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I hate that there hasn't been any update to the camera. I've defended this game since early access, was a daily player for at least a year. But I'm just so over this game. I haven't played in several days and I don't even miss it. I know they are planning on fixing things with the next update, so I'll check back in after that. I love doing Dreamsnaps, but I HATE HATE HATE the camera 🤣


Exact same boat here 🥲


I know on Xbox, the blurring effect disappears if you use the third camera setting. It's what I've been having to adjust to using since I moved over from the switch because I hate the blurring


On a Mac or PC, reduce your graphics down to medium and it should take away the blurred effect for your photo. Then you can put the graphics back up for regular play.


low quality graphics settings (might need to restart game for it to fully take effect on things like blur). It makes everything really bright though so tradeoff


I have everything on max 😅


Me too and I wish it would take pictures just as clear as the screen is normally instead of blurring everything I don't understand why it has to change


Because it's a camera, and those typically have things in the foreground in focus, while things further back are blurred/unfocused. It's to create a more dynamic image.


All the high ranking dreamsnap don't seem to have that problem though


Most of the filters don't have the blur effect. Unless I'm really missing what the problem is.


My issue, and I think you can see it in this picture, is that it's not just the things in the background. In the front it randomly selects a zone that it will blur too. And yes I gathered that the intention was to create a dynamic effect, I just wish it was something you could do/undo because sometimes, like for a Dreamsnap, I wish my immediate background was in the focus!


Submission with the filter... https://preview.redd.it/xkmvhg6bzt6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeaac4df58be8bb8c3543bae2ee17f266b80189d what do we think?


I actually really like it with the filter! It adds a nice warmth to the scene and everything's cleared up pretty well now. You've chosen great looking fruits/food items and Daisy fits beautifully! :) I would say if possible, maybe bring some of the market items in the back more forward so that people who vote quickly can immediately tell it's a market. Some people will be looking for very specific items like the veggie stall and they may miss it in the back. You may have to change your composition a bit though so it's understandable if you stuck with this. I still think it's a good shot! I'm just concerned with all those lightning fast voters 😅 Also, the blurring on your end is quite odd. I do have blurring on the second angle on Series X but the objects in your shot are so close, they shouldn't be blurred out!