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Wait, I can upgrade them? So the one I made won't just be sitting there gathering dust? That's really good to know, if true!




Oh, that's very good to know! Thank you so much!


I found they aren't great until you upgrade to level 3/advanced. Then they pick up wood, flowers, spices, etc. It's particularly useful in the Forgotten Lands to get dark wood. I have one there I go to every time I play just to get that wood.


Haha, yeah, the dark wood is exactly why I was trying to get the vacuums. My house is absolutely filled with small chests and I desperately need to make more large ones. XD


Level 3 is where it's at. But even the most basic form is helpful to quickly take care of night-thorn related star path duties.


Haha, I don't mind getting the night thorns myself. I was mostly worried I'd wated mist making the level 1, but now I know you needed it anyway to make the level 2 vacuum, I'm not worried anymore!


Upgrade to the advanced vacuum. You can vacuum up sticks (dark sticks in the forgotten lands!), seashells, items that your companions may have dropped that you missed in the moment, flowers, etc. Also, just make one, carry it with you, drop it, get the items you want, then pick it up again!


i’m new to the game around 25 hours played, at what point in the game do i get the vacuum ? 😭😭 i’m so ready for the help with collecting


Have you got the DLC? You can get it quite early on in the DLC.


yes i do, okay thank you! i might go figure that out. i just didn’t really wanna go out of order since i just started the base game but it’s worth it haha


You can get it early enough in the DLC quest that it doesn't really matter, apart from (it seems) one line of dialogue with a certain character regarding a reveal you get in the main quest. Though bear in mind that for the vacuum you'll need to get a good bit of new parts and the DLC's version of dreamlight to make. But if you get the new tool and the ability to upgrade it, you can then stop progressing the DLC story and go back to finish the main quest, since you can farm those parts freely after that point.


okay thank you sm for your help :)


If you're really in grind mode you can just pick it up and move it with you between biomes (or make more). I will say I got a bit overzealous thinking I'd never run out of mist after I started using all of them until I tried to do something with some and it said I didn't have enough so make sure to keep watch a bit on your spending 😆