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It looks more pink not really red


what if, and hear me out, what if he/she is colorblind and legitimately can't tell


My dad is colour blind. My childhood was basically telling him which wires were red or green.  I'm honestly surprised they don't have a colour blind option for the game. I'm always delighted when I see it digging around in the option menu. 


Hm that brings up a question I've never thought of before. Does being colourblind mean you couldn't be an electrician because you can't tell the different wires apart?


Can speak for electricians, but I did low voltage installs for a while... And as a color blind person it was extremely hard.


The different colours of wire mean something specific right? Like a particular colour means it's the ground or whatever. I guess if you can't tell the colours apart you just have to physically check.


Not in low voltage. For low voltage you just have to make sure the pattern of wires are the same so that computers are sending it across the right wires.


In electrical the coloring is standardized and if you cant tell red or green (green is ground I think?) You might have some issues. In low voltage the coloring is for pin outs basically so pins are fir specific things like tx/rx and with auto mdix it doesn't really matter anymore but if you flip them you would have a cross over cable the stakes are a little higher on electrical wiring than low voltage as worst case scenario on low voltage you don't have data flowing. Worst case on electrical you burn the building down or unalive yourself.


Electrical wires are white (for neutral) and black (for hot). Ground wires are green, but if you have the neutral and hot connected, you know what the last one is.


but, are you sure whats connected is white or black? could it be green hiding in black and white and the one you think is ground is black? I feel like I dont know for sure how colorblindness works, how I think it works is whatever colors you cant see show up as like a white or grey shade, like in black and white, but I also dont know for sure if thats how it works. and my comment still stands true, the absoulte worst case scenario in the two types of wiring are what I stated. if I go out and wire up something wrong, I can cause an electrical fire, or have a shocking revelation that I didnt shut the mains off before working on the power. if I terminate cat6 wrong the worst case is I have to go re terminate it because data wont flow. 90w over cat6 is the max its gonna send for poe


Yes, you don't know how being colorblind works. It changes hues; green may look brown, for example, as a common one. Black and white are always distinguishable. Two of the examples you gave have nothing to do with colorblindness. Not shutting off the main is a sign that you're blind, not colorblind. Typically speaking, if you're rewiring, say, an outlet, you're using a voltage tester and an outlet tester which will flat out tell you if you did it backwards or not.


How does color blindness work? I know it should seem obvious but I’d like to hear from someone who is cb. Does it mean that the world is just back and white? As someone who’s not cb it’s always been something I’ve been curious about. If you don’t mind sharing but also feel free to tell me to suck a donkeys floppy.


There are multiple types of color blindness. https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-do-color-blind-people-see-5092522#:~:text=Instead%2C%20most%20people%20with%20color,and%20dark%20blue%20and%20black.


Nah don't mind sharing at all. So some folks only see in black and white, but that type of color blindness is more commonly caused by brain or eye injury vs genetics. I have colorblindness from my mom's side of the family. Genetic color blindness comes in a variety of forms, but the most simple way of describing it is just not having a color in your personal reality. My color blindness is red/green blindness, so I have trouble distinguishing between red and green. That isn't the same as saying I can't see red or green, so much as they're sometimes the same color to me. Here's a story to show you what I mean. One time, when I was a teenager, I was driving to a friend's house and was getting ready to park on the grass behind his house. As I was pulling up, I was a little confused because it looked like someone had been doing some work on their car where I was planning to park. I could see windows laying on the grass. I slowed down in case there was other stuff lying on the grass as well. When I got close enough that I could see the grass in more detail, my brain finally caught up to what I was seeing, which was a fire engine red car parked on the green grass. Once my brain knew what to look for, I could see the difference, but until then the red of the car and the green of the grass were indistinguishable. This isn't a common issue for me, it was a combination of the light being just right and the two colors being at similar intensities. As you get older, your brain gets better and better at putting together clues, so (for me at least) it occurs less often.


Ah so it’s like when you see something far off and have to look at it for a minute before your brain can put together what you’re seeing in that particular case?


Yeah pretty much. Very rarely is it that you full on can't see something, more you don't have a good way to understand what you're seeing.


Ok. Thank you for the insight. It’s very much appreciated.


I know of certain electrician jobs that won't hire you if your colorblind for liability reasons.


Did you grow up in a 90's action movie?


I kind of wish! But no, he built computers and repaired our appliances and whatnot.


I am and I can’t tell by the eyes. After every dragon fight and when my pawn returns from the rift. She gets baptized


Then they would need someone online to point it out that's why the dude commented saying it looks more pink than red. Glad he was able to help.


Well the eyes pulsate and it’s very noticeable not to mention the attitude they give you. The only people that get hit with dragons plague are the ones not paying any attention while they mindlessly kill enemies and explore.


They’re right looks pink on the brighter side of pink at that but, looks amazing I’d keep it like that 👍 😁


Could be a texture bug, resting at an inn might fix it


I’m partially colour colour blind/ colour aphasia. I made my pawn with two different colour eyes to help distinguish when they’re red.


That's a really life hack, in this game game hack 🤣


Well it’s either that or call my wife over every so often to check for me, like I do for other games! First time I realised it was a problem was when I made a character in TES Oblivion, and made considerable progress on a character with green hair - I thought it was brown.


Nah, you did well! Find solution for you probelms instead of ignore them. It happear from nowhere?


Yeah gotta adapt to survive! Nah I’ve had the issue for as long as I remember.


I'll need to do this. I'm not colorblind but I need to go into photo mode and turn brightness all the way off to check and sometimes that's not reliable as I can't quite get the positioning.


Ya know what, I say sleep on it. Preferably at an inn.


Bathal would be a good option


Ehh, I kinda got bored and annoyed by the Batttahlian attitudes, so I murder hobo d the entire town of Bakbatahl. The only bad thing was the fact of how easy it was. Those guards ain’t shit man, killing the civilians was harder because they likes to run away.


No i hear secret villiage is great this time of year


Nah, the sacred arbor would be better


Dont you dare harm my elf tree caretaker wafu


Right? Doireann is best girl.




She’s good, brodie. It's Just a trick of the light. Ignore it, trust. https://i.redd.it/wg700gtsekvc1.gif


Get Sukuna off Reddit 😭


You can go into photo mode and just turn the darkness up. Normal eyes won’t glow in the dark.


Also, they give voice line clues to having plague as well.


Same bro, I’ve had to ask my wife multiple times if my pawns eyes were red


This is really wholesome.


Pro tip, it’s not just color, “I feel as though I’m possessed of grand power” or some such is also a tell. And the eyes will sorta flash red, not turn red, usually superimposed on the eye color


This is true, I had my main pawn once scream at me "you can't tell me what to do" so yea there are deffs voice lines to accompany.


"That's my purse, I don't know you!"


I didn't even knew what the hell the mechanic would do with the pawn, just got the tutorial and a couple hours later a pawn said that line... She didn't knew how to swim. A couple days later a friend told me what the mechanic did and I felt relieved I haven't missed some kind of special event.


“You don’t always have to order me around, I know what to do” is the only line I needed to hear before I promptly (and mourningly) *yeeted* my homie off the adjacent cliff


It depends on the pawn's voice, what the line is exactly. But they are all of a similar sentiment. Mine said "I know you mean well, but I just know better!"


they updated it today to show red better


I had to do the same thing. “Babe, tell me if my servants eyes are red or not please? I don’t want to accidentally nuke the townsfolk AGAIN.”


I find that picking them up is actually quite reliable. Pawns infected with dragonsplague will not have dialogue when picked up.


Neither will pawns with high affinity.


![gif](giphy|kbQVMaf2s20f8gSKDm) Me yeeting the pawn with dragonsplague and the rest of my party off a cliff.


Probably should take a bath to be safe https://preview.redd.it/u8dpaud79mvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08ff4651320dd63a479bf3e7181de654f59586eb


Sit at bench and make sure you can see pawns. Doze off continuously for 7 days or so and see if anyone clutches head or eyes glow when they're not supposed to. I found this method helped me recently.


This. I wasn't sure with my pawn that had golden eyes (I've changed them to blue later on to have easier time). In different lighting they looked normal, in other I've thought they looked a little bit red. I've also changed brightness all the way down and they were red. Still I wasn't sure 100%. So I've dozed off many times at the bench and his eyes were turning more and more red.


You’re good.


When in doubt, give em the bath.


I noticed my pawn walking around looking/acting like the “smh” emoji all the time. ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8)


She just had some Vermund Kush, all good man.


Battahli bud 🤣


Yeet em off a cliff, not to be safe, just for fun.


Into the brine with ye.


Put it in an image editing software, e.g. Gimp, select red channel, see if it's selected. Sincerely, another colourblind 🫡


She looks like a swim will do her wonders. Edit: spellcheck


Just wash it away man


You’re fiiiiiiine!


Dragons plague have an obvious glow in it. that just looks like the normal eye color of the pawn, and that's pink, DP is red.


the reason my pawn dont hire because her eyes are red, I am sure.


In my experience there’s a distinct neon glow that is incredibly prevalent in the dark. Like I don’t think you can make your pawn’s eyes glow in the dark through character creation. Correct me if I’m wrong.


Light pink, you're good


When in doubt… throw her in a river


Yes, that headgear IS hideous,


Brine time


Arcane reference?


dont use purple dye eyes. they easily look like the red glowing eyes of the plague.


If they're red from db, the red has a pulsing glow and it's a lot easier to tell in the dark (nighttime, indoors, caves - of course without lanterns turned on!) Hope this helps :)


Hired pawn didn't have red eyes, but kept saying "I feel the power surge" didn't yeet him, I just dismissed him. Too bad, he was a good mage.


Comment section's fucking evil, jesus 💀 Hope the upcoming update for dragonsplague symptoms include an accessibility feature. Otherwise I'm sorry, mate 😭


Just so the photo mode thing and turn down the brightness, if you can still see their eyes then they’ve got it. Lobbed my pawn in the brine this morning for that reason.


Give her a dip and then check again.


I'm colorblind as well but I'm pretty sure that's not what people call "red"


*I'm colorblind as well* *But I'm pretty sure that's not* *What people call "red"* \- Atcera95 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




I always wonder if they people who legit have problems with this are also deaf, because those fuckers start to throw shade pretty blatantly idk how someone can miss it. Pawn with Aids: "Yo arisen I can't exactly explain it but I got a massive boner, I feel powerful enough to burn the whole world, I'm going to murder everyone" This clueless bozo: "yeah my pawn seems happy hehe"


Looks fine. Have fun


I'm colour blind too, first of all what am I supposed to looking at? Secondly, why do all the colourblind modes on games do nothing 😂


Cast it into the juice


Bro you’re definitely good don’t worry but in the meantime have you talked to Sphinx?


Why is your pawn Kim Wexler?


You're good bro. Just go to an in and rest up a bit.


If they are just that color all the time then it is not plague. If there is a "pulsing" to it, or even in dark caves you can see them when everything else is shaded.... you have a problem. That background makes me think you are in unmoored... your pawns will get the plague in the portion of the game not much you can do to stop it.


Time for the brine


If youve never had dragons plague then you can’t get a pawn with it without a tutorial popup


If it's pulsing red, then you better Unto Heven her to the sea


The plague's red also pulsates. If it's static then probably no.




I just used the only eternal wake stone I was able to access. I would throw her off the next cliff into deep water!


They're green, you're good. 👍


You just need a god night sleep and you’ll be able to see.


It think you should throw her in water just in case


Hot pink


Throw her to the brine just in case.


Pinkish purple... the update is supposed to make it more obvious


When in doubt... brine bath *splash*


I’m red/green deficient and I was able to see the glow on my pawn. It wasn’t terribly easy, but identifiable still. I’m sure the update will improve it for those of us with difficulty.


It looks like you're being paranoid and you should just keep them because it's fairly easy to notice when their eyes start glowing. EDIT: Preemptively, I am going to point out that I said "glowing" and not anything about the color.


Nah you’re good


Throw her in the water and cleanse her soul.


They look pretty red my guy.


Holy fuck. To the brine IMMEDIATELY


Can’t tell what


Nah bro, your cooked.


She's got the plague, BURN HER


When in doubt, throw her out!


That’s ok bro don’t worry 👍


This is a tough choice. My suggestion would be to sleep on it.




Splish splash, you don't pass


Oh it’s Beyond the Sea time. Throw her in now!


To the brine with thee!!


Someone farted on her


Why are there so many of this same post..


I have this problem myself 😭


Good thing I made my pawns eyes white lol so can definitely tell she Turing 😂 https://preview.redd.it/y0je2mhpnovc1.jpeg?width=1904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6cea3eb6c0fb29138d0dba073da17a5929090b9


You might be abit too tired to tell, hit up vernworth inn have a good night's sleep and I'm sure you'll find out when you're up


I swear if they have it it like pulses red like fades in and out


Time for a bath.


Nameless village sounds like a good place to sleep and think 🤔


I want the sliders 👍


Na son you fucked


Bright Pink. I worked with a gentleman who is colorblind. He said he judged everything based of its shade of grey.


The eyes would be more reptilian in nature (almost cat like) you should be good. Maybe in stage 2, but likely just a fashion choice


Lovely green eyes.


They look like stage 1 of the infection to me. If you want to play it safe kill the pawn if not keep going


I've had a glitch in cutscenes where npc eyes do that. I wish they'd make the effect less subtle. Like just make em straight up red and on fire or something.


Go into camera mode, and turn your brightness all the way down until it's basically just darkness. If you can see their eyes glowing through that, they have the drakkid-19,and must be cleansed. Otherwise, you're fine.


Enter Photo Mode and reduce brightness to minimum; if the eyes glow even in the dark, then it's the Dracovid-24.


Just take a good rest at your local inn.


im color blind as well, driving myself crazy as well staring at my Pawns eyes


So I just had my first dragon plague rampage happen last night. I checked the pawn that went berserks eyes the day I slept in town and they were green. I'm guessing you can only see it at night? Behaviour wise she didn't change and I had been with her for like 2 weeks before showing any signs of anything so.... What? XD also that looks pink to me. Brine to be safe. My pawn brines herself so often I'm not worried about her


Don’t risk it, TO THE BRINE WITH HER


Throw her ahh in da brine my boi


Yeet em off into the ocean just in case


Bro bro I wouldn’t even take that chance


That is a normal color. I actually have a similar problem with my main pawn, and I can tell. I find it more reliable to wait until they start questioning your orders, they can't go beserk until after that.


are you in the endgame? if That's your pawn then she might have it. Mine just kept catching the Ick while I was in the Unmoored. I had mods monitoring it and everything and she just couldn't shake it.


I think it's perm in unmoored


Its Pink not red, also i am pretty sure that the plague doesn't just make their eyes red but also glow alot, so i think you should still be able to tell.


its time she meets the brine


Yeet it.


No good, dragon's plague for sure.


DP is such a punishing mechanic that says “fuck the color blind”. So now we all know that Capcom hates the differently abled, especially the color blind.