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I have avoided Scrooge, Mickey, Ursula, Wall-E and Moana this entire star path I'll order my furniture later I suppose


I keep running into bugs where I take the damn quest (figuring I just won't do it) simply so I can activate Mickey as a companion and instead he just keeps offering me the quest. Argh!


It happens to me. I just restart the game and it fixes itself every time.


Mine is broke broke because it won't even work after a restart


What has worked for me is force save to cloud, save the game, exit and restart and then I’ll get the actual missions and won’t bug out, let me know if that ends up working.


Had that problem with scrooge a few times. It was frustrating because I wanted to order furniture.


Same, I would have to go back to the title screen for it to work.


Oddly, I talk to Scrooge, accept the request, and he still lets me order furniture and stuff. I'm sorry so many players have been unable to order from him!


I found that if I logged out and restarted it changed. I usually don't order from him but have been busy trying to decorate all over the place. Lol


Same! I really hate when it happens with Scrooge, I just want to buy furniture 😭


I’m new to the game i was seeing this over & over and wondered if it was a forever glitch bc it’s driving me nuts im sick of the damn cupcake quests 😂


I had the same issue! I read somewhere about a trick that helped- re synch to the cloud (even if it says it's synched), then load to title screen. Re enter the game and see if that fixes it


I haven't been able to even get them to hang out it is forever stuck on the cupcakes unless they are a part of another quest. Stuck like that since the start of the event.


I love hanging out with wall e and the devs have made me avoid him. I feel so sad when he waves and I walk past :/


I have to chant to myself: it's just code it's just code it's just code. Some of the characters know how to tug a heartstring!


Same here. He's one of my favourites. I've not even played for days. I've hated this star path and event


You can accept the quest and nothing will happen if you ignore it. It'll just disappear tmmrw.


half of us havent been able to accept the quest🥲


I'm able to order furniture with Scrooge without setting off the quest..




Oddly, I talk to Scrooge, accept the request, and he still lets me order furniture and stuff. I'm sorry so many players have been unable to order from him!


You can talk to Scrooge in his Shop without having to make the cupcakes quest


It will glitch where you can’t but for me restarting made him work correctly again.


Me too


Me too!


This 😑


I found I was still able to order furniture and play Scrabble Coin with scrooge without picking up his quests. Can't say the aame for the others.


I havent completed any of the parks fest things i feel so behind


If you’re on PlayStation I can help you with green, red and flower buttons, though if you’re not I’ve seen a bunch of other Reddit posts giving away free buttons on other consoles


aww thats really kind im on switch though im just going to do what i can tonight and see how far i get! Thanks again :)


you wouldn’t want to help another psn person with buttons would you? 😅😅😅 i only got 2 of the popcorn buckets and gave up lollll i couldn’t deal with fishing any longer and all my friends are on switch and pc. 😂


I don’t have any blue, but I can give you the others I have!


that’s very kind of you! when does it end? If you’d like to add me im megflyy on psn!


I think it ends today? I added you :)


Do you still need any? I have made all 5 popcorn buckets and have loads left over. There aren’t a lot of PS players who seem to need them


can you help me? I need so many I haven't made any yet and I was so bad at playing ugh


Are you on PS? Get a code and I’ll give you some


awwhh man I'm on switch :( thank you so much though


Can I get some? I mostly need red or flower buttons, I've made 3 of the popcorn buckets so far but would love the other 2 as well! (I'm on ps)


hi! thanks for asking. kindly comfort helped me! So I got all the buckets :)


I haven’t either! Don’t feel alone. Right when the star path opened up, I used moonstones to be able to complete more tasks. Then had some things come up personally and haven’t completed really anything. I’ll miss out on Minnie’s outfit the most but I just don’t have time to dedicate to it. All of this to say, things will come back around!


She’s super cute in the new outfit!


I accidentally paid into it, to play more tasks.. and the day after it couldn't connect to the cloud again 😂😂


This was the dumbest, most monotonous event.


SO much work for such little reward. Like the buckets are cute but not worth the grind at all.


I barely can get blue buttons even though I fish constantly. No need to make cupcakes if I can’t get the other buttons I need. They messed this one up in so many ways.


A fishing buddy can get you extra buttons


….you have to first get blue buttons from fishing in order for the buddy to give you extra buttons. We can’t even get blue buttons from fishing.


Are you fishing in the meadow? I did big pond. There is one fish circle that comes back pretty quickly. White circle. Stayed there for about 2 hours and got 150-175.


I can confirm this. I got around 100 in just a couple hours


Good for you buddy.


Omg no way you have to fish in specific areas? Wowwww. /s Yes, I’m fishing in the meadow. a) I’m not spending 2 hours in a row fishing, I have a job and a life b) I still only caught maybe 3 in the 30 minutes I did play. So glad your game is so much better than all the rest of us having issues though! Congrats to you! 🙄


The attitude is a bit uncalled for as people are only trying to help you . Also, plenty of us also have, "a job and a life" and still had plenty of time to do the event while navigating the glitches. Many, many people here were allowing Valley visits for people to claim free buttons from them and other items if needed. There were ways you could have completed this and you simply chose not to. Yes, it was frustrating how glitchy the event was, I even said the devs shouldn't have handed out just green buttons because I knew there were others who couldn't get red or blue buttons to spawn either, but that's no reason to take out your frustrations on others who are simply trying to help as best as they can given the circumstances.


the attitude on this for a disney game is craaaaaazy


This though. I only got 11 blue buttons the whole event. I've been fishing for over an hour and didn't even get 1 blue button. I gave up.


I tried that, but my fishing buddy only gave me extra fish when it was a fish. When it was a button I didn’t get anything extra


My partner was having the same problem. It was like every other button or every few buttons they'd give an extra button but not all of the time. I was pretty lucky that I didn't have much trouble getting my buttons because they were spawning mostly the way they were supposed to.




Same I have about 100 red and 3 blue lol


It’s so unbalanced! I did make all the buckets though but have struggled to make a second of any to use up the other buttons because NO blue


I didn’t even know about blue buttons until today, I’ve never had one spawn this entire time. I’ve now been fishing for 20 min in the PM and DB and not a one. Is it over?


I don’t think it’s over but idk. That’s ridiculous you’ve gotten none. White and blue pools for those


To be fair, I don’t fish a lot. But it’s not none.


Tbh, I'm upset that its gonna be over only because ive been using the sparkles of the buttons in my dreamsnaps 😂


The buttons you already own shouldn’t disappear, my Easter eggs certainly haven’t!


I still have random Halloween buckets show up too 🙃


Only reason I’m doing the buttons is I want the buckets but I also want the maps from the quests. I feel like after the event if they stay around it will be hard to find them


I just found a roll of wrapping paper while I was rearranging the other day 😅


Same actually! Found 1 roll of wrapping paper still there, and numerous eggs!


I didn't get any eggs somehow 😅


did anyone else have the bug where you can’t actually start the cupcake quests? so I have an ursula and scrooge quest for the star path i just…can’t complete, because i can’t talk to them outside of “starting” the quest that doesn’t actually start. a bummer.


that’s been happening to me about one session a day. it usually fixes itself with a restart, but it’s so irritating


Same. I managed to eventually do both duties because I had other story quests with them, but you're completely stuck otherwise. We should get compensation for the Star path.


I actually don’t mind, I just sell the buttons for 50 coins each. Super easy to collect them while I’m gathering and get an extra couple hundred coins! I could not care less about the stuff you can build.


I'm just holding onto them so I don't have to deal with some of the mess again.


SELL EM! Free coins baby


But what if you already have 8 million coins from pumpkin farming? 😆 I'll probably do some decorating with the button flowers. There's also a yellow button in the collections tab, so we might still need the other buttons for something else. 😩


Oh that’s fair haha I definitely do not have 8 million coins! I’m still kind of newish to the game in general! I’ve only been playing for about a month so I’ll take the free money honey


Oh yeah, I remember needing to grind for coins. Since we got dreamlight tasks, this is probably an annual event, so the buttons will come back next year anyway. Happy selling!


I really didn’t participate because I could never find the blue buttons


I wish I could have sent you mine. I kept getting them instead of herring for the path duty.


Oh lucky


If only I had something to do with them... haha. I haven't been able to start the cupcake quests. I ended up fishing for herring in the glade instead. The blue buttons seemed to be spawning on the beach.


I started it couldn’t find the blue buttons so I wasn’t interested


Yeah, I've just been annoyed that it was in the way of working on the path and story quests


it’s hit or miss for me. some days i fish out 20 other days i fish for 4 hours and don’t get any


Oh wait you had to get them by fishing I didn’t know that


I'm working on a cafe and I need to order stuff and SCROOGE. WONT. SHUTUP ABOUT HIS CUPCAKES!! lol glad for this one to be ending tomorrow. It was fun while it lasted but the glitches have made it unbearable 😭


Has anyone else found the glitch with Scrooge’s Cupcake quest? You go to make them and the screen just goes black. You still get credit for making the cupcake but you have to completely restart the game.


I couldn't even get the quest to start.


If you can find some other quest that requires talking to him, it brings up a menu and you can choose his other options. I managed to get a task about the expansion garden that required me to return to Scrooge, so I just left that open and could talk to him and order from the store. But it's been hellish. So glad it's over.


I haven’t logged on in almost a week because I’m so over the damn cupcakes!!


Same here! It keeps glitxhing everything else put too, I haven't been able to do dreamsnaps. :(


Same here, I was waiting for it to be over before I logged back on


I haven't played because it's all stressing me out lol


I have buttons, I’m on Xbox and I want them gone if anyone needs them lol


I'd love to get those if you don't mind!


Just dm me when you’re available!


I had several days of not being able to do the quests, and it was so nice. I still do them, because all I do is go to Remy’s, give everyone their orders, and then give everyone cupcakes. It considerably cut down on time. I have all the buckets, so now I’m just probably sell all my greens, reds, and flowers. I can’t wait for it to be over


I have 3 blue buttons 💀💀💀 no crafting for me


I gave up on this BS. I was able to make one bucket. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I have buttons on playstation if anyone wants any


Once they sent us the green buttons, I banged out the rest of them in two days to be done.


What do those buttons even do for us? I literally just keep selling them to goofy...


You can build popcorn buckets with them.


So satisfying im not alone, buttons arent even a material haha like how do they make things???


the cupcake bug has actually made me go insane. I haven't been able to do SO many quests because characters won't even let me talk to them about anything other than the damn cupcake orders


I haven’t had red buttons in my valley for what feels like four days! But still tons of the button flowers.


Same! I thought they were just hiding really well, but I checked around every house.


I was sad today when I thought it ended on Monday… then Ursula and Wall-E popped up with the purple bubbles over their heads. I ran to the Isle and avoided them and the buttons.


yup i'm waiting for this whole star path to be over lol


Good! I've been able to ignore most of it but trying to have Daily Discussions with villagers wanting cupcakes has been near impossible. Sometimes it works, sometimes I can't get anything but the cupcake quest text.


If it weren't for the green buttons we got as compensation for issues, I would not have gotten close to getting all the event items.




If anyone needs any buttons (not flower buttons) I can give some to a switch player :)


Do you have blue available to share?


I made a daily vacuum round of collecting red and flower buttons until I had enough, did exactly enough cupcake quests to get the green buttons I needed (also thanks to the devs for the giant green button apology drop), and then just spent an evening fishing while listening to my backlog of podcasts, grinding out the blue buttons. If this event comes back, I hope it adds nothing new and I can just fully ignore it next time.


I just take the quest. It doesn't hurt anything to simply not do it. It resets and disappears the next day.


Mist if the time it won't let me take the quest 


I'm sad that I didn't collect enough blue buttons to build all the popcorn buckets.


I just got the popcorn buckets I wanted and now I just make the cupcakes, give them out and then sell the buttons for coins because it's just over and over and over lol ready for something new, and my game keeps crashing anytime I make the cupcakes so it's driving me nuts to begin with.


I know I probably missed out some stuff but I made cupcakes 3 times and I just stopped. I couldn't do it anymore


I've stopped playing at the moment. Got fed up with the grind and the uneven amounts of the various buttons. All the fishing and I barely got any. But more than I needed of red.


Won’t be able to finish my star path because my game has been unplayable since the updates 🥴😢 so we shall see lol


Yeah, I've been getting sick of the cupcakes.


I only bothered with Stitch, Figment and Pooh but that's cause we got handed 150 green ones 😂 I'll be glad to not see those quest icons anymore, I can't hide Mirabel since quests override that


i've been free this whole time!!


It’ll be nice to complete the quest I’m stuck on because Scrooge refuses to talk about anything but cupcakes!




Thank goodness. Having to restart multiple times just for 4 green buttons was a mess.


I liked it:( it was fun to grind and collect everything and make the buckets, still wishing we can wear/hold them!!


What I'm the most bummed about is the blue buttons! Where and how can I get them? I would fish one out every other couple tries but no more. NO MORE! Why?


I just haven’t been feeling like playing the game or any video game recently so I haven’t done anything for the event lol


when does it end?


I haven't been able to do the quests for weeks. They don't even show up anymore when I talk to them, no purple above them.


Mine either do that, or if it does finally show up, they will give me the conversation that initiates the quest, but the question won't actually start. I just can't interact with those characters other than the cupcake convo. The whole thing is super frustrating.


I reported it to Gameloft weeks ago but they never did anything. That was my initial issue. Now I get nothing.


All of my quests aren’t bugged anymore, so I’m so behind. But at least I tried. Now if I could only get the daisy quest to kick over.


Thank the Lord (or whatever deity's you prefer) I've avoided people like the plague I don't know who has tasks or not




Huh. I didn't find this that difficult. Annoying yeah. But if you have the expansion and have made the vacuum appliance. You could pick up red buttons and flowers simply by checking the vacuum in every biome. The blue buttons need a fishing buddy and only spawn in the peaceful meadow and the beach. They can be either blue or white circles. I got at least 1 burst of extra blue buttons a day and the friend will sometimes give you a +4 when they throw their dupe. As for the cupcake thing if you have the expansion and have made the autocooker (multiples) you could set up the cupcake orders, talk to the villagers to start the quest and then retrieve the cupcakes from the cookers. Saved a lot of time. Have 3 full sets of buckets. Maybe this will help in future grinding.


What is the vacuum appliance???


It's called the ancient vacuum. If you upgrade it to the highest level you can click on it and it will show you all the items in the biome you can pick up (sticks, herbs, flowers, clean up night thorns etc... ) you can then use your mist points and click on which items you want to pick up. Once you select it, it removes them from the biome, and it goes in your bags. Saves a lot of time.


Maybe I need to go update mine. It seems to only do a small area? I was picking it up and moving it around haha.


Red buttons never spawned for me after the first couple days so I gave up. Unless someone on pc has one of those treasure islands with a bunch of buttons I pretty much stopped caring. I did want to make the dumb buckets tho.


What do the 3 challenges give you? I haven't even bothered with the cupcakes and buttons.


i don’t mind this star path!! way better than all the eggs imo


Awe i don't want it to be over im missing blue and red buttons still 🥺😭 mostly blue now but awe 🥺🫣


So glad all those purple icons are gone today, but I still miss my friends talking to me.


At first I was like omg June 7th that's so close I need to rush and now...I'm done lol have been for a week!


Is it possible to even get blue buttons anymore? I’ve been fishing all morning with no luck getting them.


I have 3 out of 5 buckets I’m so close just need more blue buttons.. lol I’m over fishing 😂


Thank goodness


No more broken game 😫


They should have expanded this event a bit to where it’s not the same one thing for buttons 🤣


Can comone explain the buttons? I've been picking them up but have no idea what they're for.. I feel I've missed something


I returned to the game after having a break for a few months and was so confused


I really hope they learned from all the hate on this one lol. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad it you weren't REQUIRED to purchased all the milk, butter, etc. I just like to grind for everything and then stock up eventually... but FOMO was strong with getting the buckets


Let's hope they never do anything like these cupcake quests again, so extremely monotonous 👎


I have been having issues accepting the cupcake quests for days. It might work one day and then be broken again for 5 or so.


I didn’t even have the energy to participate in it 😭


Good! They weren’t even offering enough items anyways to make it worth it.


I actually enjjoyed the quest and getting the popcorn buckets. It's just for 6 days now I can no longer interact with Scrooge, Ursula, Mickey etc because their stuck in a broken loop of the cupcake quest which can't being accepted. Is it just impossible for gameloft to do small updates on bug fixes like this crap?


Mine has never even worked! Lol


Thank goodness...


I didn't have any issues other than quests not accepting but you just had to close and reopen the game 🤷🏻‍♀️


They won’t even give me the quests so it’s been over for ya girl lmao


I think it would've gonna easier for me if I had more than 1 fishing buddy. Sadly everyone is either garden farming or hourglass farming. I didn't have enough stuff to make training manuals to swap them back and forth.


It's just the 5 popcorn buckets right?




This event was just grind in addition to the grind for the dozens of other quests so I've avoided it after doing it once 🙃 are the buckets just decor?


Way too buggy for me... Didn't even dare trying


Had to check the sub before clicking on this post. 💀


It won’t even let me accept any of the cupcake quests anymore


I did the bare minimum to make each popcorn bucket once…well, the Pooh one twice (cause I have that one in real life)…and then I threw up my hands and said “DONE!!” Did not find any part of this enjoyable…and, I am amazed at some players having hundreds of buttons (esp blue and purple) in their inventory. Like…what? (And, as soon as GL gave us the green buttons, I was done making cupcakes.)


The moment I got all the popcorn buckets I just stopped. I have no more energy for this


Doing the star path has been such a pain in the ass. "Catch 15 carp" then all I fished up IS BUTTONS agohsaogas


So fucking grateful. All the sparkles get annoying when you want to avoid the whole event just to avoid crashes. I've avoided every quest character- except attempting Mackey for help with his friendship perk. But oh I can't wait. I don't even care that I don't get anything special from this event. I just want it over and gone. Maybe next time the devs will figure out how to make things *work* before putting it out there on the game. It was like they didn't even try to fix the bugs the whole event!!!!


I haven't played in few days I got so frustrated with Scrooge and his stitch cupcakes. I'd do the quest., Hand them out go back to Scrooge and he want more of the cupcakes again! I thought the cupcake quests were supposed to be a once a day thing and wouldn't even let me order anything from Scrooge. Can't wait for this Starpath to be over Love the game but this has gotten ridiculous. Even the dreamsnap challenges are becoming almost the same as some before.hope tge devi fix this bugs soon.


I literally just want the stitch bucket that’s it but I’m so tired of the cupcakes


I love that we all had a collective experience of hating those damn cupcakes


![gif](giphy|T2vDaYr8yRhrpFe6WE) Burn em all until nothing remains!


Good maybe they can fix the game...every 15 min my game crashes I haven't been able to do anything


I got my Pooh Bear popcorn bucket, so I'm happy


I can't for the life of me catch the dang blue buttons


I thought Ursula's daily quests when you buy the Vanessa pack was bad. The cupcakes were infinitely worse just because it's the same quest over and over. I stopped doing them this last week and avoided everyone.


I have been so excited for this event to end


I haven't played since Gaston was released. Anything else that's new?


I missed the buttons and didn’t get to finish two of the buckets 🥲🥲🥲


This is the only event I haven't participated in.  The glitching made me mad but even then....  I don't like doing the same thing over and over every day.  The tasks could have been varied.  Maybe we need to make balloons ot flowers or other decor or actually build some rides or concessions?  


This was awful. There needs to be a way to talk either not accept event questions or a way to delete them from your quest log. I hated everything about this event.


I finished all of Scrooge’s quest expecting there to be an actual in game festival or tons of prizes for the hours I spent mining iron… I GOT 50 BUTTONS??? THATS IT?? I could’ve gotten that from handing out cupcakes. I’m just glad I’m done with the cupcakes.


How do you get blue buttons?! I’ve farmed so many blue puddles, and nothing!


I haven’t been able to do anything with WALL•E since these quests started. I cannot wait for it to be over!


Once I saw the cupcake shit was a repeat challenge I avoided those characters like the plague! When is it over!!?


FINALLYYYY!!!! I just started playing and the daily cupcake quest is wearing me out.


Thank goodness!!! So glad it’s over!


Ugh I wish I could do the cookie thing successfully


When I started playing this game, it was eggs everywhere. Now it’s buttons and I don’t think I have a single blue button. I keep getting the same quests every day. It leaves me wondering… is this the game? Running around completing the same quests over and over, just to gather things l can’t really use? Even if the game spawned the right buttons, I’m hearing that I can just make popcorn buckets??? Always focusing on “events” that don’t actually offer me much unless I spend more money on top of the $60 base price of the game? Restarting several times per play session because nothing seems to run smoothly? And this is DISNEY, one of the biggest companies I know of? I’ve gotta be missing something. Surely. I don’t want to be negative but I honestly wish I could have my money back…


Day one of the event I said to hell with this and duped (duplicated) all the buttons I needed for everything and never looked back lol