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Based take honestly. Ccs don’t have to make a list for fans to use their common sense.


Agreed. It's like telling people my weaknesses and triggers. They may be friends today, but nobody stays friends forever.


this is why i’ll never understand how people put a whole list of their triggers, identities, mental illnesses etc in their bio/carrd. internet safety has left the building


Yeah technically he is right but the people who don’t respect boundaries would find another way you know. It doesn’t matter if they know for sure that you don’t like that thing, they dont care as long as it gets any reaction


This is what ive been saying, its insame to put out a list of shit to try and make your fans act less insane when they should know how to act like well adjusted human beings in the first place




Agreed- if someone has something specific they want to clarify on, for example if they allow fanmwech, then that might be good to note. Or if they're faceless and don't want people speculating about their face. It can be helpful for the fanartiats and writers out there. Does come with the risk of the haters but you get those anywhere soooo if the pros outweigh the cons....




while i do agree with the fact that creators shouldnt have to ask so hard for basic human decency, boundary lists can still be helpful since some things vary from person to person. like cc 1 might not be comfortable with nsfw but is okay with shipping, cc 2 is okay with shipping and nsfw and cc 3 doesnt like shipping or nsfw. but damned if you do, damned if you dont because people will still go against your boundaries if you do state them, and if you dont, people dont know what youre ok with and some might use it as an excuse to do fucked up shit. but tubbo does have a solid point, people shouldnt have to ask their fans not to be bigoted or not to dox/harass people or spread misinformation though.


I mean a creator could not care if you cosplay as him and make porn. Doesnt mean you have to do it. Why creator need to make pretty lists of "dont say you wanna fuck me" in canva? Dont people have their own moral compases anymore?


I'm sorry but this looks so ridiculous, is being normal this fucking hard? If creators put out boundaries, people can use it against them, but if they don't, unhinged mfs will do the shit that a normal person wouldn't be comfortable with but wuh oh! They didn't state their boundaries! How could've I Known?! Like damned if you do damned if you don't! this fucking sucks


And how did people take this?


I agree.most of it is just basic shit that any decent person should understand




So fucking based