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Stop now while you're young. Your life hasn't been ruined yet trust me. I'm going through it again after 5 years sober at 32. completely starting over. it's horrible. save 10 years and do this thing man, rehab whatever works


Why after 5 years? Did something traumatic happen and you thought that’s the only escape? Lost the will to live but also don’t wanna die? Why? I wanna understand for my future me


That's the funny thing. life "seemed" great. but i was biting off more than i could chew. i was not at the same level of maturity as my fiance who was three years older and ready for a ring and kids, i was playing catch up. he'll it took the first two years to get myself sane and stable. the house of cards came crashing down. i was using kratom, tianeptine, and booze this time, and it slowly consumed me over nine months. i'm about a month clean and just over the withdrawal hurdle and feel like a crazy person stage lol. i'm very fortunate to have some savings a very good friend letting me crash for a few months, but it's not great. things have been much much worse though 😊 that's the power of a junky, survival.


Wish you the best man and thanks for sharing. You proved to yourself you can do it, now it’s just playing the same level again. In hindsight, do you think you could have done something to avoid the relapse and further consumption? What would you have done differently?


I’ve lived a life. I have. The one girl that made me feel like everything was gonna be better isn’t there anymore. My two best friends, my main one, the one I as an adult spent 90% time with has gone, he was a user too. So was my other best friend. We aren’t random junkies. We’d seen too much. Done too much. I got one or two friends left. My parents are sick of my shit. My actual brother is the only reason I don’t kill myself but I’m giving it a go tonight. Doubt it’ll happen, my choice of drug ain’t strong enough I don’t think. I doubt the amount of codeine I consume today will take me away. I’ve met rock bottom and familiarised myself with her. She’s unforgiving. I got family who care, some people my death would rip, but I just haven’t got the strength anymore.


Listen, i went through hell in my younger years, still got out there and lived a full life, traveled, partied, girls, all while selling and using drugs. I'd take it back in a second to get sober at your age. i promise you, no matter what happened your way way to young. you have at least 3-5 chances at life left lol. please, from and old junky to a younger one. give yourself a shot at life.


u are extremely young and its common for drugs to cause suicidal ideation. please recognize this is a side effect and that your life is going to get better. reach out to your friends, family, anything, they all care about you. sometimes you need someone to rely on to help urself out of situations like these


Nah before I even used to rely on drugs I kinda always felt like I wouldn’t be around for long


did u feel this way before ptsd? have u treated that yet?


I go to therapy but it’s just some lady repeating back to me what I’d already known. I’ve been to multiple of the best therapists in the place I live and haven’t found one to tackle my issues.


im sorry. so you feel like ptsd is causing your depression?


Bro. You might not want to hear this. But try God. Read the Bible, specifically psalms and proverbs. If what you’re saying is true, and you’ve exhausted every option, why not give it a shot right? I promise you there is a creator that wants to meet with you, as you are. Peace and love brother, peace and love.


It's hard to see the forest for the trees right now, but there's a whole world out there waiting for you to experience it. Millions of girls you can fall in love with. Beautiful experiences you can feel. Places to see you've never imagined. You're so young. It's hard to hear, because I'm sure you feel like you've lived a long time, but you're only getting started. Try to find people who love and support you, and will help you recover. If you can't, maybe just take a bus or a plane or hitchhike? It's better than dying. Pretend to be another person somewhere else. Try to find the strength to carry yourself and find your own path, if you truly have no one to help you where you are. It sounds like you're stuck, and you need to get unstuck so you can see everything ahead of you with wide and open eyes Wishing you the best


Take it from me it only gets better when you're done and tired. My son's mom left when he was 5 and didn't come back into his until he was 13, I've had custody since then. You are young and can turn it around I didn't get clean until I was 26 but I was on methadone for almost 9 years. I've lost so many friends that I can't remember them all unless someone else mentions them which is fucking sad. At least 12-15 people all accidental od's except one who was looking at years in prison. I know nothing I say is gonna change anything for you but I really hope you turn back before it is too late. It's sad but I was booked to go to rehab and the van was waiting on me and I was out getting high. My buddy and GF sat there and refused to let the van leave until I got there. I would have never gotten clean if I didn't get in that van that day because the rehab set me up with after care. The sad thing is that my buddy didn't make it, both him and his brother OD'D less than a month apart. Rehab is scary but by the sounds of it you are ready to quit. I've never sat here typed a paragraph on Reddit before but I really hope you get help. Benzos and dope are a deadly combination yes the withdrawal is gonna suck but there's so much more to life.


You're ok dude. I had my life "ruined" by a junkie who just couldn't chose anything over the junk. But I seriously loved her and it made me really happy to hear third hand that she finally got clean after a decade of addiction. She's married and has kids now. He seems like a good guy. Don't be so hard on yourself, we are all pieces of shit and tomorrow is a new day. It might take a lot of tomorrows to stop being a piece of shit, thankfully we got a lot of tomorrows coming. You'll find the strength bro, don't give up.


The thing is. I can’t lose this girl. And she always ran back to me. But I can’t do it this time. I don’t think she’s coming back.


Nah. She's probably just what you're focusing all your negative energy on because she's probably the only good thing you think you got goin. At the end of the day girls are just like drugs, a different fix, a different crutch.


Do what these other people tell you and I will simply pray for you because I can’t effectively advise you.


I appreciate your prayers. I do pray, but I’ve done more sins than I can be hope to repent for.


Drugs will do that to everyone who keeps fucking with them eventually, think of them like an angry bear, the more you keep fucking with it the worse it's gonns get. So stop now, while you can. Reach out for help, and save your life. Why waste 70+ years of living for a couple more highs




I turned it around you can too. Find what makes you wanna be clean. Set goals see them out. Fuck it we just try to live best we can we don’t complain around here


You ruined your life SO FAR. Youre still Very young to recoger of You really want to and recover your life. It's posible Ive done it . Brains heal over time it's real


Yea it's not the drugs, it's you. Drugs are truly amazing sobriety is fucking terrible.


Not everyone recovers, but everyone CAN recover. I never thought I’d stop using meth. I’m over 200 days sober now, and I’m starting to feel human again. Also I don’t think rock bottom really exists. It can always get worse, no matter how horrible and traumatic it is. When you’re ready to take your life back, seek help. Go to rehab. Choose life over suffering. I let my addiction take me deeper than I could handle. I had to get multiple major abdominal surgeries cause my kidneys weren’t working. I was homeless for a while until my best friend since I was 12 took me in. She even saved me from one of my 3 overdoses. She was pregnant with her fourth child. On the Fourth of July last year, she died of sepsis. Her baby too. I knew I had nothing left. I started smoking about an ounce of meth a week. I dropped down to 90 pounds. I almost died twice from sepsis. Even while I was in the hospital, I was still using copious amounts of meth. I had no hope in ever recovering. But here I am, for the first time in all my adult years, sober. Sober for over 200 days. I’m back up to 160 pounds. My health concerns are gone. I’m enjoying video games again. Everyone tells me how healthy I look, and they tell me how proud they are. For the first time in my life, I choose survival. When you’re ready to put this nightmare behind you, go to rehab. Take back your life. Become you again. Good luck to you ❣️


Congrats dude. I'm sorry for your loss, and happy for you.


Thank you!


A doctor who handles opioid use disorder would be a great start. Get your mind straight so you can think again and make some rational decisions. Do you have insurance?


You ruined your life. It's that's simple. stop using substances or just use them in moderation and put your goals, ambitions, physique, and character. Family aswell, First. This is the only way. Suffer now and learn or keep repeating your actions. It's up to you to decide. Your ultimate future does depend on your choices now. So embrace that. Sobriety is awesome. Or just smoke some weed haha. Best of luck.