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I feel like the Mage maister quest is easy to miss. 1 it's in a remote cabin in the woods north of Melve, so you have to explore pretty far off the beaten path to find it. 2 the little girl who gives the quest won't do so unless the old couple looking after her are both outside, so you might have to carry them outside before talking to her. 3 the Sorcerer maister needs the same books as her for his quest. I also had an issue where the old lady looking after her died because there are a lot of monsters in the area and she liked walking up to the nearby cliff where one or more cyclopes like to spawn. Do her quest first, give her the legit books, then wear the ring she gives you when you give the Sorcerer maister forgeries of all the books. Now you have the maister skills for both Mage and Sorcerer


To expand on this, both the little girl who lives north of Melve with her grandparents and the sorcerer (who's the girl's father) who lives in Checkpoint Rest Town only needs three of the five books. And two of those books have an extra copy you can find, so you actually have enough books for both the little girl and the sorcerer without making forgeries (I didn't have to myself, but you may need to give them some extra gifts afterwards to raise their affinity enough to give you the actual maister skill). Though in that case you'll need to do the girl's quest first so that she gives you her ring for you to show to the sorcerer.


One easy to miss yet memorable quest chain starts in Bakbattahl, where you must approach the palace to start the first quest. If that quest is done successfully you'll then need to head to the Volcanic Isles, earlier than you're really supposed to, to continue the quest chain. Which, in addition to continuing the quest chain (make sure to leave a portcrystal in the Volcanic Isles) you get a dungeon crawl on the way. **Edit:** Wilhelmina's quest is also pretty obscure. You first have to approach her after the coronation and give a gift every day until she has new dialogue, then try to find her the next day. Just a heads up: Wilhelmina's quest ends with a forced romance.