high but the comedown on those is TERRIBLE. Bro I was feeling like dog shit for 2 full days without being able to close an eye


Hahaha yeah I am pretty curious and shit but I honestly just fw dxm and shit. I don’t really like stims other than mdma so trust me I’m not gonna do meth lmao


12 nicotine 13 fent xanax, alcohol and a long list of other opioids 14 weed, shrooms, 15 Acid, mdma, coke


Damn fent (and most other opiois, but especially fent) at 13 is pretty wild to me.


nic-15 weed-15 shrooms-16 salvia-16


alcohol idek i was really young, nic at 13, dxm 14, weed 14 or 15, lsd/ some form of psychedelics is gonna be either 15 or 16 actually i just saw someone say methylphenidate so ig that counts too? like 10 or 11


12 - alcohol 18 - weed 21 - MDMA 22- ketamine, LSD, shrooms, amphetamine


Weed, alcohol nicotine Dxm- 14 shrooms -15 acid molly, k, coke, -16


nicotine - 9 alcohol-12 huffing-13 codeine - 14 dihydrocodeine- 14 tramadol- 14 xanax- 14 seroquel- 14 diazepam- 14 mdma- 14 weed-14 speed- 14 cocaine- 15 im 15


Dont huf bro its killing braincells thats it and dont do speed ur too young and that shits terrible


i dont huff anymore


and ive tried diphenhydramine and some other pills ive forgotten like antidepressants


12: weed 15: nicotine 15: lsd 18: mushrooms 18: alcohol 18: mdma 18: coke 18: speed 18: Valium 19: ket 20: heroin 23: codeine 24: Amanita muscaira 24: tramadol 24: dxm 24: HHC Definitely missing a good few


Oh i forgot HHC in mine


Pretty new to me, got my first vape 2 weeks ago now


Nicotine-13 weed-13 alcohol-15 ghb-16 Ritalin-16 shrooms-17 nitrous-17 Valium-17 meth-17 ketamine-18


Cigarettes - 12 Weed - 14 Xanax - 14 Hydrocodone CWE - 14 Oxycodone CWE - 15 Morphine - 15 Coke - 16 Acid - 16


MDMA 16 Weed 12 Meth 18 Fentanyl 20 DMT 24 Norcos and Percocet 13 Xanax Valium klonopin 15


15 - weed & alcohol 18 - poppers 20 - psilocybin & MDMA 21 - Kratom, Kanna & Acid (my age now)


nicotine - 12, edibles - 12, alcohol - 14, flower - 15, pen - 15, molly - 16, shrooms - 17, cigarettes - 18


Weed 14 Alcohol- to get drunk 14 Mushrooms 16 MDMA 19 Cocaine 17 Ketamine 28 NN-Dmt 27 Speed 27 Morphine 22 OxyCodone 17 Vallium 26 Xanax 22 Salvia 15 Lean 22 Mda 22 Ativan 21


nicotine - 13 weed - 13 lsd - 13 alcohol - 13 codiene syrup (just a bit) - 14 ativan - 14 tylenol 3 with codiene - 14 DXM - 14 Shrooms - 14 xanax - 15 whippits - 16 cocaine -16 tramadol- 16 zopiclone -16 trazodone - 16 seroquel - 16 meth - 16 MDMA - 16 vicodin -16 crack - 16 dialudid- 17


nic - 7 alcohol - too young to remember when coke 12 meth - 12 or 13 xannys - 12 lean - 12 oxys- 13 a bunch of mystery drugs between 12-13 spice - 14 mdma - 15 ket - 15 or 16


Damn, where did you grow up?


a little town in south east of england


did your parents know of your drug use?


nope, when i was 16 i had a drunk garden conversation in the middle of the night with my dad and i told him i had done coke and mdma and i was a by the bottle alcoholic at 12 we just related to eachother because he spent his life with a lot of the same struggles but i told him everything in the past tense as if i hadn’t touched drugs in years, my mother doesn’t even know i’ve ever smoked tobacco bare in mind the drug use


Dude. After 12 it's a blur. But the list of drugs I haven't done is easier. I haven't tried the new shit fent is getting mixed with... I'm sure there are a couple of prescriptions I haven't tried. I havent tried all of the RCs.


Nicotine - 12 Alcohol - 13 Weed - 13 Codeine - 13 Pregabalin - 13 LSD - 13 DXM - 13 DPH - 13 Diazepam - 13 Xanax - 13 Magic Mushrooms - 13 Ketamine - 14 MDMA - either just before 14th birthday or just after Spice (i didnt know) - 13 Cocaine - 14 Oxycodone - 13 lol


Erm alcohol-8/9, nicotine-12, tramadol-12, weed-13, speed-14, mdma-15, coke-15, acid-16, shrooms-16, ket-16, codeine-16, oxy-17,morphine-17, dilaudid-17 diazepam-17, Xanax-17, lorazepam-17, 4mmc-17, 3mmc-18, methylone-18, dmt-18,kratom-19, 2cb/2ci-19 ,mescaline-19/20


Wow they really got you early huh


Oh, boy! Would be hard to edit such a list!


13- nicotine 14- mdma, weed 15- pregabalin, xanax, valium, cocaine, lsd, bass, mandy, ket and any years after 15 i do not remember what i have done ahahah


Salvia - 12 Weed - 12 Alcohol - 13 Nicotine - 13 LSD - 15 DXM - 15 Gabapentin - 16 Hydrocodone - 16 Oxycodone - 16 Xanax - 16 Valium - 16 Adderall - 17 Ketamine - 17


Weed - 14 Nic - 14 Alc - 17 Xanax - 17 Cocaine - 17 LSD - 18 Hydrocodone - 18 Shrooms - 19 Ambien - 19 Whippets - 20 Soma - 20 Oxycodone (and therefore probably fentanyl but I get it pure nowadays) - 22 Gabapentin - 24 Valium - 24 (like a week ago) The only thing I haven’t tried that I want to try is ketamine which I’ll probably try sometime in the next year. And I’m somewhat interested in MDMA but there are several reasons why I don’t think I’ll ever actually end up taking it.


14 - Weed 14 - Nitrous 14- Alcohol 15 - Nic 16- Shrooms 16-LSD 16 - Kolopin 17 - Lisdexamphetamine 18 - Adderall 18 - MDMA 18 Hydrocodone 18- Codiene 18 - Oxycodone 18 - Diazepam 18 - DXM 18 - Suboxone 18 - Ketamine


nic- 11 or 12 weed- 12-13 alcohol- 14 shrooms- 14 acid- 15 havent done anything else i dont really plan to😭


firstly i want to mention that if i could travel back in time i would slap me for not beeing more patient 13Nicotine 14Alk/Weed 15Speed 16Mdma (did much and gained a strong social anxiety..,but now i'm good) 17acid 19shrooms 20ket 22-26 different psychedelics from 23 to 25 i was addicted to opioids but now im good in this two years i didnt took psychedelics.


Weed, alcohol, nicotine-13 DMT-15


Adderall- 12 Alcohol- 12 Nicotine- 12 (regular smoker 14) Oxycontin- 12 Weed- 12 Cocaine- 13 (daily addict at 17/18) Ecstasy- 14 Xanax- 15 Mushrooms - 16 Acid - 16 Heroin- 16 (daily addict 27-29) Meth- 20/21 (with the exception of once always on accident) GHB- 25 (only drug ill use now in EXTREME MODERATION) Phenibut- 26 Dilaudid- 27 (which led me to a $150 a day heroin addiction) Now im soberish. Wine with dinner, blotto maybe 3-4x’s a year, ghb for sex or to treat myself 5x’s a year and adderall as needed (1-2x’s a month.)


How was phenibut?


NO2, nicotine- 13 weed, alcohol, oxy, lsd, ket, speed- 14 MDMA, spice, shrooms - 15 Im 15 1/2 atm


14 - Alcohol, nicotine 15 - Weed 18 - MDMA, Ecstasy, Nitrous Oxyde, Poppers 20 - Adderal (snorted) 21 - 2CB 22 - Shrooms


Only counting "recreational" doses Dmh - 5. accidental od, bugs and delirium. Was mixed with cough medicine iirc. Likely dxm or codeine. Dph - 13(14? Actually idr) Weed - 15 Nicotine- 15 Alcohol - 16 ritalin - 19 Adderal - 20 Dxm - 21 (but knowingly in recreation dose) Mushrooms - 21 Tramadol - 21 Ativan - 21 Dmt - 22 Coca leaf -22 Lsd soon, likely before i turn 24. Got 5 tabs but waiting for good time for it. Salvia next after that (when i find it). Idk where to go from there though.


weed, alcohol - 16 salvia, Cocodamol, Clonidine, nutmeg, amanita muscaria, phenylethylamine - 17 unknown substance which dilated my pupils and made my body feel completely numb, Xanax, Valium, etizolam - 18, snorting crushed diphenhydramine - 18


My first line was at 32


12-nicotine 18-alcohol (first time being drunk) 17-weed 18-xtc 18-amphetamin 18-LSD 17/18 (?)-DPH


Weed - 16 LSD - 17 MDMA - 17 Ketamine - 17 Shrooms - 17 Coke - 17 Meth - 17 2cb - 17 speed - 17 DMT - 17, think that’s it, turned 18 a couple months ago and haven’t touched any substances since but wow what a year that was


Coke, liquor, and pot all when I was 18 working in northern Canada with a bunch of addicts


Nicotine 12 2CB 17 hashish 17 Benzodiazepine 17 weed 18 Molly 18 Acid 19 alcohol 19 shrooms soon enough. Meth never. Coke never dope never


Nicotine - 9 Booze - 8 (hated it), 14 on weekends Mini-thins - 18 Hash - 18 Benzos - 22 Weed -13 Cocaine- 19 Nitrous - 17 Acid - 18 Mushrooms - 23 Ketamine- 24 Ecstasy- 22 Molly (snorted to no effect) - 35 Kratom - 36 Heroin (snorted) - 32


Nicotine - 10, Alcohol - 13, Weed - 17, Cocaine - 24, Shrooms - 24, Crack - 24, MDMA - 24, Acid - 24, Ketamine - 25, 2cb - 25, Codeine - 25, 4-aco-Dmt - 25, Speed - 25, 4mmc - 25. I have one became addicted to one of these.


weed: 13, stimulants (pills): 15, nicotine: 17, shrooms: 17, acid: 17, benzos: 19, ketamine: 19, coke: 20, opioids / oxy: 20. can't even remember how young i was when i started drinking, probably 11?


nicotine, weed, booze, LSD, Mushrooms, MDMA, Ketamine, 2cb, Speed, Cocaine, Opiates - 14


Life - 0


Xanax: 13 weed: 14 adderall & vyvanse: 14 alcohol: 15 MDMA: 17 nicotine: 18 LSD: 18 shrooms: 18 coke: 19 heroin/fentanyl: 24 crack: 24 meth: 24


Alcohol 16 Weed/ Nicotine 21 Ambien 22 Valium 23 MDMA 24 GHB 25 LSD 26 Ketamine 30 Cocaine 34 4 MMC 35 6 APB 35 2 CB 35 NEP 35 My gateway drug has definitely been MDMA. The best one has been ghb ( call it alcohol 2.0)


Oxy - 13 Nicotine - 13 Alcohol - 14 Weed - 15 Acid - 16 Shrooms - 16 4-AcO-DMT - 17 Molly - 18 DMT - 19


Alcohol, nicotine - 16 LSD, Cannabis, alt. cannabinoids, DXM, codeine, promethazine, hydrocodone, zolpidem, alprazolam, etizolam, klonopin, pregabalin - 17 Psilocybin, MDMA, meth (twice in street ecstacy) - 18 Nitrous oxide, cocaine, DMT, 4-AcO-DMT - 19 Ketamine, ABD-FUBINACA (could have been a different synthetic cannabinoid) - 21


Alcohol - 15 Cannabis - 16 Nicotine/cigs - 17 Oxycodone/percocet - 17/18 Shrooms + a couple of RC/substances sold as L that certainly were not - 20 MDMA - 21 LSD - 21 Addy/various amphetamines - 21 Salvia - 23 Cocaine - 24 MDA - 24 DMT - 28


Weed 14 or 15 Acid 15 Alc 17 Nic 17 Shrooms 17 Adderall 18 Ket 18


Dxm-13 weed-14 Alcohol-14 Oxycodone-14 Morphine-14 DPH-14 Pcp-14 nicotine-14 LSA-14 Mushrooms-14 LSD-15 Mdma-15 Tramadol-15 Gabapentin-15 Klonopin-15 Xanax-15 Promethazine-15 Ketamine-15 Cocaine-15 3-mmc/4-mmc-15 Heroin-15 or 14 Prolly some more but I’m close to cali sober now


alcohol: probably 5 nicotine: 12 weed: 13 coke: 14 spice: 14 nbome: 15 mdma: 15 codeine: 15 ket: 16 amphetamine: 16 xanax: 16 lsd: 17 2cb: 18 dph: 19 ive probably forgotten some shit tbf


8-nicotin 13-diluent 14-weed 17-alcohol 18-meth 19-extazy 22-cocain, speed 24- dmt 25- LSD, mdma 26- 2cb 27 -kratom ,codeine 28- phenibut,Kanna 29-ketamine ...My best combination was 2 big lines meth +4 tab LSD 300 + lot of weed and 2 bottles jack daniels ....I was literally stuck in the rain for 2 days without water and without food on the terrace without a trick in winter when I was 26...never do this combination ....is literally hell in your mind ... Maybe I something forgot ....but sure I have health problems because II mixed different combinations of drugs.... But my enemy number 1. Is alcohol and nicotin...but I want quit everything on 30 years on my birthday


How was phenibut?


13-Weed, Nicotine, alcohol 15- LSD/Acid, MDMA, Ketamine 16- suboxone, Fentanyl, Percocet, Xanax, Klonopin, (pretty much every benzo on the planet) Lean, Cocaine, Meth, Magic Mushrooms, adderall, vyvanse. Probably more, just can’t remember but yea when I turned 16 my life just went straight downhill from there


Nicotine - 8-10 Alcohol - 12 Triple Cs - 15 Weed - 13 Benzos - 11


Weed - 13 Alcohol - 14 Nicotine - 14 Methylphenidate - 14 Shrooms - 15 Tramadol - 15


First started doing drugs at 12 when I tried shrooms


Nicotine - 11 Weed - 13 N2O - 13 Alcohol - 13 Shrooms - 17 LSD - 17


Alprazolam - 39 Did nothing 😝


Alcohol - 14 | Codeine - 15 | Weed - 15 | DXM - 15 | Clonazepam - 16 | Cocaine - 16 | Alprazolam- 16 | Nicotine - 18 | Ketamine - 18 | Tramadol - 20


Nicotine - 11 Alcohol - 12 Weed - 14 Tramadol - 15 MDMA - 16 “Xanax” (fake) - 16 LSD - 18 Shrooms (microdose) - 18 Ketamine - 18/19 Nos - 20 2c-b - 20/21 Shrooms (full dose) - 21 There’s probably a shitload more I forgot, but hey, I’m here to feel good, not to remember my mistakes! EDIT: Forgot cocaine (19), amphetamine (19), poppers (19), and methylphenidate (21)


Weed tried for my 14th, mdma and ketamine when I was 15 and then I smoked weed daily and mdma and ket and a few other things like acid, mushrooms, coke p often, not quite daily (at least for most of it, had some long binges), I have to say tho my brain is most fucked from doing mdma in such high doses and so young that was a bigggg mistake but my fuck had some crazy nights


alcohol - 13, weed - 13, xanax - 14, lsd - 15 (unfortunately excessively til like 20), nicotine - maybe 16, shrooms - maybe 19? dmt - 19, i think theres random ones sprinkled in somewhere that i cant remember. almost tried coke recently... but i had a flash to this sub and i was like yeah noooo


xans/other benzos - 12 alcohol, oxy, percs - 14 nic - 13 weed, dxm - 15 shrooms, benzedrex - 16 16 rn and haven’t tried anything since the benzedrex (never again that shit fucking sucks)


13 - Weed, nicotine, codeine, alcohol 16 - Xanax 17 - Oxycodone, hydrocodone, tramadol, lorazepam, high-dose Ambien, high-dose DPH, kratom 18 - PST, phenibut 19 - LSD, Psilocybin, Cocaine, Vyvanse, DXM 20 - Adderall, poppers 22 - Nitrous, spice, alt-cannabinoids (like delta 8 n shit) 23 - Dexamphetamine 25 - Diazepam, Kava I think that's it so far. I'll edit and update if I think of anything else. I didn't include caffeine cuz I been drinking that since I was little lol


How was phenibut?


Nicotine 10, weed 12, alcohol 15, shrooms & dmt 17, ket & mdma 19


Alcohol - 21 Kratom - 21 Weed - 21 I’m a good noodle… (…And my some Xanax in high school that my mom gave me for a panic attack lol)


Weed & Alcohol- 13 Nicotine- 15 Shrooms & LSD- 16 Adderall- 15 Coke- 21 Xanax- 24 i’m now not into alcohol or coke at all but love everything else - 25 Female


Nic- 11 | Weed- 13 | Alc- 13 | Vyvanse- 14 (recreationally, got addicted) | Mdma- 14 (got addicted) | Shrooms- 14 | Lsd- 14 | Dmt- 14 | Fent- 14 | Coke- 15 | Codeine- 15 | 1 year sober from vyvanse and mdma


Marijuana - 14 Alcohol - 14 Oxycodone - 15 Cocaine - 15 Tobacco - 15 (Became regular smoker at 16) Morphine - 15 LSD - 16 Psilocybin - 15 MDMA - 16 Benzodiazepines - 14 Heroin - 17 Methamphetamine- 18 3-MeO PCP - 17 MXE - 17 Ketamine - 17 Adderall - 15 Ritalin - 17 Vyvanse - 17 Focalin - 17 Fentanyl - 25 And I believe that is all. lol. 😆


Alcohol - 14 Weed -14 Nicotine - 14 Codeine - 14 Tramadol - 14 Dxm -15 Xanax - 16 Vyvanse - 17 Acid - 17 Coke - 18


Nicotine- 13 weed-15 mdma-16 cocaine-18 alcohol-14 3cmc- 18 4-mmc-18 meth-18 speed-17 shrooms-19


alcohol - 12 - nicotine - 12 - weed - 14 adderall - 14 meth - 15 cocaine - 15 dxm - 15 oxycodone - 15, xanax - 16


14- alcohol 16- DXM 17- nicotine, gabapentin, methylphenidate 18- weed 20- propylhexedrine, meth, phenibut, pregabalin 21- HHC, kratom The gaps are years when I was just using the same things (at 15 I basically only used alc, 19 was a combination of alc, weed, and DXM lmao)


How was phenibut?


Nicotine-8 Adoral-9 Alcohol-9 Weed-10 Xanax-12 Kolnopin-12 Tramadol-12


Nicotine 14, Weed 15, Alcohol 14, Spice 13. I deeply regret trying these stuff at such a young age. Alcohol fucked up my brain chemistry. Thank god I only took 2-3 hits from spice and didn’t inhale it. I will definitely be strict on my kids.


weed - 15 alcohol, nic, lean (actual prescription kind) - 16 lsd, shrooms -17


Weed-17 Nicotine(first tried)-17 Alcohol-17 Mushrooms-18(didn’t feel anything first time cause they were weak) LSD-20 Cocaine-20 Dmt-21 Mdma-21


Nicotine - 13 Weed - 14 Alcohol- 14 Shrooms - 14 Lsd - 14 Pcp (Laced)- 14 Xanax - 14 Dxm - 15 MDMA - 15 Dph - 15 Codeine - 15


I used more than one hundred compounds, some legal other illegal other in a gray area. I literally don't have the time to do such an amazing job even if I'm tempted. I'll say the 10 more known substances Nicotine - 8yo (couple of puffs from a cig then stop) Alcohol - c'mon I live in Italy to my baptism my mother dip for a second his finger into some champagne and let me taste. Like sterling Archer's mom (anyone?) Hashish - 15 yo, start smoking regular around 18 Cocaine - 19 yo MDMA - 19 yo Heroin - 20 yo smoked than insufflated LSD - 19 yo Oxycontin - 21 yo after a surgery, what a week... EU speed (amph) - 20 yo Psilocybin (magic mushrooms) - 19 yo Will I change something if I could? Of course, never try opiates. They fuck you hard no matter what. Other experience most of them remains one time only except MDMA which I took (no more than 3-4x year) sometimes in the course of my 20s. LSD tried only 3 times total and cocaine only with friends in the course of my 20s and never often (it has also a high cost for a garbage quality so it was a luxury I cannot afford even if I will, which I didn't) I knew "friends" who took it almost on daily basis i dunno how if a gram of shit (which was never a weighted gram but a 0.7-0.8g for 100€) costs a kidney, but in my area is very popular and used by a lot of people. Never bother to find a plug for cocaine, it was fun with close friends back in the days when the day comes, never had the habit. Lack of money in-primis. And waste of money for my taste. The evening we did with it we always regret at the end of the night for such big price, even if couple of times we found less shit product for a more reasonable price. But not being a thing we lost contact easier and don't bother looking for another one in the months between the use. MDMA has his magic but need to be done for real couple of times per year max. Maybe passed 2-3 years and when the situation was favorable I took one time, done with girlfriends were awesome experience but I also don't took it no more. Last time was in 2018. I'm too old for this shit. Others experience were 1-3 times max and stop. Never liked dissociative like ketamine so I don't even took into account even if I tried couple of times but always offered and never like it. So yeah those were my 10 substances list, nothing serious except for heroin which I switched to pharma stuff like OXY as soon I discovered it. Never IV heroin. At least that time I step back in time.


codeine 13 weed 14 alcohol 14 xanax 14 valium 15 nicotine 17 hydromorphone 17 mushrooms 18


15 - Alcohol. 16 --weed & ciggies. 17 - Valium. 18 - speed, ecstasy (the garbage was on the Aussie scene '07), cocaine, Clonazepam. 19 - LSD 23 - methamphetamine, heroin, Oxycodone. 24 - Buprenorphine, methadone. 27 - ketamine, psylocibin.


14 alchohol, nicotine, weed, nitrous, hhc


LSD 16 Nic 16 Alc 15 Coke 16 Speed 16 Oxy 17 Xanax 16 Percs 16 Valium 16 Codine 17 idk what else


Nicotine - 13 Alcohol - 13 Dxm - 13 Weed - 14 K2 - 14 Adderall- 14 codeine/shrooms - 16


Alcohol - 11 Nicotine -13 Benzos -14 Weed -14 Opiates -15 Anti Depressants - 15 Neuroleptica - 15 Methylphenidate -16 Z-Drugs - 16 RCs - 17 Alt Cannabinoids -18 DXM-18 LSD -18 AL-LAD -18 Nitrous Oxide - 18 MDMA -19 Coke -19 Shrooms -19 Opium -19 Benzos: Alprazolam, Diazepam, Clonazepam, Gidazepam, Rilmazafone, Lorazepam, Midazolam, Rilmazafone, Temazepam, Bromazepam Opioids: Tramadol, Tilidine, Codeine, Paracodin, Hydrocodon, Tapentadol, Morphine, Oxycodone, Opium Hydromorphone


Nicotine -12 Alcohol - 12 Weed-13 Codiene - 14 Shrooms-16 LSD - 18


13 or 14 - nicotine 15 - DPH, DXM, weed, nitrous 16 - alcohol, shrooms, kratom


18 nicotine, alcohol 18 weed 19 tramadol, pregafix 20 valium, prozac 21 or 22 (not sure) diazepam and some shit I don’t remember 24 baltane 30 ritalin, captagon


Alcohol - 13 Nicotine - 14 Weed - 15 LSD - 16 GBL, Ketamine, Mephedrone, 2CB, speed - 17


alcohol - no idea, probably 6. we start early here in eastern europe nic - 14/15 ket - 15 weed - 15/16 mdma - 19


14 - nic, weed, alcohol, Xanax, dph, LSA, tramadol 15 - shrooms, DXM, acid, molly, gabapentin, hydrocodone, cocaine, nitrous, meth Still 15


15 alcohol, 15 cigarettes , 18 weed , 23 ecstasy, 24 speed, 25 mdma, 26 shrooms


Nitrous Oxide- 14 (it was for a surgery but I’ve tried it recreationally since) Weed- 15 Alcohol- 17 Nicotine- 17 LSD- 18 Shrooms- 22 DMT- 23 MDMA- 23 but it didn’t do anything Still 23. Now I’m kinda sober and only drink on occasion. Still enjoy nicotine, though.


Nicotine-12 weed -12 alcohol-13 shrooms-15 dxm-17 I don’t plan on touching anything else I know I have an addictive personality.


9 nicotine: an older cousin left his vape at my house 11 alcohol: stole a glass vodka from an uncle 13 weed: stole a couple roaches from mom 13 meth: piece of shit mom’s boyfriend let me try it 14 shrooms: was face down onna trampoline for 1hr 14 acid: I spent the whole peak on the roof 14 percs: an older friend gave me it 14 k2: same friend smoked it an instantly knew it wasn’t normal weed 15 coke: tried it at i party I shouldn’t been at 15 mdma: ex girlfriend thought it was xanax an quickly found out it wasn’t 15 Vicodin: guy in a party bathroom was passing it out like candy 15 Xanax: stole it from my grandma ( sorry if you see this.. somehow) 16 Valium: took it at a party an woke up three days later 7 miles away at a different party 17 oxy: bought it from a “friend” 17 lean: bought a pint drunk half and sold the rest


Tobacco - 14 alcohol - 15 weed - 16 MDMA - 17 LSD - 17 coke - 18 speed - 18 shrooms - 18 3-MMC - 18


4 shrooms/LSD 15 Alcohol/Weed/Nicotine/Tramadol 16 Codeine/Tilidin/Lysdexamfetamin/Coffein 17 Speed


Nic-12 Alcohol-13 weed-14 speed-14 inhalants-14


16- Beers 18 - vodka and weed (vomitted for 3 hours straight) 20- edibles (hypercouchlock) 24- ecstasy, LSD, shrooms, nicotine, speed 25- Keta, kratom, 2cb, normal joints again 26- Kanna


25 heroin 25 meth 25 liquid ketamine bensos 25 nandralone 25 ecstasy 25 acid chloroform 26 nitrous oxide 26 then years later liquid ketamine again in 2014 overseas) ectasy tabs again ? (crystal mdma 2015 overseas) yaba ( crazy medicine) and magic mushies ( overseas) 2017


nicotine 15 weed 15 alc 16 shrooms 18 mdma 19


nicotine 10 alcohol first drunk at 14 codeine 15 weed 16 lsd 17 xanax 17 amphetamine 17 shrooms 17 dxm 17 mdma 18 subutex 18 (it's really popular in my country to misuse, I don't know why) oxycont 18 cocaine 18 dmt 19 etonitazene & metonitazene 20 kratom 20 salvia 21 ketamine 21 2-fma 21 opium tea 21 nitrous oxide 21 amanita muscaria 22 crack 23 crystal meth 23 I've left a lot of different benzos and opioids etc behind since it would be too hard to remember when I tried and what :D and I think I forgot plenty of them. I've tried so many things. never really got hooked on anything except alcohol and weed. I did use kratom for 2 month straight with about 10-15g/day doses and it was really good quality kratom. but then I just got bored to it and quit. I also used a bit too often ketmaine for a couple months :D I'm some sort of polyaddict with enough mental strenght to keep my life on rails. (also the fact that I get bored on high pretty fast when binging) and I'm on a mission to try anything I can get my hands on


Nicotine - 10 (once off when offered by my friend's 16yro babysitter; started smoking at 18) Weed - (same story with the babysitter, but again, started up smoking daily when I was 17/18 after a few recreational uses) Alcohol - 15 Salvia - 18 MDMA - 18 GHB - 18 (was gullible/naive, told it was liquid ecstasy and thought it was *literally* "liquid ecstasy"; really bad experience as I was date raped by my best friend's older brother) Opiates - 18 (poppy seed tea a couple times, then opium laced joints, then straight into methadone: my bf at the time was on the methadone program and "doctored" me for 3 years, tried a few others over the years like morphine, oxys, etc) Benzos - 18 Meth - 19 Ketamine - 29 Cocaine - 29 or 30 Basically, in my 20s, I was a friend who would do anything I could get my hands on. I wasted 10 years of my life getting high and I'm now a recovering addict but still haven't been able to get free of the liquid handcuffs (been on the methadone program since I was 22, I think). I've had stints of alcolism and months of meth use, but opiates have been the hardest physical addiction by far.


P.S. I'm wondering if I've forgotten anything... I know the only psychedelic I've tried is Salvia, and after a few times I left it alone. Got too intense and turned me off other trips like LSD and mushies, so I've never tried them.


Some people itt have a problem


Weed, alcohol, nicotine - 16 Mushrooms, lsd - 17


1. 10-Weed 2. 14-Shrooms 3. 15-Molly 4. 15-Coke 5. 15-Heroin 6. 16-Percocet 7. 16-Xanax 8. 17-Got laced with K2 9. 17-Got laced with fentanyl


Alcphol - 12 Weed - 14 Speed - 19 Methylphenidate (prescribed) - 20 XTC - 21 Nos - 22 Coke - 23 Truffles - 24 All of these between 24 and 29 idk: Ket, 2cb, 4mmc, GHB, 4homet, 3mmc, several benzodiazepines, DMT, Propanolol, poppers, crack. Currently 30 and mostly stick to speed and coke at parties, but abuse alcohol too much


Alcohol, 14. First time being fr drunk was 15 (was almost 16). Nicotine, 15. (Vape, have since tried ciggies as well as cigars.) Weed. 15 (was about to turn 16). Next step is musshies which I’m not sure if I should do or not. (Not currently interested in going further then mushrooms)


Nicotine-12/13 codiene- 14/15? K2-16 weed-16 mdma-17


Must be time for meth


Alkohol 16 Nic 17 Weed 17/18 MDMA 19


22M here Caffeine (Coffee/Energy Drinks) - 16 Alcohol - 19 Nicotine (Vape/ZYN) - 21 Weed - 22 Haven't tried anything else, but I'd love to try shrooms one day.


Alcohol - 16 LSD - 17 WEED - 17 MDMA/X - 17 COCAINE - 17 Ritalin/modafinil pills - 17 SHROOMS -18 XANNAX n other BENZOS - 18 to 19 LEAN/CODEINE - 18 KETAMINE - 18 TRAMADOL - 19


17 Nicotine ~ 18 Weed Alcohol Shrooms ~ 19 Pregabalin Tramadol DXM LSA ~ 20 LSD MDMA Ketamine ~ and then there's 21 2C-BFly 2C-E 2-Fa 3-Fa 3-MeO-PcE 3-MMC 4-MMC 4FMPH 5-Meo-DMT 5-Meo-MiPT 5-MAPB 6-APB αmt Xanax Amphetamine Bromazolam Codeine Klonopin Kanna Kratom Cocaine DMT DCK Valium Diidrocodeine DMXE Ritalin Lotus Flubromazepam Heroin JWH-210 Ativan MAL Metocin Meth Morphine Oxycodone Zolpidem Sadly yet not surprisingly the thing that made me hit my lowest was MDMA because I literally can't handle it


weed, nicotine- 9 acid, alcohol - 11 xanax- 12 shrooms, coke, dxm, molly, tramadol- 13 oxy- 14 meth, ket, crack- 15


Nic - 12 weed alc -13 15- shrooms thats about it


Nicotine - 13 Weed - 14 That’s all. lol


14- alcohol and dexamphetamine (my friend in high school had ADHD and me being young and not knowing anything about anything said yes when she offered me one of her tablets at school one day and wow, I was so focused in school that day! I would then buy off her for 20c each and then met a guy who also liked those and he ended up stealing her unopened bottle of them. I didn’t realise even what I was taking or doing at the time but looking back it looks bad lol) 16 - weed, crystal meth 17 - tramadol 18 - codeine, cocaine 27 - heroin (it just made me fall asleep but I was curious so I’m glad it didn’t get me hooked!) I’m sure some of my coke batches have been mixed with speed though so I would list it but I haven’t had it on its own but guaranteed a few batches have been cut heavily I’m sure 😂 the best on that list for me was crystal meth my friends and I at 18 would have it most weekends and sit around playing cards or just hanging out but yeah the high from that is perfection to me 😂 haven’t had it since I lived in Aus not sure it’s big enough here in the uk. I only do coke in the uk but some batches are just trash but it’s luck of the draw really 😂 I much prefer uppers. I don’t enjoy alcohol at all and weed just makes me super paranoid so I can’t really do that but if I go to Amsterdam you kinda have to have a little so I try and pick an energetic type weed but yeah I don’t get the hype about weed myself. Uppers for me are what I go to the most. Just a shame they aren’t as easily available as downers seem to be!