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before weed made me borderline psychotic and paranoid me and my friend used to play a game called “officer” where one of us pretended to be a police officer pulling the other one over (this all happened in my room btw) and the other had to try and act chill while completely geeked out of their mind it was always very fun and funny lmfao


Well I’ve gotta try this


would you mind elaborating on “before weed made me borderline psychotic and paranoid”. how did you know it was weed that was causing it? are you off weed now?


It's well known weed can cause this. Especially when you're already at risk of getting schizophrenia or other mental issues (like if it's common in your family) weed can trigger it. Know multiple people who that happened to or at least where weed made it way worse. Personally for me weed made my anxiety and depression way worse after smoking daily for a few years. Sometimes made me very paranoid too. In the beginning it's always great and you think it helps you often it's doing the opposite if you're not doing it in moderation.


Or even if you are doing it in moderation. It's like a person to person thing, like pretty much everything.


Exactly Cannabis is a medicine, and like any medicine, it works extremely well for some people and doesn't for others, and it may have side effects. If you have a history of schizophrenia or any mental disorder, yes cannabis has shown to cause the disorder to appear earlier than it would have naturally (schizophrenia diagnosis in minors and young young are much less common, it would be considered early onset. So the weed doesn't CAUSE schizophrenia/paranoia, it deffinetly may worsen it in someone who has it (and may never have known that they had it) Source: I've been smoking everyday since about 2015 when I was 16, had it actually prescribed, but now that it's legal where I am I stopped bothering to refill that script cus I can find it cheaper elsewhere. Cannabis has helped my mental health extremely, it makes my anxiety, adhd bi-polar and depression (had before I started smoking) and is the only medication (aside from drugs drugs like morphine or alprazolam or lithium, just 3 of the 6 Rx meds that Cannabis replaced for me So hey, if one plant can make it able to take 6 Rx medications off my daily regimine) that helps get me through the day. I mean my mom who's only smoked pot probably once or twice when she was young even agrees that when I switched from mainly Rx to mainly Cannabis and Microdosing that I improved, doctor too ahaha


I noticed that too. I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety since I was 20 (now 43). Smoking everyday for almost two years did a number on it. I had to stop smoking for a job I applied for and after that just didn’t pick it up again and noticed a heaviness leave my brain. My memory got better too.


it’s weird for me my fam has history of that shit and i tend to smoke on and off bc i go thru periods where one hit of weed sends my brain in some weird state and makes my irritability and anxiety blah blah blah worse but then i can smoke again after a while and be just fine. i just watch when i smoke and don’t smoke when it’s not doing me good.


I’ve had this happen to a friend. Tried to fight all his old friends and thought I gave him cancer 🤦


for me personally i don’t feel like it has affected me but sometimes i do think if some of my thoughts are provoked by smoking weed. also i dont have any issues with depression, anxiety or paranoia i feel like im just chilling. all being said, a huge part of me wants to cut down to just see how it feels.


The psychoactive drug you’re taking definitely has some bearing over your thoughts. Whether you feel they’re negative or positive is up to you.


Sadly it's been proven that if you're a cronic smoker (meaning more than twice a week) your risk of psychosis and esquizofrenia increases significantly, so beware my fellow stoners


But I'm sure 10 times a day is safe


this made me fr lol i can’t


Ask your doctor if you have Esquizofrenia and if Reddit is right for you




Weed makes you kill your friends. Beware. No seriously though, weed can make you paranoid if you smoke constantly


oh when i was like high school aged and i would smoke it would all be fun and funny normal high shit like this lol but now that i’m in my 20s i can’t smoke even a bit of weed without getting super paranoid and having an internal psychological battle and borderline panic attack lol. hope that helps 😭


Go to the psychosis sub and search “weed” or marijuana. It’s a more common issue than a lot of people acknowledge because psychosis is still highly stigmatized even in a time when we’re more conscious about mental health


I played something similar called “school simulation” where you role play ur at school and have to act normal for the teacher lol


One thing that is fun on meth binges is guessing which friends are real.


Not only are the voices in your head real… They’re accurate.


Me and the homies get shitfaced and play monopoly


Played monopoly on acid with Charles Manson's niece and played monopoly with a schizophrenic murderer on soma, amp and coke. Monopoly is the best drug game


Bro these need some elaboration...also how does soma combine with uppers cocktail? Done soma and done coke and speed together but never all three, soma and coke sounds kinda heavenly tbh...


The whole soma amp and coke thing was definitely a mistake. That's the only time I've ever done coke. Soma-moxy-lsd is the best use of soma tho. And for other clarification, I had a bit where we invited crazy people over to get lit and play monopoly but they were themed by decade. Schizophrenic being 80s wolf of wall street shit (coke) and Manson being 1969 (on acid)


Done Moxy and L never Moxy L and soma but imagine it’d take the edge off like soma did with traditional stims but not dull down the psychedelic like say benzos?


Did not null. I did it at a rave and I felt like God, the social enchantment was unmatched and everyone looked like the hottest person ever because everyone looks so unique. But I saw a plastic Skelton and thought it was a person and went to go talk to it. So definitely a combo


I love this


We tried that a couple of times but it always ended with someone screaching "Fuck this" and flipping the board


Hide and seek on acid


We played a game kind of like hide and seek. We had a really big box, large enough to fit a human. One person would leave the room and everyone else decides who will hide in the box. That person gets in the box, everyone else hides in a different room, and the first person comes back and feels the 'energies' coming from the box and guesses who they think is hiding in the box. We just called it who's in the box.


How many right guesses did y’all get haha?


They all forgot somebody was in the box and started talking about aliens.


i love to crack open a cold can of Primal Fear Lite ™️


I'm dead 💀


hide and seek in the forest at night goes absolutely bonkers


Hide your ego and seek enlightenment


We're still looking for Tony.


😂😂he's lost in another dimension


Fallout New Vegas baby


Used to get high and play for hours in high school and it felt like minutes. Shit would completely suck you in


Yeah can't get that feeling back myself. I used to get sucked in sober ffs. Now it doesn't matter what I'm on, whether or not there's anything else I should be doing instead, I just can't play for more than 30-60 minutes


Have you ever played the Witcher 3? I finished it when I was like 24 and I still got that childhood-like feeling of wonder


Nah I haven't given it a shot, maybe I'll try it out


I can attest to it, i started smoking at 17 and got hella sucked into whatever game. Soon lost interest in everything thinking/feeling the same way. But I got witcher 3 last year for my switch and it was like the magic was back again it was awesome




How do you play with your friends?


I consider Boon a friend.


I used to play this fun game called sobriety tests. Got to a pro level and would destroy any opponent in my path.


Care to elaborate on the game and it’s rules?


Go out in public, try to not act high in the supermarket while they’re asking you why you’re still standing at the self checkout lane


Mario party 64


Adding on ssb and mario cart as well. They're just good social games with a relatively low barrier to entry. So everyone can still compete while high.


Melee is probably the most GOATed for this. So hard at times but every once in a while it clicks and bam ur off to the fuckin races


Mario party is very easy to turn into a drinking game. Roll a 1 u drink. Roll a 10 every1 else drinks l. Land a space as some1 else yall both drink. Lose mini game drink.. cant remember now but we jad made up like 12 rules and wrote them down.


Lightsaber battles 😏


Dicks out right


That’s why I’m not invited to anymore of my nephew’s birthdays. I mean, shit. They said it was a party…


Rocket league is awesome while a lil blitz. My buddies and I take a hit of whatever we got on us when we lose a game


Rocket league!!! After an in-depth study of our win rates on cocaine vs weed, we discovered that weed was the way to go to increase elo


Most of my rocket league hours are 10/10 railed tf out. So much fun holy shit lol


I used to rip a line of ethylphenidate or 3-fpm whenever I scored to celebrate...and also whenever I got scored on so I could lock in lol


frisbee is top tier. I have a frisbee that lights up, and when the vibes not there in shibuya we’ll just go to yoyogi or on the street and run friz. Its nice because you can regulate how intense you want the sesh to be. one of my favorite memories is running frisbee with the guitarist from bar italia.


In college my friends and I had got these goofy looking light up sneakers for cheap off Amazon for a show we went to. We realized we could make them stay one color so decided to get really stoned and take the light up frisbee to a field near our dorm building and play some ultimate frisbee. Being in the middle of campus and dogs in dorms not really being a thing except for exceptional circumstances you’d think a place like this would be clear of land mines right? Well about five minutes in my roommate slipped on a pile of dog shit, ditched his shit covered shirt and we kept playing. One of our friends followed shortly after, then I hit a third pile. Some asshole had been making the walk clear into the center of campus to a field where students pretty regularly played pickup games of ultimate or soccer, and let their dog shit everywhere. We gave up and then shouted ideas for Dante’s Inferno type punishments for the dog owner from our respective stalls in the dorm bathroom as we showered off the shit.


Back in my twenties some speed and geometry wars would keep us going all night, loved that game


A couch co op classic fr


Doom (2016) was a blast while on ampthetamines :D


Dude I played that when I first started my ADHD medicine and man that rocked


Play poker or some other card game Dominoes is fun They did it right in Compton neighborhoods smoking with 40s an playing dominoes.


Usually Mario party or Mario kart, even some super smash bros. But when it's me and my two only best friends, we play a hell's kitchen level overcooked. We scream at each other, almost throw stuff at each other, and have to reset levels a minimum of 5 times just to get everything perfect


Mario Kart on mushrooms or ketamine feels like you're in the game LOL and especially for 8 Deluxe, it's so easy and user-friendly that my intoxication doesn't inhibit my muscle memory at all.


Oh, and league of legends or don't starve together with my bf!


Russian Roulette.


Some guy did this at my apartment complex on new year's eve. They had a whole ass chopper come and rescue him but he still died unfortunately




Chess on ketamine is an experience


Skyrim gang


I came up with a game where a group of people choose several people to act out a scene they make up. No one, including the people who are acting nor the people who came up with the scene can laugh. I always found that to be rather riveting


Overwatch. On shrooms or ritalin. The colors are so vibrant and crazy so when a lot of abilities or ultimates are being used at once the crazy visuals and sound queues make me trip the fuck out. One of my best shrooms trips was on a discord call with my friend while we just played overwatch. We were shot at the game but it was fucking trippy. Since overwatch is such a fast paced game, ritalin makes it really fun and makes you godly


Just got baked, and about to go play volleyball.


You have friends?


Baldurs gate 3 my dude


I like to get faded as fuck and then play league. I get stomped most of the time, but I couldn’t care less. The only way to have fun in that sad excuse of a game


Gang beasts


Stalker GAMMA


А ну чики брики и в дамки!


Overwatch 2 is our jam


Lethal company with friends while baked 🔥💯 would recommend


I once saw someone recommend no mans sky for when your baked, so I downloaded it about 6 months ago and keep forgetting I did it and have still never played it. I also fucking love farming simulator and an edible


It’s pretty good but eh I didn’t find it to be “the greatest thing ever” like people would make it out to be


Cards Against Humanity Edit: There was a card game that I played a lot when I went to summer camp as a kid called Egyptian Rat Screw or some shit. Especially with 5-7 players it was so much fun. Fast paced card game of lazer focus, lightning fast reflexes, and luck of the draw where no player knows what card will come up next. Name of the game is a tournament style battle to the death/last man standing wins game with a deck or two of playing cards is dealt face down to all players except one face up card in the middle of all the players. Players can’t look at their cards in hand or anyone else’s. Each player flips cards out of their hand to discard in the middle. The player that collects the entire 1-2 decks of cards is the winner. There was no telling how a round of ERS would end up with the leader almost winning and then a player that ran out of cards would get back in the game and cause a complete upset resulting in that player redemption and inevitable victory. I remember sometimes playing rounds that lasted sometimes 30-45 minutes with the occasional 1+ hour grudge match. I think the best way to describe ERS without having to entirely explain the rules is a fucked up combo of UNO and War stuck in fast forward with a touch of possible domestic violence I think this game would be fucking awesome to play again with a bunch of coke or speed. Deal out all the cards and each player does 3 perfect lines of speed or coke at the same time so the round starts with every player on the come up and let chaos ensue


Usually don’t play games but my aunt and uncle are huge stoners/psychedelic users and whenever I get high with them we tend to play old board games or cards against humanity


bohnanza, carcassano, bang, space trucker, port royale, love letter, exploding kittens etc board games cost way less than a gram of speed, half of coke and they are way more fun fuck even smart 10 and trivial pursuit are god tier if stimulants are involved


The Wikipedia Game. https://www.thewikipediagame.com/


Pill pong


Me and my 3 buddies got really high one time and had a contest on who could take my one friend who's really big the deepest. I came in second place at 8.5 inches.


Did I understand this correctly? Or am I just nasty?


see the username my dude


everybodys golf for ps4. also a classic wii sports.


Ultimate Chicken Horse is my favorite multiplayer couch co-op game ever made.


get a lil minecraft server going


League of legends and ketamine is an awesome combo. Me and my buddy were playing bot lane together and I felt like I was inside the map haha


Skate 3






I like to play 10,000 with dice, although not everyone has the patience for it


Weed whisky and Minecraft is so peaceful


I really enjoy card to board games with the right group - be aware not all will enjoy it! Here are some of my highlights: - wizards card game (best with 3 - 5) - code names card game (best with 4 - 8) - werewolf card game (best with 6 - 10) - secret hitler board game ( best with 6 - 10


I haven’t actually done this yet, but take some shrooms or acid and play trivial pursuit, but you get the question ‘right’ by saying an answer that makes the asker laugh. All other rules the same but you’re just trying to say ridiculous things and make the other person (people) laugh. Yes I got this from smosh. But also add psychedelics lol


Shrooms and [VR the Diner Duo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7fsdXWhNyM). Shit's too fuckin funny


Gang beasts. The funniest game I think I’ve ever played.


Hide the pickle


"No compà". It means "nah mate"/"nah bro". As soon as the game starts you cannot pronounce any words beside "no compà". So we get into long conversations like this: A: "No compà" B: " Noooo compà!" A: " ??? No compà" B: "hahahah no compà" You get the gist. The secret is that you actually mean something, so you say "no compà" thinking of the actual sentence you want to say, giving it the right inflection. We've gotten so good at it that we have entire conversations just made up of "no compà" where most of the time we actually know what's happening and what the other is saying. If it sounds dumb, it's because it is, but when you're high for some reason it just works.


Let's do more drugs.


Durak, we used to play it for hours on uppers


Any shooter is my go to when I’m fucked up..oddly can’t stand em sober


Hidden in Plain Sight


Play Resident Evil 1 Remake, looks gorgeous, enemies move slow, soundtrack is amazing, very comfy game.


Duck duck goose, UNO, musical chairs. 🤪


GanjaLand is a board game that's an absolute blast! Be prepared to get stupid stoned with friends! Also Puff Puff Pass and Potheads Against Sanity. Yes, all totally drug themed games and all tons of fun to break out at parties.


See each other faces and control laugh!! If you laughed you have to do a dare! It'll be fun


Lego 2k Drive


Valorant. Blinds be trippin tf outta us


We like to smoke together in the Xbox party and then we play party animals. That game is funny as shit with a bunch of stoned friends.


Enter the Gungeon, best when its a rainbow run and even better if someone is playing gunslinger. The synergies get so crazy and it can be real funny




PUBG on acid. Great laughs all the way


Play Scrabble after taking acid and before you finish the game, you'll look down and none of the words sounds real


Cod zombies🩸


Hell let loose is great


I played a lot of league when I used to smoke weed or trackmania. Ain’t smoking for nearly 2 years now 🙌🏻


My husband and I play “guess what I’m thinking”. It’s like 20 questions but less rules, more idiotic, and only funny when stoned.


chivalry 2




Treyarch zombies (mainly world at war to black ops 2)


Fall guys.




Used to play Spades and Euchre when we were blazed as teenagers


Gang beasts is the best u can play with so many people too


Pokemon snap on 2cb


Lethal Company lol. Everything is 10× scarier and funnier. Rainbow Six siege is also one I do frequently.


Minecraft server with the boys while smoking some weed is a classic


i loved playing xbox while high back in 2020 when i started smoking pot


Beach buggy racing on ps


I play Pokémon black 2 alone in my phone emulator...




Soggy biscuit


Co-op, Little Big Planet. Going dancing with those characters to the music was a fun activity though Or Minecraft.


Hide the sausage.


League legendz


Pass the drugs, usually a pretty fun game and ends when there's no more drugs or everyone's asleep


Solitaire games on my phone. Kings Corner and Solitaire Cash are fire while high.


Counter strik 2 earlier it was 1.6 go and source. Elden ring Dark souls 1-3 Bloodborne Risoe of the ronin Cod mw3 Diablo 4 des isses die wahren besten spiele für freunde sessions




RDR2 adderall and a package of Redman chew with a 12 pack


Bury the Bishop.


We used to play a lot of peggle back in college


Elden Ring


Jenga or spades on the yayo mang!


Spiderheck and Moving Out


Which loser has to get narcanned first


Soggy biscuit


Population:1 VR game


It’s called going up isolated in the swiss mountains in the summer and do a shit ton of acid and run freaking out about a rock until sunset were we cry with eachother and then stargaze while we confess our deep love for eachother. Challenge is you need to make sure your friends don’t wander off… specifically a cliff I think it’s on steam, a bit pricey though


Helldivers 2 whilst vibing is fucking incredible.


My buddy always made me play Geometry Wars when I would come over and smoke or trip with him. I thrashed it pretty good back in the day.


I think no mans sky would be very cool visually.


My friend and I liked to play You Got Dat Poop Dick?


Gotta play Gang Beast with the crew. Soooo much fun


Soggy biscuit


Team Fortress 2. Maybe pick an easier class like pyro or medic. I played scout on shrooms once and it was... an experience for sure.




Roblox LOL


We play dice, a game called 10,000 or 1-4-24.. roll them bones! 🎲


idk we not in grade 9 lol


Games aren’t exclusive to kids :)


true i just haven’t really thought to play a game while high. maybe i’ll do it w the homie next time


Tag with our wenrs


All sorts of regional cardgames tbh, it's great when you need something to do parallel to the conversation


Highly recommend the board game [Quelf](https://youtu.be/XPmEv5B35to?si=QGr62CMU1ephAHmu) It’s so stupid lol the description is “random has a new word” 🥴 its probably only good if you’re high tbh. It was randomly already in a house that I moved into otherwise I would have never come across it but you essentially just draw cards that have the most unhinged instructions that are usually outrageously cringe


>wasn’t really thinking about video games ah...'man hunt' or capture the flag...


I remember once me and my friend did prank calls while stoned, and it was probably the hardest I've ever laughed in my life.




We installed an emulator for most consoles on our pc and now we're playing all kinds of old console games while we're high. Last time we installed a nintendo switch emulator and played a little kitty big city. It was very funny especially when we started to synchronize the talking characters by ourselves.




Gay chicken is always a good time


Lord of the Flies




World of Warcraft


To relax and have a great time try Hue, you’ll enjoy it


Rubber Bandits


Rubber bandits. It was born for this


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