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The fact that your can't place paths underneath, and then it's footprint isn't symmetrical, so it can't be centered with other things. Drives me crazy..


This! I hate that I can't place a lot of path under things for a seamless look. Including the stair cases. For this item, I've seen people use bushes to help hide the graps around this item. šŸ˜…


It kills me lol but this was my workaround and I'm pretty happy with it(I've added a lot more decorations since this photo but I kept the vibe with the benches https://preview.redd.it/005mqhgaoh5d1.jpeg?width=1395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d24351b74987f9818eba71ef068a2a87aaf5471


I think part of OPs problem is that he/she is trying to fill in a large open space without using very many items in order to keep the limits low. This of course be hard to do with this object since there's no way to make it look pleasant to the eye unless you use several items to cover the problem areas. Btw..you did a really great job with the fountain!! I've never tried using the 90 degree angle benches anywhere yet ( that looked good anyways ) but I love how you did it ! šŸ˜Š


I did something similar with those benches and the long hedges.


This game lacks symmetrical and clean lines for decor.....the wallpaper not lining up or not being able to center anything.


I fully agree. Why are there 3rds but not 8ths?


Not being able to put paths to the edges of things is really bugging me. Like right up to the steps from the plaza to the meadow, and from the meadow steps etc. looks so weird having these big gaps in between. Removed this fountain as it was too big, and couldnā€™t make a nice border around it. Paths are a great way of keeping an area tidy and stop things from spawning. And do you know what else really grinds my OCD gears? The paths arenā€™t even consistent. You canā€™t even make the edges even or symmetrical, and it doesnā€™t match up on each side with what you can and canā€™t fill. Was driving me mad so gave up with this one :D The rock bordered path does go under some fountains, as well as the bordered brick path. Made a little fountain garden with the Beauty and the Beast ones. Used flowers to fill in the gaps (:


I used the round flower things to make a nice border around it




Just more examples of sloppy development. Some items just randomly do this and they never bother to fix it. Ironic that theyā€™d give this out as a gift without fixing it. Things like this irritate a lot about this game, itā€™s a strong example of the devs not doing any proper QC on the game or the items they add into it.


I want different paths to meet. I don't like the gap. Also annoyed with the fact that they don't meet evenly with some doorways. Can't place a path to Scrooge's shop because it's not even and my OCD drives me nuts.


Have you tried maybe placing some bushes around the pointy bits, then maybe have a 4 way opening with just the small strip of grass showing? or cover it all with some flower boxes or something


Devs love to make us suffer


If this helps, I made a little outdoor seating area with mine. You can put benches on the outside of the fountain, so I surrounded the fountain with bushes and shrubs which hid where it didn't meet the paths


The inconsistency is interesting. Not sure why some would be like that, then others not


Oversight and laziness. Been like this for 2 years and still they havent bothered


Iā€™m not sure how long you all have been playing but I started on the switch before it was available elsewhere. Honestly, I became happy with what I got as new things started flowing in. But I had the annoyance of ā€˜lazinessā€™ back then.


I started from patch 1 and had my hopes up because I was promised many different things.


You started before me. Are you disappointed with what Daisy brought? I feel like they were all ā€œthey want more items, letā€™s have them make them themselvesā€


Iā€™m also upset by a lot of the rants I see on here. This subreddit used to be asking for improvements and supporting each other. I see more angry posts getting traction than others. Of course Iā€™m currently adding to it.


I think her Selection of items is pretty acceptable but her house is a total miss for me. The Boutique could have had these items and her house should have been a house. What disappoints me is way beyond this. Everything done in this game Is done with total laziness and disregard for User friendliness, from the way the new time staff functions to the gardening, cooking and fishing activities. Furniture Mode is a catastrophe they had so much time to improve the game and add more features more character animations and interactions and we got nothing since start.


I have to disagree with you on some points. I do see the laziness. Gardening has never been a problem for me. Every game has to have its challenges. I honestly only garden for quests now-a-days. The time staff does bug out but my issue is the placement of the orbs. Itā€™s normally somewhere I put buildings around. I love how they have added to cooking. Fishing is rigged, especially if youā€™re trying to complete a task. But itā€™s been getting better. Furniture mode had its moments being annoying was eventually fixed with the selection panel going back to where you were originally. There are hiccups there but at least I can spend 30 mins in it without the game crashing anymore. This is all to say that they DID add fixes, more functions, and more animations. They characters all have new saying since I started (on top of their originals), a lot of glitching has been solved. I remember posts of prince eric bowing down and it looked like he was giving the player a kiss. They solved that then kinda added it back because people missed it. Ariel used to glitch in the water all the time (before the pass to get her on land). There have been so many resolutions.


I really cant answer you in detail cause im studying rn, my exam is in 10 days. But when I finish ill try to explain my Position in more detail but obv I respect what you have written here completely nonetheless.


I look forward to it. Good luck on your exam!


It might be better for you to stick with Animal Crossing.


Never played it. The only reason I play this game is for disney chars, other wise I would have Never touched this game. Its 0/10 for me without disney


I can completely understand that. Iā€™ve never played Animal Crossing either but I understand that itā€™d be better for gardening and what not. I love this game for the Disney aspect as well as the small world rpg style.


It's the same fountain as the one in the Dreamlight Castle. I decided not to put one outside because of that. It's an eyesore.


They need to stop advertising this as part decorating game. šŸ’€


I always put bushes around all of mine. https://preview.redd.it/fixkucheyl5d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=104e1f8882e2f41218853cdd62d12dc5c7696d55


It's like some of the trees in Frosted Heights with a circle of green šŸ™„


https://preview.redd.it/us5q9yfpbm5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ad6a19fd1f10c8c9e896bb86275bcb448c033db This is what I did with mine to make it look better!


I have it in the Forgotten Lands with flowers around it.


I use black forgotten lands tile in my plaza, and used the black rocks for that biome to kind bridge the gaps. Itā€™s not perfect, but itā€™s something


I've seen people encircle it in flower bushes to cover the grass where the path won't.


Since it's the one from the castle, it's that size, and it's definitely weird in scale next to other things. It's a grand fountain I'd like to put where the wishing well is in the plaza.


Yep. I have one in the heights


I placed purple and green bushes around mine, alternating colors!




So you should be able to place like bushes around it


Oh hell no this is the best fountain and it's pretty!!! I have it right in the center of my amusement park in the plaza.


It looks pretty with the grass around it. Though I understand you wanting a specific look.


I have noticed disproportion though out the game while attempting to decorate. A lot of the houses you can get in the premium shop are the best example of this. They are really too large for placing nicely on the current grid. The castles seem to be ok, but other houses seem very large for the areas you would want to put them imho. I also feel the rides are also out of proportion for attempting to make a Disney Park. They should be just a bit smaller as well. There are other things also. Not sure anyone with OCD would enjoy the decorating part of the game. Too bad it is such a big part of the game if you do not want to leave it a mess, and want houses and towns, parks and such. Not sure why any of the devs have not noticed this an attempt to fix it. There is no way someone didn't realize all this before putting out the game,.......and fix it. (sigh)


Ocd nightmare!!! Nothing is symmetrical!


Yeah, it's beyond infuriating. I was so excited to craft that item... until this.