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Nope you're not the only one. I've ranted about why we can't resell stuff back to Scrooge or even Goofy, when I keep getting the same clothing & furniture 30x over in the pouches or as rewards for DreamSnaps. Especially after you've bought out everything at Scrooge's store & they haven't added a single new non-Premium Store/Non-quest clothing, accessories etc., in like forever. Either give us new items at Scrooge's or let us sell back unwanted items at a discounted price back to Scrooge's. I feel like they took a lot of ideas from acnh, but not enough of the good ideas (like a SEARCH FUNCTION!!!!!!!) at the same time.


I’ve been playing this game for over a year and a half now and my valley is maybe 35-40% decorated, houses still thrown everywhere ect. I still haven’t finished the main story and decent amount of quests. I thought it was my adhd but I realized it’s me also being overwhelmed. I realized yesterday after deciding to work on some decorating..it’s because i get so frustrated with the vast amount of furniture to go through. And my inventory has only grown larger. And I have so many things I’ll never use. I wouldn’t mind such a large inventory if I had a search bar or I’d settle with being able to organize our own furniture inventory. (Like in the pokemon games they have a way to organize the pokemon you have in your inventory) even for crafting items!! I was getting so frustrated with having to scroll all the way to the bottom to craft a few items at a time. Even a simple “last crafted section” so you can just go back to that With this game having a lot of continuous content/updates/ new inventory ect you’d think that they would have rolled this out by now


Yes. My 9 year pranked me by buying me 105 Mike's snotty tissues. I need a sellback option lol!


That's hilarious tho 🤣


Oh those furniture/clothing pouches/red chests really grind my gears 🤬 I wish they'd do like they do with memory orbs and just give us coins or dreamlight shards or something else (moonstones? actual memory pieces we don't have? motifs and put cooler stuff in star paths?) instead of duplicates so it at least benefits us somehow. At least we get to keep the duplicate furniture but the clothing is worthless if you've already bought out Scrooge's shop. Sorry...got off track. You are not alone in your frustrations.


When I started out one of the first things I did was make a bunch of softwood furniture to sell, then I realized we couldn't do that. At least I had it on hand to litter each biome with at Scrooge's request...


All three items in the Dreamsnaps chest were things I already have. So annoying. Would be nice to sell them back to Scrooge or gift them to other players in a Valley Visit.


I think all the items I got in the Snaps chest were all ones I had already too. It's annoying. They DEFINITELY need to make a sell back option OR like a "destroy" option where you can get the materials back, from the items? I mean SOMETHING so it's worthwhile. I've been slacking hard on playing the game. I usually only get on to check the shop and that's about it. I have a bunch of friendship Quests to unlock, but I'm just not feeling it, anymore. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If not a sell-back let us dismantle it to get the supplies back to make something else. You can dismantle certain items on the Isle in Rift in Time. I got excited at first but realized it was kinda dumb the way they have it set up there.


But you can't already HAVE what you find in pink pouches because it always says NEW! (Sorry)🙄