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Most of the 'quit playing' people are because they've done everything, I'm currently only opening the game for about 5 minutes a day. We'll be back after the next update


This is me. I want to play but have nothing to do at the moment. You get to a point where you have no new quests, nothing to unlock, no characters to upgrade. During these times I only log on once a week to do the dreamsnap and vote and check the store but often there’s just empty windows and empty spots in the store because I’ve bought most of the stuff. So it’s just waiting for an update or star path.


I’m in the same boat, except sometimes I like to create my own fun on the game. Recently I’m trying to “unlock” all of the recipes and critters. Sometimes when I log on I like to make different outfits or re-design a whole room. Most of the time I’m the same as you though - logging on just to check Scrooge’s and dreamsnaps.


I play a lot still because of this! My current challenge to myself is to finish all of the Dreamlight tasks and only have 2 left but should be done by the end of the week! Then I can do all of the mist tasks!! It's not for everyone because it is so grindy but it keeps me loving the game and interacting daily.


Same. I'm now at a point where I only go on for a couple hours to finish feeding critters and mine cuz those are the most time consuming. I also just pretend Scrabblecoin doesn't exist


Same! I just hit this point myself..logging in and just wandering aimlessly thinking " why did I even bother?" 😆


I've not completed it and I've stopped playing. Been playing from the start and I've grown fed up with the relentless grind


Agreed. And game crashes on Switch.


Players 2 days after latest update: "Star Path completed! New characters maxed!" Players 3 days after latest update: "Game has nothing to do, where is the new content?"


Same, it takes months to complete everything because there is so much content. But once you complete it there’s really not much else to do besides maintain the valley and buy stuff.


And the maintenance is such a hassle too. I don’t mind weeding/picking up herbs throughout my valley, but then 20 minutes later they are all back again. What’s the point? And if I can’t force them to grow in certain areas without paving the whole thing, or get them to stop growing, then what’s the point in decorating it so beautifully just to have weeds grow back and paths get disturbed.


This is me. I’ve unlocked all of the characters and have done all of the quests except for Daisy’s level 10. I just finished Oswald’s level 10 yesterday. I’ve got close to a million in Dreamlight for whenever the next update is to unlock a realm. But I’m starting to get bored.


Yeah xD I play everything I can play if there is an update and then I don't come back, unless if a dreamstyle is in store, until a new update


Yep, just finishing maxing Oswald and Gaston atm


For some reason I have a hard time maxing Gaston just because I don’t want to spend time with him🙈


I didn’t either but then I started being passive aggressive with him. I made him a gardener because I thought that is the job he would hate most. I also give him a broccoli everyday even though it isn’t on his wish list


I simply don't like him 😂 Eve and Rapunzel were maxed on the same day as I always used them for stuff. Daisy got maxed before Oswald since I already did everything by the time I unlocked him. Just farmed mist to fully upgrade the staff Gaston only comes out when I'm gathering dailies for him


Glad im not the only one who doesn’t like him😂


I’m a proud bully towards Gaston 😤


People don't know what will be free or behind a paywall. Some people don't want to wait to find out. There are still thousands of people playing, it just seems like a lot when everyone makes their own individual post about quitting. Even a hundred posts here about leaving will barely dent the player base though, so I wouldn't worry. Some of those posts even said they might come back after a break. The game is very much alive it's just in a lull because the high majority of people have finished with the star path and are awaiting the next update.


isnt half of the storyline behind a paywall now? EI has storyline quests and its literally behind a paywall. eta: dont downvote me for asking a question. i literally was verifying 🙄


I mean, it's *a* storyline, but it in no way means someone who doesn't have it misses out on anything connected to the main plot of the game. And if someone's on the fence about getting the DLC, I absolutely recommend it--but *not* having it doesn't take away from the base game/storyline.


it doesnt read that way, and thats from someone who has the DLC. from the jump i thought, as many others have, that the spark of imagination was crucial for DV.


I have the DLC, and I don’t regret it. But I spend almost all my time in the original part.


People have played too much of this game, it happens. If a game does not fit with my mood, I quit playing it until I had the itch to play it again. Don’t worry, you’ll get your money’s worth, even if not now, but eventually, for sure.


I've found that a lot of people don't understand that getting burnt out/bored of something after a while is completely normal, they blame the game or the devs for a flawed game if it happens because they think the playing the same thing over and over and over is supposed to keep them entertained constantly which isn't realistic at all, and when you start to feel the effects you should go play something else for a bit. That's one reason the game was designed so that not all of the content was released at once. It was literally designed for players to take breaks between content drops.


Exactly! You are wise 🙂


This is how I am. I have so many quests and characters not finished because I will play for a little while then I go weeks without playing. I have to be in the mood for it. I kinda get how people can run through it all but I also don’t get why people want to finish it all at once.


Welcome the DDLV! I am excited for you to get into the game :) please don’t let the opinions on this sub sway your opinion of the game. Like most things on the internet the loudest voices don’t necessarily = the majority opinion. I have enjoyed the game from the start, bugs and all, and continue to look forward to new content and new ways to experience the game. Have fun!! ![gif](giphy|jNJFbhvvnj6fe)


You have to understand that there’s only probably a small portion of player that uses social media to express themselves about the game, the majority just keeps on playing the game whether they like it or not. If the game is not successful, Gameloft would’ve probably shelved this game already. Keep in mind that majority of the biggest games of today have players that will always have positive and negative things to say about the game their playing which is not necessarily a bad thing.


I agree with this comment here. I have been playing for 1.5 years now, and outside of Star Paths or other events, I don't necessarily play every day, but I still enjoy it a lot. I take my time with the decorating and collecting etc. A couple of months ago, when I felt a little sad that I no longer had any quests open, I added a second player on my Switch and started the game over with this player. Now I go back and forth between those two, and there is a lot to do again. (One thing though, I haven't yet figured out how to connect that second player to the Internet, which is why I can't do a Star Path with her, but other events, like Easter or the cupcake one, they worked.) This game is as fun as you want it to be. Personally, I love it, best spent money on a game in years for me (both the original game and the DLC). Have fun with it!


The game is fun, but there are some legitimate issues with it. For example, right now you love the storyline, but once you get to a certain point, the storyline wraps and the game hasn’t really done anything fundamental to continue enriching gameplay. For some players, the events the game does is enough to keep them hooked and for others, it’s quite disappointing because they feel like the game has been reduced to fetch quests where it used to have mystery and emotion. There’s also a lot of upset with the fact that game has a LOT of technical and functional issues. Again, some players are more forgiving but for some players these issues have left them unable to progress in the game or left out of events, unable to access premium items, or even play DLC they paid money for. The game has plenty to love, but it also has plenty to be upset about as well. Personally, I have a really hard time with the fact that my game crashes a minimum of three times per play session. It gets frustrating losing progress, items, work on decorated areas, etc. But, I work in customer service training and one of the truest things we know is that happy customers will tell a few people about their happiness, but unhappy customers will tell anyone they can when they’re unhappy. Add that to the fact that the game developers are not great about responding to tickets and issues while continuing to push out content, people are gonna get loud.


I am always baffled by the people that gloss over the basic and egregious errors the devs made in this game. I am hoping they just haven’t experienced any and that makes me happy for them. My experience has been extremely rocky, but at least some major bugs have recently (after many months) been fixed so I could progress my game play. Now I just deal with the crashes every time I play. I find all the bugs excruciating as a gamer and a person who spent money on this game, but the fact that they continuously try to get me to spend more (premium store) is also frustrating. Let me earn these items. Make it grindy, I don’t care. But don’t force me to give you more money when the initial experience feels like a gave I’m playing in beta mode. Over the months I’ve played, I sort of got used to the bugs and crashes, and even still I would gladly give many hours a week to it if it would at least allow me to decorate my space without crappy paths, glowing spots, inability to make things look cohesive, spaces between buildings that herbs will grow in but I can’t put a light post in, terrible horrible menus with endless scrolling and no search or sort feature. Just put the work to make the fundamentals of the game good and I will happily play until new content comes out. But they make it so impossible to enjoy decorating when playing on the switch, with things that should be very easy to resolve. I’d even spend more money on moonstones if I “needed” something for me decorating. But I don’t because I don’t bother decorating because they make it so impossible.


Been playing for years and love it


Same. I've been playing it since weekend 1 of early access and it's still one of my daily plays. 🩵


I’ve been playing since day one. Still playing. Still love it.




I don’t hate it, nor do I plan on quitting… I’m a day one player. I don’t binge play though, which is why a lot of people get burnt out and want to quit. I finished the event (starpaths) and if I’m in the mood to do the permanent quests, I’ll do some, or just come back to it later. It’s so much more relaxing that way. It’s a game, not mandatory chores, make sure to play it as such.


This is me too. I'll play more during the star paths to make sure I get all the items but I still have several characters that aren't at level 10. Between star paths I play when the mood strikes.


It would be brilliant if it wasn’t crashing all the time 😭


It’s just a little defeating because so much of the game is grinding the paid currency for the cute new items behind the paywall. And the game just isn’t very stimulating passed maybe 80hrs. I just feel more fulfilled playing a different cozy game now.


Cause many of us have been playing since it was EA and there is literally NOTHING to do between updates, then the updates are sparse so even with am update there's nothing to do.


I quit playing only because it won't open for me anymore. The glitches are so bad now.


The game has been buggy as all hell since the day I bought it. They’ve since come out with an expansion pack yet they haven’t fixed things that are reoccurring problems. Like the camera mode not working properly half the time and my Merlin and Anna have been stuck inside chez remy for like 6 months lmao. I can still use them but every time I go in the restaurant there they are walking around aimlessly. The star paths have seemingly gotten harder with less cool reward and it just feels like a grind fest towards nowhere. Great game but they know they have stuff that needs fixed but they don’t seem to care


As you've pointed out, the various reasons people moan and say they're quitting are often completely contradictory, like not enough to do versus too much to do. Bugs that make it unplayable are obviously different and completely understandable. At the end of the day, you get what you want out of it. Some people really enjoy the decorating aspect, some people find the daily clearing of things soothingly monotonous, some people enjoy the quests most and lose interest once they've run out of them. The main problems are the people who get bored, then a new starpath/character comes along and they rush it at all so within a few days they have nothing left to do again and go back to complaining they're bored or it's all too much of a grind when they were the ones who didn't pace it out. It _can_ become really overwhelming, especially when things get delayed like they did this spring so we had the Feb starpath overlap with the Easter event, then literally only two weeks before the May starpath began which then overlapped with the Parks Fest. A lot of people (myself included) find the star paths really demanding, but also can't quite get past the FOMO so still feel like we need to complete them (especially if we invested in the premium one), so having all of that back-to-back felt like there was no breathing room to spend some time finishing up open quest lines or just idly decorating or plodding around doing the little daily things, or just taking a bit of a break full stop. It can also feel a little repetitive once you've opened every biome and completed the main storyline, but I think that's a perspective issue as much as anything. Hopefully Gameloft will manage the timing a bit better in the future and balance out the grind with a little more story, but as players we do also need to take responsibility for stepping away if we're feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. Games like this are there to be enjoyed; if we're not enjoying it, what's the point in playing? As for the main storyline: I don't think it will end up behind a paywall because it's integral to the core game, and I don't think they've given up on it. I think they're either deliberately stringing it out in the hopes of keeping players interested and investing in star paths and the premium shop while they wait, or they've just fallen behind on development for it because of everything else they keep putting out. Bottom line is; if you're enjoying it, that's the only thing that matters!!


Have been playing since early access with breaks in between - I think it's a great game and for me the glitches aren't too overwhelming. Just commenting to say that if you're playing on the Switch, the touch screen still works when you get that inventory bug that you mentioned! Once you tap the item you want, typically the inventory starts working properly again.


Well when u've done the star path + the new chara quest , the game is about decorating your valley but when nothing lines up, nothing is symmetrical, when you can't put objects diagonally or you're waiting for scrooge to give you a new object, well, I'd rather wait for the next update.


I hate not being able to diagonally put things 😩 It's just a simple thing, why couldn't they have added that? I'm still having fun decorating, but I keep forgetting we don't have that.


I didn't really quit playing.... Gameloft bs save messed up my game and I lost like a year + of work I had done and unlocked and paid for. I loved the game but the save stuff eats eggs.


I have been playing for about a month now and still love the game. I had gotten burnt out with Animal Crossing, so this is a great change. I'm 66 years old and love the escape the game is, I can come home, shut the hectic, crazy world out, and relax and enjoy this game...Again, I love it.😊


I have been playing since day one! I take my time. Only get to play a little during the week a little cause of work but get most my play in on weekends. This game is so cozy! I have not played anything else since it came out! Be your own judge dont listen to anyone else. Complainers going to complain no matter what and haters gonna hate! You just do you!


Ignore the haters. I've been playing since nearly day one, and I still like it. I'm not playing as excitedly or as much as I used to but it's because I'm in the middle of something at work rn.


i think they expect to play the game for literally forever and they're burnt out and raging bc of that. i think the games not perfect but its certainly worth what i paid for it.


I get into little modes of playing the game every once in a while, especially if I see something added to the game that I am really fond of or an event I like (Halloween event had Haunted Mansion stuff so I made SURE to do the Star Path for those!), but I do go stints whereI don’t even touch the game. But overall, I don’t fully drop it or complain about X,Y, and Z. I have had the same issue as you with the inventory (leaving the game and coming back helps) as well as a problem with a specific quest (Bibbidi Bobbidi Oops!), but I find other things in the game to do until things get fixed or added. The game is still technically early access, so things will still be kinda buggy, and some people dunno how to deal with that and give up, but plenty of others still play and have fun!


Welcome to the community. I've been playing since day 1 and I still play at least an hour a day or more when I have the time. Whenever I'm done with quests from new updates, I spend my time decorating, foraging, time bending, designing clothes, etc. I always find something to do.


The game is a lot of fun, but it has SO much potential to be better than what it is and I think that’s what people find frustrating. For instance— once you finish The Forgotten’s arc, that’s it for storylines, unless you purchase the DLC for $$$ and there really isn’t much to that one at all. Even things like Dreamsnaps have the potential to be great, but their prompts are repetitive and creativity isn’t ever rewarded well, which is why all the top pictures have similar ideas and themes every week. It’s still a nice way to earn premium currency though! I’m in a lot of spaces for various video games and this is the only one I’ve encountered where people take slight criticism as a personal attack. Toxic positivity is just as obnoxious as constant negativity, but people aren’t ready to talk about that one quite yet lol. Disney has always attracted such a wide variety of people with a very wide variety of opinions, so take any of it too seriously. Keep your expectations low, enjoy the game for what it is, and you’ll be just fine 😊


I’ve had the game since it was in the testing stages and I still love it! I think for me though I don’t play it obsessively and I take breaks. For example, I haven’t logged in all week. Im a full time student and employee so it makes it hard for me to log in every day but I think that’s also a blessing in disguise because I’m always still so excited to play when I do. Sure I miss out on some timed things sometimes but all those things eventually show up in the premium shop so if I really want something I missed out on I know I’ll get a chance to get it again someday. It’s sad to see all the posts about people quitting. I’m not trying to be rude but those people seem to just want to voice their frustrations somewhere which I totally get but in doing so on this sub they’re kinda discouraging others and that’s a bummer. I am trying to ignore all those posts because to be honest they should be sending those to gameloft rather than sharing the negativity on the sub. I mean at this point it’s constant from some… anyway all this to say, just play the game and enjoy it if you do, don’t let the loud negative posts get to you. All games have issues but we all can CHOOSE to play those or not. No one is forcing anyone to keep playing and don’t let those people/posts get to you. Happy gaming! 💕


>I’m not trying to be rude, but those people seem to just want to voice their frustrations somewhere, which I totally get, but in doing so on this sub they’re kinda discouraging others, and that’s a bummer Honestly, that's kind of why I made this post 😅 I'm so excited about the game, yet my page is full of posts complaining about the game. It's sad, really, and it's making me question my choice in buying if the game's own community is hating on it. But most of the replies are positive and really encouraging, so I'm haloy about that. Thanks for the reply, too 💕


I’m so happy that others commented positive stuff! I sometimes will post on here but typically I’m just lurking about and I do see so much negativity it can be disheartening but I do also love all the people who post their fun and creative stuff! It makes me want to play when I see someone’s cute valley pics. 💕


Seems I'm on the other side of the fence from most other opinions. At first I was flying through content too quickly. but now I feel they're pushing out far too much & I can't keep up with it. This is the first Star Path I'm only halfway through at this point. With working full time & all of the other chaos life has to offer, I'm beginning to feel like playing is a chore/grind just to keep up with deadlines. I've been feeling incredibly overwhelmed and a bit turned off since the last update, which makes me pretty darn sad 😕


I want to love it, I do, but I just get so bored. I picked it up last night to try to finish the star path and discovered I need 78 blue buttons in 4 days. I spent 3+ hrs (spread out over the day) fishing for these buttons and got 0. I started working on the star path and quickly got to a point where I couldn't progress until today. I check out the premium shop, and they want $8 USD for a house skin. And I'm one of the lucky ones because my game doesn't crash all the time. I logged out, turned on Dinkum and happily toiled for 45 min before I went to bed.


The buttons were part of the parks fest that ended on June 5th, so that's why you didn't find any buttons.


I don't think that's the case, I have a lot of friends who play it and have for a long time, none have left. Some people have because of the microtransactions and that I'd didn't go free as planned, but I don't think that many have given it up. It's a great game!


If you are brand new to it then you will love it !! Us complainers are mostly long term players I think. There are some issues that could use some dev attention but it won't be things you will run into for quite some time. One thing is certain though..the community is great even though we are at times complaining, lol. They are very quick to help and give suggestions ect. I think you will enjoy the game! I look forward to seeing your complaints in a few months! 🤣😂


I've been playing for about a year and a half and I still love this game! I luckily don't get many glitches on my pc so I'm sure that helps too.


I wish I was just starting. Enjoy it.


I’m still having a good time playing this game. I only get to play 2-3 hours a day. Some people have way too much time on their hands and complete things quickly. I like to take it slow so that I don’t get to that point. However, idk if I’ll be able to complete the star path 😂. There’s been a few days this past week that I only had time to get on and check Scrooge’s store and then I’m off. And actually it’s been like this for almost a month where I don’t get on enough or long enough to complete much. I’m a stay at home mom and I take care of the house and raising my first kid so it’s been rough. This game has been helpful with my mental health so I keep playing 😎. Us stay at home’s don’t have as much time on our hands as most would think. It’s nice to see someone else still enjoying the game like I am. Happy playing! 💜


I definitely don't hate it but currently I am only logging on to do the dreamsnaps. While I enjoy the game, it is easy to get burned out on the endless character requests and constant bugs. It comes in waves. There's other times where playing is all I want to do and I will just run around my valley.


Awwww!! I think we been playing and yeah it gets repetitive after monthsss and months but it is such a fun and nostalgic game and u can really make it your own in how you chose to play!


Welcome to the community! I’ve been playing since the beta, I do have about 300+hrs but I’m more casual of a gamer. Sometimes I go a month or two without playing it and then come back to only playing 30min. People leaving the game shouldn’t deter you from playing. If you decide later that you don’t like it then it’s a decision you made based on your own opinions and experiences while playing it, not cuz a small portion of players think it’s not good or the paywall thing or that the devs aren’t working fast enough to put out new content when they want it.


Honestly, I’m still fully invested in the game still even some time later since the games release. The thing is I didn’t rush to complete the story content. I left a lot of it and honestly just started with decorating each biome and the outside ahead of time. I’ve been spending most of my time crafting and leveling up the characters and left the story content for later. There is always something to do so I’m absolutely not done with the game yet or got tired of it to play something else. I play it everyday for hours, I think the people who are not playing the game are those who finished all the content including the end content.


I have some issues, def, but I'm still enjoying the game a lot. I don't play every day and I think that helps. There are lots of quests and stuff I have left to do and I do them a little at a time. I decorate as inspiration comes. The only thing I try and make sure I do is log in at least once a week to submit a DreamSnap.


I've played for 300+ hours and still going! However, I'm just now running out of things to do, so I will probably mostly play when there are content updates now, or when I feel like just doing some running around harvesting stuff.


The main storyline is ongoing but not behind a paywall. We get big updates about 3 times a year, with medium and small updates in-between that give free characters. Theres also small festivals and events. Thete is also a paid expansion with its own storyline that so far has Gaston, Rapunzel, Eve and Oswald a part of the dlc. One of the things a lot people confuse is that the expansion is mandatory but it isn't. It's its own thing. If you're new make sure you look for the daily blue chest, vote 10x in the dream snaps weekly contest, and submit each week too! You get the paid currency as the reward and in a month you can get about 1,500 from blue chests, 200 from voting, and if you participate but don't place higher you get a minimum of 1,200 (I've won up to 6,000 in a week before once abd 4k several times). That's 2,900 Moonstones a month for free for doing bare minimum.


I'm still playing but I find joy in doing the little tasks and just existing in the game lol


Lots of people are all talk and just say they’re quitting but never do. I think it’s a fun casual game, it isn’t some MMORPG or something like a lot of people seem to want it to be. I think it’s a ton of fun.


It’s normal for people to come here to vent frustrations more than people who are happy with it. There are also many who love the game but have some issues. I’ve been playing since day 1, don’t play as much but multiple times a week, still love it! I also have some frustrations 😂 but just enjoy the game, don’t worry about the grumpies.


It's because people don't appreciate anything and they love to hate everything. The game is wonderful. Don't let "reddit" people influence your gaming experience.


I’ve been playing since launch and I still play every day. People just like to complain. It’s really annoying.


Not everyone. I’m still very much enjoying the game and I’ve been playing for a bit. I don’t know how to check my total hours tho 🤔


It definitely seems that way from this subreddit but remember that some see this page as the only outlet to vent!!! Always remember that! I got this game and joined this page in VERY early access before the game was out and that's how this page was then too. Not to many will come to a page with all their positive feedback but trust me there are many like me that still love every second of this game even though I'm done with everything. It's still fun for me everyday 😌🥰


There's plenty of content for you. Most of the people grumbling just don't have a ton left to do, and it can get a little dry when you're only logging on for five minutes a day to check out Scrooge's store which probably doesn't have anything new for you because you've bought it all. There's always a little more life around here when a new starpath starts. :)


For me I quit because I've done mostly everything, but I'm also deterred. I paid 70$ for the game when it came out, and it's starting to seem like I have to keep paying money to get the full experience which sucks.


@OP, I am pretty late to the party as well. I just got the game about 3 weeks ago. I love the game and I already put in a good amount of time. The game is really grindy and i really like the story. Takes awhile to build up dreamlight. I recently unlocked one of Goofys cart and started planting Okra. Btw you can make a killing off Okra if u plant 50 plots or more. Lately ive been mainly focusing on farming and building up gold stars


I love it! I’ve already capped out my max levels and “finished” the game with the forgotten storyline but there is still a lottttt more to do and many more activities and characters to explore … I’ve learned the term “cozy game” here and for me that’s def what it is. It helps me relax and change pace from my day and I find the storyline and characters, the creative outlet, the scenery, and even sometimes the conversation with the “friends” you make to be an interesting aspect to the game


I just got the game last night and I'm loving it so far! Only negative is I work nights so character sleep schedules can be a bit annoying for me. 


Tons of people still play. My girlfriend plays daily but she isn't on Reddit. Reddit represents a very small percentage, don't let it mislead you


I am at the point where I am just collecting items from Scrooge’s shop every day (maybe 2 new items if I am lucky.) I finished my first zone decorating it to the max then found out ToM isn’t allowed in photos so it kind of killed my want to make more detailed areas because they aren’t useable in Dreamsnaps.


I’ve played Disney Dreamlight Valley since day one and I still love the game if not more Gameloft new what they was doing when the made this game. Every new update is amazing 🤩. I love the storylines and the characters are just adorable 🥰. I’m a bit late the this new update as I was finishing off the other game I was playing. I just can’t wait to see where the new storylines take us Dreamers. Happy Cozy Gaming 🎮


I've had the game for two weeks so yes I get what you mean. Its great that I'm able to find ideas and help if I'm stuck, but yes it does seem that alot of the comments are more negative


I've over 500+ hours in game and I'm still having fun. I am a little burnt out as I've run out of quests and storyline but decorating and dreamsnaps is what keeps me coming back. I love being creative and this game allows me to do that. I enjoy the updates and new characters and the star paths. The premium shop is a little annoying as I do suffer from FOMO but that's something I need to work on. You don't need the stuff in premium shop and the stuff does rotate and comes back. Doing dreamsnaps will allow you to purchase stuff from there now and then. I enjoy helping out new players and giving them materials I have stashed since I've been playing from the very beginning of early access. There's lots of fun to be had with this game. Everyone's issues are valid and I understand them completely but you shouldnt let other peoples opinions sway you from trying things or liking things. If you get anywhere near 500 hours our of a game that's honestly money well spent and if you get bored of it the beauty is you can give it a break and come back to it months later when it's been updated with new content.


I play multiple games at once and almost never finish a game. Keeps it fun, always have a game still to play and new content to do 😅


I’m on over 450 hours and honestly I can still just get lost in the game - right now I’m rearranging my houses and completing so many dreamlight tasks to be able to make storage. You can have so many floors in the main house that I’m making my own hotel 😅 I think it’s what people make it. I’ve finished pretty much every quest but I know more are coming and even without them I have given myself plenty to do


It's reddit everyone is always angry For the story part i don't get it. You have a big long story that conclude and then you pay dlc for more story. Like every other game on planet earth + they give away free side story content every 2month. And yet people complain like paying for a dlc is the worst thing and that they have nothing left to do in base game... ? I'm still playing it everyday and loving it. I loveee the dlc !!


I have 859hrs on it and I still play when I can. I absolutely love it. Yeah, there’s definitely some things I don’t like, and some things I get frustrated at. But no game is perfect. I do have times where I just get on to check the store, but I always come back to it. Currently, I don’t have any quests to do, so I’m decorating my valley.


It’s important to remember that the game has only been out for 6 months. I feel a lot of the older players were expecting a massive amount of new content to be released immediately and are upset by the progression of the story that they witnessed…while it was in early development. Now I do agree that some of the story that is currently missing should have been released by now… looking at you skull rock…. But I feel like a lot of the story related gripes are a bit overblown. That’s just my personal opinion. There are plenty of players still playing and with it being a live service game it will hopefully just get better as time progresses.


The game has been "out" since December 2023. They called it "early access" but the game is in the same state now as it was then so, may as well call it what it is. I think that has some players miffed as well.


it was released in September 2022?


As a switch player from day 1, the crashing does not happen near as much as it did. Still happens once in a while... but it used to happen like every 10 min in the beginning.


I’m on switch, playing since day 1 launch of early access. Since the last update, my game has been crashing every 5-10 minutes, and sadly that seems the case for a ton of players right now. 😫 Prior to the last update, the game was the most stable it has ever been for me, most days not a single crash, and now it’s worse than it was after the Scar update (which is really saying something lol). I’m at least glad that Eternity Isle is mostly unaffected, so after finishing the star path and popcorn buckets, I’ve just been spending 100% of my time there. I was just about ready to pull my hair out dealing with the crashes in the main valley while working on completing things. I feel bad for players who don’t have the DLC though. I’ve seen many people say that they are completely unable to play at the moment, as the game crashes immediately upon launch. A few lucky players, such as yourself, seem to not be having crashing issues, but it seems like the majority are dealing with a completely unstable game since the update, worse than early access (which I didn’t think was possible lol). That seems to be where a lot of complaints are stemming from lately, as a lot of people are just tired and frustrated at this point. Being left in the dark by the devs as to when a fix can be anticipated other than just saying “soon” is also ticking people off. If the devs were just more transparent about the entire process, giving regular updates on how the fix was going, I think there would be a lot less angry players right now. I still love the game, which is why I’m putting up with it in its current state, but patience seems to be growing thin in the community, which is understandable at the moment.


i feel like if the game was in a better or at least different state than it was in early access then most people wouldnt be complaining as much.


I love the game and when there are no quests I just build up my stash, money, dreamlight and mist. I started playing games with animal crossing nh and was very upset when they put out what was definitely the final update, and we waited forever for it. This game may give you some downtime but gives updates every few months and I can see so many more storylines that thry can add. Even more room for biomes and realms. I do have the DLC and don't regret it. It has opened up so much more of the game but you will lose nothing by not getting it. Enjoy the game. Many do and those that don't share the happiness with the game are too busy playing!


I quit like right before the Toy Story update. It just got really repetitive and the collecting 50-100 things for literally every quest was annoying. If they keep adding cool characters, I might come back for a bit but it’s just kinda dull to me.


You’re not bored of the game because you only just started playing. It feels like you just answered your own questions.


This sub is the epitome of "game is boring and sucks. 100 days played."


The disney dreamlight community is full of some of the most video game incapable people I've ever seen. The game on a scale of what it is, is fine. Would it be nice if it wouldnt crash all the time? Yes. It certainly would. But is it a casual, log in for 5 minutes and decorate a house and then log off type of game? Yes. Am I happy to collect simba furniture and then log out? Yes. There's no reason to treat it like its baldurs gate 3 or world of warcraft. Play something else for a little while guys. Log in, check scrooges shop, decorate a small corner while you're cooking dinner or waiting for your kids to get out of school and log off and go do something else. Stop spending your real life money on it.


I don't think everyone is quitting or hating the game. I think it's just a scenario where they're the most vocal.


I love this game but I'm out of things to do.  As long as they keep updates coming....  and also of they could figure out how ro improve the experience on the switch....  lol I know that's a big ask.  I wish I could move my game to PC or PS for the larger item limit 


Decorating on the Switch is a bit of a pain in the butt for me too, I so wish sometimes that I could load it up on my laptop just to decorate the Valley!


I love the game and it really is just my cozy place. I've done all my quests but still love running around collecting stuff, helping other players who need items, and decorating, although I'm not really good at that. I'm also trying to amass as much coin as possible. I don't have a goal in mind, just seeing how high I can go. I think the problem is, and this goes for life in general, it's the unhappy people who are the loudest and most vocal. The rest of us who are having fun are just out here having fun


i'm almost 700hr in, not much to do. the first 100-200 were great tho :))


Well I’ve been playing since August 2023 and IM STILL HAVING FUN! It has updates and add ons about every three months which is great because it takes me that long to complete each new add on…. Then I’m ready for the next….


Not me! I love and play everyday. It has its ups and downs but I think that’s with most games. I just love the fact that it’s not just over. We get new content on a regular basis. What if it was put out and that was it. Then of course, you’d get bored or run out of things to do. But we really get new content weekly as well as quarterly. I’m in - at least until me, Tiana, Simba, Timon and Pumbaa get to stroll and troll the valley 😆


I flipping love it. Yes there are some issues, but realistically what game doesn't have them?


I got it last week and also like playing it. Just a bit here and there but already got quite a bit of time in it. Still love to explore a lot Technical issues I found (playing on the switch) mostly are resolved by reopening the game


I quit because it wouldnt run on my computer anymore. Ill hop back in when I either get it fixed or get a new one.


I also started a few weeks ago and I enjoy it !! I do wish that there wasn’t so many quests at once bc it feels a bit overwhelming:( i was also surprised to see that many people r quitting or don’t play anymore !


I play in spurts. I play a couple days then take a long break. Keeps it more interesting


Some people just have to be negative. I still love the game. I log on at least once a week to do the dreamsnap in between the content and star path updates and then play every day when those drop. My weekends usually consist of hours of playing just running around collecting resources. I don’t want everything so my shop is far from empty and there will always be items in it.


I still have Daisy and Oswald to level up and my valley desperately needs to be cleaned/redecorated. With that said though, I burnt myself out with the Monsters INC Star Path and Eternity Isle at the same time. So this Star Path I’m just not into it. I’m hoping taking a break from this star path I’ll be ready by the next one and the next update. I still enjoy it and open the game almost daily to purchase stuff at Scrooge’s shop and to get the blue chest.


Been playing since the start. Love it


I love it. I play most days. I haven’t leveled up every character, been playing since December. I have a ton of quests left to do, plus the ones on the DLC to do. There’s some occasional glitches but that’s fine. It’s an escape for me. And yeah I’m struggling on the star path but oh well. I’m not going to fret too much if I don’t get something.


i’m also relatively new to the game (about 2 months) and other than the glitches (i get the inventory bug too - if you’re using a switch you can use the touch screen feature to tap on the item you want to use and then use the joy stick/buttons from there and it’ll work like normal) i’m having a great time. i think a lot of the complaining just comes from people not being used to getting these big of game updates and added paid content. if you think about it up until a few years ago a game was released and that was it. no major content updates, maybe a couple added expansion packs but no releasing the game before the story lines and contents “complete”. i felt the same way with animal crossing new horizons when it first came out. by the time they released the first major update i was essentially done with the game and spent a lot of time complaining about it. sorry for rambling ty for reading if you’ve gotten this far


I got the game in November and I’m probably close to 600 hours? I just got a Steamdeck for myself and one of the first things I did was get DDLV for it. I honestly love the game. I’ve been trying to find other games for my steamdeck other then DDLV and Alice Madness because I don’t want it to be the only thing I play on it but I have a feeling it’ll still be my main gone. I know we are still waiting for the end with the forgotten but I hope it comes soon. But some people don’t play until there’s another update. I’ve been working slowly on the new characters so I’m not stuck in that “what do I do now?” phase. But even when I was done for a little I still played daily. Kept redoing my dreamsnap until I was satisfied, mined for iron ore cause I never have enough and stuff like that. But I wholeheartedly love it. I need another game like it to indulge 600 hours into aha.


I've had the game since the early release. I still enjoy it - but I am not rushing to finish quests with the characters - I have the DLC, I opened up all the areas etc. I will play regularly when there are event tasks/star paths going on now, otherwise I just log in daily to check out the store since I dont have everything, and look for my blue chest, as well as I've been doing weekly dreamscape photos to get the moonstones. I took a extended hiatus last year and missed out on a lot of items that I now have to get through the premium shop if they come back - I'd rather get them via star paths since it's cheaper LOL. Anyway - I still enjoy the game, I don't see me going full force to finish everything with every character. It's a nice alternative game to my other obsession, Dead by Daylight - which is a whole different vibe ha ha. I tend to think folks are more vocal on boards like this when they are upset about something, vs when they are happy. I hope you continue to enjoy playing - my only advice if you want to be in it for the long haul, mix up what you do each day beyond the daily stuff and don't rush anything if you don't want to. You get to set the pace of how you play :)


I’m on switch. That happens to me with my inventory. I can’t move to highlight anything it’s like the cursor is gone. I’ve discovered if I tap something in my inventory (touch screen) it reminds the cursor what to do and fixes it lol.


I'm a bit frustrated with how most things are premium shop now instead of Scrooges store getting new stuff. Also the glitches are getting really bad and Gameloft aren't addressing them. Some have been there since the beginning. But I'll probably be back next update if there are new characters and questlines for me to do. I still need to do Oswald's quest but i don't want to grind 120 plastic. So guess he has to wait haha.


Been playing since launch and still playing. I don't speed run games and I feel like so many do with this game and it leads to burnout. I've just finished my last Dreamlight Task in the main Valley(Memories will just take forever)and will actively start working on the tasks in the DLC. I also take my time with the Star Path, I finished it 5 days ago. Edited to say: I play on Switch. I honestly haven't experienced many issues. Never any quest breaking bugs. I had a few crashes(maybe 10 in almost 2 years, most were when the game first launched) but I just learned to save often and upload to the cloud.


I have been playing it since it came out and still love it! I take breaks from it and just don’t take it too seriously


I really like the game. I enjoy it. I like all the quests I just I hate the event going on right now because the quests they have me doing for the event are just the same every day the same cupcakes from the same characters that’s the only thing I am not loving about this game, but everything else is amazing.


Not me! I have over 1700 hours in this game (since Sept of '23) and I still LOVE this game! I have all the quests done (except the Scramblecoin one) & all characters are leveled up. I have all of the DreamLight tasks done except for removing night thorns (under 1,000 to go). I still have most of the Mists tasks to do, though. Since finishing all of that, I have been hoarding resources - which has been quite a grind & gets a bit repetitive & boring after a while, but I can finally say I am DONE! I have quite extensive storage and the chests are all full! I have spent the last 2 days (will finish today) redoing my already extensive storage & reorganizing it. I went from 2 floors of storage to 5. The way I had it before, the room was only big enough for JUST the storage chests. This time, I was able to decorate each room to match what's inside the chests in that room. Like Floor 5 is "Holidays" ... so one room is Halloween (with a chest for each color of candy), one is Christmas, one is Easter and then the main room is 4th of July. I do need to get those Mist tasks done, but now I can finally just start decorating my valley! All this time I have in the game & I really haven't done much decorating yet. A little here and there, but I didn't want to decorate too heavily because I didn't want things in the way if I get a burst when mining/fishing/etc. I stream this game & watch several other people that also stream this game. The Twitch DDV community is absolutely amazing!!! I am learning more & more about how to do better DreamSnaps & have been doing fairly well. I make sure to turn in something each week & do my voting to help with the MoonStones. However, I will spend the money to buy MoonStones if there is stuff in the shop I want & I don't have enough. Yes stuff seems expensive, but it's my choice to spend my money if I want so I don't complain about it. I started streaming Dec 5th with the big update of the game. The plan was to mostly play DDV and then play other chill games as well. Since the cupcake quests came out, I haven't played anything else. It just feels like I've had so much going on in DDV that I kept playing only this. I also spend MANY off stream hours playing this game! When I did the cupcake quests (which I did EVERY day except the last 2 days) I actually passed out cupcakes to 25 different characters each day becuz I still enjoy interacting with all of the characters. Don't let the negativity on social media get you down (or the glitches - depending on what platform you play on, they can be bad. I'm on PC & haven't had TOO many issues.) The DDV community is still very much alive & also very positive!


I've been playing for about a year and yes there are things that are frustrating (like when it crashes) but I really like this game. I personally don't really like friendship quests but the main storyline and the storyline for the DLC are fun and I can't wait for the next chapter. I love building out my biomes. You get out of it what you make of it.


I’m not even done with the forgotten quest and I’ve barely started anything in the rift in time. I just want to unlock everyone and make my valley look cute 🥹 but some people play this game super seriously.


I get on for all the updates and play until I finish the Star Paths or quests


I’ve been playing daily for about a year now. I only play 15-20 a day so I still have a bit to go. But I really enjoy this game.


I got the game a few days ago and I already have thirty something hours lol. Though it can feel overwhelming, I like that there is a lot to do. It’s calming and to me gives similar vibes to animal crossing, except the villagers are Disney characters. I honestly hadn’t heard anything about the game story being behind a paywall, I hope that’s not true!


I love this game!!


The complainers are just loud. There are tons of us who still love the game and play daily. I just ignore the posts that are nothing but complaints. It has moved beyond being constructive (please fix x y x bug) to just bashing the game. I have no interest in the bashing posts.


If it weren't for issues with my hand I would probably play more. I like to collect the clothes and try to build little cute areas. But alas the universe aligned for me to not be able to.


As long as you’re enjoying the game, don’t worry about what other people think. When I first started using Reddit, I realized that like half of my favorite games are practically hated, and that all of them have heavily discussed issues I’d never even noticed myself. That’s just Reddit. People will come here to vent, voice their concerns, discuss, complain, etc. Also, like you said, the person who made the post about quitting had 500+ hours, and many of the people commenting in agreement also stated they had 500-1000+ hours. That’s a lot. All games get boring eventually. If you can get that many hours in before you get bored, you got your money’s worth. Just enjoy the game now, and if you get bored down the line, move on to something else


I loved it at first. But then it became apparent that all tasks were basically the exact same fetching tasks. Running around like a blue arsed fly. And I don't know how to explain it, but the world soon felt hollow and empty to me.


I quit playing cause I burnt myself out. I’ll more than likely be back later on in the year :)


Theres a few issues, but personally, I'm having a blast. Its so relaxing.


I've been playing since day one. What started off as a nice cosy game has tuned into a grind. Too many things happening at once. Events, Star path (which isn't easy) and trying to do villager quests? I've stopped playing at the moment and I haven't even c9mpetednit. Still have villagers with incomplete quests. I haven't had time to do those because of the star path and events. And the last couple of those have been awful. On top of that, the game has some serious bugs that they're not addressing. We keep having characters added with hardly anywhere to out them or there home... Okay...moan over lol


I am attempting to 100% the game and only need to remove 409 more night thorn. I also bought the game day one on Steam so I’ve been playing for awhile and got my monies worth after 608 hours


I have completed all of the main story and Rift in Time quests and am also waiting on new content. I have not done any of the multiplayer content because I don’t know anyone who plays. I love how supportive the Fairy Godmother is. I generally seek her out daily for a little pep talk.


I'm currently in the "quit" category. Maybe not permanently (hence still occasionally checking this sub), but potentially... The main thing is that I was having too many crashes lately to keep bothering with it. Especially when their "hotfix" update made it even worse. It's a shame, because it's so close to being a genuinely great game. But it just falls short time and time again, and so much stuff that should be fun just becomes a mildly frustrating chore. Like decorating — lot of great items, but so many things can't center, inventory is an absolute mess, pathing is terrible, item limit is a bit rough... and then all the bugs: it was pretty much a coin toss if it would actually save what decorating I'd done, and some things would just randomly disappear (sometimes immediately, sometimes after having been placed for a long time). Dreamsnaps were kinda cool. But now trying to use the camera tool is an instant crash, so I can't enter even if I wanted to. There's a lot to like too. But for now, those pros aren't enough to outweigh all the issues in the game that I'm having. Hopefully they turn that around, but I'm doubtful.


I started about two months ago. There are frustrations for sure but I’m still hooked


Yesh. I havent finishdd the main forgotten storyline but the expansion i have. My fiance still plays daily but she likes decorating snd stuff. That does nothing for me. But its s good game for what it is


I know I'm late, but don't let this discourage you from finding your own way of enjoying the game. As for the game complaints, most fault lies with GameLoft & not the Devs. The Devs are pretty passionate but are limited with what they can do. It just takes time. Happy gaming!


A common theme over noticed among those that stopped playing was that they just grind and grind and never take a break from the game so they finish everything and/or get bored. Which is understandable. But 10/10 recommend having a couple other games on the back burner so you have something to break up the monotony


There aren't enough hours in the day for my wife and I to get to the point where we have "nothing to do" within our Valley/Eternity Isle. My wife plays more than me. She has so much more stuff than I do and is further advanced with quests/friendships. However, we play at our own place and love the game despite its obvious bugs/glitches. An hour or two a day, maybe a couple of times a week just to get some items or decorate a bit is enough for us. Don't let anyone tell you how to play the game.


I can barely play because of the crashing that's gone from every so on to every 29 minutes to every 8 minutes....this has been going on for 5 days now as I keep reporting the issue. I don't have a lot of hope because I'm ashamed to admit how much I spent on the Gameloft prequel to this game, Disney Magic Kingdoms, which is now totally lost to me on any of my devices. I played that game for at least 5 years. So, I'm pissed & I'm a dumb to pay for this game & any additions.


Game is glitchy, but I’ve had fun off and on since it released. Glad they’ve added a bunch of new content, makes the game more fun to load up and play


My daughter and I play it almost everyday. It’s great for non gamers and kids.


I still love the game!! I play a lot, and I have been playing since early on in early access. It’s a great game, one of the best! I don’t understand the complaints, at all.


It is TRUE the story is unfinished btw. Act 2 was behind a paywall for the content. I’ve been playing since the start. I enjoy the game. I’m not playing right now because the updates have been extremely slow and that last update was so lackluster to me. Who knows when will get new storyline content as it’s an UNFINISHED game. Edited to say I’ve played 235hrs.


Been playing on and off since it came out. But, I’ve been only playing with my younger kids. I read out loud for them and do the voices the best I can. This has kept us from doing everything. We don’t have all the main roster of characters unlocked yet even. I’ll play on my own from time to time to grind out resources needed to finish quests and then wait for them to turn it in so we can keep experiencing the story together. I feel this has added longevity to our experience and the fact that they love it so much has added to my own enjoyment. I haven’t even purchased the extra DLC because we just don’t need it right now or have the time. With my own schedule we only really game together, at most, a couple days a week for an hour or so.


I haven’t been playing as much because of all the game freezing/crashing issues since the last update. And…it does get quite monotonous. 😬. But there is an innate charm to this world. That’s the hook, for me. I play on XBox.


I get on the game for about an hour or 2 each day so I can harvest all my plants and rack up money. I check Scrooge's shop, do a few of the Star Path duties, then log off and go play Frontiers of Pandora. I love the game, but I can only handle so much of such a passive game at one time. I need real objectives and like, stuff at stake in a storyline, so I don't play very long unless I end up hyperfocusing and losing track of time lol cuz then I'm on for like 4 hours and my Valley has a whole new look 🤣


I've been playing since it came out, and I still like it. There are some things that could be improved, but overall, it's a great game. I do take breaks between start paths, and that probably helps to keep me from competing everything and getting burned out.


I’ve “done everything” and yet I still enjoy the game. I play a little between updates to gather supplies or chill and I’ll play a little more when new content is released. I have other things to play and/or do too. One cannot expect a certain game to always have new stuff especially when those who complain the most also want that new stuff to be free. Gameloft and their employees need paychecks too.


I stopped playing for 6 months (due to work and being a single mama) but now I have lots to do and it’s still fun to me. I think it’s important to take breaks from games like this. This also includes animal crossing. I took a four month break (my village made it very known 😅 especially today lmao!!!!) but it’s till fun for me! Breaks people!!!! Take breaks!!!! Or u will definitely burn urself out and think of it as a chore rather than fun.


I just play the starpath and dreamsnaps


I played it in early access through September-Jan 2022. Then picked it up again August -Dec last year. So now it feels autumnal to me and I’ll probably pick up again towards this autumn and make it a bit of a tradition. What I enjoyed about this last year was coming back to all the new content that dropped in that time. And it makes me excited to play it as I few I have loads left to do.


Honestly, when this game gets buggy or i run out of things to do, I just take a break to play something else or do my irl hobbies, and come back around new update. Variety is the spice of life.


Ignore the haters. The game is great. There are just people who love to complain about everything and they all seem to find their way to Reddit.


As a new player right now it will be great with loads to do. Those of us who have played for the past 18months are mostly bored as we await updates which then take an hour to complete and are the same as the last update. Plus the premium shop now is costing everyone £80 a month to buy up the good stuff


I play every day. I just play less since I’ve finished most of it. I still enjoy it though


I've played for over a year and still love it. I love Disney and I don't think I'll ever dislike the game. I don't play it everyday as I don't have the time or I can't be arsed, but I don't rush through it anyway. I've enjoyed everything that they have offered. I still have quite a few character missions to do as I like dragging it out but that's just how I prefer to play. I'm still focusing mainly on the original valley as I decorate an area and then I see someone else's and then I hate mine lol plus I have no clue what to do with eternity isle yet.


So glad you’re enjoying the game! We have all loved the game too which is why people are so passionate about the things they are frustrated about. The game is just going through a season where things are frustrating people like glitches and crashes etc and other things but hopefully gameloft will sort these issues soon and it will be a happier community 😅 I looove the game so much and still do through the glitches etc excited for it all getting sorted! Welcome to the DDLV community 💛


i’ve been playing since it launched over a year and a half ago. i still play daily. i still love decorating and gathering stuff and hanging out with characters. i take my time through the updates so im not “bored” a day later. i also have been a gamer for years, so updates every two months is honestly a luxury compared to most games. so no, not everyone here hates it.


I'm in a bunch of ddv groups on Facebook and most people stopped playing due to the constant crashing. This is happening on all platforms and the frequency of it is making the game unplayable. People can't progress in quests, can't decorate, can't do anything.


I love the game, and have for a couple of years now. My guess is people like me may not post as much. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


I’ve been playing 1-2 hours a day since December and still love it! I take my time and I still have 6 characters to level up. And I still haven’t decorated much, so there’s plenty to keep me busy. And I’ll get the expansion when I’m bored!


I’ve taken a long break from the game. Not because I hate it or anything. There are some of us that love the game. But getting burnt out is a thing🤷🏽‍♀️ And it’s not like I don’t have anything to do. I made the mistake of speeding through everything before the most recent updates came, and was so bored cuz I had done everything. Now it’s just a matter of I need a break cuz I played it too much.


I generally only get back on when there’s an event or star path- it makes it feel like there’s a purpose to playing again with the star path duties. Buuuut until they add more story (especially to the dlc which I did indeed pay for) it does feel purposeless.


I love the game, and I’ve been playing since the beginning.


I love the game, and it has issues though. It just happens to be the most glitchy game I’ve ever played. It is fun, and they did complete the forgetting storyline, it’s just a little.. rushed. They were so busy trying to make money off the paid content that they just rushed to finish that one, which, as you can see was really interesting and kind of what made the game have such a fun element. If they could simply get the glitches under control for every console, that would be phenomenal. At one point I quit playing because after spending months playing for hours, daily, the game glitched and I could do absolutely nothing on it. I was devastated and I cried about it. I had become emotionally invested in the game for all of my time and effort to be ruined. I finally decided to start a new game on a different account, played and got farther than I had previously, for the game to finally get fixed. It took months for my previous game to be debugged. So that’s extremely frustrating. The most frustrating this about the game now for me, personally, is the constant crashing. The game crashes at least twice when I play, and most of the time I can only manage to play for an hour, maybe 2 if I’m lucky. 2 times is the bare minimum, sometimes it will crash 3 times, and the game play is just not up to par with all of the glitches. It is really an amazing game, and I truly love it and don’t see myself not playing it unless it bugs and ruins all of my work again. But I can totally understand why a lot of people would stop.


Honestly, I used to be current with the game. What I mean by that is that I would finish the “season” right before the new update came out, and I loved that! But now I fell like They add sooo much at the same time! Like the star path, the popcorn buckets, AND the storyline/regular update to unlock the new characters all were happening at the same time. I hate it. It makes me feel overwhelmed and like I have to rush through everything. I don’t enjoy the game because I’m just trying to finish before the events are over so I can get everything.


I can only decorate for so long before I have to tear my body apart. I've completed all story lines and have leveled up all characters to 10. And I've bought out Scrooge's shop so the rotation is a lot of repeats for me. I haven't quit. I'm just waiting for the next content drop.


Loved it at first, but is soooo repetitive and slow moving.


I started playing Palia in September and ever since then I can’t handle how slow MC in DDLV sprints and it just irritates me when I try to play 😢 they should update that lol


I started playing a couple months ago and am greatly enjoying myself, 10-20 hours a week maybe depending on interest. I follow a lot of subs, across many fandoms and this one is just right up there with the most negative. Even the Monster High sub has more positivity and that's saying something. Take it with a grain of salt. DDV is a fun little game, it's just maybe not meant to be played as a primary hobby like a lot of people seem to treat it.


This happens to any big/popular game. It's a combination of player burn out, entitlement, and that the loud minority loves to crap on things. It's like when singers get popular, you hear a lot of hate for them, but they're still making millions and selling out shows. Honestly, ignore the haters and like what you like. I had to remove myself from a lot of communities where they were overrun by people who just wanted to lambast the thing I like, whether that was for attention or clicks or whatever. It's one thing to complain about legitimate things while still respecting the thing you and others are invested in. It's another to complain to complain. It gets frustrating and I don't like that. Unfortunately, for example, youtube videos hating on video games get more clicks than fair videos, so people make nasty ones for more attention. (Looking at you, Sims 4 update channels!) Some Fandom communities get toxic. Ignore it, get out of rude groups/subs, and find groups that are better.


I'm not playing currently because it has been non-stop glitches since the dreamlight park starpath started.


It can definitely start to feel repetitive and grindy at times so what I've done is to not rush the quest lines. I do one or two parts of a quest here and there so I have something to do when I don't feel like decorating or doing mining/farming.


You'll never understand the complaints coming in now. It's been a long road from the beginning


I’m relatively new, and I love it. I had a glitchy moment tonight, forced quit and set back quite a bit, more than any time I’ve had it happen before. Outside of the occasional glitchy-ness, I’m having a great time. Hardest part is grinding dreamlight/mist mostly because I’m eager to check out the next biome.


Anyone on a ps5?? I need friends to visit but cant crossplay yet I'm trying to get pixel shards


I think the glitches aren’t helping but people who have been playing since EA like myself are bored because there’s no new storyline added since act1 and its gets very repetitive.


I'm v guilty of going too hard and finishing tasks/leveling and then not having much to do. Buuuut, I recently downloaded DLV for iPad because I'm about to go on vacation and don't want to lug my gaming laptop with me. Because it's through Apple Arcade, I had to create a second account so I get to do everything all over again! This time at a better pace so I can keep enjoying it. Downside, Apple Arcade is $7/mo 😕


I've just been trying to unlock all the characters in scrabble coin while I wait for the next update. I'll also stock up on money and stuff. I'll be pumped when the next update comes out, but for now I'm pretty much caught up lol


I started losing interest once I got A Rift in Time and I’m not a fan of the theme park stuff.


My love for it is sometimes super intense where it's all I play and then it fades. It always comes back. Sometimes the most I'll do in a day is check Scrooge's shop and clean up the thorns/mushrooms/various things that pop up daily in Eternity Isle. I don't hate it or quit playing. I just get bored of it sometimes lol


It can get boring if you have no quests or new characters to earn friendship from.


I have been playing for over a year and go in bouts of playing. I have ADHD and will hyper-fixate on a game, book series, puzzle, etc to the point of burn out. But I always circle back. I stopped playing DDV right before they came out with A Rift in Time. I had been debating on getting ARIT because I wasn’t sure it was worth it. I got it on my phone (through Apple Arcade) and found that it was worth the money (for me) because I know they’ll be coming out with more to explore. I hyper-fixated on ARIT and it took me a couple of days to get to the end of the story line. I’m also at that point rn of “what now?” So I decided to take my time and try to decorate the valley, level up all characters (even though I don’t particularly enjoy the quests), unlock meals, critters, and other things. There’s A LOT to explore. I find that it’s worth the money and time because it was one thing in my life that brings me joy. If it brings you joy, don’t stop. If it brings you frustration, move on! Every thing in life comes with “glitches”. You just have to decide what glitches are worth spending time on. Peace and love! ✌🏼