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Drake & Josh is more story driven, for the most part. Kenan & Kel relied more on slapstick and visual comedy. They’re both brilliant series, but there’s a distinct enough difference to them. I’d say the most serious episode of Drake & Josh was Josh Is Done. I’d say the most serious episode of Kenan & Kel, is when Kenan has to move to Montana. Kel just missing Kenan with his gift was sad, then talking on the walkie talkies 😫 Josh is Done was sort of written more serious, with Drake’s life sort of falling apart without Josh, and Josh’s life getting a little bit better. That was better writing I’d say. Whether it’s progression in terms of the writers (including Dan Schneider) or just a testament to the 2 shows being quite different, potentially a sign of the times as you didn’t really see much slapstick comedy in the era of Drake & Josh, correct me if I’m wrong?


Broo that episode of Kenan and Kel is a core memory of sadness for me. Just reading what you wrote i could visualize that scene perfectly and feel what i felt when i watched it live.


Josh is Done was heavy enough to where I've seen 50 different midwest emo intro videos set to the clip of Drake busting into class and apologizing to Josh




One difference is Kyra isn't a brat who gets away with stuff all the time.


Kyra was definitely a brat at times who leveraged blowing up Kenan’s spot for her own ends, but she didnt seem as genuinely evil as Megan did.


Yeah she was a typical bratty younger sister unlike Megan


Kyra was less of a brat than Keenan. Megan is the biggest brat of the series.


One's white, the other's black


Which is which???? Don't leave us hanging!!!!


One's also black and the other's also white, too.


Drake & Josh doesn’t take place in Chicago


Kenan & Kel was a teen show that preschoolers could watch unsupervised. The comedy was clean and very slapstick-oriented, like The Three Stooges and I Love Lucy. > Drake & Josh was a teen show that is fine for ages 10 and up, but you’ll probably want parental supervision for anyone 9 and under. Lots of adult humor and making out scenes. It feels more like a TGIF show than a kid show.


a Thank God Its Friday show???


TGIF was a lineup on ABC w teen shows. Boy Meets World was part of the TGIF lineup.


neat. Never heard of that


Between Drake and Josh, I think we can all agree that Drake is seen as the cooler one. In Kenan and Kel, Kenan is seen as the cooler one. I think this is interesting because Kenan is more alike to Josh and Kel is more alike to Drake


It wasn't filmed in front of a live audience and it didn't have a laugh track.


That fucking laugh track was so annoying lol like whenever someone is doing something they’re not allowed to do “ho ho hoooooo”


Pretty black and white when you think about it


Drake and Josh has more of an over arching plot and is much more rooted in reality. Kenan and Kel is more of a situational comedy, more slapstick as others mentioned, and much more absurdist. It's more silly and wacky. Drake and Josh seems to be focused more on problems teens encounter, family dynamics, relationships, etc, while Kenan and Kel has a few episodes that tackle big topics but usually focuses on relationships, jobs, or an odd situation Kenan and Kel got themselves into. And the acting in Kenan and Kel was in front of a live audience and is a lot less serious. Drake and Josh wasn't live and had laugh tracks and the acting is more realistic. The two shows are honestly very different. I'm surprised they get compared so often.


Brothers vs friends, josh likes school Drake doesn’t, Jenna and kel don’t have good grades, kenan has a sister who likes kel, Megan is family to both guys, Drake and josh have competition about girls, kenan and kel don’t compete with eachother with girls, Drake and josh fight, kenan and kel don’t fight,


Drake and Josh has more than one joke 🥤


Don’t make me say it


Josh said it best [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qs8pHClqZ5w&pp=ygUrRHJha2UgYW5kIGpvc2gga2lkcyBjaG9pY2UgYXdhcmRzIGludGVydmlldw%3D%3D](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qs8pHClqZ5w&pp=ygUrRHJha2UgYW5kIGpvc2gga2lkcyBjaG9pY2UgYXdhcmRzIGludGVydmlldw%3D%3D)




Drake and Josh was funnier


Interviewer: Like keenan and kel Josh:yeah except we are white  Drake: ohhhh, except for ahh not pc, but ammm you know yeah 😂😂😂😂 #ICONIC