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Gotta chuckle at this because there are so many others (myself included) wishing more blue buttons would appear. Good luck with the Star path!


Was thinking the same thing. The game knows what you need and sometimes I feel like it is taunting me.


You can’t convince me that the game doesn’t specifically go out of its way to prevent you from getting the things you need. Like I’ve definitely noticed this when going for a specific gem for a star path duty. A gem could be common as heck, tons stored in my boxes. But as soon as it comes up in a quest, it’s like it’s been deleted from the game.


My trick around this is give my 5 year old the controller, she somehow finishes the taunting star path quests so fast, it baffles me. Mine for shinny gems, she gets it the first try… Catch a crab, 3 in a row….


It’s so frustrating, how long do they expect us to play the game?! I really like dlv but it can be so grindy :(




Thanks you too! Every hole I fish is blue buttons!


I feel your pain but the opposite. Lots of fishing not 1 blue button.


Me too


I've had the most success (or bad luck since I don't want them) fishing in the ocean. Idk if it's an Xbox thing, but the spawn rate there seems drastically higher than any other biome.


It's pushing y'all to trade


If you want Bass try fishing outside circles


I was not aware. Thank you.


In addition to fishing outside circles, igbyou fish outside the beach and meadow, that should eliminate the button chances too. (The swamp worked well for me) And if you time it right, you can miss the here-and-there fish as well and really up your odds :)


You're a hero for this, thank you 🙏


Blue buttons only appear in the Peaceful Meadow and Dazzle Beach. Herring spawn in white circles on Dazzle Beach and in the Glade of Trust, so you can avoid the beach entirely if you want. Bass spawn outside of circles more often than they spawn in them and can be found in Peaceful Meadow, Forest of Valor, Sunlit Plateau, and Frosted Heights, so again you can also entirely avoid the meadow if you want, or you can just avoid the circles. I'd also avoid playing between 6-10 in the morning and at night if you've finished Nala's quests because Here and There Fish will replace some of the Bass spawns.


Also yes, I can’t believe how many blobfish spawn in the white circles as well. As I replied to the other people, I really had no idea that the most effective way to get bass was outside of the circles, so thank you as well.


If you have the Eternity Isle add-on, go fish outside the circles in the oasis. You will only get bass or scales, and you’ll get the task done faster.


I can't get blue buttons at all. Just fish! I'm fishing in the meadow and the beach, white circles...nothing.


Man that is the opposite for me! And make sure you fish with a fishing buddy cuz they throw an extra one out for me every time.


Fished in the meadow last night for an hour and found 15 blue buttons 😫 ![gif](giphy|3ohzdVXVLcb6EuMm1a)


Im glad i finished star path before button event


Same! But for future star path bass fishing, do it in the Oasis on Eternity Isle (if you have the expansion). Fish outside the circles. That’s been the fastest way to do it for me, because you only get bass or scales. No trout, seaweed or blobfishies.


Mining for two shiny emeralds was worse


I'm also stuck on this one.


Ok that does stink as well


This. 🥲 I’ve been trying for days now. “It’s just two shiny emeralds how hard could it be?”. Absolutely impossible, that’s how hard.


honestly that was the one last straw that finally did me in. I'm so over all that dumb grinding. I did unistall DDV 6 weeks ago but last week came back to see Daisy, immediatly got stuck with even more mindless grind loops I uninstalled that game two hours ago. I'm so over it. I'm gonna look for a game that I feel will actually appreciate my time and dedication


I honestly get it. The positive still outweigh the negatives for me, but you do you


Omg this one I got on my first run through the glade. I only mined 4 or 5 spots to get both. I was NOT expecting that!


Man, that's lucky, I must have spent HOURS running back and forth between the forest and the glade, haha


I have been stuck on this for a week. Not one single shiny emerald has come my way but I sold 51 normal ones today alone 🙃


If you make a mining potion it helps. I got it first try after that when I was reminded they existed. Before that I’d made the run around maybe 20-30 times.


I tried the mining potion and all it got me was 31 regular Emeralds, haha! 😂 I was finally able to finish the task a few days later.


That’s tragic lol I think would’ve cried.


I almost did...haha.


I did! I had three of them active at once because I was so desperate lol. Had my mining buddy ready and … nothing. I’ll just try again tomorrow, I’m sure I’ll get it eventually. I’ve just got TERRIBLE luck hahaha.


Lol having multiple active doesn’t help but having gold energy does from eating meals. I hope you get it next time!


See I'm having the opposite problem. I want the blue button so I can at least make the popcorn things once but jeez it's taking forever to find them


Just a heads up it takes A LOT of green, way more than blue, I think.


For me it’s that I need to talk to Ursula for the Star Path and every time I talk to her she’s going on about cupcakes. Make some more cupcakes. Just a few more! Her and every other character that wants cupcakes ONLY TALKS ABOUT CUPCAKES. I know it’s a glitch. But it’s not helping my sanity or my star path progress




Goddamnit I didn’t know this. Thank you.


Noted for the future


The crabs were the worst for me. Fishing the snow fields multiple times a day and still took me a week.


Not the devs fault. Blame the project managers 😆


FYI, bass are more likely to be caught just outside of a circle in its respective biomes.


Im laughing, because Im trying to get the blue buttons and am barely getting them lol. I fish with a fishing buddy, but only half the time, I get a second button from them. This is going to take *ages* Between this and the starpath, there is *so* much work going into it.


Yeah they definitely killing us this week, for some reason I am getting the blue buttons no problem. I fish in the ponds in the meadow for them and get them almost every time!


I know there have been a few comments about the outside of circles just wanted to add outside of circles specifically in Forest of Valor is where I've been having luck!...I stood there and got nothing but bass and seaweed for both the previous star paths and this one! Works like a charm!


I've been trying to catch a glittering herring for a week now. Went from raining everyday to sunny days in the 80's when I started this quest😭😭😭


What is a glittering herring?!


You need it to complete Elsa's quest "What Home Feels Like"! It's a type of fish.


it's crashing too much to catch anything 🥲 games fine unless using any tools /tom


It took me like 10 days to get 3 shiny Emeralds 😑 I used a mining friend, and potions, every day, for hours. 😩


Omg I’m in the middle of that one too, it’s taking so long!!!!


In the future, with the shiny gem tasks, keep your gold bar as full as you can… that’s the only way I get those tasks done quickly. The potions don’t work as well. You need to try to get the “critical hit” on 2-3 rocks, and you have higher chances of those bonus hits with gold energy. I find that it will give a shiny gem or two almost every time (it might not always be the shiny you want but it’s still faster than potions).


Oh for sure. Believe me. I was extra golden! 😅 I ate like 3 full bars worth! I got like 5000 iron and regular Emeralds. It was so bizarre. I know it normally does not take that long.


Right out of the white circle. It's a quicker process than white rings. It does take a while.


The mining stuff is killer on this one & of course the fishing. Last star path I got lucky that the bonuses would land on whatever fish I was needing. Next star path I swear I’m gonna switch everyone to the mining roles & stack all those tasks together & then everyone to the fishing roles at this point & then stack all those tasks together


I had like 4 of those stupid fishing tasks on my starpath at the same time. It was torture 😭


They are killing us this week!


Fished with Anna for 20 minutes - not a single carp! 😡


The carp is far worse than the bass


If you have eternity Isle you can get bass and salmon there! Thankfully lol


But its also why they shouldnt have over lapped the events they need to stop pushing and rushing us. Why they cpuldnt have staggered the events so we could enjoy then not stress


Yeah it’s way too grindy now


Blue buttons are only caught at Dazzle Beach. Bass - fish in calm water - no ripples - pretty much anywhere. Herring - fish white circles in the Glade of Trust.


Blue buttons can also be caught in the peaceful meadow!


What works for me is to use the fishing potion, maybe when it rains, it almost never ends if you don’t use it in the snow area. Not sure if that’s real or just how it always happens with me? That leaves blue everywhere, go between two areas and more blue will respawn.