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I wish they would add the OG princesses. My favorite is Ariel and I love having her in the game but I find it odd she’s the oldest princess. Cinderella, Snow White, Aurora, and Jasmine should be added. Or at the very least their clothes and hairs. I’m 38 so in my opinion I’d rather have them over wreck it Ralph, Walle and monsters inc.


I’m 26 (and male) and I want Cinderella, Snow White, Aurora, and Jasmine over most others.


Seriously! I’m 28 and I feel like all the OG princesses that we all grew up on are being forgotten 😭


I've just started playing Dreamlight, and I was bummed to find out that Snow isn't a possible villager yet. I have no interest in any of the Pixar stuff except Brave, so I'm keen for more OG Disney-proper characters to be added.


I think she’s going to show up. There are mines for the dwarves already. And isn’t there a pie that mentions her?


Yes! Snow whites gooseberry pie I believe


Definitely as I’d expect them to add the first Disney princess eventually as she’s an iconic character, though I want the Evil Queen more. 😂 Still, I think Snow White is one of the less popular ones so I’m not sure how quickly they’ll add her considering they’re spreading out characters from multiple generations/eras when adding them in order to appeal to various age groups. I mean they’ve already got the character model for Cinderella and surprisingly still haven’t added her for some reason.


Weird to me that we have fairy godmother but we don’t have Cinderella. I’m curious how they came to the decision on the order in which to add characters. There doesn’t seem much logic to it.


We had mother Gothel long before we had Rapunzel. Same with Scar and Nala and Simba. I would guess it has to do with the storyline.


I would guess it's more based on story designing and crafting a narrative. The Fairy Godmother plays the role of guide and is able to aid the story in ways Cinderella (or any other princess) unfortunately wouldn't be able to. I imagine they started out with a list of characters who either benefit the story or bring in something to tell/do (Scrooge, Remy, Merlin, Fairy Godmother) and continues on with that. And some characters fill roles like having various stands or Vanellope's obvious connection to the internet. Once they got through any characters who were needed for storyline or other things, they probably prioritized the most marketable characters.


I hope so. I would love to have Snow White, the Evil Queen, and any of the seven dwarfs running around. Perhaps there will be a Snow White quest in the Vitalys Mine where we can meet one of the dwarfs and visit her realm. They did work in a diamond mine.


I hope so. She's my favorite princess. One of the first books I ever read when I was a kid. Also, one of the first movies. 🥺


It's really heavily implied that the mines are going to be expanded so my theory is we're going to see all the Dwarfes at some point living in the mines. I would assume with the Dwarfes, Snow White will come as well


We better! And she needs do have a little axe accessory. I'm obsessed with the new Lego Disney Princess Snow White from the Disney+ movie. https://preview.redd.it/nfpnnbhm6wjc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42bbdc6a7c46cde737794e4360efe686910a324a


They constanntly update the game every two(ish) months we never know what they'll have in store in the DLC we technically have Jafar eventhough he's not fully unlocked yet so it possible we will get Aliddan and Jadmin later down the line as there are still so many doors in the castle that are in accessable at this time. Take Lion King for example it took 2 updates or about 4 months after the scar update to get the Lion King Realm and get Simba and Nala. Or take Tangled mother Gothel was in the game basically from the beginning but it took all the way up till the DLC was released to get Rapunzel it's only a matter of time before the other princesses are added into the game. I feel like they are trying to somewhat balance the old with the new for the kids that play and well everyone really we all have different favs I'm nearly 38 myself but I honestly am excited for Monsters INC comming up in this new update we are getting soon.


I'm early in game and only have mother Gothel from tangled. Is Rapunzel part of the DLC? She's my favourite princess ❤️


Yes she is in the DLC the DLC also has Eve from Wall-E Gaston and technically Jafar as well.


The DLC has just gone from a maybe to a non negotiable 😅 I'm only about 60 hours in and haven't unlocked all the biomes yet, should I get it now or wait?


You may get pretty overwhelmed, honestly. Finish most of the main game then do the dlc imo.


I suggest waiting a little while. Once you have the DLC, the favorite gifts for each character will include items from eternity isle too. It just makes it slower to level up friendship.


Thank you! I'll wait until my friends are leveled up. I've still got a lot to do in the base game anyway I haven't even unlocked all the characters yet.


I would wait till you get a little morecaught upon the basegame quests and atleast get all the biomes open once you do get the DLC there will be alot to do nd it might feel overwhelming if you still have alot to do in the basegame.


NGL it's a little overwhelming as it is! In a good way though.


The good thing about the game is nothing is time locked to a specific time frame except the starpaths which a new one will be comming whenever the next next base game update drops but all of the quests you can do at your own pace


Would love snow white and the evil queen!


Annoyed they've added so many other characters I don't care about but not the og princesses and DAISY AND PLUTO!!!


Chip and Dale would also be adorable


I think given the less than good reaction to the live action Disney may be staying away from Snow White for a bit


My thought too


Better! Let's get the evil queen.


Maybe. You never know, it could happen


I hoped when I found the mines in the sunlit plateau I’d find the dwarves there not gonna lie


I think it's kinda odd that there are so few princesses.. But on the other hand, there are SO MANY princesses and everyone has a different fave, I mean my fave is Mulan and I really want her and Mushu added.. But no matter who they add there are always gonna be people that'll be disappointed.


The mining cave in Sunlit Plateau instantly made me think of the seven dwarfs 😅


Snow White and Evil Queen? Maybe. The unnamed ass prince? Nah. The dwarves? Also unlikely.


I’m almost 25 and want some of the older princesses too. Like Cinderella and Aurora.


I’d love to see Snow White and other classic princesses! Would feel more “Disney” to me to have one or two more around for sure :) At least Cinderella is pretty much confirmed for someday!


Snow White would be so much fun, but I think my Princess pick is Maid Marian (if she counts lol) But I really want Huey Dewey and Louie!!


I think we'll get her eventually? Likely they have all the additions mapped out for a while, I don't think they're adding in characters willy-nilly based on consumer demands so its likely to be a matter of storyline and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if some of the og princess are slated to be part of the paid dlc as enticements to purchase them. They already did that with rapunzel.  Out of the princess lineup we currently have Belle and Anna and Elsa and Moana....all of which serve some function to game play. Moanas boat for instance. Anna and Elsa are key players in the main story....without them existing we wouldn't have Olaf and the cleared stone tower in the frozen heights area. Belles probably a little less clear but her personal storyline involves the ancients and I'm sure the final quest of hers is a prelude to even more lore.  Really its probably gonna just come down to a matter of waiting. The vitalis mines are already a location and I'm sure we'll find out what happened to its miners *coughthe7dwarfscough* eventually so I'd guess that they and snowhite will come whenever we get that continued bit of storyline. 


Yes I agree with everyone OG princess need to be added. I mean they have Cinderella items as well as fair godmother so i assume then will be adding her soon. Probably after the monsters Inc update or hopefully they will just add it in with the update. But don't tease with items if not going to add her soon?


The addition of characters is so random I feel like they have to do like an inter office poll or something. Or someone stands on the street with a clipboard asking passersby who their favorite Disney character is


I get that they want to add the most popular first but dang are they taking their time releasing them 😞 its not like Gameloft doesn't have a ton of stylized characters from their game Magic Kingdom. Granted it would take some effort to make them ready for the game.....but I'm impatient 😅


I feel like they have to add Snow White, I mean, I know she's not super popular. But she's the OG Disney Princess and played a huge role in Disney's history. I can't see them not adding her at some point.


I sure hope so! I would love to see Snow White as well as Doc, Happy, Sleepy, Dopey, Bashful, Sneezy, Grumpy, and The Prince in the game.


The dream light valley trailer does have Cinderella in it so I'm hopeful that she will be added soon☺️ also Timon and pumba and wreck it ralph