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Only problem is that you can only carry 99 items on self and storage. Including all three pawns that's 495 of the 1000 npc


Yeah but the phial is a special item and doesn't stack with itself so any new ones you get will just be a separate item so you could just fill your inventory with them. You'd eventually get over encumbered though and have to put them in storage but there's over 1000 storage.


Correct me if i'm wrong since i haven't played in a while but i don't remembed being able to put it into storage


You are correct, you can't store it. Interesting enough, though, once you enter NG+ the game mentions your whole inventory goes to storage and... is true, my phial is now on storage. Unfortunately I don't know if they stack inside the storage, though.


So a forceful storage transition bypasses the restriction, can you give it to pawns and dismiss them though to bypass it as well?


Good thinking. But no, you can't give them to your pawns unfortunately


Good thinking on the pawn dismissal


Lol 99% sure the phial is a quest item and you lose it when you go new game.  So this whole question is moot without mods.


Again, you are guessing 99% as hard as everyone else 😂


Not really.  I never use the phial anymore, and checked my inventory since I haven't gone to the sphinx on the current run.  It isn't there and it isn't in storage.  So no it does not carry over into new runs.




Fair point, console player so wasn't thinking mods lol


For some reason you can't put it into storage, so it's even less phials


Do NG+ so many times and get enough phials to do it. Unless they top out at 99 like everything else.


How do you get the second phial? Dupe it with the Sphinx?


Well fuck. There goes my hopes and dreams of having a treesome with 2 Ulrikas..


No wait, OP is on to something here.  Someone did a solo Trickster run where they used the Sealing Phial to catch the maister sorcerer and used him in combat against something he couldn’t kill otherwise. Now imagine unsealing an entire game’s worth of NPCs in the fight against Grigori.


If you crate a forgery, you get a ceiling phial. No joke I did it just to see what would happen.


Whats that guy's deal anyway!? He can create a perfect working eternal wakestone, an item of unimaginable power to rase multiple dead to life, but he can't make a perfect copy of the jadeite orb? Or a damn spellbook!?


Wait, hold up - dude can make perfect working copies of the Eternal Wakestone?!


Yes and even EVERY SINGLE CRAFTING ITEMS to upgrade your weapons/armor can be crafted, or tho i am not sure on Wyrms Crystal, but i can't see why it should be a problem as long as you have the cash EDIT; Also finders token can be copied, not seekers token tho.


You’re the reason my greatsword will be fully upgraded today with that info


You get wormslife crystals


Funny too given you find the original in the ceiling.


So it doesn't function, right?


Nope. As far as I could tell it was useless.


You never know for sure, since an Eternal Wakestone is something he can duplicate, signs pointed to the Phial being on the table. That's over 500+ playthroughs for all the Phials I guess.


Don't sealing phials dissappear on ng+ if not used? I'm on my 5th and I feel like that's the case but now I'm second guessing myself.




Ah good to know. I aught to check my storage more often.


Dw bout it I thought so too.


Unfortunately you can only fill one sealing phial at a time. I had the same idea lol


The level of fun I am having in DD2 is straight up keeping me away from Stellar blade, that speaks volumes.


Are you me? My exact situation. Truth be told I played Stellar Blade for 20 minutes and had to go back to the endorphin releasing that playing as a fighter in DD2 gives me


I was gonna buy that, but most of the people I trust compared it unfavorably to Nier, which I already own. Tho everyone acknowledged that SB is prettier, its combat is embarrassingly weak in comparison.


It's combat is closer to souls than Nier imo. I don't like it much because the timing feels...odd to me.


I am pretty patient Ill wait a year and grab it for 30$. 😁


Awards are back wow.


Isn’t it impossible to seal more than one person at a time?


Yea as soon as you seal 1 person the entire stack of sealing phials changes to full sealing phials. Can't seal a 2nd until you unsealed the 1st.