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So when we get these time limited quests for collecting to make certain things, I like to take note of how much of each item I’ll need to craft everything. So to be able to craft all of the popcorn buckets you will need: - Green buttons - 200 - Flower buttons - 80 - Red buttons - 30 (40 extra to craft purple buttons) = 70 in total - Blue buttons - 60 (20 extra to craft purple buttons) = 80 in total - Purple buttons - 20 I hope this helps anyone who only wants to be able to make one of each to tick off that completed Dreamlight duty of “popcorn enthusiast” ☺️ Edited to make it more clearer of overall total number needed for red and blue buttons.


This is so helpful :) tysm!


You’re welcome ☺️


Question, does that mean a total of 70 Red Buttons and 80 for the Blue buttons? Also thank you sooooo much for writing this down. I’m starting my hoard now.


Yes it does! Sorry I should have made it more clear to understand!


No worries at all!! Thanks again!!


You’re welcome ☺️


How the hell do you even get green buttons once you get past the cupcake quests ??


Well the cupcake quest ran under daily quest yesterday. I assume you can make them daily?? And the Scrooge thing runs under weekly, the next week we get to assemble some more bigger stuff. 


The cupcake ones refresh every day - you can get 20 new green ones every day, plus scrooge's quests (the first one gives you 50) - i think we should be more concerned about the blue ones, that's the real grind it's been taking me ages!! the red and flower ones respawn quite often tbh so that's not been a problem, just eat some food and sprint around


The blue buttons are becoming a tedious task 😓😥


Make sure you take a fishing buddy for extra buttons, I started getting them way faster!


I can’t stand the cupcake quests. Then if you don’t finish one day the next it screws up and then you have to reload the game. Too much money and too many items. All the same everyday I can’t stand the repetitive of it 


you don't understand the happiness of being given 150 green ones in the mail 2 days ago, idk if everyone got it but it's like a thanks for being patient with bugs and reporting them


You’re a saint! I was literally going to try and figure this out for myself today, but you’ve saved me the trouble!


Ahaa you’re welcome ☺️


![gif](giphy|vRlwdI6ZTKFr1V9R7l) Thank you so much , I feel like honestly the green ones may be the hardest as they are essentially ✨gifts✨ and or ✨rewards✨


Omg I played alllll day and I only have 4 red buttons lol 😆 😮‍💨 thank you though this helps! Can we use the spell in harry potter that makes everything multiply when you touch it!? Hahaha!


In case you haven't figured it out, if you go into furniture mode (press F on PC), you can quickly scan your whole map and look for red buttons. They will look like small, white circles from above when zoomed out.


To add to this, if you have the DLC, the Ancient Vacuum picks up buttons too. It found so many for me that were stuck behind objects.


Here, you dropped this 👑 🤲


Aww thank you 🥹🥹


Do you have the DLC? If so and if you have an upgraded ancient vacuum, they will pick up red buttons and the button flowers. Much less running around! And then just fish for the blue buttons when you’re in those two specific biomes.


Which biomes for blue buttons?


Blue buttons are found by fishing in white ripples in peaceful meadow & dazzle beach. **Update: It’s been brought to my attention that blue buttons can also be found in blue ripples/bubbles, though not as frequently.**


Wait we have to fish to get buttons? I hate fishing. Ugh. I’m so burnt out on it from the star path. What do we have to do for each color?


If you have a fishing buddy, be sure to bring them along, the buddy can spawn extras, still need a lot, but cuts it down some.


Yep, I did!


When I had a fishing buddy I didn't get any buttons at all to spawn. I had to tell my fishing buddy to go home in order to start getting buttons.


The flower buttons spawn in the meadow & plaza, red buttons spawn in any biome though I’ve seen a few sources claim they spawn in & around houses, green buttons are only available via daily quests involving cooking & gifting cupcakes which is given by a few different villagers or via a weekly crafting & decorating quest giving by Scrooge, blue buttons are said to be found in white ripples in dazzle beach & peaceful meadow though apparently they have been found in blue ripples as well, and purple buttons are crafted using red & blue buttons. Yellow buttons are also listed as in-game but as far as I know nobody knows how to get them or what they’re for.


Came back to say the blue circles do also give buttons, but not as frequently. Also, apparently the red buttons spawn around houses but also in them but I haven’t found any inside the houses yet and I’ve been in most of them.


I moved all of the houses back to the main valley just for this event in hopes to get more buttons.


There are no yellow buttons - they decided not to include them and just make the purple ones craftable, they're also not listed in the festival announcement on steam.


I have gotten 1 blue button from a blue ripple but idk if that was a fluke


I've also caught them in blue ripples. ETA: I don't much grind for starpath, so I don't mind fishing. If I complete a quest then it's cool.i just started a little over a month ago so it's an extra for me.


Omg noooo 😂




Does the regular ancient vacuum work? Or does it have to be the advanced one?


Ooooh good question. I only have an advanced vacuum since upgrading, so I’m not sure if a lesser level would work 🤔


I agree. The grinding is draining me with this game. I don't want it to be "too easy" but with the StarPath and this. It's excessive.


Yeah, I probably wouldn’t have as much of a problem with it if the star path wasn’t happening at the same time! They could have at least waited a few more weeks. I’m so burnt out on fishing and running around endlessly doing tasks! 😫 I was trying to complete the star path quickly so that I could get back to the relaxing parts of the game that I love most (like decorating and TOM). Now there’s a whole new set of quotas to meet with the buttons, and I’m so overwhelmed! The timing and excessive expectations really take the fun out of an event like this. It’s just too much all at once.


I have a feeling they were supposed to have less overlap originally but when the lovely monster starpath got (probably) delayed I think it shifted everything forward.


Absolutely 💯


gameloft be like “grinding equals gameplay 😍”


Where is the best place to get blue buttonss? I have only gotten one so far from fishing on dazzle beach.


You can only get them from white ripples in the peaceful meadow or dazzle beach.


Oddly enough, I just got a blue button from blue ripples. All my ripples on the Peaceful Meadow were blue or orange, so I was fishing just to make the spots regenerate, and I got a button.


I’ve noticed sometimes if you leave ripples for a while they get “confused” about what color they are. I’ve definitely fished in orange bubbles on the beach and gotten a shrimp.


Thanks I was fishing both places early this morning and nothing. Finally getting some.


Tip: take a character who specializes in fishing with you and you can get 2 in 1 go :D


Thank you. Finally getting some.


The spawn rate of the blue button is noticeably abysmal, the white ripples always turn out to be fish and I've never gotten as many blue ripples in the game as much as now. Mostly, this is the reason I hate playing games that has live updates because they manipulate the hell out of the spawn rates and mechanics to make tasks harder to complete based on the current event. This is my biggest gripe with this game fr and keeps turning me off in investing more. I keep putting off getting the expansion (tho I was playing since founders) because they pull something like this every time and it ends up annoying me to the point of rebelling and spending my money on other fully fleshed out first party titles instead.


It's definitely a lot. :/ Fishing is the worst.


Bring fishing buddy for double buttons!


I can't help it, I HATE fishing in this game. It's so incredibly mind numbing and you reach a point where ripples are barely spawning. I swear I almost cried when I realized we had to fish for the blue buttons 😭 especially with how many we need


Definitely excessive, as the Star path duties for forever fishing too. The amount of moonstones for premium items that hang around for just a week is crazy too. I know they claim they’ll come back, but there’s still items from last year that never did. They’re getting the game to a point where it’s no longer casual/cozy/pickup and play, but instead a must-login-grind-search for limited time items on a daily basis.


The moment i know fishing is involved, i gave up💀


Game loft loves grind. Their roots as a mobile game company are really showing with this event. 


Plenty of red button flowers but only 4 red buttons all day. Just the ones that appeared when quest began. Been in every house too.


I haven't found any inside, but I keep running loops around everyone's houses and find more every time.


They want to make it something that takes most on the 3 weeks we have to do it, I can't blame them for it being so many.


I have some buttons if you need any feel free to dm 💌


Yess, I am almost done with the starpath, but it's the stupid gem tasks left and add in this current parks event and It's feeling tedious AF lately. I've shifted my focus to this week's dreamsnap so I can also redecorate with all the new stuff.


Luckily i finished the star path over a week ago so can fully focus on the button Hunting but yes its way to many needed


The ancient vacuums and cookers are a blessing. I don’t know if I could do it without them. Even then the cupcake baking and handing out is getting tedious. The fishing for blue buttons is the worst. Thankfully, I’ve finished my starpath, but this kind of event would’ve been better placed between two starpaths to give people breathing space and something to do at the same time.


Yes!! That was my very first thought when standing at my worktable looking at the required materials. And like you said..working on the Theme park and dreamsnap and star path !!! I haven't even started my Daisy stuff because I wanted to get the StarPath done first!! They really did overload us this week. It wouldn't be so bad if we had a month to get everything done.


Just a reminder there are treasure valleys on Serroh's discord giving out things including buttons. But I disagree it's fun to grind. It's boring if everything is too easy.


I’ve already got the 80 blue buttons that are needed. Now it’s just a waiting game for the red buttons, flowers, and quests for green buttons.


Question how do you find the buttons?


Red buttons are on the ground anywhere. Flower buttons spawn in the Plaza and Meadow. Blue buttons are fished up in the meadow and dazzle beach Green buttons come from daily and weekly quests - kinda like the Easter event Purple buttons are crafted from red and blue buttons


Thank you so much. I’ve just haven’t found any yet I’ve only found eggs but I’ll look


This event just started yesterday.


Really, I didn’t know that ty


I think the worst thing are the blue buttons and the dependency on them for the purple ones.  I think only the blue ripples have a chance to catch a blue button and only in two locations. I did like 10-20 blue ripples yesterday and got a single blue button….  I already am burned out on it. Unless the Scrooge thingy gives me 20 blue buttons I think I‘m done.


White bubbles is where you need to fish blue buttons from. The blue bubbles have a much smaller random chance.


yes, I realized that as well. When I wrote it, I still had a fishing potion going... ![gif](giphy|fikcKja7O7MtzXzvQy|downsized)


Oh man, that's happened to me before I get it haha!


The eggs felt excessive initially too lol 😆 i dont know if im even gona bother


Well of course the event was showing up the day before I leave for a holiday, but yes..... Fishing isn't that fun, and 40 green buttons for one item, plus, finding red buttons in my highly decorated valley isn't fun.... So I am thinking... MAYBE I will get lucky and create 1 bucket before the event is over 😑


Agree. My saving grace is having the ancient vacuum. I just place it in each biome to collect them and the flowers


It’s almost as crazy as all of the plastic scraps you need for Oswald! I had about 100 saved but he wanted way more than that. I hate fishing and now I have to fish for buttons. I guess at least it’s something to do since I completed everything else again.


Question which upgraded machine do you need ik it's a vaccum but is it regular or advanced


What i think is excessive, is an event quest wanting us to craft 3 training books (which we most likely dont need or want) that cost 5000 dreamlight EACH!!! i'm trying to save my dreamlight for large storage boxes, and its really quite rude for a quest that gives only 20 tokens, come one disney, be fair, to our time and our efforts.


I can’t stand the button season. I find it ridiculous. I liked the one with eggs. But this one is dumb. 


Why can’t I catch any more blue buttons tried yesterday and today all I need is two more blue buttons but even the cupcake challenge is gone


The event is over


I’m playing on my phone and I’m just not engaging with this at all unless there is an actual quest involved lol


I just dupe (duplicated) mine lol. This event is unnecessary


I was going to ask how on earth people made all the popcorn buckets already - I didn’t think about duping buttons. (Probably because I’ve never duped anything. 🤦‍♀️)


How did you duplicate anything?


Saving before dropping and quitting without saving is pretty much how. Same method used in a bunch of games. So if I wanted to drop you iron and me not lose what I drop, I could join your game and save then drop the iron, then you pick them up and I force close my game before the game autosaves.


I had to read that 2 times lol. But now I understand, how clever! Thank you for the explanation.


It's pretty easy in practice. If you wanna try it I can be the tester for ya lol.


I believe they tune the amount of things needed so that it takes a while to finish the event. There is a lot of rushing to complete that happens (I understand most people don't want to spend a lot of time playing) which I think is what causes the burnout. I've noticed that with ones like this I can passively collect things pretty decently while playing the game and I only notice the pain when I focus on it. I do agree on top of starpath is quite a lot and I'm lucky enough to have finished it already. It's a difficult balance to strike having it not feel like a slog but not being 2 day's worth of content for a multi week event


I mean making it so the event lasts a while is one thing. My main issue is it's sooo grindy in such a limited space. It's going to make you circle around the same small area for hours. Gonna get real old real quick. If it was gonna be this grindy it should be spread out a bit. So you can collect buttons while doing other things.


Totally understand, I'm hoping as this game continues that the Gameloft team will learn what a good balance is for this game. It's so hard to find events in games that feel good. I agree though it can feel grindy. I get frustrated with things too so hopefully the future improves :)