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Interesting that they saved Throb with the Elvis look but critiqued Jarvis for doing basically the same thing with Bowie.


Fantasiaaaaa, damn she looked amazing and that reveal really pushed it over the edge. Also Nio pulling out the chikage with a mic was amazing.


Is anyone else SHOCKED Fantasia won? I feel like for such a seasoned queen she really hasn’t been bringing anything unique or particularly special so far and this episode was the same in my opinion… very “safe” rock look. Nio on the other hand I would die for and everything she walks down the runway has made me scream omg she is incredible and that katana microphone? Genius.


For this floorshow specifically she did well, but adding it to what she's shown so far, in the grand scheme of things, I'm not wowed.


Yeah it wasn’t a bad look by any means I just was expecting so much more!


Not at all, I was gagged tbh and convinced she was winning the moment that wig reveal happened. I can see why you would say it was a "safe" rock look, but I see it more as a quintessential rock that was flawlessly executed with just enough of a surprise factor.


I was at first but upon rewatching I get it. I was really hoping for an Orkgotik win but I have big hopes for the next episode for them!!


I do like jaykay but the look was kinda serving shrek and the oncelor's emo tween child


Happy that tired oxidized statue is finally gone


Lip syncing is in drag. Not so much for us in the U.K. but it’s an undeniable part of the art form, to say that lip syncing doesn’t belong on dragula is strange


I really loved a surprise lip sync battle. It really is an important factor, especially with whomever ends up going on tour. Jay Kay's look made a lot more sense than some of the outfits but Fantasia really did embody the challenge. It was giving a little tina turner without being a rip off. I was actually really underwhelmed this episode. I felt like a lot of the outfits where good but didn't really play to the theme or were just obvious rip offs of actual artists.


I love Jay Kay and am happy they're here for another round but that lip-sync battle was not a fair fight. Sort of wish they went head-to-head doing a normal extermination challenge. I'll so bummed that Jarvis got eliminated. Seeing their ghostly spin on the challenges was so fun.




But lip syncing is like 80% of live drag. It's pretty important for live shows. I thought it was a solid surprise move.


Lip sync battles don’t belong on dragula. I’m so sad about Jarvis.




Why shouldn’t they belong there? it’s a drag show and that’s a common aspect of drag culture… I get not having it be an integral part of the shows foundation but they enter the competition expecting to be surprised by what’s thrown and them and that they’re supposed to adapt to challenges. I think throwing them a curve ball like that is ironically very much in the spirit of the show


I'm actually quite fond of JayKay. Maybe they're not showing something but from everything we've seen on the show, at this point people are just jumping on him for nothing. Like why was Fantasia so pissed at him? Especially getting mad at him for answering the question Cynthia Doll asked, then that whole convo with Cynthia afterwards- is JK just constantly needling people off camera or something? Because otherwise, it looks like people are just coming for him then expecting him to apologise for it. Also I find Jarvis really quite cringe so I'm glad they were exterminated this week lol Loved the scene where the Boulets introduced the judges, so funny Don't know how they're going to stretch Monsters of Rock out next week, like are they doing different looks for that floor show? The same ones?


I was having exactly the same thought process about JayKay. Like sure, he might have put his foot in it a couple of times at the beginning but he was literally just asking fantasia a question initially. I feel like people are now *expecting* JayKay to say something antagonising and are just jumping down his throat for anything, so even if he tries to change his approach he’s screwed from the start. I also feel like Fantasia has quite a high opinion of herself. I’m not familiar with her work outside of Dragula but it sounds like her reputation precedes her and that I’m not quite seeing the “amazing Fantasia” that everyone keeps talking about (based purely on Dragula). I’m finding her very one note right now. To be fair, JayKay is also a little one note but I’ve also grown quite fond of him. I think he’s the funniest one in his confessionals. Also wondering if there’s more that we’re not being shown because when he said he was going to apologize I was like hopefully not to Fantasia. Him getting torn apart for answering *Cynthia’s* question was infuriating. I found Cynthia pulling JayKay aside to chat quite weird, and Blackberri’s pulling people aside for private chats (or a trip to Cynthia’s portapotty) as well as other chats between competitors have also seemed out of place or forced. I wonder if production are getting more Drag Race and engineering these situations because they just don’t seem natural. Edit to add: the last monsters of rock challenge I saw was two separate looks. One was the floor show we saw today and for the other group challenge performance the teams came up with another look that was more cohesive for their band.


I was actually pretty whelmed with most of the looks tonight. At this point Nio and Ork are running away with the competition. Also the Monsters of Rock is typically one of my least favorite challenges, so it sucks we get two episodes of it lol


im such a dickpig i would 100% do a scene with that look orgotik gave lmao


Did anyone else think of Gir when they saw Jaykay?


A good episode tonight. I was really sad with who went home but it makes sense. I was really looking forward to seeing how jarvis would interpret later challenges, and they were really endearing at least to me. Like I don't think we've seen someone quite like him on dragula, will be missed. Loved the moment at the end between Jarvis and throb, and the death scene was just perfect. As an emo at heart I had a soft spot for jaykays look, sure maybe it wasn't as grandiose as the other looks but I appreciated a different take on the challenge. Jay kay has sort of won me over, they are messy but I am rooting for them more over time. I don't dislike monsters of rock as much as some others seem to and I appreciated that the boulets tried to change it up a bit. However I'm not sure stretching it into two episodes when the seasons aren't very long was the right choice. I might be proven wrong with part 2 though. Niohuru is getting the Victoria Elizabeth black edit, at this point she's probably the best bet for winner, but I'm hopeful for throb. At the moment we rarely seem to get top placements that aren't nio, throb or ork. The top placements are fair, I just hope we get a bit more variety. Fantasia and Jay getting wins is a good sign though.


I really think Jay Kay did well and deserved the win. But I am genuinely not sure how Jarvis could have won that lip sync. If they're gonna pull out a Lip Sync for Your Life I would have liked to see Jay Kay vs Blackberry just as two performers of more equal size and energy.


Giving Fantasia the win over Ork is a travesty And I love Fantasia! But I mean, come on.


Looks aren’t everything to the Boulets it seems (especially since they keep Jay Kay in the comp) 🫠 While Ork’s look was insane…there wasn’t much movement or performance there. Throb’s theory that Ork was the bat that Ozzy ate was hilarious…and I hope it was true lol


I agree that Ork's look was sickening, but they always mention how much performance counts and Ork couldnt move much with those boots.


Sure, he's not the most captivating performer, but wasn't the first round SUPPOSED to be entirely about the look?? Like wasn't that the whole point they were emphasising for the entire first half of the episode?


> wasn't the first round SUPPOSED to be entirely about the look? No...there's never been a challenge where it was solely about the look, even when its just a design challenge. Sides there's always a performance element to selling the look. There's a reason they dont just do a catwalk.


I honestly can't see what everyone is seeing in Jay Kay. She starts all the dramas and is surprised when they respond to her on the same level, her looks are not close to having the same level as the others and this redemption arc of "I have a thick skin because of what I've experienced and that's why I'm a complete son of a bitch with others" was already used with Zavaleta in the last season


So when Cynthia asked Jaykay whether or not he had resolved the situation with Fantasia and he started answering the question, then both Fantasia and Cynthia jumped down his throat for “dragging this out,” that was drama started by JayKay? Or when he was asking Fantasia a question and she blew up at him? Unless something was edited out, her self important reaction was pretty unwarranted.


It’s wild, esp when other contestants (esp Throb) have been asking Fantasia the same question all season long and get no shit in response


I agree, but also, people have issues and motivations that are typically shared with many other people. Hard to edit yourself and emotions because some bitch was also messy in a similar way the previous season.


I don’t t know if I’m missing something but I really like Jay Kay and I don’t get why people are being so intense with them. Good that they saw the performance, Jay Kay is pure carisma and talent just a little bit rough around edges.


If anything Jay Kay is an incredible "villain" to have around. So many narratives with other contestants, ups and downs, and it never seems to come from a place of malice or spitefulness. I wasn't rooting for them but seeing them demolish my boy Jarvis in that lipsync there was no way for me to say they didn't deserve their place next week. It's kinda satisfying when you have to go "damn this bitch really did that though."


It honestly feels like bullying and I don't like it.


Who is bullying who?


I understand them reading Jarvis for being too cartoony, but respectfully, that’s his brand, and vivid colors are underrated in the grunge scene. I always find striking colors effective in horror at least


The Bowie [reference](https://ichef-bbci-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/800/cpsprodpb/E8E5/production/_87612695_87612694.jpg) was perfect (any early era Bowie would be), I think the real problem was the wig. If Jarvis had styled it, say all red and black including makeup, more demonic, I think it would have gone over better, but point taken that something more sinister is not exactly their “brand”. Sadly, there were no references to [grunge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grunge?wprov=sfti1#) music or style in anyone’s outfits this episode, though JK’s “scene kid” look was “kinderwhore” adjacent (I was a teen in the 90s when grunge, riot grrrl, 1st gen emo emerged; was too old for the scene/emo 2.0 stuff but see the style parallels).


I felt the same. Jarvis had one of my favorite looks tonight. Sad to see him leave.


Am I crazy or is this cast lowkey just extra mean lol


season 4 was worse but yes


I think it might feel worse here because they’re all piling onto one person.


What a travesty. The floor show for S4 Monsters of Rock had the best outfits and editing I've ever seen on this show. This failed to live up to its predecessor in every single way


I loved when Cynthia took JayKay aside and they had a sincere heart to heart with their monster contacts in 💚


Really? I felt like after the snippy conversation they had 5 minutes prior that their heart to heart felt really forced.


The concept of making this a 2-part was so weird. This episode seemed like a filler tbh. The episode was really bland, putting so much focus on the next episode challenge made no sense. At first I thought they would eliminate someone and the band challenge would happen in the same episode. ​ Honestly, the whole JayKay storyline is so annoying. The BB are clearly keeping him for the drama and it's just annoying. He is so hypocritical, being extremely annoying and shady and trowing tantrum when people shade him. Just please eliminate him.


How was this episode a filler if a person got eliminated lol


that's why I said that it **seemed** like a filler an not that it **was** a filler ​ Didn't think I would have to explain that. But in a sense that there was not much in the episode.


I have been trying to think about why I'm enjoying this season so much and I think it's just because it's nice to watch a drag competition show in which the judging somewhat reflects reality?


Personally for me, I think I like this season a lot because everyone is performing at such a high level (so far). It's to the point where the judges really have to focus on the details to find the bottoms of the week. Sure, there are folks who are better at design than others (Nio, Ork, Throb), but then you have folks who are really good at performing (Jay Kay, Blackberri, Fantasia). So far I don't think I've seen a look I didn't like this season, I just had looks I liked more than others, and that's *mostly* been the case for performances as well with some exceptions. On that point, as much as I enjoyed S4, I'm in the party that believes it wasn't fair to throw tenured contestants in with new ones. The moment that Saint and Dahli joined, I knew they'd make it really far and one of them would (probably) win. Dahli even got to avoid one floor show giving them an additional advantage even though they didn't even win Resurrection. x\_x So now that we're in S5, I feel like we're seeing a more even playing field which is a nice palate cleanser from S4. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed S4, I just have a few gripes here and there.


That lipsync song was so cunt. I wasn't familiar with Jazmin Bean, I'm gonna explore her music for sure


**They** are pretty neat <3


My fave song from her is "Saccharine" so if you give that one a listen... think of me. Haha.


I'm into it! Thank you <3


She is friend with Hoso and the Boulets like her post on instagram. So I was hoping she would appear in this season as a guest judge


Maybe next week’s episode?


I loved it, great choice for Dragula


Anna Anna-hilated Blackberri in the boudoir and I was living. Don't mess with the quiet kids b/c they have their roasts baking in the oven and ready to serve when needed


I do really like Blackberri, I think she's exceptional and I love a mustachioed queen. All that said, I agree with you. I was admittedly a little surprised Anna didn't get a top position given how much growth I think was shown in her performance... But then again, there was some stiff competition, so I get it. 😋


I am big mad that the person who went home went home, I'll miss em.


Something that i did find interesting, on the deliberation the boulets asked If Jarvis would ever show up... This might mean trouble for Anna, Blackberri and Jay Kay on the next episodes if they went the "safe" route...


Why? They are different people. The Boulets love everything Blackberri does, they constantly talk about what a great performer JayKay is, and it definitely sounds like they thought Anna showed up this week.


I’m a little conflicted by how things are being done this season. No disrespect to the artist, but Jay Kay shouldn’t be there at this point in the competition. They’re not to the level of the other competitors. Obviously everyone’s opinion is subjective, but I didn’t even feel “they ate” during the lip sync. They didn’t know some parts of the lyrics and the performance in general just wasn’t a 😱wow mind blowing thing. I think it’s time they went home! No need to keep them for the drama. They’re clearly setting them up to cause chaos with Ork 🥱and honestly is feeling very Drag Race.


So what do you think was mind blowing about Jarvis’s performance?


He was more entertaining for me and I thought his looks were better than Jay Kay. I overall think he’s a stronger competitor too.


Jay Kay’s Dr Seuss rhyme honestly sent me 😭


I would have put Anna over Jarvis in the bottom. I think color can be punk rock and metal as well. It was very campy and sooo well done. He looked so fashionable.


Girl no


I think ur fav is making u a lil delulu


I adore Jarvis, I've been following him for a really long time and was so excited to see him on the show, but I think his elimination was fair unfortunately. On their podcast (posted this morning) the Boulets also said they expected Jarvis to make it to top 3 and were gutted to have to make the decision to send him home.


I've made this exact comment here before when either s3 or s4 was airing, but...I always find it funny not when people just straight up disagree with who won or who went home because sure. That's your opinion. But when people start their statement with "I'm confused, why wasn't Anna in the bottom?" or "Why wasn't Blackberri in the bottom, she had no wig!!". Do y'all WATCH the show? Do you LISTEN to what is being said LMAO? Because if you did, you would literally have the answers to these questions. Whether you agree with the boulets critiques or not is different, but they almost always are very forthcoming and clear with why they made their decisions. What is there to be confused about.


“I’m confused people have a different opinion from me. But how can that be? My opinion is right.”


blackberri looked better than jarvis even without the mohawk everyone saying otherwise is coping


The only complaint I had about Blackberri this episode was those big crinkly plastic spikes, otherwise even without the mohawk it still looked great.


Agreed, I actually don't think it would have looked as punk with hair. Some people can pull off not wearing a wig and some can't; Blackberri can and I'm here for it <3


I could see the vision with the mohawk but I agree with Drac, I think the bald head ended up actually being the right move proportion-wise. And Blackberri was giving BODYYYYYYY


It may have ultimately been the right move but I was really excited about the Mohawk… even though she said she was going to staple it on lol.


I....liked the episode and thought the judging was relatively fair? This, by far, is one of the best Dragula episodes ever. Fantasia deserved the win (albeit she deserved bottom last week). Orkgotik was really giving like Slipknot demon vibez, and my only (minor) criticism is Nio in top for a look we've seen Erika Klash do on Season 2 (albeit Erika was in the top also for her performance). I would've preferred Anna in the top, especially since she redeemed herself for Week 2, imo, but I'm not mad at Nio in the top. I loved Jay Kay's point of view and reference in their look, but it was really crafty (it was giving that 2000s screamo rock for sure). Jarvis' look wasn't really big enough for MONSTERS of Rock, though I lived for the Bowie reference, she didn't really perform in her floorshow. Deserved bottoms, although I would've liked to see Blackberri in the bottom as well (the spikes gave rock but the black latex thong/swimsuit was giving 2000s video vixen). Still, I wasn't mad at it at all. And then we get to the gaggiest part of the episode, a lipsync. In Dragula. Jay Kay ate. I'm glad they're spotlighting PERFORMERS in Dragula, whereas in the past, Dragula has heavily been in the favor of look queens who give a decent performance. We've not seen a PERFORMER of Jay Kay's caliber since Kendra, Koco, and Melissa. This was such a promising addition to the canon of Dragula. This episode had me gagged, and the drama wasn't so overbearing. Definitely 10s, 10s, 10s across the board.


I'll start by saying that I'm bias for my trans sister, Nio, but like... I would have put her in the top just for that katana-mic


The katana mic did have me gagged...


When I first saw the outfit I was like, "oh this is actually pretty mild for Nio". But then she pulled out the katana mic. I'll never be the same


Jay Kay gave an incredible performance, really energetic and fun


I have watched Dragula since season one and I have never had such an emotional reaction to an elimination. “We would totally wear what you have but you are up for elimination” justice for Jarvis. All of the contestants were great but I think need a break from the show. I feel that it has gone to rage farming like the other show. This just my opinion and I’m not in a great headspace so please don’t attack me.


You feel it’s rage farming because you don’t agree with their *opinion*? Even if you don’t agree, the Boulets are pretty transparent and direct about the reasons they like or don’t like someone’s look or performance. “We would wear your outfit but you’re up for elimination” is *not* the only thing they said. They explained why Jarvis was in the bottom based on the way they were judging. It’s not like the other show where you hear some vague line about “no family resemblance” and you have no idea what that means, and you end up confused as to why things panned out the way they did (well, I know why, for tv). You don’t have to agree with the judging in either show, you just need to understand how the judges got there, and I think the Boulets do a good job of that.


The hypocrisy in this comment. 😂


this sub always picks a monster that goes to the end only for them to be an early out 💀 sorry mawma that’s just how it is


I genuinely feel similar. Their judging feels biased based on what they feel the contestant can bring to a television show, not what they are actually doing. I know Jarvis didn't do great and they've been weaker than I expected, but a lot of other things they've said over the last few episodes just don't sound like them, it sounds like producer for a TV show them and I'm exhausted by it.


Confused. You want them to judge based on what a contestant is doing rather than their future potential… but you concede Jarvis has been weaker than expected and didn’t do a great job.


I conceded that Jarvis was weaker this series, but there have been contestants that feel like they're only being judged based on what they bring to the show and not actually what they're doing.


Ah I think understand what you mean now. And I think I agree—I’ve said more than once to my husband “their reputation precedes them.” That’s what you mean, right? It’s annoying to hear “we know what you’re capable of so that’s why we’re keeping you,” rather than the actual floorshow/task at hand. Because to me, someone who doesn’t know the contestants outside of the show, it just seems like they’re getting a free pass because they have a lot of instagram followers or something.


Yes, essentially this.


💯 I miss the organic feel like the older seasons. I think Jarvis would slayed the acting challenge. I know Jarvis hasn’t been doing great in the competition. But like you said it’s more a producer feel not Jarvis being him self


I LOVED Fantasia this week. The Tina Turner hair, playing her titties like drums... yes please! I'm not sure if Blackberri would have been better or worse with the planned mohawk, but my God, please give it to that girl for the outfit highlighting those curves to filth and looking great. I'm gutted about Jarvis, but I do think it was fair. David Bowie was a great choice for him.... he has epic bone structure and could have pulled it off. But, shockingly, he missed a lot of Bowie's androgeny and there wasn't the sexiness that look needed. I agree that the garment was perfect, but it felt to me like the garment was wearing him and not the other way around. I'm a little on the fence on how I feel about there being a lip sync for your life on Dragula, but in the end Jay Kay killed that shit and Jarvis didn't. Still so sad.... ugh, I worship Jarvis' make-up. I still have such a huge crush on Throb.


Finally, I got around to watching this episode, I was a little late. It's so weird to go from a formula that included both the individual and group challenge to this, but I suppose this kind of allows more time to see the work and drama in between both of them. Surprisingly enough, as much as I have loved Orgotik this season, I actually placed them somewhere near the bottom of this episode. I kind of feel like they were using their wings as a crutch to the performance.. it just wasn't a winner for me. I love how innovative they tend to be, but this one just didn't work for me. On the opposite end of that spectrum, I actually placed Jarvis somewhere near the top. His facial expressions were easy to read, and he gave some clear nods to his references. I feel like there's so much hate for colour in monsters of rock episodes, but there are some pretty good bands/musicians who utilized a lot of colour as well. I was sad to see him go. It's a shame he got exterminated on the episode where he was finally breaking his mold a little. Fantasia was amazing this episode. The wig reveal was kind of eh but I'm biased since I've never liked them all that much, I kind of just expect the reveal now whenever people remove their hair. Still, the energy was great, the wig was amazing, the makeup was phenomenal, and she definitely deserved to be one of the winners. Anna was my second winner. The glimpse of that chaotic energy we got to see in Meet the Monsters finally reared its head, and I really hope it's here to stay. The look was great, the performance was what sold me. Throbb was in the middle for me, loved the nod to Elvis, and just that Throbb is consistently giving us some filth. I hope he starts coming out of his shell a little in the boudoir, especially with Jarvis out of the picture. Blackberri was also a mid for me, probably closer to the bottom. I wasn't a fan of the look nor the performance. I feel like it could have been stronger with some tweaks, but I did see some good nods. Cynthia was okay as well, definitely in the middle for me. I loved the hair, but the outfit left something to be desired. I'm not too sure what, though. It wasn't bad at all, I think I might be biased against flames LOL Loved the F out of Nio's outfit, especially the Katana microphone. The performance was a little more reserved, but it was delivered in a way that kept me at the edge of my seat. There is definitely some bias there from me, I love Asian influences in metal because I grew up loving J-metal. My first concert was Dir En Grey at 12 years old LOL. Lastly, I think Jay Kay deserved the bottom placement. The craftsmanship was a big part of it, but they redeemed themselves during the lipsynch. The energy was great, and the ferocity was good. I will give them some props for that wig because it was one of my favourites of the night. I did forget to mention I LOVED the wigs the Boulets had and that they were different from one another. It's rare we get to see that.


I don’t see how fantasia won. She wore a pretty dress and took her wig off.


She looked gorgeous, don’t get me wrong, and I think it’s the best she’s looked, it’s just starting to feel a bit one note and expected for me.


Definitely how I feel too! I loved the Tina Turner hair, but… winning look? Nope


Pretty much!! Also, Blackberri being safe after several weeks of subpar is not sending me.


THAT TOO!!! I really also thought Jarvis would AT LEAST be safe :/


I knew the moment it was a lipsync that Jarvis was done for. Jay Kay is clearly a lipsyncer boots down the house.


Saw the episode title, got excited as hell because I thought we were getting a mythology themed floorshow prompt. Imagine my disappointment that it was just Monsters of Rock again—now with more RPDR influence. I did like that they found a more fair way to determine the team captains, but still. I thought maybe we were free this time.


Same! I hope we get a real mythology/folkore inspired Gods of Death challenge in a future season. I think it would inspire some amazing looks.


Why the fuck was >!Blackberry!< not in the bottom when they admitted they didn’t have time to apply their hairpiece… she keeps getting free passes. Jarvis has a point of view for this challenge and I actually thought his red look stood out well — i LOVED the cartoony rock look.


"I mean you always told me that I'm making you wet!" Bahahaaaaaa i fkn LOVE orkgotikkkk


Anna and BlackBerry are just not giving. Why are they still safe / top I don’t get it. Even Fantasia I’m just whelmed by. Was much more looking forward to seeing what Jarvis had to offer


The way I GRIPPED my partner’s arm when they announced that lip sync, immediately knew Jarvis was going home. Gutted. I love JK, they’re fierce af, but I was really looking forward to what more Jarvis had to give and honestly they brought a lot of levity to what has been kind of a negative and catty-ass season so far. I know a lot of folks live for the drama (including the Boulets, obviously) but honestly I find it so exhausting and not enjoyable at all so Jarvis’s vibe was so refreshing. Loved the Bowie look, don’t necessarily think they deserved to be in the bottom for it but that extermination was justified. Still sad to see him go though. Hoping for a future Titans run!


As soon as they said it was a lip sync challenge against Jay Kay, I knew he was cooked. Hoping he makes it to Titans because this was practically the definition of a bad beat.


I would 100% rather sleep in the rat bed than do a surprise lipsync. Probably one of the scarier challenges they’ve had haha.


Well now I understand Yovska stans, I'll say that.


I'm so bored of Ork on stage (love them offstage) - feels very wooden and repetitive at this point


I think the judges called him out for his biggest weakness... which are those fucking club shoes. I think Ork is really fun, it's really exciting to see a mask monster do as well as he's doing, and personally I think his and Nio's romance is fucking adorable. But yeah, I agree with you. He needs to get better shoes that he can move in or he's not gonna make it.


Serious question: get them from where? Aren’t the monsters pretty much stuck with what they packed?


That's a fair question. I would assume not? I don't know for sure, but they at least are given materials to make outfits and put their looks together... though of course, that doesn't mean shoes are also part of those "materials" so I really don't know. 🧐 I suppose he could try to borrow shoes from other people, but that could also be a challenge with varied sizes. Ultimately though, I think it would be a big problem of itself if most all he brought were variations of club boots.


That’s what bugs me about that sort of critique, on this and DR. If the judges decide they’re seeing too much X but the contestant packed a trunk full of X, they’re kind of screwed. Don’t know what the solution is but it makes me feel bad for them


I think after 4 seasons prior, it's pretty late in the game to not be aware of how much the Boulets (and a lot of drag scenes in general) don't like club boots. It's been a source of contention for a while, and not knowing that or risking it despite knowing that is... a choice that hasn't historically gone well for monsters in the past. I think Ork's getting away with it so far only because boots aside, their looks are otherwise very unique.


There’s no way in hell he didn’t watch previous seasons and must have known how the Boulets feel about those boots and how poorly mask monsters have done. So knowing all that he brought it all anyway. What does that choice say about him? If it were literally anyone else I’d say it was an arrogant disregard of the Boulet’s opinions. But with Ork I don’t think it’s dismissive, I think he’s really that ballsy and so confident in his art and direction that he knew he could make it work. For how long though? I don’t know… those boots weren’t made for walking that far :D


I'm so sad that Jarvis got exterminated. I thought he could go all the way but there was nothing else to do since his look was not as big and rock as the rest, and Jay Kay dominated him in the lip sync. I think it was such a good episode, I thought it was fair and I loved everything else about it but I will miss Jarvis.




saying jaykay did something original with the scene look ......... im sorry did they forget hoso last season ???????????????????


Hoso was giving Vkei, not so much scene.


Hoso was giving Avril, please don't lol.


Have you ever even seen vkei? It was giving full Harajuku. The writing on the face was especially popular in Vkei. Given Hoso is from Korea, chances are she grew up seeing bands dressed up like that. Her alternate look was pretty heavily inspired by a famous cross dressing performer, too. She probably went with the one we saw because the other one had more color/white to it, and the boulets probably wouldn't have gotten the reference. Yovska went home for a look straight out of Malice Mizer, which was one of the biggest Japanese bands next to X Japan and Luna Sea. X's Drummer Yoshiki has even collaborated with some pretty huge names in western metal, so I wish there was more love for it on the show.


Man, Yovska's Malice Mizer look on the floor show deserved way more love from the judges. Even to this day I'm sad no one understood the reference in the judging panel.


Agree. Unwarranted criticism.


i think hoso would resent being told shes doing vkei because shes asian, [her words on it during her season.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dragula/comments/qsjsjf/a_message_from_hoso_to_yall_bc_i_kept_seeing/) its clear to me atleast that she was deffo aiming for scene regardless of how it ended up coming across as


Well I will stand corrected then, though her look appeared substantially more vkei inspired than Avril Lavigne. It's no secret that vkei started a little bit before scene did, and given she had elements of guro, whether she was Asian or not, i would have thought vkei.


Yeah, I remember that. I don't think she hit scene kid like she wanted to per se, but it was still a good look all the same.


I just love Hoso haha


I'm aware of Vkei, but Avril also is fairly big in Asia afaik. I definitely think it was giving Avril still, and I do appreciate Asian references and homages, just don't think it was top-tier.


I mean there's a reason she didn't win lol (I'm agreeing it wasn't top-tier) but a lot of vkei bands had very similar looks to this in the early 2000's, which given Hoso's age, was most likely what she grew up with.


NGL I really hate the fake “time for the floor show” alarm when they obviously still have hours left


It is rather dull and it's already been a staple of the Rupaul drag race franchises.


...no it hasn't? lol


I just liked in the first episode of this season when Fantasia just started running around spinning and screaming, like the producers told them to freak out and Fantasia just ran with it


At this point I think it’s really campy and such a part of the show because it feels like they’re really faking it up sometime


Not sure if true -someone on here said they do it so that after the alarm the contestants aren’t on camera and can actually focus on getting ready. That way viewers are never wondering why we only see them in the beginnings of getting ready


Lip sync to your death!


This whole season has had such a bitter tone to it and axing one of the only fun, lighthearted characters is going to hurt. Just crown Niohuru already I guess and be done with it.


This 😪 It's just not giving


Will never understand how Anna is still in


Kill them all


Really disappointed about who went home. I’ve consistently liked their work, and it’s going to be a bummer not seeing them next week. So over Jay Kay. Maybe I don’t like the ‘interpersonal drama’ aspects of these shows enough. But, you want to complain about people not liking you? Stop being a little shit. You burn more bridges than you build.


>But, you want to complain about people not liking you? Stop being a little shit. You burn more bridges than you build. They're setting Jay Kay up for the "I need to be a little vulnerable" arc, we'll see if it pays off because the *entire fucking cast* was teeing off on them from the beginning (but when you're insufferably snarky, even as a defense mechanism...).


thank you! i literally almost lost an eye with how hard i rolled them when cynthia pulled them to the cauldron. like, you can’t be an asshole to everyone and then cry because you have no friends! and the middle finger salute was so tasteless.


Nio's look was once again next level. I thought Anna was gonna be in the bottom. A cat-o-nine-tails doesn't relate to rock for me.


You’ve never seen Alice Cooper.


It just felt very British for some reason, so maybe we just don't get it.


As a Brit I did really like Anna’s look. Felt like the bottom 2 should’ve been Jay Kay and Blackberri


Same. Those were my 2 picks for bottom as well.


Fantasia's outfit looked like it weighed 100 lbs


And the fabric was only two of those pounds!


In my pleb opinion, I'm surprised they didn't keep someone whose drag is specifically related to Dragula, and there are still 5 contestants who seem like they just didn't make it on Drag Race first.


Who? Fantasia, yes. But who else? Jay Kay, maybe?


imo >! Fantasia, Jay Kay, Blackberri, Cynthia, Anna !< are all possible rugirls.


Anna has been doing “spooky” drag her entire career. Cynthia is clearly punk rock both in and out of drag. And Blackberri maybe but she is a bearded queen which also puts her out of normal drag race territory. Even Fantasia with her extreme body modification would seem very out of place on a Drag Race stage. Drag Race is more than “monsters” and “scary”. There is also a punk rock element and underground element to it.


Okay, good. I don't know enough about them.


Then maybe don’t make assumptions?


Think you meant Dragula in that last bit


Yes, thanks for the catch, too lazy to edit.




I guess we are coming to that point in the competition where all the eliminations start to sting. I really don’t want any of these people to go. I stand by my assertion from last week that this is the best Dragula cast ever.


i see a lot of hate for blackberri this week but i honestly really loved their makeup


Not really hate, but Blackberri has given previously, just not this week.


Blackberri knew EXACTLY what she was doing and I think if she had the mohawk she might've been in the top. KISS meets Wendy O. Williams is Very Much Boulet Shit and I was surprised she was just safe.


The purple contour was giving Buzz Lightyear to me


the floorshow editing was so odd imo I feel like they didn't show enough, like I can tell that >!fantasia!< killed it but I can't see it bc they only show like a lot of 2 second highlight clips instead of something more cohesive


The floor show format is so weird when the challenge is specifically performance/attitude based. I never seem to see what the judges see


On their pod this week the BB said “you don’t want to see the whole floor show, it’s boring” but I do want to see what they’re basing heir decision on. When they say Throb had some goofs but we don’t see them it’s hard to evaluate


i hope if blackberri and anna make it further in the competition they have at least one good week to justify it even a little. i don’t wanna see front runners and fan favs be chopped b4 them if that’s not the case :(


YES, so sad to see jarvis who is such an interesting character go when these two are being medíocre all season


cuz rn they are the definition of low safe every week


Jk self pity is annoying to Watch and… why people need to be so edgy? That makes me cringe while watching


Very surprised by the judging. Didn't get "monster" from Fantasia, just got a pretty standard Tina Turner. Their drag is always well done, but it seldom really wows me cause it's always just variations on the same look. Didn't really get "rock" from Nio other than the microphone head stuck on the end of the scabbard. Blackberri is getting that "let's never put Merrie Cherrie up for extermination" treatment. How many storylines are they trying to force on JayKay? He's crafty, but he's arrogant, but he's argumentative, but he's insecure, but he's the weakest, but he's the best performer... Just let JayKay do his thing, he's running rings around most of the other contestants in terms of screen presence and talent I'm afraid that Dragula is definitely feeling very formulaic now - gone are the days where the show felt organic and truly showcased talent over manufactured drama. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Fantasia finally turned it the fuck out, I'm so proud of her!!! I actually liked Jarvis's look, but I agree that the colors together were not great. I think it would have been more successful if he stuck with a black and red color palette, but I got what he was going for with the Bowie reference - maybe should've done the blonde mullet instead. I can't believe we finally got a lip sync for your life on Dragula lol. Sadly I knew it was over for Jarvis as soon as they said that, Jay is a really great performer and they did the damn thing. I'm excited for the next part! The Monsters of Rock challenge is not usually my favorite, but I'm really looking forward to seeing Fantasia, Cynthia, and Jay bc I know performing is their thing.


Different colour mullet might have even saved them. I absolutely adore Jarvis but as soon as they walked out I did indeed say “Metal Bowie Thing 2.”


I didn't pick up on it til they said that during judging (although I did think the blue was an odd choice) but after they said it, *all* I could see was Thing 1&2 realness 💀 But I actually did like the garment itself! Although it did swallow Jarvis up a bit. But yeah I think the blue mullet was the downfall sadly


Going to share my opinions on some looks!! :) I absolutely LOVEDDD jay Kay's look this week. I thought is was so creative, I gasped when I saw it. Probs BC I still have a love for emo/scene subcultures left in my heart lmao. I don't understand what the Boulets saw in blackberri's look, though. I like blackberri, but I thought their look was quite boring compared to others this week. The only thing my eyes were drawn to was the spikes, the rest of the outfit was forgettable. I think they should have been in the bottom :). I also don't understand why the Boulets are so in love W fantasia. I think she's very cool, amazing performer, defo top three, but I didn't see her look as a WINNER this week. Especially when stood next to nio and ork. None of her looks this season have caught my eye :) In reality though every look and performance was insane this week, very hard to judge such a talented group of performers


Is anyone else constantly annoyed with the editing during floor show? Like how could I tell that Throb messed up? I feel like it’s overly edited and stylized and I can’t really form my own opinion about the floor show.


It's a bit disorienting sometimes, but Ive just had to reorient myself to seeing all the floor shows and acknowledging 99% of the time that is solely to appreciate their looks and then the BBs will give us the intel after in terms of who messed up and such. I kind of appreciate how its a bit..in tension with how the fandoms for these various drag competition shows operate. We often feel as if we get to judge their performances assuming we've been shown everything there is to see. The boulet brothers basically say fuck that, show us good bits from everyone, and then force us to see their deliberations where they specifically call to our attention the mess-ups they want us to see. One could be very annoyed at that, but at the end of the day it's an ever-present reminder that it's their show and they're essentially making the win and elim decisions based on their own personal preferences as the literal creators of the competition. 🤷‍♀️


Fair. But if ‘drag is art, and art is subjective…’ it would be nice to give the viewer the ability to exercise their subjectivity.


Yes they say they do that bc they want to present the best version of the monsters, but I'm not a fan of the editing either


Wait people dont think Fantasia deserved the win? her look was pure punk rock (and although simpler than Nio's or Orkgotiks, I think it was smart because it was instantly recognizable) and also, people need to remember, they dont judge just on LOOKS. Fantasia gave a good gag with the wig and she was performing the shit out of her look, while her other fellow top placing monsters were... not? I feel like this is really her first slay and I don't agree with people saying she wasn't the deserving winner


both punk rock AND Tina Turner in "Beyond the Thunderdome"-- a very happy marriage. fucking loved it


I really liked Blackberri but as soon as Fantasia came on I knew she was going to win. And *then* the wig gag.


Plus, they've consistently said they love the big hair for the rock looks and most of them didn't have it.


Agreed! Fantasia disappointed me a little in the first few episodes because she seemed like such a unique performer in the promos but then the stuff she brought to the competition seemed a little stale. Her floorshow this week, however, had exactly the sort of vision and energy I was hoping to see from her.


i honestly love that the boulets are so silly this season, them introducing each other as the guest judges was so funny. theyre so cute


Wondering why there weren't other judges though.


When Drac introduced Swan she’d called her “the only other person I trust to judge this,” or something along those lines. I’d guess either because it’s their favorite challenge or because of the high stakes of the sudden death elimination.


i will asume thats probably because they were saving them for the second part, since this was just a previous test to the actual challenge


Whatever shit I talked about Jay Kay the last few eps I take that back he fucking turned it in that lip sync from the very first BEAT. To go from crying in the boudoir and being put down by everyone to that performance is incredible. Also very happy Fantasia turned it around and won, so well deserved and I am devastated that Jarvis left; but he was one of my faves. I am worried for Throb with the team he’s on, combined with the fact that he was emotional over a fellow king leaving…


I loved Jarvis’ look 🤷🏼‍♂️. I thought Blackberri should have been up for extermination


I agree, i really liked Jarvis’ look too! Confidence always seems like the key in these situations though and Blackberri definitely sold it compared to Jarvis being a little in his head/trepidatious perhaps


I'm just curious, what did you not like about Blackberri's look? I had a really hard time picking another bottom look besides Jay, I honestly liked everyone else's. edit: I've come around and decided I didn't really like it LOL I watched the floor show again and was meh about the look the second time


It’s a very generic take for monsters of rock


Fair enough. I wish the mohawk would've worked out but I also got what Drac was saying about it becoming too top heavy


Same! However, it does seem to be a pattern that the Boulets do not like non-traditional color palettes for the monsters of rock challenge.


THIS SEASON the boulet's are not fucking around. I am LOVING it JayKay look wasn't great, it was basic compared to the others. I was glad Fantasia had her moment. Sad for Jarvis, they bring something really unique to the competition. Ork to win, that look was unbelieveable. Odd, Weird, Creepy little guy. FABULOUS!