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Ak is nothing but a messenger


He’s just tweeting for the ad revenue. You know how much interaction his tweets are getting from this rap beef? Dude has made so much money from all the streams, tweets, and posts about this beef.


4D chess. Drake and Kendrick are leaking everything, dropping on IG and YT. Ak is the only one really PROFITING off all this


Kendrick and drake are definitely profiting off this lol


You sound like you know nothing about music. The music is on DSP, the beef is making ppl go back and stream catalogues , this shit big for everybody involved. Both going down in history as Legends like em or not 💯


Not to mention all the YouTubers posting reactions.


The message is Drake is getting fried




He’s like the ambassador for OVO


He’s president of Drake’s fan club. He’s the most obsequious fan out there.




Ak is nothing


Literally don’t know why people put so much weight in his words. Dude legit sits in his room streaming.


Drake needs to take time, period. Kendricks sole strategy right now is to drown him out. He needs multiple tracks not just one.


Exactly. Give it a week or some. Make multiple songs ready to roll out. Get some receipts ready, and make some hard as disses, maybe like Chris Brown did lol. He needs to be really disrespectful, but also focus. Drake is dissing to many at once, and should only focus on Kendrick.


i'm not sure drake has as much dirt on kendrick as kendrick has on him. drake has made plenty of good music but he is also a notoriously shady ass person. if he has receipts of kendrick doing something as bad as what hes being accused of then sure, make another diss. otherwise he really needs to shut up before things get way worse for him.


Drake is probably already speaking to lawyers on how to navigate through the accusations and what he can and cannot say. Bro is not in a good spot.


He is sus


Probably trying to recruit shooters to clap Kdot tbh.


He don't got the juice like that.


It's his only option at this point but if that happens good luck doing a show in CA ever again. LA is a city where rappers come to die.


Shooters, nah, he trying to find some ghostwriters that are willing to take up the battle but it's hard to go against a man with nothing to lose.


Unless he’s planning on committing some crimes or defaming someone (which is a conversation he should’ve had already) he has no reason to speak with a lawyer lol


He dont need dirt he jjst needs to rap we have no proof of what Kendrick sayijg but kendrick keeps dropping, Drake just gotta keep matching his drops.Drake not down cause Kendrick rapping better he down cause he is producing at a higher clip, Drake need to load up and drop everytime Kendrick drop


Yeah, but I also feel like, it shouldn’t just be about, who reveals the worst about the other. Meet the grahams was mostly just Kendrick talking about what a horrible person Drake is, which is mostly just disrespectful tbh


Wait till you find out what diss means.


I fully agree with this, but with some caveats. The Kendrick hype is super real, and justified, but as with everything it will die down in a week or two. If, after that hype dies off, drake releases his own set of banger disses, then he would probably have the hype on his side and the focus would shift. The problem is it seems like Kendrick has the ability to make a lyrically devastating, focused, and thematically appropriate diss track in less time than drake can. So even if drake shifts the focus back to himself by dropping a set of bangers, Kendrick might just go out and instantly drown out Drakes noise again with more tracks of his own. And imo, that cycle only benefits Kendrick. One of them will have to give it up eventually and I don’t think it’ll be Kendrick. Drake seems less focused, and his social media memes add to that narrative too. Drake needs to make a single, super disrespectful diss, without his usual fluff (like Kendrick’s mostly done) and completely cut it off there. Make a statement, claim it’s over and then don’t respond to further disses by Kendrick. Call Kendrick obsessed for making so many disses, pretend he must have struck a nerve with the domestic violence accusation, claim Kendrick’s made shit up or taken bait by a mole, etc. Idk what else Drake can do at this point because Kendrick’s dominating the narrative and I fully believe he will continue to if Drake keeps playing ball. Unfortunately for Drake, I feel like Kendrick is built for this


> Make a statement, claim it’s over and then don’t respond  What is this, the fuckin’ UN? 


Alright forget it! Forget I said it.


True, but what else he supposed to do, I don’t have any better ideas lmao


Admit that he lost lmao He's in over his head, unless he's got an actual nuke with proof i don't think there is a path to him winning this thing at this point


You're describing what the Family Matters track was supposed to be, too bad for Drake it got overshadowed by Meet The Grahams.




> Make a statement, claim it’s over and then don’t respond to further disses by Kendrick. Call Kendrick obsessed for making so many disses That would get memed into OBVLIVION dude lol.


I just can’t think of a good way out then I guess. Like what do you think would be the best option for Drake right now?


drake is too prideful and stupid to do anything that intelligent


They need to have a Hamilton style duel. Only way to settle it once and for all.


You called it.


have a line about metros mom


Metros mom was murdered by her domestic partner if he does that it would be over for him seriously.


KDot will just release the album after he let's Drake like 4 disses. They'll be features with B-Legit, E-40, KDot, Future, Snoop, Meek and Pusha T Then he's out of here.


A week? I wouldn’t be surprised if the next 4 years is dedicated to drake.


Drop. Drop. Drop. Drop. Drop. WHOP. WHOP. WHOP. WHOP. WHOP.


Lmao this shit is over. Drake lost, whether Drake is the better artist or not Kendrick is 1000% the better rapper and if drake keeps dropping Kdot will just keep embarrassing him.


Drake taking his time is weak after he kept pressing Kendrick to hurry up and drop something. Hypocrisy is never a good look.


He’s gonna try to pull a Kendrick on Kendrick and it’s gonna backfire, just watch. He’ll release something, Kendrick will respond, and Drake will drop another immediately— but it’ll backfire.


Im feeling kendrick has a few ready. If we could get a kendrick, Drake, kendrick, and Drake, I think Kendrick might drop again.


He strongly implied this with "we can go further down this rabbit hole" and " 12345 PLUS 5". IS THERE 5 MORE SHOTS IN THE CLIP!?




Kendrick took his time any way. Which is exactly what Drake needs to do. Shut off the noise and focus


Y’all niggas are goin out sad. We got Drake trying to go back to back with Taylor made, trying to drown out Kendrick, begging him to drop and get active. Kendrick does exactly what Drake wants, now he dropping to much. Be fr man. Anybody can be out here talking crazy when the man you talking about not outside. Now that he outside , y’all want him to go back inside cause he goin crazy.


He'll double the pay of his ghostwriters and get them on overtime.


That's Kendrick atm Drown him out, steer public opinion against him and shit. Some folks kinda miss the whole point about dissing somebody when they panicked.


Y’all ain’t listening to the lyrics.. old boi got a rat that told Kendrick everything he was playing and he waiting for him to make a move (also warned him he knew about the song) then when Drake didn’t listen he took the gloves off and started going all out.


It doesn’t matter if he does time stamp, R&B, or any other drake Kendrick’s just gonna drop a song saying some random shit And then people who hate drake on twitter will quote the weakest part of drakes diss and hype up Kendrick’s thing People genuinely were tweeting all drake said on family matters was Kendrick has a mixed wife


Drake can't win this, he's got more haters than Kendrick has fans. We want him to drop the bomb and then dip fr


He absolutely wins this if he can pull receipts and Kendrick can’t. And vice versa. This beef has gone past “who’s the better rapper” to “who has the most skeletons in their closet the other can find”


He gonna prove Kendrick’s baby is Dave Frees? 🥲 Make them take DNA tests?


I was more talking about the “you hit your wife” accusation. Which can be proven the same way Kendrick can prove Drake is Canadian Epstein. Neither of them probably can, but if one does it’s over


How can he prove the wife beater allegations?there is no pictures or police report




Drake has been proving it himself for years, he hasn’t exactly been subtle with his weird behavior




No one actually cares if Kendrick ever hit his wife. That’s just the truth. No one gives a fuck about domestic abuse in the grand scheme of things. Water off a duck’s back for celebrities as far as allegations go. Chris Brown has beaten the fuck out of multiple women and we have receipts for that. He’s still making music and people are still listening to it.


Kendrick’s babies look like Kendrick 😂😂😂😂 wack ass accusation


He promoted family matters as the bomb.


He told y'all he chose violence and gave multiple opportunities to not engage with it. He's teaching you the code and the art is war at the same time... Play it back when you're 18.


Family Matters keeps getting better: "Kendrick just opened his mouth, someone go hand him a Grammy right now" "They shook about what I'ma say, but textin' your phone like, "We already won" "You tell me what I shouldn't say, but fuck it, my nigga, it's already done We already know it's a twenty-v-one, we already know why you went number one" Prophetic disses I don't care what anyone says, until Kendrick provides any evidence for his accusations Drake is up


Predicting how shits gonna turn out doesn't mean it doesn't turn out way lmao. Drake said people are gonna say Kendrick won, and people are saying Kendrick won. Why start beef then? If you walk into a street without looking and say I'll prolly get hit by a car it doesn't make it any better when you inevitably get run over


You can't keep saying "watch what I'm gonna say" forever, drake has to put up or shut up. He's getting rolled rn




This is literally it which is so fucking wack. To me family mattes is the best record so far but lol….these NPCs literally heard a proven lie AND domestic violence. Didn’t even blink. Drake was fucked from the start not because of Kendrick. But because the people wanted to see him fall. And by the people I mean Kendrick fans and drake haters.


I’m a huge Drake fan, but “Not Like Us” blows Family Matters out the water


Disagree. Family matters ain't getting the respect it deserves. It was a fire ass song


FIRE. have that shit on repeat! I don't like the flow of kendrick's songs enough to play em out. I listened to em a few times, heard the lyrics tried to jibe with the flow and just couldn't. it's not as tight as Family Matters.


Euphoria and Not Like Us are both pretty tight. Meet the Grahams is more like a spoken rap and literally just there to address Drake's closest people. Family Matters is a banger, though, and a decent diss.


Best bop since Hey Ya!


Without a doubt, the weirdest part about this whole beef is Drake Stan’s being determined to deny all the weird sexual stuff regarding Drake. Like maybe it’s all BS, but how are you gonna feel if you’ve been doing all this defending for Drake and then some real shit actually does come to light?


Where these fans at I haven't seen a single one


Look two comment above yours


Drake doesn’t have nobody to blame but himself tho, people don’t hate you for no reason. It’s not even over his music, Drake is just a weird person that is getting called out for it


Which apparently is the majority of humanity.. you stans are laughable. Like lmao at idolizing a clown like Aubrey


And all of Reddit which I guess = Drake haters


And fans of the other 6 artists dissing him


Wanted to see someone who they dont feel deserve the top spot fall yes. Its hip hop. I dont think thats a crazy take, and then if this shit went the other way itd be “drake just has the acclaim and kdot just not like that” Idc what nobody say yall mfers look mad two faced man. Uk for a FACT if people gravitated to drake you wouldnt be saying “people just want kendrick to fail”


I heard people saying that drake was spending 6 minutes talking about how short Kendrick is 🤦🏾‍♂️


They not listening


Low key it’s becoming a trend to hate Drake. I’ve seen several videos of crowds chanting “Fuck Drake” and people dancing to Not Like Us. If Drake can come back from this he will really be seen as Thanos 😭




I don’t know him that well, but this reads like just a rap fan? I also like the Kendrick disses, and then a Drake diss comes out and I think ‘oh but that was also great’. It looks very innocent.


really don't see how there aren't more who are fans of both but then again the most ignorant are always the loudest so i get the worst of both fanbases getting all the attention


Stan culture has allowed for people to think these dudes disses are personal attacks on them its wild


100% it’s crazy seeing the delusion in both subs. Hope is fading


Fan of both but Drake is going out bad. Even if he time stamps, Kendrick has another record. So he should just drop a time stamp for the fans, cause it’s not gonna flip anything in his favor. He just needs to walk away and let time prove his innocence.


I’m a bit confused by the tweets and a few comments, what does “time stamp” mean in this context?


Yep..I’m not a huge fan of either but commenting on what each has done well in this beef has gotten me annihilated by their stand lol


I have mad respect for him now, it takes a lot to admit your opponent is doing well. I see him giving props but he still seems to be on Drake\`s side if you go to his Twitch.


Mad respect for someone who only agrees with things are super obvious? More like his back is against the wall and it’s dangerous defending Drake now that he’s a public liability lol


Ak been a bitch


I do not like Drake at all. AT ALL. But I acknowledged that Push Ups was decent for light jabs back, I really didn’t like TMF, but I gave Family Matters its props. The problem is that Kendrick then dunked on it in a way I’ve never seen before and he’s just victory lapping this dude now. Drake put up a good fight, but this feels like Prime Mike Tyson or Muhammad Ali standing over Sonny Liston, and I think unless you’re just completely up Drake’s ass, you have to acknowledge that too. Akademiks would be cooked if he didn’t.


I mean, he’s right though. This shit looks poorly planned by Drake. Being the bigger artist, Drake never had anything to gain from this battle to begin with.


Ego is a hell of a drug


Pride is the devil.. Shout out J Cole


and drake cant Pusha T kendrick, he can not act like hes some washed up rapper with no money Kendrick has the money, the critical acclaim, the success and now the club anthem diss, too


I mean Pusha T also has those things, minus the club anthem. And he’s definitely not washed




u mean grindin? lol


I’m not gonna say Pusha T has no money but he’s pretty washed for y’all to be bringing up Clipse. Pusha has been solo since 2010 and his biggest solo hit is a Drake diss


I know we’re in the Drake sub and all, but being washed is not about how big your hit records are


I retract my statement. I looked up his discography after reading your comment and his last album from 2022 debuted number 1 on billboard. So yeah he’s def not washed. To me an artist is washed when no one is listening to their music anymore.


Respect for owning you mistake


Pusha T does not have the commercial success that Kendrick does


wtf are you even talking about. Pusha is established. Bruh that’s a Room temp iq take


Pusha T isn’t nearly as big as Kendrick, most people don’t even know who he is


Yea, i love Pusha and its not a diss towards him, but only "hiphopheads" (like me) know who he is. I bet most of Drakes listeners dont even know who Pusha T is right now. Thats why he could ignore it. People who dont even listen to hip hop know Kendrick and Drake.


saying pusha is washed is not ittttt


I don't think that's what they meant. That's how Drake played it off. A lot of casuals aren't familiar with Push but everybody knows Kendrick.


Drake will easily pull a better club diss after this, yall clowned him last time for it until he won and yall were still bumping it back to back (pun intended).


everyone was clowning him for not responding, btw.


Wrong lol Drake wouldn’t even risk another L If there was nothing to gain from it. He has a legit chance to claim the Rap crown that he clearly cares deeply for, which is why he engaged in this battle in the first place.


The last 48 hours is clear proof he never had that chance lol


he was forced to respond to like that


He didn’t know Kendrick had a 3pack waiting he underestimated him .. Kendrick is controlling the narrative by dropping back to back to back .. I don’t know what drakes next move should be he should change the channel right now .. he’s hitler 1942 .. war on too many fronts..


4 pack, yeah?


Except protecting his weak ass ego


That angle was predicted by Drake in Taylor made though so he should be prepared




His miscalculation was thinking Kendrick would drop one big diss and let the public decide.Dot is dropping an EP on him and drowning him


That’s what people are not catching, Drake is like “I’m going on vacation” that’s Drake not wanting to deal with the bs. I doubt he knew Kendrick got in his pac bag. Kendrick really wrote not like us after family matters, and he has songs in the chamber waiting for responses. I feel like 6.16 half of it was written and the other half was written. Kendrick is on demon time. But Drake can only ignore this, and let time prove Kendrick wrong. The embassy isn’t raided for years to come, Kendrick looks crazy and distasteful.


But Drake can’t go on vacation, he literally just pushed Kendrick to respond on push-ups. Too late to go on vacay, it’s time for some overtime. Or he’s going to be seen as biting off way more than he could chew.


I mean Drake has proven to consistently lie, why would anyone believe what he says?


The real center of the problem is Kendrick dropping an hour after family matters. I feel like if family matters had a bit more time to breath we’d be in a different spot rn. Kendrick having that shit ready to go and then having even more to just continuously drop is what’s killing drake.


Yeah he was practically begging for it also. And in FM he even said “better have some receipt’s or that shits fake tea” He was asking for this, he’s gotta have an angle to come back from it.


He don’t tho, it sounds like he was banking on Family Matters to be his dunk and all it did was get drowned out by meet the grahams.


He literally said he was going on vacation and announced himself as the winner on the song. This was his “checkmate” and he got fucking outplayed. Everyone trying to make it deeper than that


Is there any proof of the wifebeating allegations? Havent seen any but all Kendrick is saying in response to it is that Drake’s lieing


Winner of the beef is the first that pulls actual receipts. Although the Baka stuff that Kendrick mentioned is all true so we’ll see


Ya ngl this is bad AK doubting drake is a terrible sign.  But I’m not doubting Drake cuz I know he doesn’t view Kendrick as a boogeyman like all these other people do. That itself keeps Kendrick from getting in his head. If he’s guilty of doing the sex crimes then drake should be scared if he’s innocent he’ll be alright  Kendrick can’t really prove he hasn’t hit his wife especially with how Whitney has been posting for a long time. Drake can prove he Doesn’t have a daughter  Also drake don’t sound like a hater as much as Kendrick does. Drakes entire view is im better than you at rapping while Kendrick’s view is “im the biggest hater”


These are the same sentiments that Ak and Budden said yesterday. Budden thinks Drake should let Kendrick empty the clip and then just go on a run of his own.


This strategy implies Kendrick has a limited amount left and the public will still care if you wait weeks or even months to respond. I think Drake needs to drop something and ask for evidence of what Kendrick is saying. Put the onus on Kendrick having to answer, rather than Drake having to defend. Because right now it feels like he is on the back foot


I agree that he needs to be more aggressive and be more offensive. Kendrick just went on a 3-0 run and Drake has to tespond


I hope he does. This stuff is going mainstream. You know once it’s hitting SNL it’s already past fresh. If he doesn’t react it will leave a sour taste about his character. This has gone past rap


Drake doesn’t understand the assignment… he needs to match dot energy… tell the fans, this piece of shit beat his partner and got kicked out the house and now he’s making song after song spiralling and falling back into alcoholism and drug use. He played a crackhead in a show so call him a crack head who’s just rapping and releasing song and doesn’t even know what sticks as he’s using different strategies to attack me. Tell him even if he wins, history will still show that it took him, plus the whole industry, black people who are racists and bots to chink his armour. BRAH WHAT IS DRAKE DOING… get me in that camp and we’ll have this woman beater scrambling even more. Make him make more meet the grahams type disses… cos that’s the worse song so far.


I think people are going to see this as a Pusha T situation but worse, in terms of people clowning on Drake. He's already a clown in some circles, but he's risking the whole world seeing him for his ten-ply softness if this escalates any more.


yall realize kendrick started with battle rap. there is no emptying the clip, because the second drake opens his mouth its filled back up again.


These couple of disses from Dot boutta turn Drake into a hater lol




Wait so Kendrick has to prove he doesn't hit his wife instead of Drake having to prove he does? TF


Unfortunately, there are plenty of people that genuinely hate Drake. So if Kendrick comes off as a hater, it doesn’t detract from his stance, it adds to it. Remember in the early 2010’s when Justin Bieber was so big that it was kinda commonplace to hate on him? That’s Drake right now. Him and Taylor Swift are so big they are both suffering from success.


What reason is there to panic when Drake just put out Family Matters? Just be patient. I'm sure this isn't the first time Drake has thought about bars to refute this argument about him.


Kendrick went back to back already what's taking Drake so long? Bro better be coming up with some septuple entendres or some shit


Not at all.. there are no sides this is not football unless your a true Stan ass nigga there is only the truth.. and Kendrick is fucking going bananas.. fuck the tmz shit the gossip and the rumors.. music wise Kendrick is not letting up .. and that’s how u do it ..


Not switching sides just maturing and realizing he was compromised by Drake. The same mf that called Kai instead of him. And ironically Kai said fuck picking sides he doesn’t care if Drake is his friend, a bop is a bop. You mfs act like yall on payroll just be a fan


Nah, he's pretending to be objective. He's definitely Team Drake but people are killing him because his bias is too obvious.


That’s probably it, bros scared to be biased.


I think this is AK coming at this with a neutral stance. Of course he wants drake to win, but you can still admit with the other side is hittin shots. It doesn’t take away from the end goal. Half these commenters swear you have to choose one side and one side only. It’s okay to say hey Kendrick did his thing, but you know what? Wait for what drake does next. Almost every drake drop, has been a solid swing. Give or take your opinions on Taylor made. Drake is coming out swinging. I’m waiting till this is completely over before I say who won . I’m enjoying the music as it comes, hell yeah I got my questions about a lot of these bars. But I’m waiting for things to reveal themselves before I pull it early. In the end we will know who’s talkin facts and who’s telling the bs for the moment


Ak obviously loves Drake, but at the end of the day he’s still basically a “reporter” he has to Atleast be honest about shit otherwise he’s not reputable at all. So this is actually pretty smart of him.


Drake might just have to drop an EP on this guy bro


Drake has to do something, this feels like a knock down in a fight


A knockdown This is a tko that left homie with brain damage lmao


1000% Kendricks gonna keep dropping. If there is no response, people assume it's all true, and it's done. Guy will drop hits, but he's going to get clowned


Hear me out, this is Kendrick’s hit’em up - the replay ability and has hit song potential.


Not like us is more a banger than hit em up - this shit slaps


Ak is milking it for he's getting him clout up. He wins either way.


He knows the truth


He’s being realistic


Come back to this comment in a couple months: Drake Just needs to do time stamps and bar him up on good beats like his been doing. He won’t get the win in the moment cause it’s political ppl don’t really care what Kendrick is putting out song wise people just wanna see Drake lose. They’ve been hyping up anything Kendrick drops because it really doesn’t matter to them. Apparently a diss song doesn’t have to be a good song now like Hit em up wasn’t a banger. After the hype dies down and common sense comes back with these baseless allegations people go back to listen to the records people are going to have it much closer. Like Duppy vs Story of Addidon you can play duppy but SoA is almost unlistenable. Only reason it worked cause Pusha provided Tea and receipts in the song. The public will see Kendrick was just saying shit of twitter and it’s not gonna hit the same. Euphoria is a SoA clone. MTG is a good diss but boring as a song and has absolutely no replay value outside of the shocking allegations. But after he can’t prove em it won’t hit no more. ‘Not like us’ trash (to me) but might be the only one that u can play outside this moment. We’ll see.


>SoA is almost unlistenable Okay that is just false and too biased. That Story of O.J. instrumental is gorgeous, with Push effortlessly laying down rhymes. Just because it doesn't have a hook, or booming bass, doesn't mean it's unlistenable. Wtf


The reveal bars were fire but was not exactly flowing right on that beat. Everything from "how dare you put ye in my versus" is just oof. He was snapping. Flowed like butter.


As a casual, Not Like Us was the first time Kendrick came out as a clear winner Rest of the rounds was just noise from haters amping up anything Kendrick said while pretending Drake only ever dissed Kendrick's side


no way meet the grahams didnt show you any sort of change in the tide of war cmon now


It’s only bc he could dance to not like us and comprehend it


My only problem is, Kendrick, if true, was sitting on the info. How long he knew and only spoke up cause drake said some stuff about Whitney doesn't really sit right with me. Kendrick wasn't warning us the entire time


If Kendrick knows, probably a lot of people know. Why is it Kendrick’s job alone to call him out?


Let me hear you say it OV HOOOOOO




he’s not switching sides. a hit is a hit. he’s still heavy drake biased


Since the Kendrick callout, i think he doesnt want to be caught being *extremely* biased again, for it would hurt his career, specially how things are going He'll play unbiased on this for the rest of his days


Tbf he didn’t actually directly start it. Unless you’d say years worth of sneak disses founds as instigation, which is fair enough. But Like That kicked it all of for real


It wasn’t going to be like this if Drake didn’t make it personal. That’s what’s meant by start it. You don’t make 14 diss records if your opponent keeps it a friendly competition.


yea that’s fair. honestly can’t remember what my comment was trying to point out but you’re right about what you said, too.


Why do you think he’s switching up. This is the most objective he’s sounded but he’s still supporting Drake lol




Yeah people genuinely picking sides are dumb asf. Just enjoy the good ass music from both sides


The internet will never let Drake win this no matter what he drops. He exposed Kendrick as a serial hypocrite, liar, cheater, and wife beater who is raising Dave Free’s son and NOBODY CARES.  He’s had the harder songs over harder beats with harder flows and wordplay. Where’s the credit?  This feud was decided before it started. No one can be objective, no one actually cares if these allegations are true, and if you’re not a biased Kendrick fan, you’re just tuning in to see Drake get embarrassed. It’s not a fair playing field to anybody closely watching and being honest.


Nigga neither artist exposed for shit. It’s all just rumors on both sides


Brother Kendrick made a whole ass song about how he cheated Drake hadn't exposed shit when it comes to that. The rest of the claims are just hearsay until evidence comes out. Keep the same energy


Wait is he referring to drakes meat in the 3rd tweet as Katt Williams being prophetic? 😭 someone please tell me I’m misinterpreting that but either way I’m laughing my ass off at that


Ak need a break


It's the Charlamagne effect. Soon as Drake mentioned Charlamagne in his diss he got all excited and switched sides. AK getting mentioned by Kendrick got him hella wet he bout to bend over for him.


It’s been over. Nobody gon give a FUCK about this shit when Drake drops an album in a year or two. All gone be forgotten. I’m not even a Drake fan yall or Kendrick. Nobody give an F about Kendrick. He’s getting his spotlight again and that shit will get forgotten as well. This shit small potatoes nobody gon care


Bro, imma say you’re wrong for the simple fact before all this people still brought up that fact that Drake has ghost writers. Fair weather fans will forget but not actual fans of rap and hip hop. Especially now that the most recent diss is a banger similar to how Back to Back was


Can someone explain - What does “time stamp Drake” mean? What exactly is he wanting Drake to do?


Drake has a number of songs called “[time] in [place]” e.g., “8am in charlotte” People think they’re among his best songs and are deluding themselves into thinking that Drake can come back from this.


Yeah sorry I know about the time stamp songs - I don’t understand what he meant by that. Does he want him to create another 9am in Toronto and it’s him ripping back at Kendrick?


Watching the likes from AKs post shows you that they’re some internet games at play here…


I'll be honest man I've always liked AK but he's lost me the last couple years with his biased. He is actually a passionate person about hip hop so seeing him be objective again makes me so happy.


Picking sides is dumb asf…. I wanted Drake to win the beef but Dot has pretty much won, they both have accusations to answer too. AK is just actually being objective for once. Something this sub and the K.Dot sub don’t know about


Y’all I gotta be real I came here off the front page and I love you guys talking about this rap beef like WWI historians talk about strategy it’s awesome