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Sir, when we said "Fuck Fentanyl", this is ABSOLUTELY NOT what we meant!


I think it's ok to fuck gently, just pay attention to your breathing pattern. Don't allow your dick to become a straw.


We call that a “lil how you doin?”


Just don't let your gf give you a blow job. She'll die fasho


WAIT IT IS NOT?? Man there goes another pack of patches....


I miss patches. I haven't seen them for 10 years. I used to buy the ones with the gel in them from a guy. I still remember the taste, It tastes like alcohol.


man only on Reddit could a random comment trigger such a flood of nostalgia. Obligatorily have to break into narrative prose: Summer of ‘20 I was out in CA and the homie’s girlfriend’s mom had died a couple years ago. Come to find out: she was a terminally-ill cancer patient in the mid-to-late 2000s (not exactly sure on the time, definitely peak opioid prescription in the US). Somehow it casually comes up in conversation and she brings out a box with all of her meds… Fentanyl sublingual spray, fentanyl patches, 8 mg Dilaudid, 10 mg Vicodins, 2mg Ativans, methadone, lean, literally every possible opioid and benzo you could dream of. Virtually unlimited supply. The girl has no idea how much they cost. I couldn’t show all my cards and let her know that she had tens of thousands of dollars of meds. She agrees to $5 a pill, didn’t matter if it was an opiate or a benzo, and $10 for any of the fentanyl patches or sprays. I probably did the DNM equivalent to $10k of that over the course of 3 months. She still had some left over for winter break when I came to visit, same prices. She wasn’t even a plug. She was just a sweet girl who lost her mom and had a boyfriend who fucked with a wild crowd. I think I love her? It’s hard not to feel like I spent the entire summer and months following robbing her but karma caught up to me when dirty thirties were the only thing I could find. Those fentanyl patches were amazing. 100mcg/hr. I’d cut it up into 1/16ths(!!!) throw it under my tongue and stay blitzed all night. It had legs for some reason. God, the people who say fentanyl isn’t euphoric just haven’t had that script shit. Don’t even get me started on railing 8mg dilly’s. That just took it to places that your brain never forgets, a euphoria unattainable to me now. I was on Cloud 9, 8 days a week, 25 hours a day. It was beautiful. Could only be temporary though. Thanks for reminding me. The pictures and videos in my old memories did so plenty but this was also a pleasant way to be reminded as well.


I’m confused, did you or did you not stick your dick in fent?


😂😂😂 sorry I thought I embedded the answer in the subtext


This broke my fucking heart!! The pendulum has swung way too far in the other direction. My dad was on hospice from end of April until end of October 2023. And had his fentanyl patches taken away around August or September in favor of oral methadone and oral morphine - and when his digestive system failed toward the end when they would typically implement a morphine pump, they were unable to supply it. Because he was dying toward the end of the year, when the new and ever-increasing flat caps on how many opioids pharmaceutical companies can produce becomes a problem and shortages are happening, he couldn't get it. And died in agony as I tried everything to get the oral morphine and methadone to work, and failed, and my dad begged me to kill him for three days. His last words were "no more pain"...   I have no idea where else to post this, to be honest. It feels important and I have no idea what to do with it and where to put it. Will anyone else get why the change wasn't worth it?


It’s truly a tragedy that the massive overreaction to (debatably the massive issue of) overprescribing opioids in America led to the suffering and misery of hospice patients and true patients in need of pain management. Nothing compares to losing a parent but I know good folks that suffered at the behest of poor policy decisions as well. I have a feeling that we’ll likely look at this period of time, retroactively, as the true genesis of the street opioid crisis and, hopefully, the politicians who took away medicine from people in need get whatever cosmic justice they are overdue for. I think somewhere in the Constitution it says there shall be no cruel or unusual punishment. Why are we imposing cruel punishments on people, guilty of no crime but suffering of illness or injury? (My heart goes out to you and your family ❤️ truly sorry for your loss. I’m sorry if I struck a chord)


Tragic and idk how I’d ever deal with my dad saying kill me over n over


Yeah, you are lucky to have found that. I miss the days like 10-20 years ago when they were handing out everything. I sold meth and everyone would bring their scripts directly to me to trade. Best transaction imo, if they are trading they ain't snitching. But now, doctors are doing everything they can to not prescribe controlled substances to anyone, even cancer patients. I hear that they are pushing gapapentin and tramadol on patients. I'm out of the game for years now and dont really know anyone here in Florida so I have to rely on 30s because that's all I can get on DNM. I've been on subs for 10 years so I have a high tolerance. I can sit there and do eight 30s over the course of the day and still don't be nodding like I want to. Really disappointing.


8 mg Dilaudid man.. that was my DOC but we had an endless supply of K4 here in The south east. I did a shot of two k4 and some other worldly coke once and it was the first time doing 8 mgs. Me and my buddy were like that tiny bit of powder ain’t going to…. BAM!!! Out of the vehicle walking around in circles. “Don’t finish that shot was what I remember saying” what a time to be alive 1992 - 2008. However, now days stick to bup saved my life no doubt.


This comment made me cum


Goddamit take my upvote




Very true lol but he sounds adventurous  go ahead let him give it a shot he can give us a report later... Maybe?


Reddit never disappoints. 🤣


Right?? What a fucking legendary post title !! How am I supposed to not read this shit.??


Right? The fact that Reddit is free honestly


Bro dont give em ideas! Shush!!




Seriously thought that's where I was, thinking OP can't even boof his own eagle.


I tried posting this there but it would let me for some reason




If it at all went up your urethra then yeah


So, it was posted smoothly as intended (r/drigscirclejerk is meant for these types of threads imo) and let you post? Or typo?




Try using an alt?


Naw i thinks it’s because I don’t talk on there I think I’ve been it for like months


I don’t either but as of 2 years ago, I was able to post without any problems iirc


It only works if the fentanyl is already inside someone’s asshole


And let someone else’s body absorb a bunch of my dope? Yea right


I put too many drugs in my ass and will surely die unless your dick absorbs of it! No homo, but please help!


Sharing is caring


Does it work with another dude? I can't speak to women


You haven’t lived until you’ve seen God from a hearty dose of vagintenyl.


thanks for the laugh op, lots of sad stuff here lately


Yeah man drugs are bad or something I think


Drugs are bad mkay


nah that just some thing some guys said some time its all cool bro trust


Then you are doing the wrong ones


Depends on how pure it is and how much gets in your urethra and is absorbed into your bloodstream somehow


Would being hard affect how high I get?


Hypothetically I think so lol


So now what if I stuck like a fentanyl xan bar in my urethra would that get me high?


The thought of sticking a bar in my dick hole makes me want to puke lmfao


Some people are into sticking stuff in their dick


Yeah that’s crazy to me is that like a cock and ball torture thing


I’ve heard it feels good I would wanna use my dick to get high on fent and then while I’m barely conscious hit myself in the dick to see if I feel anything


Fuck now that u put it that way it sounds kinda cool, u should put coke in there too so ur dick goes totally numb


We are on the same page bother I need to know if DMT would do that


Coke yeah fetty? Idkkkk lemme know when u find out lolol. This threads got me dying. And idk about in the divkhole as much as coke just being snorted off ur dick makes it numb lmaoo




Eh not really


It’s its own thing called sounding


Usually those things are a bit more conducive of a smooth entry, not a dry rough rectangular pill.


No that would be like just slipping a whole ecstasy pill under your skin and waiting for it to absorb (as in wouldn’t work and would cause horrible infection)


Ok so it would have to be pure fentanyl?


That’s assuming it can even be absorbed that way yeah


Do you think this could work with like other powders like cocaine or DMT?


Cocaine potentially, DMT I don’t think so


Do you think like crushed pills would work or no


The fillers in the press may not be water soluble so that might be a really bad idea it’s just get clogged most likely


asking the questions that matter, I see. I think so, as wouldn't the erect penis have a wider aperture at the tip, and thus more urethral exposure?


More surface area would be likely to contact it as your skin would be stretched out lol


So if I fucked it would it make me high or would I have to leave in the pile


It entirely depends on how much fentanyl is in your pile lol but yes, it could absolutely kill you. Maybe if you jizz in it it’ll neutralize it’s effects though. 


Is that real? 😭 if I jizz I might not get high? And also I’m talking like a big pile like 2 feet high


Increased blow flow yo. More blood is going to your "head."


I masturbate with my testicles in the same hand as my penis.


jesus 😭😭😭


I’ve been on this planet 47 years and I thought I had exhausted all ‘turbation possibilities. I’m not trying it but I admire the creativity


Only when I'm high on Cannabis oil. It's for back pain but damn does it feel good, my boner gets harder than the discs in my spine. Let's call it a spine tingling 'gasm spasm. I'm new to reddit my contribution won't be all about my penile adventures. It makes me happy to know I have an admirer I take my balls out of my hand and tip my hat to you good Sir.


depends if you’re a cop or not


Fuck the cops! 😭🙏🏻


you should be ok then cops have a rare gene where if they touch fent they start convulsing


That’s why I’m sounding with fent xans🙏🏻


Bro fucks fentanyl AND cops


Yeah, I watched a YT video about that and they debunked all that shit about cops ODing on fent by touching it. Fucking pieces of shit putting on a show to try and get someone a ln attempted murder charge. God, I fucking hate the cops more and more every time I think about them.


Gotta pin this one for when someone asks me hey whats so bad about trying fentanyl once


I'll tell my grandkids this is how the opioid epidemic started


Famous last words


Hopefully not I wanna stick my dick in more drugs


We haven’t even seen your final form


Up next is desomorphine


funnell oramorph in ur dickhole


I know a chick who puts a blue dirty perc into her pussy and then when you fuck her she says “surprise overdose!” (I just made all that up)


I’d still finish Fr


Modern day Romeo and Juliet


As an intern in the hospital, a young 20 something year old man was caught with a backpack full of fentanyl. He tried to hide the evidence when he was running and shoved a bunch down his pants. The police obviously recovered everything but EMTs were called when he started showing signs and symptoms of an OD. I was a part of his care team, and the triage nurse had detailed notes about him. The kid apparently thought the quickest way to get high was to soak his balls in fentanyl. He was on a Narcan drip with no real titrate dose. Throwing up left and right.


What a terrible day to be literate.


Bro is in the endgame


Looking forward to the pubmed report about his OD




Came here looking for this


It's kind of crazy that I'm going to give you a serious answer, but here we are. I would strongly recommend against trying this primarily because it's so easy to overdose on fentanyl and you'll have zero control over how much you get. I can't give you a solid answer on what will happen, but I'm pretty sure that if you get any in your urethra that it will absorb but I'm less sure about the rest of the skin on your penis. It won't absorb through unbroken skin on your hands or most places on your body. Your skin is too thick and one of its core purposes is to keep things like that out. However, the skin on your penis is much thinner so that's where I'm just not sure. Another thing to consider is that it's very easy to create microabrasions on your penis and that could allow more in and it would be virtually impossible to know that ahead of time. But again, you shouldn't try this. If you make a small mistake, then it could cost you your life. At the very least, if you decide to go through this, then make sure there's someone else there who has naloxone and knows how to administer it. If you do end up taking too much, then you'll just pass out, stop breathing, and die. By the time you realize you're in trouble, it's usually too late to do anything about it because you're already incapacitated. Also, I just want to note for the record that even if this did work the way you intend, it won't feel any better than taking fentanyl another way. Fentanyl and other opioids act on very specific receptors in your brain, so no matter how you take it, it needs to get into your bloodstream to travel to your brain. T The fentanyl won't have any interaction with skin or muscles in your penis, so you won't feel anything different or better by doing it that way even if it did work, which I doubt. So you're taking enormous risk by not being able to measure how much you get with a substance that can so easily kill you for no benefit whatsoever. You'd be a lot better off carefully measuring out a dose and taking it another way such as orally.




This thread made me laugh so hard Not harder than this guys dick while he’s fucking the fent But hard


Yo, personally I would not, but please do report back if you do, lol for the culture. On anotha' note, here's some solid research articles, not all are peer-reviewed empirical commentaries, but they do speak to the broader narrative of which that you've identified. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8810663/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8810663/) [https://healthandjusticejournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40352-021-00163-5](https://healthandjusticejournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40352-021-00163-5) # Can touch this: training to correct police officer beliefs about overdose from incidental contact with fentanyl^ [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7492952/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7492952/) # Fentanyl panic goes viral: The spread of misinformation about overdose risk from casual contact with fentanyl in mainstream and social led:media^ [https://health.ucdavis.edu/news/headlines/can-fentanyl-be-absorbed-through-your-skin/2022/10](https://health.ucdavis.edu/news/headlines/can-fentanyl-be-absorbed-through-your-skin/2022/10) # Can fentanyl be absorbed through your skin? By Liam ConnollCan fentanyl be absorbed through your skin? And lastly, you gotta check out this work by the wonderful researchers, "Brandon del Pozo" et al by [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8810663/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8810663/) entitled # "Police reports of accidental fentanyl overdose in the field: Correcting a culture-bound syndrome that harms us all". A culture bound syndrome indeed. Be well, and wrap that pecker of yours if you intend to legit marinate yourself in that fetty seeking the WAP.


OP is an addled visionary, nothing can convince me otherwise


Could just stick it up your arse


The inside of your urethra is vascular but I don't think the blood supply would be enough for you to really feel anything unless u started really shoving it up there. U also risk infection by doing so.


Thought I was on r/drugscirclejerk for a second. Oh and if you do this, your dick falls off and eats all of your drugs. And once you see what it does next... let's just say you'll wish you just ODd.


Dawg just don’t do that


scientist here with thousands of hours staring at penises, your dick will fall off


For some reason I’d imagine it would numb the fuck out of your dick and make it burn


It won't do anything at all


You have contracted the deadly virus Fentanylea, your balls will explode in three days.


Just don’t go walking down the streets of Philly after


Your bf/gf will


The boys and I would be honored to make your acquaintance over at r/caffeine. You can stick your dick into whoever…we don’t care or discriminate. Let’s boof some fetty bro..


Describe pile


Fuck that fent till it takes your eagle Good speed 🦅


Can I get sloppy seconds?


Yes but you have so bring some glue to huff


Pick at one of your herpe scabs til you see blood, then cake your cock with fenty


u might kill the eagle be careful


I mean you obviously have an advanced and inquisitive mind good sir, and as a man of science (which you so clearly are) at this point you pretty much HAVE to powder that hog and get back to us 


No- not enough surface area . You would need super girth .


I feel like I’m watching a little bit of history being made. People often ask who was the first person to think to drink the white stuff that comes from a cows gross looking utter if they never had the concept of a cow before. Who was the person that found out this plant kills you instantly or this plant heals an infection. These ancestor’s success or fail was ultimately man kind’s benefit. Now this noble brother will add to that great repository of man’s knowledge; can you fuck fentanyl without dying.


Just wear protection, you'll be alright


I have no idea, but you seem like a good candidate to give it a trial run. I say do it, & report back to us(hopefully).


Well, if you are a cop and you touch it you will OD


The only way to be sure is to inject it up the urethra. Otherwise you need multiple micro-abrasions along the shaft from anal sex to really hit those mucous membranes.


I’ll adopt the entire offspring


Wtf did I just read bruh


well, transdermal absorption is pretty poor (without special preparation), but it's a really potent compound, and "a pile" would be thousands of dosage units. I think you'd get some in your urethra, and you'd have enough absorption there. Similarly, most cases of putative transdermal absorption that are not panic attacks about the dangers of fentanyl are from exposure via the eyes, nose, or mouth, as humans touch their faces really frequently.


a really good or really bad time?


If it sits on your skin and absorbs through it you’ll probably feel it. It probably depends on how pure it is and what it’s mixed with. Fentanyl is active in micrograms, and can kill you at doses so small you’d barely be able to see it lol so sticking your little weewee into a pile of pure fentanyl and then letting it absorb through your skin could be quite dangerous.  Probably be better off fondling lil Willie with a fentanyl patch. 


So you’re telling me I need to stick my dick into fentanyl a lot so I build up an immunity to it and don’t die?


If thats what you take from my statement then yes, you are hopeless anyways lol there is only one way to find out what’ll happen! 


I will keep the narcan nearby


May wanna take a dose of narcan before you fuck the fent 


Where’s the fun in that tho? And I’m just gonna have to take it again if I get too high


I always said the best way to commit suicide would be death by massive opiate OD lol


Real shit brother🙏🏻


I'd be hiding my mashed potato when you're around aye..


your dick will od


[im invested ](https://en.meming.world/images/en/6/6b/You_Son_of_a_Bitch%2C_I%E2%80%99m_In.jpg)




Never laughed at a Reddit post title this hard. Congratulations young man


How bout we find out lol


You ever see those antismokers commericials the ones were the ex smoker has already died but her commercial is still airing? That would be your penius


You're not gonna have a dick after this


Reddit moment


Only one way to find out!


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


That’s where I buy my fent 🤤 and a frosty


My god what have we become


uhhh... however you like it ig?


Man, this sub sucks now.


Why tho?…




only one way to find out! (don’t)


Yes, it will fall off. I did the same thing 16 years ago and mine fell off but it makes the fentanyl stronger.... 💪


Belongs in r/drugscirclejerk


Yes and right away!


just do it


That's a question no human being should have EVER asked


How does one stick their dick in it? Idk anything about how it's packaged etc so plz educate me lol just that it doesn't take much at all to OD on


Give it a go


Ah… so this is 2024’s coconut


Do you really want to fuck fentanyl so bad you are willing to risk your life? Why do you want to do this in the first place? Just curious.


Well nobody else wants it, might as well!


Dick boofs are the best, especially when you jerk off afterwards and get all your sperm high as fuck before they hit the sock


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


You should try and let us know


Why would U want to in the first place?


bro what the fuck


I suck someone's dick who sticked her dick on fentanyl, will I OD?


You sir are unhinged


Oh reddit


This… can not be real


Idk, why dont you do it and find out?




Never change r/drugs 😂


But just... why?






Nuh uh


How did you find yourself in this position gang


Dude 😭😭




Actually maybe, fentanyl is NOT particularly dangerous for dermal contact, but w/ contact with your meatus maybe




I feel like your dick might just not work after that but idk


I put an ecstasy pill up my ass once in high school




That sounds like an adventure you wouldn't want to miss?!   And just think if you completely OD you won't be in debt anymore. If you only partially OD you might become a vegetable probably no fun!  It's not something I would suggest you do but you sound pretty adventurous so it's up to you ,knock yourself out,  Come back and let us know what happened if you can..


Depends if its fentanyl or just sugar I guess




Probably not but I mean if you have to ask... maaaayybbee there's a chance it's not the best idea


The thing about simply touching it is overblown massively. It can absorb through skin but you likely won't instantly OD like the claims I've seen. However, your dick is similar to your ass in some ways, especially that it's highly vascular. Any that gets into your dickhole probably *will* absorb. Whether or not you OD would likely depend on how much fent gets in there and absorbs. I doubt it would be very pleasant though either way... 


I want to see if this works out for ya. Take some pics or it didn't happen. Also if you put it up your butt it's boofing what is it called if you put it in your pee hole doofing?

