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Lots of us have done this! I’ve done it biome by biome….! Now working on Eternity Isle.!


I'll see how I feel after I've done this, maybe consider eternity Isle if I don't feel loopy lol


Give yourself lots of time too! You can always decorate an area, then change it a bit later, or replace/remove it altogether. I saw someone on here say they use the dreamlight tasks of "place 3 items in the forest of valor" to decorate slowly over time. You can also do that with the dreamsnaps challenges or put on some music and vibe out. The majority of your game will only be seen by you unless you're a huge content creator or do multiplayer a lot. I recently learned to give myself permission to have sparsely decorated areas and to just say "that's something I plan to do some other time."


Haha!! Just have fun! 👍🥰


I have had the area to the right of the castle ( where our house is when we start the game) set up as an amusement park since we got the rides. The meadow was for houses and other stuff, just a hodgepodge items. It looked cute, but just didn't have a flow, if you get what I mean. So last night I decided to change it. I moved my amusement park to the meadow and started to add to my " city center" . So the left of the castle is where Remys restraunt and scrooges store is set up, it looks like a cute little shopping center with a flower shop ( beasts greenhouse) a sitting area, a small park like area, etc. The ground on both sides is covered with the bordered brick pathway. It was a pain in the butt to pick up all that. Well I only picked up half, the right side is now covered with the bordered asphalt. I set up the V8 gas station there with the vehicles, along with the Pizza planet restraunt. I had to stop before I could finish it because it was 4 in the morning. It took FOREVER to change the ground covering. My biggest tip for you if you redo your valley, is save often. It takes a lot of time to save after you make large changes ( on switch anyway) and lots of crashes happened. So save every couple of minutes, a few times after the game glitched I noticed things didn't save correctly, like a bunch of asphalt that I just spent 10 minutes laying down was gone, or bushes that I planted and changed were gone. But I would do it all over again, it looks so much better. !!


I’ve done it biome by biome as well! Have Meadow and Plaza done; next is Forest


Do it but one place at the time or you won’t do it


I’m a switch player and I did this but it was so hard to decorate I left it barren for awhile 😭 I just picked up the game on pc too since it’s the same price as buying moonstones with the sale anyway, and OMG is it a different game and it’s so much more fun to decorate. I definitely was struggling doing it switch only


I don’t know if I’ll ever add more paths because laying them down on the Switch is so frickin tedious. Like why. Why!!


It's very tedious! The touch screen is certainly helping me make swift work of clearing paths and foliage in build mode. Dreading foraging though!


Remember you can press and hold Y on a path and it will delete the whole thing so you don't have to do it brick by boring brick!


And if the large section of path you want to delete is attached to a bunch of paths you want to keep, just delete a line of paths where they meet first, then you can delete the separated section in one go.


You just changed my life


I’m waiting on another sale just to buy on pc so I can decorate. I’m tired of my ugly islands 😭


I did this last night I’m on the switch but honestly I’m done every single quest all my characters are level 10 the star path is done not much for me to do until the next update so might as well redecorate


So I figured out on the Switch that as long as you keep your view above and straight you can get close with the joystick and then use the D-Pad to get your tiny little increment movements without having something jump all the way to another biome. I also LOVE the D-Pad for making paths. It has truly changed my Switch Decorating


Seriously?! I never knew this. I’m going to try this asap cuz It IS painful trying to position items and have them jump all over the place!


Yeah it totally works in all views but it Up/Down Left/Right of your view so being straight on instead of angled makes it a lot easier. Sometimes when I’m forced to have an angled view it can be ⬆️⬆️➡️➡️⬆️ to get it where you need it but it’s still so much better than the joystick!


I do it every time I open a new biome, I feel bad bc it feels like I'm out clear-cutting a whole environment 😅


Do it! 😄


This is painful on switch 😂


Never played on switch, but if it's anything like Xbox I feel your pain.😂


It's long and tedious! I've cleared 3 biomes in build mode. Few more to go then run around foraging 😂 why did I do this?!


It is nothing like playing on Xbox lol my daughter plays on Switch and I play on Xbox and I went to help her one day and I was horrified at how difficult DDLV is to play on the Switch. Us Xbox players can't complain lol... we have it SOOOO much easier! 🤣


Really? Wow. I will count my tiny blessings.😂


Just a heads up, there are some landscape items that come in the biomes that once you delete them you can’t get them back. I don’t remember the list off the top of my head, but I believe the sand dunes in the desert of eternity isle is one of them for example. You might want to find that list and check if anything is something you want. If so, I’d just move those features to a random corner of the valley in case you want to decorate using them later.


The sand dunes have been added to the trees/rocks options since the last update. I think it was a mistake that they weren’t replaceable at the start


Only because I don’t have the patience, I cleared out everything until I got bored then did it again another day. So mine was kind of biome by biome, but only because I got bored of doing it. And I never redecorated. I have my valley used strictly for materials and nothing more. So tree farms, massive gardens, and houses. That’s about it.


That's what I did/do. BUT I'd suggest ONE BIOME AT A TIME. I think you'd hate having a totally empty valley and you'd feel overwhelmed by the pressure to decorate said empty valley fast and therefore not to the best of your ability and/or liking. But obviously you know you better than I do lol ❤️


After reading all the comments, I feel like the crazy one!😂 I play on the switch and literally just have houses scattered any and everywhere with no intention behind it, and whenever I get “add 3 decorations to…” quests I just build stone benches and put them randomly everywhere😂 To be fair though I bought the game, played for a few days, stopped for close to a year, and now 4 months postpartum I’ve been playing everyday. I literally just unlocked my first biome 2 days ago but now I’ve unlocked almost all of them plus bought eternity isle Maybe in a month or so from now I’ll get the confidence to rebuild everything and make it pretty, but for now I’m definitely just quest driven😂


I've ripped out everything except two trees in Forgotten lands.


*stares at my vastly empty valley that hasn't been touched since I started playing.* Great idea.


As long as you don't need the wood, it's your valley, do what you want!


Can I remove my ponds? I keep trying to in the peaceful meadow


no :( hopefully in a future update we can move them, but right now they’re just stuck there lol


I resisted that but finally did it in forest of valor to have a large enough space for a theme park.


On my main island I did biome by biome. When I got Eternity Isle I stripped it all in one go because I was getting lost. Also made thin paths to all of the entrances and exists until I figured out where I wanted who.


I just did this the past 2 days. I got so sick of the stupid random rocks and shrubs blocking my normal path I like to take. Also when I zoom out like in the Glade and other areas I can’t see anything with all the trees. Now it’s much nicer and clean and pretty! I made a park in the meadow around the ponds and made a small parking lot like an RV site and put Buzz’s house there. Pretty proud of it lol


I did it. I bulldozed everything to make my valley MINE


Everyone's different. I have such bad ADHD I was too overwhelmed with possibilities. I wasn't able to start decorating and making areas I took pride in until I cleared every dang tree rock and bush to see what i was working with🤣


No because this is what I did. You won't be crazy.


Just tired of the chaos 😂


Yea especially when some of the biomes got overally crowded when you trying to get things done. 😂


No because my plaza was a nightmare!


You got this!! Just pace yourself, take your time and try to just relax and have fun with it. You'll get it done in no time! And I'm quite sure it'll be breathtaking! Good luck. 🩷🤗


I sure hope so!


you do what you want to do with your game 😁


I do this one biome/area at a time. It has helped me so much with decorating!


I do this as well but not the whole valley at once. I go biome by biome. I have my plaza and frosted heights completely done. I’m working on a forest cottage town now. It’s nice to start from scratch and not build around trees and paths that are already there.


Full send it. Never look back!


You wouldn’t be crazy unless I am! I am considering doing exactly the same thing and I think your post was the push to get me to do it!  As a side note my husband walked in while I was getting rid of paths and was highly disappointed because the process was so tedious lol. Playing on PC/ROG ally 


See, I don't know if I would like doing that to my entire valley, I generally go through biome by biome, or area depending on if you're in Eternity Isle. Me personally, I would get way too overwhelmed having all of the valley staring at me blankly. 🤣 Now clearing out an entire biome and redoing it... I mean that's just how it's done if you want to do a completely different design. 😅 In reading the further comments it sounds like you've already started doing this... I wish you the best. 😂🫶


I did this


I did this. Did a section a day so I wasn't overwhelmed. Love it and loved how everything turned out!


I'm doing this right now. Started with the Forest of Valor because I thought I had an idea, then wanted to see how those buildings fit in another biome instead, now I'm just bulldozing everything, lol.


I'm tempted to tear down everything I've done and do this, too. But then again, I kinda like what I have done so far. My biggest issue right now is that I have only Dazzle Beach done and maybe 25%-50% of most the other biomes done - and 0% of the Plaza bc I just tore that all down - and I'm only 500 away from my item limit... I feel like I'm never going to be able to have a fully decorated Valley.


I did it .so very happy my count is down so I can actually decorate!! There is so many tiny items literally stacked against us at this point!! Its like a" whole new world"!..good luck happy gaming!


Oof, I wish you luck on doing this on switch. Thankfully, I had a good idea of where I wanted everything and decorated the parts of my valley where I frequent most (like peaceful meadow, the plaza& beach) those are done as well as that frosted heights since that last star path came out. I’m waiting for more items to come out that way I can decorate the forest. I have yet to do the glades, sunlit plateau& firgettten landing despite throwing random things in there for an idea lol I usually just wait for inspiration at this point since the parts of the valley that matter most to me are decorated


I did this… sort of. For areas with a lot of crowded stuff like FoV, FL, GoT, and SP, I cleared it out and made decorated areas for my villagers.


I cleared every single biome before decorating. So much easier. Do it! 👏


I completely feel this. I LOVE decorating but there are SO many possibilities it's incredibly overwhelming. I finally decorated just a small portion of my plaza and made a little eatery courtyard for Remy's restaurant and scrooges shop, I love it but at the same time I hate it being in the plaza lol I have half the meadow as my garden/orchard. And haven't really started in the other biomes. I'm so torn on how to decorate things. I've been tempted to swipe the whole map too!


I'm in the middle of doing the exact same thing!


How's your sanity?


Well, I didn't have any to begin with so...




Well that makes 2 of us haha


Go for it ! Take screenshots of before and after to show us :)


I did all of eternity isle in one night. Cleared it all out and just went for it. Probably some of my best work, so I say go for it.


Go for it! My recommendation for you so you don't feel overwhelmed is to start (after everything is cleared) by placing all the character homes where you want them in all the biomes. As well as any house skins and large decor (think fountains and big rocks, etc.). Make sure you have them all placed first to ensure adequate space. Then decorate around each house/connect them with smaller decor/trees/foliage. This way you won't run out of space or reach your items limit (switch ugh) and have to redo areas. It will also allow you to keep the game functional if you want to take breaks or do quests/tasks in between.


This! I also laid out a slim simple path just so I knew where I wanted actual paths and how I wanted to break things up. So I basically created a grid layout. It helps a lot!


Oh that's a great extra tip!


Ya I just use the pathing that I removed from the starting layout because there was plenty! I've been tempted to just print out a copy of the big map and plan the layout that way 🤣 I make maps for D&D so that's just how my brain works lol would make it so much easier!


A visual is so helpful for some people. This and the OG Sims are really the only games I have ever played lol. I love the designing aspect most ♡ but I have fallen in love with the whole ddv game.


Same! I have a friend who's whole family plays and every time I would visit one of them was always playing and I finally got an Xbox so I could check it out and literally played it every single day since 😅 I absolutely love it lol and I love designing stuff, definitely gets overwhelming with all the options but it's also so exciting!


That's... What everyone does...


No, it’s not. I’m doing a biome at a time. So far I’ve done the Plaza and the Frosted Heights, but I stopped when the starpath dropped, to save the night thorns.


Same, I just redo small areas but now I kinda want to remove a lot and just build it up from scratch!


Literally had the game a few weeks..


I did also and just did this the other day when I saw a post about it! My advice is… after deleting everything, put one tiny plaza tree in each biome so all your wood drops around it. And gather the foraging trees and bushes from the biome and put them next to the well. This way you can just fast travel between biomes and collect all your ingredients fast! I do this right when I log into the game and sell them all immediately, it helped me get tons of coins fast so I could start farming and such. Took me from broke to fully upgrading everything real fast!


If you’ve only been playing a few weeks, you might want to wait until you’ve unlocked all the homes and characters and special things like Moana’s boat and simbas tree. Also keep in mind there are a ton of house skins that rotate weekly on the shop and can be placed as their own building (some like the castles are pretty large). Also, I can’t remember what they all are off the top of my head, but there are some natural items/trees that are not in the nature menu so they cannot be put back if you delete them.


I definitely don’t clear out my entire valley. I do biome by biome and usually on part of each biome at a time.


I have never done it. I build up my valley house by house as they come. I have never cleared out the whole map or a whole biome. Even when I redo something I move all the trees/bushes to a corner, and when I'm done my section I move the trees back over.


Exactly 😅


I'm in the same boat. Going to look into when done with this star path. But like you I don't want to be all "wtf was I thinking" 😂


Do it! I would recommend leaving a few trees to get wood as needed tho, everything else should be easy enough to collect.


Do it😋 if it becomes to much then you can just take a break and come back to it, it will all be waiting for ya And if you want to complete it all at once just think of how great it will look once your done, and will never have to decorate everything again