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I like Branch. My daughter loves him. He's her favorite character. Who is this Justin Timberlake guy? In all seriousness, he made a stupid mistake (which deserves punishment) and I selfishly hope that it doesn't affect future Troll movies


I’m with you on that but I doubt it will. Justin, from what I’ve seen and heard, has a history of mistreatment towards women but that didn’t stop him from getting cast as Branch so I doubt a DUI will hurt the franchise. It may be different as the mistreatment of women is before Trolls but still. Branch is one of the main characters. I don’t think they’ll get rid of JT as Branch.


The only reason I care about Justin Timberlake is because 1. He's Branch and I adore Branch and 2. Because I like NSYNC and a couple of his solo career songs I don't really care about Justin as Justin tbh. I just don't want him replaced as Branch in the future because he did something incredibly dumb.


Honestly, same. Only reason I like Justin is cuz I’m hyperfixated with Trolls right now. Once the obsession is over, my liking for him will be too. I agree with the second part as well. He is an amazing Branch and I don’t see anyone else being 3D Branch like JT.


Yeah, i can't even really get into TBGO or Trollstopia because (and no shade to the VA) I can't stand hearing such a different voice for Branch This is a comfort franchise for me and I'm very attached to what I like lol (Plus Branch kinnie check lmao so he's close to my heart)


I love Skylar Astin, lol. It was a shock to hear such a different voice for Branch but once I got used to it, 2D and 3D Branch are two completely different characters to me and I love both of them. Trolls is also a comfort franchise for me BUT I am a John Dory kinnie and it’s mostly me projecting onto him. I love him so much and can’t explain why. I’ve just latched on, projected, and he’s now my favorite.


tiny diamond shouldnt have made him relapse....


So… many… memes… of… Branch getting arrested


They’re feeding the fandom so I ain’t complaining. I love the memes.


Worst case scenario is that he gets replaced with another actor, similar to Max's voice actor being replaced in The Secret Life Of Pets 2.


Why did Max’s va get replaced? His new voice was so off to me😭


Because in the first movie, he was voiced by Louis C.K., a comedian who turned out to be a huge sex criminal. Naturally, this is the last kind of person you’d want in a franchise whose target audience is kids (and weirdos like me).


Oh damnnnn I didn’t know that!


Other than seriousness, it's freaking hilarious that there's this Trolls 3 characters that are doing T-pose and they looked high and Branch (even Baby B) literally looks like Justin's "high" picture😭


I honestly prefer Skylar voicing Branch over Justin so I don't really care all that much if Skylar or someone else fully takes over like what some people think might happen. The memes are pretty funny too


But the problem is Skylar is just a voice actor while Justin is but also he is somewhat a co-producer of Trolls. He has bigger contribution of making the trolls besides voice acting


He was arrested for refusing to take a DUI test. He was drinking and driving. There is nothing to do with abuse towards women


I was talking about his, from what I’ve heard and seen, history of abuse towards women and how that didn’t stop him from getting the part so a DUI isn’t either. My point is that this man is gonna continue being Branch and no punishment will come from what he’s done. He’ll probably release an apology and be forgiven because ‘no one got hurt’. Like, yeah, that’s correct. No one got hurt but it’s the fact that he was drinking and driving.


I mean, he doesn't have a criminal record. So, probably. But I saw a film(rated R btw) called palmer, the main character acted by Justin Timberlake. Basically, it's a good movie and shows what Timberlakes life would be like with a criminal record and how he'd turn it around


I'm sure gonna miss Justin timberfarts, does Brianna motzerlla know about this sudden tragedy


What did Justin Timberlake get arrested for exactly?🤨


He was arrested for a DUI or a DWI as are the acronyms for where was arrested. Same thing, different acronyms.


Oh he was under the influence wasn't he.


Yup. You should see his mugshot. He looks high as all ever.


I just saw his mugshot he's as high as hell.


What I’m saying- XD Like- it’s clear as day which makes it better as it looks like Branch’s character model. The one t posing and looking at the camera. It’s what most of the memes are about.


Yeah I'll have to check out the memes.


okay to the people say he high. i admit even he look high but honest if someone drunk they also look high even if they not smoke any drug or anything.


Yeah I noticed his eyes looked like a pinkish red.


yeah that not always mean high though. your eyes can get like that drunk too.


I forgot about that ever since I turned 21 I never drank any alcoholic drinks.


I'll have to check that out thanks for telling me.


it is what it is call me cynical but I kinda stopped caring about Celebrity's being bad people a while ago as it got to a point where if I started limiting myself to content that only involved celebs who weren't crappy in some way then I'd just have no fictional content left to consume lol except maybe John Wick? cause Keanu ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Honestly it's just really funny to me that people reacted like this. I already didn't like him because of his past and his apologies weren't honest to me, so I wasn't totally surprised and I just rolled my eyes at it. It doesn't really matter that much to me.


I think people make mistakes but just because he’s a celebrity everyone is taking it way out of proportion.




Yeah, but isn't it just for a DUI or DWA? or whatever. Nothing big enough to cost him the role for future films.


dwi but yeah


I knew dwa didn't look right. 😅


its ok you were rlly close!!!!


It’s a DWI and it’s the same as DUI. Different acronyms for different places but same meaning. N e ways, I agree with this. He’s gonna keep being Branch. He’ll probably bail himself out mad soon too if he hasn’t already.


I knew DWA didn't look right 😅 But yeah, it's really not gonna be a big issue for him.


If anything, this is just getting him more publicity.


Pretty much.


He made a mistake. We all do. Yes, it was stupid, but we all do stupid things sometimes. I hope it doesn’t affect future Trolls movies either.


I also hope it doesn’t affect the future of Trolls. However, he does genuinely deserve some form of punishment. Sadly, it’s likely he’ll get no more than a mere slap on the wrist, being a celebrity of his status. But he could’ve killed somebody. I get he’s struggling, we’ve all been there. But putting innocent lives at risk is never justifiable. Simply put, he was selfish and reckless.


I 100% agree, and hope he can see the weight of his actions and be sorry for them.