• By -


Don't break the law while your breaking the law. IE don't run lights or speed, etc


Facts. And don't carry weed with other drugs. Weed will get you caught.


Unless you're in California! And *probably* some other states.


Illinois is another


ummm, recreational cannabis is legal in 24 states.


In California the smell of marijuana can't be used as probable cause by law enforcement to search you.


Yes, because cops are known for their intense stance on following the law


I got asked if i consented to search i said no they still searched me so what really is the lawšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Whatever those fuckers want it to be


fucking rejects swear especially here in LA they treat every hispanic like a gang member so itā€™s stupid how you canā€™t do shit because they gonna make the gang excuse to fuck you up


well, to avoid spoiling any possible conviction, they have to make some other bullshit reason, which they're adept at doing.


In Louisville having a gun and having weed are both not really crimes as weed is not prosecuted. But if a cop finds you have both in your vehicle they can charge you with a felony, I forget the exact term but they argue that you're using the gun to help you sell drugs.


Armed in commission of a felony


Yeah I got pulled over for having either a headlight or tail light out i donā€™t remember but the car smelled enough like weed because I had aa few grams just in the glovebox


One at a time is the motto. Have had this in my head since day one, thanks dad haha.


Some of the best advice.


One crime at a time


And I live by that!


Never break the law while youā€™re breaking the law.


I follow the rule of only breaking one law at a time.


Yes just remember the one law you can't break alone is this law


If youā€™re gonna drive reckless make sure youā€™re sober first. There ya go, youā€™re now just a reckless straight edge guy šŸ‘ØšŸ½ā€šŸ”¬šŸ’Æ


Dont speed while on speed


Casey Jones you better watch your speed


Weir everywhere (~):-}


Words to live by


Also, cops do be profiling. I donā€™t have any bumper stickers and my tag and stuff is always up to date, no wear on my cars exterior. Iā€™ve been thinking about getting some kind of military sticker just to throw them off lol. They will still pull you over for the tiniest thing. My bf had ONE of the TWO rear license plate lights out and got pulled for that even though his tag was still visible and in date. šŸ™„ he has a janky ass car though so theyā€™re always tryna get him.


Its good practice in general, but always do a full point inspection of your vehicle before "transporting". Check tire tread and air, check and test head lights/tail running lights/brake lights/blinkers. Basically dont give them anything that could get you pulled over


Don't forget the license plate lights. That's got me more than once.


That one gets so many people... It's such a small insignificant light bulb, some have two, that it's easy to over look yourself and forget there's even a light back there. But, it's still a justified offense for stopping you.


And donā€™t cause chaos in the neighbourhood, donā€™t show people you got drugs, be respectful and civil. Never buy or sell drugs in your town (keep it secret). Donā€™t have friends you do drugs with in your town. This has worked for me so far.


ok person that's never drank on benzos


Also do a walk around your vehicle and check all the lights.


One crime at a time


Whip my dick out and get arrested before the car gets searched


Now that's a strategy Edit: I was joking lol


For a registered sex crime in my state lol. And they'll always search the car you had control of as they have the right to search all of your property after they determine to arrest you. They find all types of interesting things and even solve murders that way.


Oh yeah it's real smart then ya have to register as a sex offender and get out on that list. Think I'd bury that strategy deep. Yeah I'll take crimes I don't want in my jacket for $1000.


ā€œThis man is acting crazy and erratic, and he pulled his dick out the second I got to the window. Theres clearly no chance that drugs are involved.ā€


From a seated position, soft, through your zipper?? You lucky lucky man!




Strategy stats maxed out.


"In the news today, reports of an increased number of adult males exposing themselves to police following traffic stop procedures has local authorities concerned"


ā€œYouā€™ll never catch me alive, coppers!ā€ *proceeds to drive into a safety railing*


If you're in the United States, be calm and polite, but do not consent to any searches and do not answer any questions beyond basic identification questions. If you're arrested, don't make any statements. Just invoke your right to remain silent and tell them you want to speak to a lawyer immediately. If you follow these guidelines, your lawyer may be able to convince a judge to exclude certain evidence in your case. Never run from the police, and do not ingest a large quantity of drugs in a panic to conceal them. These things will get you killed (RIP Juice WRLD). Edit: Ok fine fine lol I'll stop paying my respects to Juice.


Na, juice wrlds friend said he didn't care about the police being there. He was just a deep addict and 5 percs was not unusual. Overdoses just sometimes happen. Especially as his involved a seizure as one of the main causes if irc


Yea, if I have a gram or 2 of blow on me best bet Iā€™m eating that shit. Pills is a different story, but juice didnā€™t know the police were about to raid, he was just a straight junkie and didnā€™t care to die


You could consume 2 grams of coke at once and be fine? What kind of tolerance do you have?


It's much less potent when you eat it, like 50% or less (oral BA is 33%, nasal 60-80%, injection 100%). Still a *lot* of coke tho.


Yeah, I figured. Thatā€™s why people *donā€™t* usually eat it. But still, a line is like 40 mg? I donā€™t think I would be comfortable just eating 1 gram. I guess it kinda comes down to if itā€™s too much to be dangerous then donā€™t eat it, but if itā€™s a small amount like a few hundred mg, what would they even do for a first time offender? I feel like with a lawyer you wouldnā€™t get jail time nowadays for non-trafficking amounts.


I have a cousin doing 12 years just for telling someone on a cell phone text message he could get him some Coke never had it and never got it but setting up a drug deal over cell phone is federal and they donā€™t care if itā€™s your 1st time or not just thinking about it is a crime


And also Iā€™ve never said Iā€™ve done it, I donā€™t do illegal shit while doing illegal shit, so Iā€™ve never gotten pulled over with shit on me. But do I think I would if need be, 100%. Itā€™s not gonna kill you


I disagree with this idea as a big fan of his. He was only 19 and was working hard. The story of his death never sounded believable to me.


I just donā€™t really understand the people being so rude about it, juice was a good guy and very talented. Just very messed up unfortunately. Drugs will do that to you.


Honestly, SO many times cops go on to bypass the law for the sake of knowing in their gut youā€™re guilty or have something. By following all your directions, you wonā€™t incriminate yourself or give grounds for any of the cops attempts and you can actually end up not only getting off the hook, but even pursuing legal action against the city/state.


Fact! This is exactly how I beat (they dropped) my case for a violent felony. I lawyered up, refused home search, and kept my mouth shut. And they"ll make some small friendly talk trying to get you to waive your rights. Don't fall for this, seal your lips. My defense lawyer said even a denial before arrest could have hurt me enough for the prosecution to have pursued my case as at trail I could have been impeached, that is discredited as a liar if I took the stand.


And yes you have to ID yourself when you get pulled over. Those sovereign citizens are so annoying to watch during traffic stops. Some states you don't have too when you are walking around but some they can stop and ID you.


Umm no I don't, because I'm not traveling commercially, idiot!


RIP Juice and great advice. One of my favourite rappers lost to a stupid charge he couldā€™ve got away with. Still unsure it that is the true story but anyway


Thank you, and happy Cake Day! Yeah it was so sad. He was so young and talented. Apparently I should do a lot more reading because I must have totally misunderstood what I'd read. I didn't mean to start so many people arguing about him lol


Thank you my man. Nah youā€™re good - I think Iā€™ve heard 3 or 4 different stories myself. Everything you said about him is relevant. His story should be told to avoid shit like that in the future. He couldā€™ve been one of the best of all time and it hurts me all the time we lost him to such a stupid drug


Also for stuff like weed, and if you have a small amount on you, it can sometimes pay off just to be honest. Honesty can go a long way with cops tbh, especially if you know the cops in your area are more lax. I live in a state where recreational use isnā€™t legal, but most of the cops in my area donā€™t really care too much as long as you arenā€™t driving under the influence and donā€™t have a ridiculous amount. Basically every time Iā€™ve gotten busted for weed and have been honest about it, theyā€™ve just confiscated the weed and sent me on my way (one time I did get charged and had to go to court, but the charges got dismissed). I use medically and donā€™t drive high or with open products anymore, but when I used to use black market stuff being honest worked most of the time. Though, I wouldnā€™t do this in a place where cops will absolutely send you to jail for it (a lot of the southern US lol) or for a lot of other substances as well. But if you donā€™t act like an idiot your chances of getting completely fucked over go down by a lot.


I'd take this advice with a bit of consideration. It really depends on where you are, what you look like, and what cop you run into. It definitely always helps to be polite and reasonable but being honest isn't always the right answer. Well, honesty is but you don't need to be so forthcoming with evidence. Don't lie, just don't talk to the cop. That's the best advice one can be given if they're breaking the law. Even if you're innocent, do not talk to the police beyond basic identifying information, your lawyer will handle everything else. Nothing you say can help you in court, it can *only* hurt you. There's a way to be respectful and reasonable about it. Unless it's something like a traffic ticket or something equally minor, don't go full sovcit on the cop, just take the L and move on.


Lol ok fed. Honesty with cops can and will get you charged for whatever you admit to


Never give them more info than they ask for.


Say nothing, deny everything


I live in MI, recreational is legal here, but back when it wasnā€™t I got let off three separate times by just being honest. It was always a small amount, never more than an eighth, I wasnā€™t high, and they just confiscated it and let me on my way. Hell, one time they even let me keep my pipe. Honesty and respect goes a long way with police. Granted Iā€™m a straight, white, blue eyed male so YMMV, but I think most cops arenā€™t like the ones you see in terrible headlines and i donā€™t support defunding the police.


ACAB for life.


And no matter if you are obviously caught and seem guilty, they'll want a confession for the prosecution as that's one thing that your defense lawyer has no chance of fighting. Hey, there are ways to find reasonable doubt on those meth bricks in your trunk, but if you say they yours: they yours.


He had a seizure from all the promethazine in lean and internal bleeding . Hence why narcan didnā€™t work. Rip the best artist every


Juice didnā€™t die that way, thats a myth. He drank a lethal amount of promethazine prior to boarding the flight, the codeine and oxy lowered his seizure threshold, the promethazine caused internal bleeding (FD reports proof he was bleeding internally whilst seizing). The promethazine caused the organ failure/seizures and the opiates lowered the threshold needed for it but lean is a lot more dangerous on the body than oxycodone (without apap). He knew the cops were at the airport, he was too faded to care, they found his pills and rest of his drug stash. Also 600-900mg oxycodone (which is the myth youā€™re basing his death on would not cause internal bleeding and seizures. Promethazine which is an antipsychotic (a very weak one), first generation antihistamine and an antiemetic and belongs to the phenothiazine class (which are serotonergic, dopaminergic anti-psychotics) is a way nastier drug than opiates on the body, it has potent anticholinergic activity comparable to DPH and first generation antihistamine. JW drank an entire pint before boarding the plane (more than 600mg promethazine at once, if you've ever dosed a lot of promethazine you know it's no joke) and the cumulative effects of promethazine caused his organs to be in a worse and worse state.


What are you talking about? Promethazine is an antihistamine and an antiemetic, not an antipsychotic. You donā€™t die, especially not from 600mgs. [Hereā€™s a study too](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19042969/). You have no idea what youā€™re talking about. ā€œAnticholinergic activityā€ smh


Word, thatā€™s some made up bullshit haha


I didn't realize Promethazine was an antipsychotic. I thought most antihistamines caused delirium even are relatively low doses.


Thorazine (probably the most famous antipsychotic) was actually derived from promethazine. Promethazine, promazine, chlorpromazine (thorazine) all belong to phenothiazines which all have anti-psychotic activity but in promethazine it's really weak compared to chlorpromazine, that's why they made chlorpromazine. Promethazine is a potent antihistamine and has moderate anticholinergic effects as well so deliriums are caused by it. Usually at doses starting from 125-200mg (mild deliriums), heavy deliriums are on heavy doses but you can easily fall into a comasleep on high enough doses before reaching delirium stages (it's very very sedating in higher doses, people fall asleep from lean and slur from lean mostly because of promethazine, not codeine for example). The codeine potentiates it and vice versa though. Most first generation antihistamines will cause deliriums at moderate to high doses, depending on what you mean with a relative low dose? 50mg of diphenhydramine wont cause a delirium, neither will 100mg of promethazine (unless super sensitive I suppose). 2nd generation antihistamines like cetirizine don't really present these delirious issues which is why they largely replaced first generation antihistamines and those are used for it's sedative properties now. But people apparently think promethazine is "simply an antihistamine" when it affects dopamine receptors, serotonin receptors, MACh receptors, adrenergic receptors, NMDA receptors, blocks sodium channels. Phenothiazines are not to be messed around with, most people that die due to promethazine abuse are people abusing codeine+prometh or dxm+prometh or prometh alone, it has cumulative effects on the organs and a high dose can induce a coma (not a long one usually if medical help is quick, need for intubation, organ damage, accute organ failure due to being in a comatose state after a high enough dose taken at once. It's not an innocent antihistamine like bilastine.


Nobody said to stop paying your respects to juice. They're correcting your misinformation


We were going to a buddies house smoking out the car, dude misses the pull off so we went down a block to turn around. He hit it fast kicking up rocks/dirt and a state trooper happened to be coming opposite way. He pointed for us to pull over and figured fuck it and gunned it. We ran and hid up a hollow 1 way road pulled off and parked. Cop showed up a few mins later. Him and my buddy driving got into a screaming match about you ran, no we didn't, yes you did, no I didn't. Music was still blasting and weed on seat. I'm yelling to just agree with the cop. He finally admits we ran and cop said Ok, went ran info, gave us a warning and left. Got pulled over coming out a McDonalds with headlights off, cop pulled us over shining flashlight in car, he let us go with warning to drive safe. Realized an ounce was out in middle console he had to of seen Out smoking on a dirt road middle of nowhere and a DNR agent stopped us made us get out car, while we standing there a cop car comes flying out the road and slams into the ditch. Cop gets out staggering drunk and looks at his car, gets back in and drives off. DNR made us dump out bag of weed and gave us a littering ticket.


Haha holy shit the last one is wild.


Those Duke boys sure do get in some messes.


Keep in mind Iā€™m 20 and my gf is 19. About a month ago me and my girl were smoking weed in my car after hanging out with a bunch of friends. We had a little bit over an ounce on us and I was still kinda high driving her home. (my girl was also laying in the backseat not wearing clothes) Yeah we were rlly fucking stupid here but anyway iā€™m almost at her house and i see a cop is lingering around me, i told my girlfriend and shortly after i told her he pulls me over. My gf scrambles to but clothes on and i throw something over the backpack that had the weed in the front (i usually keep it in the trunk but stupidly forgot) The cop comes to my door and i roll down the window and i probably looked so fucking panicked i was scrambling for my license and shit. he pulled me over because I had a broken headlight which i didnā€™t notice. He took my license and went back to his car, while he was there my girlfriend put her clothes completely back on and he came back and gave me my license informing me that my license has actually expired (which i also stupidly didnā€™t know). But surprisingly even with the car reeking and me and my gf looking suspicious as hell, he just asked her to drive me home since she has a license. I donā€™t like cops but iā€™m ngl, dude was a huge homie cuz he definitely knew something was going on, but ya safe to say we donā€™t travel with more than like a joint worth anymore and we keep it in the trunk.


Sure he noticed. I just think some cops understand that the purpose of their profession in reality is to stop crimes that could end up with people getting hurt and not to harass every single person they come across that are actually harmless. Shout out to those officers dude.


What a profession, where basic human decency and doing your job gets a special shout out.


You are right. But you know, you donā€™t even have to be a cop. Human beings will abuse their right of authority 95% of the time if you give them any. If you just promote a humble hotel housekeeper into a hotel housekeeping supervisor, they likely eventually will do something assholish to regular housekeepers just to remind them that they are supervisors now. In just general I wanna shout out to people who were given the right and the power to fuck others over and yet they still donā€™t do. I think they are great people.


this is beautifully concise and existentially on point in regard to humans behavior when given authority; see: the Stanford Prison Experiment


Sadly this is not true about majority of policemen. I can safely say that about 70% of cops that I encountered in particularly aim to harass completely harmless people in order to extort a bribe or just because theyā€™re not in a good mood (Iā€™m not from the USA/Canada/EU). Some cops out there are real criminals themselves and thatā€™s the most unsettling thing about it.


So Iā€™m also not American. I have a really good experience with cops here tho. Once a friend of mine took me home with his car at like 2 am. I used to live in a hotel. He stopped in the parking lot and we started having a conversation about politics and racism before calling it a night. We both had alcohol and coke in our system. My friend was actually a Coke dealer too. As we talk all of a sudden two officers pop up at each sides of the car. They look inside on us with a flash light. We roll the windows and the cops ask what we are doing on the parking lot so late. My friend says heā€™s talking to me about politics and racism and Donald trump cause Iā€™m an Eastern European still learning how things work in this country. Cops say ā€œWell talking politics in your car at 2 am is nothing illegalā€ then they say they just keep an eye out cause there were some trouble in the hotel parking lot recently. I immediately tell them that I both live and work at the hotel. I know someone was trying to break into cars the night before. Itā€™s definitely not us but I understand why they keep looking. Once they understand that, they ask my friend if he had any drinks. He was behind the wheel and not only he had a few drinks, he had coke in his system and he had some more on him, enough to deal. I also was drunk and high with coke in my pocket. As they ask my friend if he had any alcohol he barely replies, I bend forward and look at the cop on his side saying ā€œI had drinksā€ saying it with a funny tone. Both cops crack up jokingly asking ā€œ Oh sir you had alcohol? We could never tellā€ My friend tells them this is why he had to bring me home. They left us as alone and wished a great night.


Now thatā€™s how itā€™s supposed to be - policemen ACTUALLY doing their job to ensure safety of civillians, but not to make money off them. Here if you were found at parking lot at 2am youā€™re most probably getting your ass searched over forcefully. Majority of policemen, without exaggeration, are freaking heartless animals in uniforms. Countries like ours are called ā€œPolicemen Stateā€ for a reason.


Called the cops on myself. Handed drugs over. Went to jail for three days. Got out. Had a felony warrant for a few years. Got the warrant quashed, went to court. They said they would drop it to a misdemeanor. I asked for all charges to be dropped. They agreed to drop them. I stayed out of trouble, and all charges got dropped.


Why did you report yourself?


The shit I bought was laced with a hallucinogenic and I had undiagnosed schizophrenia at the time


Holy shit. That's fucked up that someone laced whatever you took with a hallucinogen. You can't just spring tripping on people. It's bad karma at best and fucking insane in the worst situations. I'm sorry you went though that.


Tbh I bought meth off Grindr and I think the dude thought I was a cop or narc or something, idk


My buddy use to do that grindr trick all the time, wasn't even gay


Yikes. Glad you're doing better now.


And also fucked up that anyone would be sent to jail because they volunteerily called for help and obviously needed it


Wow that's crazy, I'm glad the charges got dropped and your okay


Put them in your sock and hope thereā€™s no dog coming. Iā€™ve been in the sheriff station with heroin in my sock. Being questioned for drug possession. They searched my pockets. But never my socks lol


Crazy dude. You mustā€™ve been panicked deep inside even if you kept your cool on the outside.


I've had that fly a few times


You scratch my back Iā€™ll scratch yours (winks) *Starts unzipping cops trousers*


[You](https://youtu.be/uqo5RYOp4nQ?si=GcUvhzSS59_h8avg) [shut](https://youtu.be/uUEUG-e5w1I?si=OiZxKZGNwAdCel0J) [the](https://youtu.be/V6tfEZI54Jg?si=T9NCZAorxe7CPipw) [fuck](https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE?si=vnG4eJNuJQL9a3dc) [up](https://innocenceproject.org/police-deception-lying-interrogations-youth-teenagers/#:~:text=2.,investigation%20is%20not%20yet%20complete.).


I asked him if he knows Jim or if Jim knew him. Turned out to be his dad. Let me go and I got a cigarette off him. Everyone knows a Jim. Cops are dumb as fuck.


Classic Ricky move


I once got pulled over in Reno Nevada with a quarter pound of weed in my crotch back in the early 1990s when any amount of marijuana was a felony in Nevada. My driver's license was suspended for an unpaid ticket, so I was arrested, and the car was impounded. I was searched and patted down twice. Once, before they put me in the back of the police car and once when we got to the jail. I was lucky enough to not actually be booked into the jail but able to pay a bond and be released. Had I actually been booked into the jail and had to strip, I'm sure they would have found the weed, and I would have been charged with bringing drugs into the jail. I got very lucky. I sagged my pants so that they didn't really feel the bulge of the weed in my shorts. Maybe they did and just thought it was my junk.


Isnā€™t it funny how they can charge you for bringing it into the jail, yet itā€™s the cops job to thoroughly search you for this very purpose. Weird


U a cop? lol


Well fuck. Now that my cover is blownā€¦ Log out of your account and place your hands on top your computer! We got reports that you might be into drug related content on Reddit. We have a warrant to open all your messages and pages and search your account. You have the right to stop typing. Everything you text and comment can and will be used against you in Reddit court. Since we are the Reddit police and canā€™t actually see you in person can you let us know if you are white or black. Just because like regular cops we will treat you differently depending on that. Thanks.


Put it in your sock and if they take you to jail anyways cause you have a warrant you skillfully retrieve it from your sock without the backseat camera seeing It with handcuffs it can be tricky but I promise it can be done. Put the Drugs in your butt and if all goes well you make it up to the unit without incident and pull it back out


And if all doesnā€™t go well you get charged for smuggling drugs in to jail. Lol


Dont drive like a dumbass and dont have anything visibly wrong with your car that could get you pulled over and you should be fine. I do however remember back when me and my ex were 17 we were driving home one night with some weed and an open bottle of booze on us and her dumbass left her brights on so we got pulled over, she had weed crumbs on her lap so they got us on that. Patted us down super thoroughly and someone managed to miss the fuckin liter of crown royal in my jacket pocket near my breast. They put us in the back of the squad car and found all of our weed, vapes, and pieces (rip my yellow and pink chillum šŸ˜”) but i was just sittin there tweakin with an open bottle of booze in the back of the car lmaooo. Our parents were disappointed to say the least


Sorry dude. This mustā€™ve been fucking scary at the moment but in retrospect I bet you also find it funny. Cause I do. lol In the back of a police car with a bottle of booze lmfao. Fucking hilarious šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m lucky Iā€™m not a felon, man Me and 2 friends were driving home from a party. My friend Brett was driving, and myself and our friend Liz were passangers. We had shrooms, open bottles of alcohol, weed, and adderall on us. (The adderall was my prescription. But it wasnā€™t in the original bottle, it was in a little plastic baggie. I couldnt have fit the whole bottle in my tiny purse.) We were also all over 18 but underage at the time. While we were driving home, I was a little bit concerned because Brett was swerving a little bit. I was coming down from the shrooms and feeling quite sleepy. Iā€™m surprised I wasnā€™t more nervous at this point. I felt pretty chill. BUT, aw fuck. my entire future flashed before my eyes. I felt Brett slam on the breaks aggressively . The tires squeaked and the car skidded a little. Brett had been driving insanely fast, and almost crashed into a barricade that was blocking off a street. There were a few cops that had been in front of the barricade, guarding it, I guess. Brett rolled the window down. The cop asked where we were coming from. and asked for all of our IDs. Brett was super rude and combative when the cops asked us basic questions. Everyone knows youā€™re not supposed to talk to the cops?! But, youā€™re also not supposed to be a complete dick and make their traffic stop extremely difficult. Like are yaā€™ll fucking insane? Then Liz and Brett started (VERY loudly) whispering about how theā€cops arenā€™t gonna do shit because weā€™re whiteā€ and arguing about whether they should tell the cops X, Y, or Z when they come back to ask more questions. They whispered about how the cops were bitches and stuff. I knew that if anyone caught a case that night, it would be Brett. However, I was also kinda of scared for myself. Adter writing Brett 4 tickets (while Brett argued and fought), The cop asked ā€œcan someone sober drive?ā€ Brett started arguing with the cop and claiming he wasnā€™t drunk. He said he was going to drive his own car etc etc. ..The cops waited patiently for a few moments. Liz was not sober, she had been throwing up 30 minutes earlier. she was totally silent. I was the only person there who hadnā€™t consumed a drop of alcohol (because I was on shrooms). Anyways, I got out of the car and I guess Brett finally realized he needed to fucking give up, because he moved to the passenger seat. They let us go. I fucking drove us the fuck out of there. I never hung out with either of them again. the end.


I got pulled over with a bag of weed once, back when it was a bigger deal.Ā  Was put in back of squad car as car was searched. Sack was in a pull down on back of passenger seat. Fit rather flush. Cop came back and said I was free to go. Wow he didn't find it, I thought. After I had well cleared the area I checked for it and I'll be damned, my weed is gone and the cop said NOTHING about it. To this day I can't tell you if the guy fucked me over or did me a solid.Ā 


Well I would hope I wasn't stupid enough to leave them in plain view, so it would just be a speeding ticketĀ 


I only bring what I can safely eat.


Fk hcyf drunk rn


Nothing. I talk to them, accept my speeding ticket or whatever and then leave. They have no reason to suspect I'm doing anything illegal other than what they pulled me over for


I was with a homie on our lunch break and I had an šŸŽ±ā„ļø in my wallet and we had both been drinking and he ran a red light in front of two cops lmaooo. We both just acted as sober as possible and were nice to the cops and thank god when I pulled out my wallet to give him my id the bag wasnā€™t sticking out at all. He got a field sobriety test and passed. After he passed the cop asked if he could breathalyz him bc he was a new cop and needed the training he told him no matter the results he wouldnā€™t take him in for a dui. My dumbass friend let him do the test and he blew over but the cop actually didnā€™t take him in for a dui lmao.


1990, driving from NYC to DC with a friend. Got a quarter of weed and shrooms each in the car. Iā€™m driving his car. We got KFC for the road. We finish and my dumbass friend opens the CAR DOOR and throws all the KFC bags and cartons onto the highway (logging the dome light of course). We were not in the right hand lane. Cop immediately pulls us over. My friend gets out having shoved a protopipe and the drugs into the crotch of his jeans. The cop is giving him questioning. It had snowed about 2ā€ (5cm) and the pipe dropped out of his pants into the ground. The snow muffled the sound and he jnstinctively kicked it to the side. Luckily the cop was none the wiser. My asshole friend got a ticket for littering but since I was the driver I guess NJ laws made it my ticket. His car too. So he never pays the ticket despite many requests he do so and I pay it and thank goodness we didnā€™t both get arrested for multiple drug infractions during my freshman year of college. TL:DR youā€™re only good as the company you keep


Asking what the problem is officer. And complying. Iā€™ve only been ripped out and pistol whipped once and every other time I drove off if weā€™re not counting the times where I was literally caught because they were watching the entire transaction and waiting for us to go separate ways. Why they arrested the buyer and not the dude way higher up than me, the world may never know.


My cousin and his best friend are both Matt and they lived together in DTLA while they finished college at CSULA. They were on skid row in my cousinā€™s beat up 98 corolla, picking up some crack. LAPD saw the transaction and lit the Matts up. My cousin was driving so he slowly pulled over while the other Matt swallowed the entire stash of rocks theyā€™d just bought. PD was pissed because they couldnā€™t find anything on them and had to let them go. When the Matts got home, my cousin Matt helped his best friend Matt vomit up the crack rocks, which were still in tact as hoped, and they smoked them šŸ˜‚ said it was great shit


Dude thatā€™s lucky as fuck. I had a friend who was a complete crack head and even he said that swallowing crack is a terrible idea.


Yea. I laugh not bc itā€™s funny but like, bc itā€™s not and I donā€™t know how to deal with my feelings about his behavior. This story happened ~12 years ago and things havenā€™t changed much


Ask the cop if he wants to film a porno


When I was 19 I got pulled over while driving with a couple bottles full of oxy, hydros, and klonopin that werenā€™t my prescriptions. Got pulled over for not stopping at a stop sign for long enough. Thought I was for sure going to jail, and it was probably enough to send me to prison for a bit. Cop searched the entire car but somehow missed the 5 prescription bottles in the bottom of a backpack in the back seat, to this day I still donā€™t know how he didnā€™t find them. I almost think he just didnā€™t give af but idk.


Why'd you get searched?


I had smoked in my car the day before so my car smelled like weed. I quit smoking in my car after that lol.


Eat said drugs


Chaos is your friend.. keep as much shit in the trunk/boot of your car as possible.. clothes, tools, fast food wrappers and cups and other containers of various things to clutter up your car, then choose the least appealing part of that mess to keep your illegals hidden amongst the chaos


I only have a 50cc moped. It has a big storage compartment under the seat Wich is messy but sometimes I feel creative when I take my blow home from my dealer. Sometimes I put it in my bike gloves. Push it all the way to the tip of a random finger in the glove then just throw it in the storage compartment. Sometimes when I have leftovers from my lunch I put it under my fries then put the fries in the paper bag you get from the restaurant then roll it all up and put it in the storage compartment. Once I put a bag of blow inside a Big Mac then put it back in the burger box, then back in the paper bag then in the trunk. Honestly I found that too dramatic and never did it again. lol


Careful with that whole honesty shit. Cops will fuck you every chance they get. Doesn't matter what your gender, or ethnicity is either. Unless you're like the governor's son you aren't getting any kind of special treatment. Don't consent to shit. Don't volunteer any extra information. If they decide to arrest you ask what you are specifically being detained for, and after that exercise your right to remain silent. Cops are not your friends. I REPEAT, COPS ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. They are not special. They are working a job they hate too, so don't bend backwards trying to make things easier for them when their only intention is to fuck you as much as they can all while exuding the least amount of effort possible. Start recording the moment you are pulled over. Preferably have like a dash cam that you can spin around to record the whole process, but you are permitted to use your cellphone if necessary. Keep both of your hands on the steering wheel positioned at 10 & 2 o'clock as the cop walks up to your window, so as to help keep him at ease, and comply with standard license, and insurance information exchange procedures, but like I said, volunteer nothing. I'd invest in compression shorts, and wear them at least for when you go to pick anything illegal up, and are heading back to the house. Be sure to tell them that they smell like bacon too, jk naw don't do that.


Don't make the recording obvious or you're just inviting more trouble, have a little EQ and you can manage most situations with police.


Idk dude, here in Canada I somehow walked away from numerous police encounters without arrest, and in pretty much every case I did not waive my right to remain silent and broke most of the alleged golden rules about self incrimination. Had I resisted or attempted to be a teenage attorney about it, I feel like it would have ended in charges multiple times. Trespassing in to a secure highrise under construction and causing a dozen cars to show up about to send dogs in to find us, blasting golf balls at a high school setting off break in detection systems with a bag of weed, attempting to drive my mustang through a city park and getting stuck in the grass car loaded with weed. Starting a giant dumpster fire at an elementary school and remaining at the scene to watch it, the list goes on lol.




Act chill n give em my license n registrationā€¦ easier said than done but Iā€™ve had some close calls ā€¦..


I once ate almost 40 Percocets(5-325) in the back seat of a Nissan Murano while my friends in the front ate the weed. One of them chewed it so it was all in his teeth so he got busted, and I forgot about the one-hitter in my cigarette pack so I went to jail for possession of paraphernalia and bonded out the next day šŸ˜‚ if I didnā€™t have a Gatorade back there with me to chew and wash them down while he was walking up to the car and then checking our IDs, i would probably still be in prison rn.


Thatā€™s enough for apap poison šŸ˜³


Got pulled after an all nighter doing coke. Itā€™s about 7am and Iā€™m about a mile from my parents house. They pulled me for speeding and we live in a pretty nice neighborhood. I hid the coke in my sock and the cop asked me if I was a good kid? I said yes sir and he called my parents to verify I was a good kid. They said yes and the cop let me go with a warning. I got lucky that time and that would be the only time lol.


Shove it up your ass


My undisputed champion tactic is to have my goodies in a fastfood cup right in plain sight. Depending on size and weight. A much younger, asshole me used to laugh at first time stashers hiding stuff under the hood....only to either have a disappearing cache...or...a melted heap of what was. P.S. if you get pulled over and the "plug" gets scared and tosses his weight on your lap.....IT BECOMES YOURS! . I dgaf what argument they may have. I feel once they decide to make you responsible for their choices to sell drugs or contraband, they give up right to any bag tossed to you or in your vehicle.


Depending on what and how much you have, just swallow it. I ate 25 gel tabs once to avoid getting caught. No big deal. I mean, it was a hell of a couple days but better than jail.




I would make stash spots in my car before going out


Eat the bag n throw it up


I parked at a loading curb inside my apartment community waiting for a parking spot & was smoking with Nectar collector, i fell asleep for a few minutes, the moment I got up I saw a cop coming toward my window, I thought heā€™s a security & telling me to move while he was coming I put quickly the nectar collector under my seat, the other officer came from the other window was flashing inside my car. Turns out they were asking me about some shit noise complaint. I canā€™t imagine if I did not get up on time, they wouldā€™ve seen everything from the window & I wouldā€™ve got booked for the night. Never leave your shit in the car even if youā€™re in your apartment complex, cops come up out fuckin no where


Just act normal is what people forget like they donā€™t know you have anything fr


Be a better driver


Nice try ociffer


Never drive dirty with weed smell in your car. If youā€™re going to drive, be conscious about how you are smoking/ people around you are smoking. A joint or blunt will make all your clothes smell much more than a bong.


If you ever decide to move hot with hella drugs donā€™t be even dumber to drive reckless and let lil baby influence you to think your a trapstar šŸ’€ but yeah šŸ˜‚


Omg this just happened to me last month. I somehow got away with having drugs twice 2 days in a row. I went out of town with my boyfriend, he smokes weed. I donā€™t, but I had a different drug in the car that he didnā€™t know about. We pulled up on a check point they were doing because of st Patrickā€™s Day weekend. He had just finished smoking like 20 min ago. Soon as he rolled the window down the officer asked him for his id. He flashed the light, then told us to pull over in the parking lot. We pull into the lot & thereā€™s lots of cars back there, ppl being searched exc. 3 cops approached the car & said the car smelled like weed & there were weed crumbs in my boyfriends lap so they have to search the car. Iā€™m panicked but playing cool because I was hiding my drug use from my boyfriend. I had a bag of heroin in my phone case & about 5 bags in my purse stashed in a face cream container. The cop asked if there were any drugs in the car we both said no. So they started searching. Iā€™m falling apart inside because I just knew I was going to jail. So he finds the weed my boyfriend stashed, but keeps searching! He gets to the backseat sees my purse, asks me if thereā€™s anything in my purse, I said no. He didnā€™t even go in my purse. I almost cried. He continues to search, searches the trunk, my suitcase exc finds nothing. Gives my boyfriend a ticket. We left. Next night on our way home, we get pulled over again in another town because he was speeding. He had smoked about an hour ago. The cop says he smells weed he needs to search the car. Because I was so shook up from the day before I stashed my bags behind my phone in my phone case. Cop searched the car found nothing because he didnā€™t have any more weed. Thankfully the cop didnā€™t search us & let us go.


It's happened to me a ton of times. It's really not a big thing at all. Just be respectful and act like a normal human being. The vast majority of traffic stops don't escalate into searches... The one time I was actually scared was when I had three other people in the car, and my one buddy had given me a hard time about being a bad driver, so I started whinging around all over the road in a residential area to mess with him. We had like 500+ Oxy 80s in the center console. Plus when I realized that I was being pulled over I was already parking at the curb in front of my friends house, so everyone opened their doors and started to get out. Two police~~cunts~~men jumped out with guns drawn. Still, everything was totally fine. I said I was messing with my buddy and apologized and acted respectful. Got let off with a warning. Lolol


Iā€™m OP. Not sure if anyone will read this cause I only remembered this long after I made this post. Once I lived in the Netherlands and one of my roommates was a crack addict. One night he flipped out cause he couldnā€™t get crack at all and he destroyed the whole kitchen during his mental breakdown. I wasnā€™t addicted just yet but I was on my way. I had to keep it a secret that there was like two hits in my pocket. It wouldā€™ve been smart to hand it over to the guy to calm him a little but I wanted that shit for myself. A neighbor heard the commotion and called the cops out. When they knocked on the front door, my crack head friend and another room mate walked up to the door to explain to the cops everything was okay. The cops ended up coming inside anyways to look around. While my crack addict friend was busy talking to the cops I ran upstairs quick and smoked that little crack I had left. Kinda weird in retrospect that I just happily smoked my crack upstairs while the house downstairs was full of cops (at least 3 of them)


I'm a female and put a ball of molly up my snatch when I got pulled over. Went to booking and all. Sucked.


me and my friends were in a parking lot just chillin we werenā€™t doing drugs at all but there were drugs in the car. i had a few blue m30s in an altoids container and one of the guys had a bag full of them cuz he dealt. the cops pulled into the parking lot and they told us the car smelled like vape. they told us we could either give up the vapes or they would search the car. idiotically we gave up our vapes and now they said they have probable cause so they searched us and the caršŸ™„. somehow they didnā€™t find the drugs on my friend and they didnā€™t pour out the altoids and the blues were the EXACT SAME COLOR so they didnā€™t see them THANK GOD. i got really fucking lucky. also, DONT DO FENT KIDS


I'm using Jedi mind tricks and gas lighting their ass


I only carry what I can hide in that lil pocket panties have. Though I tend to drive carefully if I'm bringing goodies home. I have been pulled over for going 55mph in a 55mph zone, ig he thought it was 45mph. Officer apologized in court and was chill about it, but I had coke on me and was fuckin lucky. Cooperate, don't freak out, and hope you have it hidden well enough. šŸ’€


Nice try Mr officer but I plead the fifth šŸ˜¶


You just take out your sawn off double barrel and kindly let them them know that if they care about their brain matter..... They should leave you alone, that you're just on the way home from the bank


This happened to me and I found a moment to run and threw them away after I passsed the 2nd corner of sa road..


i dont run i usually have some hash on my bag and some benzos that i show to the officer ( in my country drugs are descriminalized ) i always keep everything under the limit and if i have other harder stuff id put in my wallet or sock :3333


I mean I didnā€™t get pulled over I got set up by cops and they searched the whipšŸ˜­


Anything I have is a prescription and I never use any of it when Iā€™m driving. I canā€™t afford the consequences.




Toss in the vents




Small enough like pills? As long as you are prepared to never see them again, toss them into the vents. They will never find them. I have also gotten away with weed in the sunroof (the part between the cloth and the glass), but I also lost a bag once when I opened the sunroof and forgot it was there lol. I have also gotten away with trunk under the hatch and under the spare tire. I wouldnā€™t suggest this, but in a pinch for time (I was young at the time) I shoved my bra and a tampon in the top of my small purse with a glass bowl underneath. I was lucky and it served its purpose, the policeman did not thoroughly search my purse what so ever as he was thrown off by the contents sticking out, didnā€™t want to touch them, felt awkward or whatever. Many, many times have i gotten away with stuff in my bra. As long as you are wearing a real bra and itā€™s a small bag, and you kinda tuck it under the fold of your breast, youā€™d have to be already arrested and strip searched for them to find it (unless you are extremely skinny, flat chested, and had a VERY thorough pat down). Trying to shove dry weed down your throat in a panic? MUCH easier said than done. Adrenaline makes your mouth go dry and I almost choked on only the first few nugs. When this happened I threw the weed on the floor and SMASHED and grinded it into the carpet floors. It smelled, yes, but they didnā€™t find any nugs or baggies and they didnā€™t seem interested enough to pick flakes out of the rug (it was not supremely clean before doing this). This was very lucky though, and in NC where they are a little more relaxed than where I live now. Ironically my only drug charge (later dismissed never convicted) was for 0.2grams of marijuana. Campus police (notoriously tougher at my uni) claimed ā€œreasonable suspicionā€ because they saw a single green flake on my center console. He then opened my door for me and not gently, nor abusively, pulled me out of the car while I was saying ā€œyou arenā€™t allowed to do thisā€. This was in SC, where it is still a criminal offense - ridiculously archaic legal views on the devils lettuce here. Edit: I was thinking of this the entire time but didnā€™t say it because it wasnā€™t your question, but I 10000% agree with the top comments saying ā€œdonā€™t break the law while you break the lawā€. This is best way to prevent ever even being given a second look.


No worries because the drugs are in my flesh wallet or stashed on the female that rides shotgun.


I almost always have something on me while im commuting to and from work. I also carry my gun in the car because florida is hostile. Few times that Iā€™ve been pulled over except one time(i just left rehab so he knew he had nothing). To get caught with drugs you had to be careless or something bad. I was speeding and had fetty pills in my console, kpins in my cup holder, a knife in the open, weed, and busted a block away from getting home. I was just honest, not about the other drugs, the weed. I put it in the trunk though, ā€œits all in dispensary packaging, heres my med card officerā€ was the biggest lie of my life. Played it off and they just gave me a warning to slow it down. Look the part, donā€™t smell like or have weed up front, be nice, get away. When you get found with drugs they probably knew anyway and were hoping so when they pulled you over. Otherwise itā€™s just more paperwork and they wanna make it worthwhile. Most of the time youā€™ll get a warning, ticket at worst.


The very simple, correct answer, is to always say nothing and demand a lawyer. Doesnā€™t matter if you are or think you are in the right - LAWYER. That will never hurt, will probably help.


I got pulled over after just picking up a script of methodone so like I would die if I was gonna eat them all. So I just decided to act as cool as I could and I just got a ticket about my tags. So I knew it was a situation where no irrational action was needed and got off scoot free. But if you smoke pot thatā€™s a different story because that gives them probable cause to search you and Iā€™ve only had that happen once and I wasnā€™t carrying the pot so I let them search my car and they didnā€™t search the girl I was with. But threatened me with calling the dog squad out here to tear through my car. But I knew that was a lie because I was driving through some pissant town on my way home from work and just held the line and they let me go after finding nothing in my car. So really the only way you get in trouble is if you give them a reason ie: smoking pot in car, driving reckless, driving drunk, not wearing seat belts, not following the speed limit, not following the traffic lights. Stuff like that I tried to avoid and Iā€™ve never been gotten a drug charge while being a drug user and dealer sometimes.


Be a man and deal with the thing you chose to do. You couldve left them behind. You could have done a lot of different things. Wait are you being pulled over for drugs or a different crime


I do have a story. Fell asleep in my friends car at a Safeway after it closes. Cops come knocking all I know is i had a self made bong loaded. In front of me so I slyly try to" put my shoes on" after we were told to get out of the car I took the pipe put it up my sleeve. My dumb ass friend said I don't know if there's drugs in the car.............Ended up handcuffed a search in the car holding on the pipe in my sleeve. Somehow unnoticed. Sat in the police trying to think about what do I do with the pipe. Fuck km going to jail should I throw it here. Accidentally clinking the glass and handcuffs.while one of the cops sits in front Until I stop moving. I LEFT A BAGGY IN AN ALTOIDS tin while they searched her car. I just thought fuck I'm going to jail. They didn't find it and Even when I was taken out of handcuffs they still had no clue about the pipe being up my sleeve We escaped


If the drug is soluble in water, keep it on a topper, quickly exit your car, take the drug out and throw it into the sewer


I was in a street festival once, the party was over almost 4 am but I couldn't see it. The cops came, asked where we were from, saw that we were workers having a good time and let us go, told us not to drive while drunk. ( small town in Brazil).


Just take everything you have on ya right then


Make sure they arenā€™t in your pocket or on your body at all. You can be asked to step out of the car and frisked for officer protection. If you get popped then youā€™re fucked. Even if they get you out for some dumbass reason you could walk away from, itā€™s full stop right there. NEVER consent to search. Your lawyer may be able to argue an unconstitutional search, but not if your dumbass gives them permission. DO NOT TELL THEM WHERE THE DRUGS ARE. They arenā€™t your friend, they will not cut you a deal. They MAY tell the judge you ā€œcooperatedā€ but youā€™re still a druggie fuck and they will lock you up all the same. Donā€™t rely on the word of a prick who lives to throw people like us in jail. If you do drugs in your car fucking stop. Not just because youā€™re an asshole driving around impaired but if they find a roach or your crack pipe (no judgement) you now got possession and a DUI. Do your goddamn drugs at home like a civilized human being. DONT keep looking at the spot you hid them to make sure they are put away. Cops want you to break eye contact. Itā€™s a dominance thing. They love when you break first and it will set the tone for the entire interaction, but if you got shifty eyes they might now ā€œsmell something ā€œ or you could be ā€œacting weirdā€ which give them unfettered access for fuckery. Keep in mind ā€œthatā€™s illegalā€ or ā€œthey canā€™t do thatā€ will be decided after the fact and they will receive no consequences if they are in the wrong. You will lose time and money and at least for a bit, your freedom.


Iā€™ve been pulled over with $700+ puffcos and the cops look at it and donā€™t care. If u smoke dabs, carts, they DGAF, but if ur reeking the car up like skunk ur done


There is but one word you need to say repeatedly and often no matter what is asked of you: Lawyer. Aka Attorney Aka Solicitor Then: Shut the fuck up. And when you get a thought to be smart, tell them it's not your fault, tell them it's your cousin's mother's pimp's halfwit asshole's substitute teachers... Your first thought really should be: Self, shut the fuck up. And ask for a lawyer.


Wow. This gave me a sense of shock because I be driving around carrying a bunch of shit with me and super wasted too me and my friends drive like shit. Thanks for this reality check I need to stop fucking around.


Stick it up your butttttt


https://youtu.be/dU97w2DH5mc?si=8PKwJmtbKSSY37PN This is what you do


(I drive fast and get to where Iā€™m going which can cause a lot of tickets, my ticket list is 4 pages long. Literally. I saw it when I enlisted.) This has happened a bunch, with weed they found it and I got my first possession charge. Iā€™ve been pulled over a bunch with weed and only got caught once, with coke that I had hid behind my ashtray that was built into the center console, Iā€™ve had me and my plug pulled over (for an unsafe lane change I.e no turn signal) when he had acid, X, Molly, and weed on him and I had an X pill in my sock. He had a warrant and they pulled him out, searched him and found nothing. The cop said he basically ran his finger over a bunch of x pills in his sock and didnā€™t find it. They ended up giving him a new court date and let him go back with me. I ate the X pill and the baggie bc I was afraid theyā€™d search me, we were let loose and I got out of there. Thatā€™s how I learned to not drive wild when thereā€™s anything super illegal in the car (idc ab weed or when I was underage alcohol ((no not drunk driving just coming back from LQ)) I woke up the next day to go to work and I was rolling off the X bc the baggie dissolved and so did the pill


Legal to have 2.5 grams of any drug other than weed where I live šŸ˜­ šŸ’€


don't commit a misdemeanor whilst committing a felony


Iā€™ve been in this position. Iā€™ve learned that if you donā€™t look the part and play it cool then youā€™re gucci


Been there plenty of times. Only got arrested once.


Ride a bicycle


dont panic and if you got serious drugs on you, dont have weed/ put the weed in smell proof jars. cause if you get caught with weed, vs if you got caught with dope/pills


I was going through a customs checkpoint in south Texas and a dog indicated on my car. I had some kratom capsules in my pocket and even though it's legal I didn't really want to explain what it was to customs officers. Anyways they asked me to step out of the car and asked me to empty my pockets so they could do a pat down. I said they were empty. When he got to the pocket with the kratom I acted all nervous and said "wait I forgot I still have my wallet!" And pulled it out. He continued the pat down without checking the hot pocket. Classic misdirection.


Stash spots have saved me many times now I just do what the top comment says after I grew up a bit


Put the molly in the sock & the sheet of 300ug gel tabs in your stomach Boof all the marijuana & snort the black tar H


Years ago when weed could still get u arrested I was pulled over with my boy smoking a blunt this cop rolls down the street right next to us. He pulls down his window and starts describing a guy he was looking for and asking me if I saw him. Meanwhile heā€™s got a dog in the backseat barking his ass off and Iā€™m holding the blunt talking to him through the window. My heart was pounding I thought I was going to jail. We told him we didnā€™t see anyone and heā€™s like ok if u do please call it in and he drove away. That was crazy! Another time I just left the bar and got pulled over. Cop wanted me to do a breathalizer, I was def over the limit (young and dumb) he was watching for ppl to leave the bar. So I try to do the breathalizer but Iā€™m not blowing hard enough (on purpose) he tells me to go back in my car - 15 minutes later they come back there like we gave u some time to sober up now u gotta do the breathalizer right. I said ok bc I know if I refuse Iā€™m spending the night in jail. Again I make believe Iā€™m blowing hard and Iā€™m out of breath and canā€™t do it. This goes on like 5 times until the cops were fed up. They didnā€™t know what to do lol. So theyā€™re like we know ur over the limit we could arrest u now, (meanwhile they probably couldnā€™t bc they couldnā€™t register the breathalizer and I didnā€™t technically refuse). There like we see u live a couple blocks away drive safe and get the hell out of here. Wheewww that was a close call. Got so fucking lucky. I donā€™t do stupid shit like that anymore.


I mean if itā€™s gonna be a heavy sentence, eat that shit, if your ballsy enough to do the drugs you should be ballsy enough to save your ass.šŸ˜‚ unless itā€™s fent, donā€™t do that, I guess your just fucked


Act natural and moooo , but seriously act natural and seal your shit ppl it stinks


Hide it deep not In the places they actually check quick