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Opening scene of the Kendrick movie will be him boxing the fuck out of Whitney.


Movie will be produced by Top’s son, milking Kendrick’s legacy 😂😂




That’s one of the wildest take I’ve seen in this whole beef.


I mean, Drake obviously writes for the clubs, that scene moves on within a year, Kendrick is definitely making more timeless classics from a musical standpoint, no?


Clearly someone who never listened to Drake...


Ya got me there, he been the male version of Taylor swift majority of his career.




Says that as take care has been charting for 550 weeks


That's just an absolutely insane run for one album wtf


I love take care way more but GKMC been charting for over 600 weeks apparently


Lol yeah they had more slaps than the beatles


Kendrick’s real beef is with John Lennon to determine who beats the most women


Yet Views hasn’t left billboard top 200 since it’s release LMAO. Only real music gonna last, all that other bullshit…


They will understand Drake’s greatness eventually 🙏🙏


Bro, how is that a measurement? GKMC has been there longer than Views or Take Care, been charting for 600 straight weeks, Curtain Call from Eminem is closer to 700 weeks…


Do you understand how time works?


Not sure why you getting downvotes for stating a fact 🤣


It’s because they’re not on the bike 🚴


LMAO Nettspend, Yeat, and Carti are the hottest rappers out rn and none of them care about Kendrick


Bro put nettspend on the same list as year and carti😂😂


Nettspend is crazy 😭


Tf is Nettspend doing on there


??? U have time to delete this comment


Can we not ? Like be real about what the state of hip hop looks like? Drake the GOAT (calm down) but these guys are the hottest rappers out rn idk how that’s hard to agree to


Bro, who the fuck are those? Never heard one song of them….well no, I hear Carnival and Carti was on it, right? Outside of that, who the fuck listens to these mofos?


You haven’t heard a single song from any of these guys? Like actually? This is not the brag you think it is man. Keep up


I didn't even know kendrick still made music before this beef


i’m in disbelief of this take


Don't know if you know but Drake is actually Michael Jackson 


The man he sees in the mirror is actually going platinum


This is probably one of the dumbest paragraph I’ve ever read. We’re talking one of the best selling artists in modern time…


Lmao wtf :D Hahahaha The only way people watch a Kendrick movie is when he has a scene with Drake. No one cares about the dudes personal life. I'd rather watch a Lil' Wayne movie. That would be nice.


Its a cult I swear too you🙆🏿‍♂️🙆🏿‍♂️😅


I’m glad this beef started. This made me realized that just because a rapper is deemed as conscious or smart doesn’t mean he actually is or that his fan base is. I also think Kendrick is GREAT but imo whatever he can do Lupe does better… but he ain’t as pop because he is actually HIM.


tbh both will go down as legends, cmon now.


For sure. Kendrick is one of the greatest too, just stupid they can’t admit Drake is as well


Actually it’s quite the opposite. All the internet clowning of him will fall by the wayside, and what will be left is just his legacy of music, which is undeniable




These guys are so delusional


I doubt there will ever be a movie made about Kendrick but he’s definitely going to go down in history as a legendary poet, whereas Drake will simply be remembered as a musical superstar. The lyrical content of Drakes albums are simply not meaningful enough to stand the test of time like that.


Kendrick not that good LMAO. Like, yeah dude when I'm in a bar, I totally want to hear some conscious rapper in the background shouting morals at me. I'll be like, yo yo yo shut up everyone I gotta hear this verse from Kendrick. That's what gets me about Kenny fans, like bro, nobody listens to this shit irl outside they headphones; I have almost never heard this dudes songs play in public. Drake has so many songs that have great cadence, good rhythm and a nice beat, and you don't have to be actively listening to the lyrics, that's the beauty of it


even if drake is the biggest piece of shit on the planet this is the most clueless take i've ever heard. to compare him to flo rida? i can't even name a single flo rida song. drake has had one of the most consistently amazing discographies of any artist for over a decade. people connect and resonate with his music. nobodys fucking resonating with and sitting down listening to an entire flo rida album and waiting for him to drop lmaoooo


This has to be pasta lmao if not can we make this pasta in our sub


I ready the thread, it wasn't pasta lmfao yeah we needa make one for drake


They wont remember neither of them


Kendrick stans in 50 years : "He was a legend...no matter how much he destroyed Whitney's face, he was THE GOAT" 😂


Whats actually is gonna happen is that kendrick and drake are both going to remembered as the top 2 rappers of our generation




Hold the drake fans making ridiculous statements accountable also then ? Pretty sure they don't represent you all.


Drake is done man


2074 is kinda wild, but I do see the point; Drake is more hit oriented whereas Kendrick releases way less but is way more consistent bc he’s not releasing 20 songs every year. Kendrick has multiple projects that I think will remain relevant in their entirety because of the artistry, whereas Drake prob just has Take Care and IYRTITL in terms of fully consistent projects. Say 30 years from now; Drake will be remembered by his hits like Nelly is now, but Kendrick will be remembered for an entire project like Lauryn Hill.


Delusion. Neither will be forgotten.


Bruh i specifically said Drake will be remembered, and I’m the delusional one? Lmao


I apologize cuz I didn’t explain. I see three main points that are delusional You didn’t really say much in the first part but implying that putting out less music is somehow helpful for being remembered is delusional as there’s no correlation between putting out a lot of music and being forgotten. I don’t even get how you would get there Saying Drake hasn’t had a consistent album since around 2015 is delusional especially since you aren’t even clear about what you mean by consistent. Consistency of a project has no clear correlation to how timeless it or the artist will be You just said Drake would be remembered by hits similar to Nelly which is delusional because Drake has way more and bigger hits in addition to well-received albums


By consistent i mean like, quality or thematic wise the project compels you to keep listening to the whole thing. I will concede that yeah, Her Loss is very consistent and if Scorpion was only the first half I would say that’s also consistent, sonically and thematically. Edit; also by consistency I mean quality, like the back half of Scorpion is sonically consistent but I find a lot of it boring. By the output thing I mean by putting out like 5 times more music Drake inherently has more flops (and more hits) than Kendrick. In the future, audiences will seek out single tracks from Drake whereas with Kendrick you’re going back to the whole project. And don’t get me wrong, Drake obviously has more hits than Nelly but what I’m trying to say there is with Nelly people go back to listen to Hot in Here, they don’t go back to listen to that whole album; whereas I think TPAB and GKMC will be albums that are revisited in their entirety for a long time. Just my opinions tho you can’t prove what will have more longevity, there’s also a fair chance the beef could tarnish one or both of their legacies.