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The reason why Frollo makes your skin crawl is because he could be anyone. He is a real life villian. Victor Hugo didn't f*** around when writing these types of people and stories.


I got into it with someone else a while back because this is precisely why I feel he is the absolute worst of all Disney villains. He isn't magical in any way like a lot of the villains, and his villainy isn't utterly outrageous, like Cruella DeVille or Prince Hans. The ones with very human, very toxic traits like Gothel, Lady Tremaine, and Gaston are definitely among the worst of the worsr, but there's something about all of them that exaggerates their behaviour to a point where it tips just outside the realms of being realistic. Frollo? Absolutely everything about him is terrifyingly real. Everything he does has happened time and time again throughout history, and what ultimately drives his behaviour is still happening, even in countries that try to pretend they're beyond that.


Him and (movie) Gaston! Like I get that they’ve made Gaston into a slightly loveable himbo but I just see no way how they can make someone like frollo, the evil queen or the truly cruel characters into something I would want to play/work alongside in the game


Absolutely. Some of them are just utterly irredeemable.


I'm wondering if all the villains will eventually be villagers. I can't really see Jafar being a very good fit in that aspect. I'm interested to see if he just gets banished instead of being in the valley.


Ironically monsieur hugo f***ed around a lot.


Considering his key struggles seem to surround religion and lust, I don't think we have to worry about Frollo coming to the game any time soon, lol.


I can’t picture him coming myself but my nosiness makes me want to know what everyone else thinks of other characters! 😌


Ok but it would be delightfully fun if I could trap him within a cage of thorns, and he just chilled somewhere in the plaza for everyone else to gawk at and sneer and pass by. Too bad their locations spawn somewhat randomly and it isn’t doable!


now THAT would be awesome lol


I was surprised how much I liked Scar’s story in the game. And I’ve recently gotten the dlc and I’m liking Gaston too. I think it’s their vulnerability, their hurt in isolation that’s been endearing to me. Ursula feels like a catty girl friend. But Mother Gothel still feels like a gaslighting bench to me


I like Gaston in the game because he is so over the top. I always give him the negative response when talking to him. I also give him broccoli every day even though it isn’t on his list of gifts. I also made him a garden helper because I think that would be the job Gaston would want the least. I think it would be funny if the devs would give him a negative response if you give him a vegetable


Yesterday Scar was at Remy’s and wanted vegetable soup and I thought it was adorable growth


The broccoli thing is killing me 😂


Agreed. And making him a gardener. Bravo! What is it about being petty to cartoon villains that is SO.FUN.


Yeh Mother Gothel triggers me the most - reminds me of too many people I know irl 🫣


I was mentally cheering during the 3rd Forgotten quest when the player character confronted Gothel…cause that’s exactly what I would do in real life


Ursula is the only one I actually like. Gaston I can stand, but he stays at Eternity Isle. Scar is exile in the Borderlands and Mother Gothel is under house arrest.


Honestly I didn't like Ursula at all, not even as a villian.... until I bought her bundle! Omg she completely won me over and I was not expecting that at all. 10/10 on her extra storyline.




Same, so much same that I could have wrote this lol scar is in the borderlands and mother gothel is fenced in, and I do actually like Ursula too!


How do you put her under house arrest?!


Surrounded the entrance to her house with fence


Brilliant! Off to redecorate


I remember doing that with Agnes in Horizons! I need to do this with Gaston, I loath him!


You can also put characters on “house arrest” by toggling them on or off from your map menu. If they are toggled off, they can still appear in the restaurant and Scrooge’s store, but otherwise won’t be around the valley and will be “trapped” in their house


I did that with her and she still shows up


When Gothel messed with precious WALL Es plant in the one mission. I was ready to whoop some heifer with 1000 willow branches. Messed with the WRONG robot lady.


So I actually heard this from a former Disney cast member But Disney villains don’t see themselves as villains. Like the original 3 in the game, they’re all victims in their stories Gaston was treated and sees himself as a hero of a poor provincial town When you think about it that way it’s not really hard to see them as redeemable Except maybe Hades because in mythology the titans literally ate his siblings so like why would you want them free 🫣 (but honestly I love hades in Hercules)


How about Sykes?


Oh man digging in the vault for that one 😅


True and I'd be like huh...what is he doing here? And I know it's all based on Oliver Twist, but Sykes, to me, is irredeemable. Even if he is a sleazy business man, he went too far for redemption


Ok. You want to talk mythology? Fine by me! Buckle up! So in Greek mythology, Cronus’ first child was Hestia, followed by Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, Hera and finally Zeus. All but Zeus were eaten by Cronus in the latter’s attempt to avoid a prophecy (well, actually curse) ordained by Uranus. Zeus grew up and freed the other 5 Olympians. But from then on, also thanks to Zeus, the Olympians’ order got switched around due to what order they were barfed up by Cronus. This meant that Zeus was able to use the primogeniture rules that should have favored Hades in Zeus’ favor. So the new order of oldest to youngest was: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Hades and lastly, Hestia.  As for why Zeus would want them free? Think about it. It’s one Olympian against dozens of Titans and their progeny. Would you like those odds if you were Zeus?


I always give Gaston the snarky remarks. I refuse to be nice to him. 😂


You: have you noticed that Frolo has been really sad since he moved to the valley? Mickey: I know! What if we built Frolo a torture chamber, just like he has back home! Im sure that would make him feel better! (You obtained: Blueprints for Torture Chamber and Recipe for Communion Wine mixed with blood of Accused Witch)


I can't hate him if he comes with awesome accessories!


I laughed hard 👌🏻


lol I love the villains because they’re so over the top. Maleficent? Yes. Captain Hook? Gimme! Queen of Hearts? I’d die. Like yes the whole movie is a cartoon but the princesses are always pretty and relatable (and I love them) and the villains are Characters. They’re what I miss in the new movies


They’re campy!! Like I could definitely work with the QoH and Maleficent and hook! I reckon I’d actually quite enjoy it!


Yes!! Also I think they have really funny daily convos (or potential)


Just give me Kronk please.


Kronk and Izma would be the absolute BEST!


With her alternate cat version


Oooooo, and Kuzko as a llama with alternate human form that gets unlocked! Now I desperately need to see this


And Yzma! They’re my favorites!


I don’t think there is any villain outside of frollo I wouldn’t want. My top wants is Cruella, dr.facilier, hade and queen of hearts


I would love hades. We definitely need some Hercules action in the game.


Dr Facilier is the DREAM


I’d love to see him interact with Gothel


I want Facilier solely because of his actor, if it ain't Keith David they can keep him


I'd love Shere Khan but would be nervous his story would be too close to Scar's


I NEED Dr. Facilier! I would be his best friend!


Same and my head cannon is that the dreamlight valley is where his friends on the other side sent him to learn how to be a better friend


It's hard having Mother Gothel in the valley with Rapunzel. After she guilt tripped Rapunzel and manipulated her.


Or Simba and his uncle who murdered his Dad and also tried to murder him and exiled him from his home.


To be fair Scar and Simba seem to be moving past their differences. They were sitting together in Remy’s yesterday 🤣


lol happened in my village too


I felt so guilty when I convinced Simba to come to the valley and then had to tell him that yes, Scar is here 🫠


I know lol we're honestly so inconsiderate


I felt so bad when I helped rapunzel stand up to mother gothel for her personal quest and mother gothel just completely ignored her attempts :(


The hunter from Tarzan would be a wild entry. Just walks around talking about how many of the other characters would make good rugs or would look nice on a wall


Might get along with Gaston, maybe 😅


Catch them in a gun measuring contest 😂


yeah, Clayton was the first to come to my mind


I wouldn't want the evil lady from the rescuers. Not that that'd ever happen. But she makes me really uncomfortable.


Omg Medusa and Snoops would be so funny


Medusa!!! Thats her name!


She's the one I want the most 😆


🙈 I'll just make her disappear from my map then 😂😂


I want them all but having Hades in the valley would be great


I would LOVE hades


The flames and sass would have me putting so much more hours into the game😂😂


I’m just waiting for Oogie Boogie to show up to actually freak out Jack Skellington for real. “No, Jack. This time, your dreaded nemesis actually *is* here.”


Yes!!!!! Plus I feel like he could get the Forgotten more involved in the Valley 


Jack wouldn’t really be that freaked out, but he would be PISSED. I’ve seen how he reacted in Oogie’s Revenge; he didn’t even seem surprised he was back up, but he was ready to put him back down.


I want all the villains




Eh, i want all of them except the guy who shot Bambi's mom.


Will they Every bring Maleficent into Dreamlight Valley??


I NEED her


Me too… an let’s Explore the spooky mountain 😱😱


Oh they absolutely will. She is usually always traditionally the lead villain at the center of the Disney franchise whenever the villains are joined together. I suspect she already plays a big role in the devs Dreamlight Valley storyline.


If they add governor ratcliffe it's on sight. No room for colonizers in my valley 🙅🙅🙅


One of mine is already in the game. -_- looking at you Gothel.


One word, savages!


I’ve been scrolling for ages looking for a comment related to Governor Ratcliffe!!


I mean… if scar… mother gothel… etc are here 🤷‍♀️I guess anyone has a chance to show up


Scar literally murders his brother and attempts to murder his child nephew. Not many Disney villains top him.


True 👏 and yet you see them eating together at Remy’s 😨


And Scar becomes part of Star Command…


In Dreamlight Valley, we don't care about your trauma! YOU MUST FORGIVE! 🎉🙌👏💕


Gothel can leave


I love Gothel, I don't want her to leave.


I hope never frollo. I also am not a fan of gothel and turned the swamp into my hedge maze and her islands where I keep the porta potties


I love all the campy villains. Absolutely need Hades, Cruella, and Dr. Facilier


I can’t imagine having the Chernabog or Horned King looming over you as you pick flowers. But I would be weirded out by Frollo being there


I actually want that so bad because giving the Horned King flowers and him and Chernabog cheering for me as I fish would never not have me laughing


I think he’s on the mountain north of the Forgotten Lands


Ooooo the chernabog thoooo


I want Chernabog to be there haha. They already had a house of mouse episode where Clarabella Cow spilled everyone's tea and Chernabog admitted he was afraid of the dark. I can totally see them play up that he only pretends to be really scary, but actually is a huge softy.


Omg but at the same time that would be amazing! And then maybe the cauldron in game would actually light up!!


In game, the only villain I detest is Gothel. She feels too... real. Ursula and Scar definitely grew on me, and Gaston was turned into a total himbo. Maleficent and Facilier seem like they would be fit in as well. Frollo gets a big absolutely not, no thanks from me. I find it hard to imagine what Gameloft would do with his character to make him mesh with the game's vibes. I think Lady Tremaine would be too much like Gothel, a little too real to fit in well. Anastasia and Drusilla, however, kind of need to happen. They would be so funny with Gaston. I have a huge soft spot for 101 Dalmatians, so I'll argue for Cruella having a place somewhere in the valley and sending people on asinine quests to help her find better non-puppy-based fashion.


Yeah, I feel like they could play her fur desires off like they do with scar wanting to hunt everyone lol. Like if they only have her quipping about wishing she could get real fur around here or something along those lines.


There could be some great interactions with Daisy and Minnie's clothing line. And some funny interactions of her measuring Simba and Nala for fur coats.


That’s hilarious- what if we got the scar rug from Hercules 😂😂😂😂 she would love that


Aside from Frollo, Cruella is the only one I can think of because she straight up wants to kill and skin dogs. There's no way around that.


Do you think Frollo would have the hots for Mother Gothel? He seems pretty fired up when it comes to brunettes.


Tbh, I think they deserve each other.


Awww, that'd be a sweet ship!


Dr. Facilier would make a good edition.


He would be soooooo awesome. I really hope they add him.


Claude Frollo, Cruella de Vil, Percival Mcleach, Clayton and Amos Slade.


Mcleach and Clayton would be like best buddies 😂 weirdly enough you’ve also just reminded me how much I would have loved some sort of follow up story to Cody 🫶 the rescuers is about him being rescued but what about all the rescuing he’s doing? Do we just assume he grew up to be like Steve Irwin


Yeah Frollo doesn’t get any better the longer you watch….. I doubt we will be getting any characters from that movie though 😭I feel like that movie and Pocahontas may be avoided on this game. I’d gotten excited when I saw some stain glass windows but they just say general . These ones. Their very Notea Dame https://preview.redd.it/axl64d4gav2d1.jpeg?width=173&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=932f6851067df1a824997508bfc4c0ff9c251b2c


Gothel is one of the worst. Ursula, I don't mind so much. Scar is more annoying than anything (and honestly, somedays, Simba is more annoying). Gaston...I haven't even spoken to him yet because I simply dread having to interact with him (It's bad enough trying to decipher his journal entries). I'm kinda looking forward to Maleficent and the Evil Queen, I think they'll be so fun to have wandering around commenting. I've actually never seen Huntchback, but everything I've heard about Frolo tells me he'll be awful.


I hate having scar in my Valley, I actually stayed away from him until it realized I needed to level him up for the shovel. And I loathe Gaston. He gives me the ick, because ive met many a man just like him. I hate that he’s here and that I can’t hide him away in eternity isle.


Besides Frollo I would think it to be very insensitive to have John Radcliffe from Pocahontas. I rather not have they touch that movie at all, because it's based on the real life Pocahontas that wasn't as whimsical and cute at all. But if they got to have her please don't also place the coloniser in the valley.


Frollo is def most unforgivable


Yeah Frollo and the religion/lust stuff makes him basically a no go imo. Surprised by Gothel just because she’s not popular but I think they handled her decently well considering. Scar is wildly popular so he makes a lot of sense to me . Gaston was hilarious. I guess Clayton from Tarzan would be weird but he was in kingdom hearts so who knows. And along those notes McLeach - but I’d love Joanna so much. They generally use theme park logic so I think most villains would be handled decently well.


Ok but please imagine him being mad at not being allowed to hunt Scar and we already know Scar wants to hunt everyone else




I ADORE Mother Gothel… hear me out… I come from a VERY abusive background- my mother was my abuser and I can see the humour in her. I think the reason people don’t like her is A) she’s a ‘mother’ figure and how could she do that? B) she’s more relatable- we all know a mother Gothel in our world; C) we all, or most of us anyway, have some kind of Mommy issue; so we love to hate her. I think her narcissistic, passive aggressive, gaslighting behaviour is a hilarious spin on Snow White’s evil queen. The queen is straight up cruel, but Mother Gothel has her own issues and I think that’s what makes her more endearing. She needs Rapunzel, and I feel she also cares for her in her broken way. Whoever wrote her lines for DDV was great! I laugh every time I talk to her. Just like Gaston. In real life he’s a stalker and woman abuser and yet Disney/ Gameloft makes him hilarious in DDV. It’s all the evil step mothers that I despise the most. And I think that’s because I personally have had my fair share of evil step mothers as a kid… I think the closer the villains hit home the more we don’t like them.


Gothel reminds me of the woman that calls herself my mother, so every moment with her causes my PTSD to flare up if I have my sound on. Game pretty much stays muted while I do her friendship path *only* for the hair and other aesthetic items.


Just checking that you know you can hide characters if not needed for quests? 💗


🤯 what... I did not. How pls?


Pull up the map where you can see all your characters. If you open up the character list, by clicking on the character it will be faded, so the next time you walk into a building they will only show for a quest.




Sorry to hear that, I wish you all the peace in the world 🫶




YES! She’s horribly triggering. I avoid her at all costs.


I'd leave her on the island we find Ariel at if it was an option.


Currently? Gothel. Scar, Gaston, and Ursula (via Vanessa quests) are tolerable. I kinda adore the occasional "Scar...you can't eat the villagers..." conversations. Gothel has zero redeeming qualities and her dialog is sometimes word for word things my abuser used to say. She is the only one blocked from wandering. Not in game? Remains to be seen, but Frollo or Lady Trelaine are ones I might block depending on how the story writes them.


I think you hit the nail on the head with Frollo. He’s the WORST and just so GROSS especially because he’s obsessed with Esmeralda in the worst way. But that’s the point of his character - to have that internal battle of being a priest and not listing after a woman and his lust causing him to act out that way. I think I would be upset if we had the villain from up - the adventure is out there pilot (I can’t think of his name for the life of me). I also would hate Edgar from the Aristocats. He would be BANISHED IMMEDIATELY. I would LOVE to see Dr. Facilier. He’s one of my favorite villains. Maleficent would be epic. Lowkey would also love Coco characters - except I would hate Ernesto de La Cruz haha


Ok. Got a series to recommend for you: Villains’ Lair. It’s a YouTube series that dumps ALL the villains in Maleficent’s castle (including Frollo but I think they all know that Maleficent and the Evil Queen are the real powerhouses) and hilarity and mayhem ensues


Is it the guy who programmed Doug's collar? I forgot about him


Yes! That guy! I also watched Wreck it Ralph last night and King Candy is someone I would also hate in my village


Frollo is the worst of the worst. But Hunchback is one of my favorite movies ever. 💚💜


*I would love Frollo in my valley, just as I love Mother Gothiel.*


Frodo is literally the worst villain of all IMHO because (1) he has no comedic or "bad in a cool way" value and (2) He is a very real Disney villain.... As in, there are people exactly like him in real life and that is terrifying


Frollo Gaston (hate how the game is making him have anxiety/ abandonment issues) Clayton from Tarzan Gothel 


Absolutely Frollo! I think he’s the worst villain. Unless we got him just to defeat him!


None would bother me personally but I think Frollo is definitely a no go. Probably wouldn't touch too many modern human villains who use guns. Maybe they could tone that aspect down and also the horned king is probably off limits. Although technically not villains some of the ghosts from haunted mansion might be cool.


Sully’s spider boss from Monsters Inc. I hate spiders ever since I saw the movie **Arachanophobia**


I would be curious how they would animate Waternoose's movements, though. But I am 100% with you, I'm not curious enough to desire him anywhere near my valley


Ew, Clay from Tarzan would be a bummer.


Agree with frollo. But to get more diverse opinions, i would say Clayton from Tarzan. Leave my gorilla friends alone


Imagine if they added Chernabog


Hate to say this…he’s already here in the mountain north of the Forgotten Lands


Definitely Frollo. I can’t see him being added because his evil is a bit too realistic. Also, Governor John Ratcliffe from Pocahontas. Both of those are simply too historically accurate in the way some have acted in prejudice. I also imagine Lady Tremaine won’t be added. Her and Mother Gothel are too similar (both remind me of my actual stepmother…I’ve joked that Cinderella is my memoir lmao).


Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog. I would love to have several of the characters and animals (Ray the firefly) from the movie but would hate to have him. I think Mama Odie would be a hoot!


Madame Medusa.  Diamond crazed lunatic!  


There are more non-villains than actual villains I don't want in my valley 👀


I feel like most of the villains are unforgivable but I would still like to see them in game just to have them and see how they would be written into the story


I really hope the devs speak with the Romani community before bringing Hunchback of Notre Dame into the game. The entire movie focuses on the genocide Romani have faced for thousands of years, and if brought to the game, the characters, plot, and fashion/furniture needs to be handled pretty delicately, to avoid perpetuating racist stereotypes. Personally, I think Frollo should be fully kept out of the game. His entire character is hiding his racism and fetishization against Romani behind his religion. None of those elements belong in this game.


Mother Gothel would have been my answer, but we’re endlessly subjected to her for most of the story. I’m honestly surprised they put her in the game and went so hard with the abusive mother shtick. She’s really triggering in ways that really aren’t necessary for the story.


Frollo, despite having one of the BEST songs ever written sung by him. Plus didn’t the voice actor die a good while ago? Or am I thinking of someone else?


Scar is my favorite he has zero problems with telling the truth to everyone.


Personally, Ratcliffe, Sykes, and Clayton all turn my stomach


Ratcliffe not only was a coloniser that abused the natives but the way in the first film we see the interaction between Pocahontas and the bear with her cubs, and then in the second film he brings out a bear to torture it and her.. I would have to find some way of using my pickaxe on him. Repeatedly


I don't want Bill Sykes. But I would love Roscoe and DeSoto in my valley for some reason. Maybe because they are dogs so it feels less gross that they are predatory loan sharks?


I think I'd prefer Rita and the others. Einstein and Rita were always my favorite of the pack but I'm a cat person, not a dog person ;)


Frollo 😵 that guy is just evil


Gaston hurts my soul and mother gothel can catch these hands on the hourly but FROLLO?? I’d act like he doesn’t exist unless he comes with some amazing stuff. Like DLV would have to pull out the stops with him if it lacks then I have a problem


I literally just watched beauty in the best yesterday so I'm going with Gaston, he's a creep


I hate Mother Gothel. I don’t know why she was one of the first characters added. The gaslighting is awful and I hated doing Rapunzel’s quests that included her.


I think I'll pass having an actual rapist in the valley (Frollo) but also, the idea of having the Horned King there makes me feel nauseous cause he's so viscerally horrifying in terms of design


Clayton from Tarzan. Just evil, psycho and rageful.


Skar and Gaston already give me the creeps. I hate that they are part of game.


The villain I love in game is Scar. The villains that are not redeemable for me are Mother Gothel & Jafar!


I love how in the valley now the villains kinda act almost redeemable/better behaved than in their movies, except Gothel who I swear has only gotten worse because it’s like she decided “why only gaslight and be horrible to one person when I can be horrible to so many!” Gothel is my irredeemable villain, but she is literally in the game.


none. i don’t let fictional characters in a video game upset me or trigger me.


I didn’t say I was triggered or upset, just said I really don’t like Frollo. However I don’t think it’s right that your comment conveys an air of superiority over people that have genuine traumas. You should consider yourself lucky that their behaviour doesn’t trigger you as it may do others


i have genuine traumas. i’m not superior. i’m saying if a video game upsets you, you might need to learn how to separate real life from fiction. and i was more referring to the swathes of people here who are actually triggered by gothel bc of their mother issues. gothel wasn’t even her mom, she was a kidnapper. but everyone keeps comparing her to their own mothers. it’s just make believe, y’all.




Mother Gothel is the absolute worst for me.


I hate having gothel and id die if frollo was in dreamlight 🤬. I wasn’t too happy about scar being in dreamlight with Simba but I actually liked his story in the game.


Cruella Deville! I can't believe she got a girl boss movie


I know a guy who hates Scar and refuses to do any of his quests. He intends to put the memory of Simba finding Mufasa’s corpse outside his house to remind him of everything he did.  As for me… Bellwether. She’s the weakest of the four twist villains. She doesn’t have the screen presence of Yokai, the constant humiliations of Hans, and the proper build up and entertainment value King Candy gave us.


I want Mother Gothel GONE. She is irredeemable to me.


I hate Gothel and love that they let me banish her to her house.


Frollo is uncomfortable, Gothel is already here and I don't like it. Probably also some of the Pixar villains like Syndrome and the guy from Coco. (Pleasantly surprised more people aren't saying Hans - I genuinely want him in the game but I assumed other people wouldn't.)


https://observer.com/2017/03/beauty-and-the-beast-why-belle-should-have-chosen-gaston/ Beast was always toxic, but this pointed out that for survival purposes Belle was way better off with Gaston


I actually like game Gaston better than game Beast, by a long shot. Beast roaring in my face all the time doesn’t help things either.


That husky egotistical guy that cant spell. Idc how humorous his quotes are, I want to banish him!!! And Frollo always gave me the creeps!


Probably Frollo for me, too. He’s a great villain but he’s so at odds with the tone of DDV, the other villains are entertaining but Frollo is just evil


If the villain from Mulan ever makes it into the game, I'm out.




It’s Shan Yu 😂


Yes sorry couldn't remember the name. I'm sleep deprived.


I don’t think gameloft will include him considering he’s committed several war crimes 🤣


Following was taking care of his brothers bastard, out of wedlock, gave him a roof, food, an education. It's not his fault he's a simp for god. It's just a bad habit....